Should we automatically add our affiliate code to outgoing links to Bundle Stars?
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I never really get why people are against reflinks.
Forbidding them to be posted by users as anti spam measure is obviuous, but posted by the Admin?
The thing is if you do not add it to the thread directly noone will click it.
I know many major sites, where ALL outgoing links are replaced to point to the site itself. You then are only fowarded to the original link, after it being checked for malicious stuff, or if reflinks should be removed / added.
Sure, it's not nice editing user posts, but if you do it right noone will notice a difference besides the SG ref in the links.
And easier than removing the ref would just be to bootmark the main page and click on the bundle, wouldn't it?
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You have.
Steam community does that. Otherwise the "You are leaving steam"- page would not be possible.
And yes I know it's not much work (at least if they just append the ref and not go for fully masked links), but according to this chart
it's still not worth the time, compared to a bootmark.
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Jeha, fully masked is really bad, half masked (like steam does it) is somewhat okish and just adding the ref, when posting something would be fine.
Probably the best solution would be to not let the user that clicks, but the one that posts decide.
Like a checkbox "Add SG refs to my links". Because as you said. It's the person posting, which had the work with it.
For me I just ask myself a few basic questions (for anything):
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Nah, The global fallout would violate #5.
But conventional bombs would be fine as long as I do not know anyone in that city or plan on doing my vacation there anytime soon.
(And the destruction of that city does not influence world politics/economy strong enough to fall back onto me).
For example 9/11 violates the rules because I now can not bring my water into an airplane because of that.
But jeha these rules are generally not yes/no Questions, i.e. if a digital homicide card would grant me 100$ I would have sold them all, despite DC getting a share. And the worse the event the less I have to care about people to trigger #6 and death is something to trigger #6 for most people I know and all I do not know.
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There's a big difference between banning referral links to prevent spam and allowing to use them in a controlled manner to cover the upkeep of the site. That;s why I think it's acceptable. On the other hand I understand people who don't like to be enforced to use them especially that now all kinds of referral links are banned regardless of their usage.
From my point of view the best way would be to add more sites to the program and make participation in it optional. Default off, but to make sure people know about the option simply enforce setting it one way or another by presenting a modal window on first login after the change is implemented. If the modal window would also state that it is only to help maintain the site, I think most users will understand and turn it on, however if they don't approve they won't be forced to participate.
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Honestly, I couldn't care less. If you feel this could be a help in maintaining the website, go for it.
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What if cg would allow users to put ref links only in their own giveaways? It wouldn't be considered as spam. ;P
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While I would prefer the site adhere to the same restrictions as its userbase, the argument for adding an affiliate code is a solid one.
My vote is a qualified "aye."
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Coming from this discussion (a few comments above, dunno, if you read every comment tree)
The counterargument was "The person writing the thread has work, which you use to make money."
Probably a good decision would be, to let the person writing something decide. For example a checkbox under submit/edit " Add SG refs to my links" or a global setting in the config for all comments/threads.
Therefore persons doing stuff for the community can decide if they want to use their work, to help SG as well.
Otherwise (independent of desicion or not or who decides) a clear yes from my side ;->
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ohhhhhhhhhhh the irony of the most broken rule ever created...
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cg, It's your site, we use it for free. It costs $ to keep things going.... It's unobtrusive to site experience which I like.
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Hi, a quick question for the community. Bundle Stars has a fairly good reputation here, and their deals are frequently shared. We could automatically add our affiliate code to links that users are posting throughout SteamGifts to Bundle Stars. By doing so the site would earn a commission on sales, and likely generate a few extra dollars per day. The only downside I could see is users might feel it's unfair that we ask everyone not to use referral links, and then we would be automatically attaching one of our own. On the plus side, it would generate additional revenue with basically no impact on users.
Vote below. If the majority vote Yes in the poll, we'll run a test for a while. Thanks!
Edit: Closed. Please refer to Affiliate Links for further information.
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