7 years ago

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7 years ago

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1st, Oldest wins
Aquaria. (14th win, 0 achievements, 42 minutes gameplay)
Also I hope I can do this for a year with at least 1 game a month: playing a gift as well that I got from people. For christmas, birthday, or just got the game key because no specific reason.
So to have a similar one - gift from TheZooZ, 2016 christmas, The Aquatic Adventure of the Last Human.
Much sea, very salty, wow!
edit: and Aquaria is 100% now! :3

7 years ago*

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Me and planning :D Finished last month's goal of Aquaria (SGwin) but didn't even start the gifted Aquatic Adventure ; at the end, I played and finished:
Aquaria SGwin
Finding Paradise SGwin
A Normal Lost Phone - gift from skanda :3
Dysfunctional Systems: Orientation gift from Pesmerga
and quite a few other games I bought or just free to play ones ;shoutout for Shady Brook - A Dark Mystery Text Adventure which is ocassionally buggy, but a really cool small-town mystery game :)

7 years ago

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Will be going for Untouched Wins this month

Game Link Status
On the Rain-Slick Precipice of Darkness Episode 2 Achievement Page Complete
Clive Barker's Jericho Unlock at final boss Finished
7 years ago*

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Yay for another whole year of SG wins.

I'll go for Most recent wins challenge first

Game Cheevos Status
Lines 17/26 beaten
7 years ago*

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#2 Most recent wins:

Game Achievements/Screenshot Status
Marble Duel Achievements In progress
Legend of the Skyfish Screenshot Completed
7 years ago*

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starting the year with one of my freshest wins.... :D
and planning to go on with a less-newer one... >_>

Game Link Challenge Status
Firewatch achievements - 10/10 / screens 2-9 FINISHED! (very nice, good acting, wonderful sceneries)
NecroVisioN: Lost Company screens 1 FINISHED! (average fps, I've seen/played much worse stuff.. :I)
soonβ„’ soonβ„’ --- ---
Total: 10/10
7 years ago*

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I'm happy that you start firewatch! :P

7 years ago

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Game challenges Achievements Status
.hack 9.Wishlisted wins . .
Zenodyne R 5.Untouched wins achievements beat
Sakura Fantasy Chapter 1 1.Oldest wins pic beat
7 years ago*

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I'll pick Challenge 2 (Most recent wins) this month

Game Achievements Screenshots Playtime Status
The Uncertain: Episode 1 - The Last Quiet Day 14/32 - 4.2 hrs in progress
7 years ago*

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7 years ago*

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7 years ago

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7 years ago*

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7 years ago*

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Honestly I am not sure if I'll manage this month, since I still have a huge game going and just now started another huge one for the blaeo monthly, buuuut if I do, it will be:
Hustle Cat

7 years ago

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Will probably be busy with some of my direct gifts for the first half of the month, but will try to squeeze in a SG win after that as well (Will edit after I make up my mind which one I'll play)

7 years ago

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The Holiday season has been kind to me on steamgifts so I'll start the new year playing my newest wins.

Game Achievements Screenshot Status
The Shrouded Isle Achievements Screenshot Beaten
Valley Achievements Screenshot Beaten
Phantasmagoria Achievements didn't configure steam overlay in dosbox Beaten
Scanner Somber Achievements Screenshot Beaten
Maldita Castilla EX Achievements Screenshot Playing

Happy 2018 everyone :)

7 years ago*

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I'll go for a custom challenge this month: "Play a game from those you won the most of"

User Won GAs Game Achievements State
Xarlor (The Nono-Lord πŸ˜‹) 33 Alum 17/17 Completed
DeKaN (The Nice Russian πŸ˜‰) 23 RageBall 5/5 Completed
oclaymoreo (13 in a row 😲) 13 Plush 11/11 Completed
Irdra (Lady ESGST πŸ™‚) 11 fault - milestone two side:above 9/9 Completed
dys (Mr. Cool 😎) 8 Pongo 8/8 Completed
c0ba812 (The Terminator πŸ€–) 8 !4RC4N01D! 39/39 Completed
jeffhowe (The Puzzle-Master πŸ†) 6 Chronicles of the Witches and Warlocks 13/13 Completed
7 years ago*

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Is there a way to display the count of won giveaways from the same user?

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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I use it, but it has so many functions that I must have missed this one, thanks!

7 years ago

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I'll probably regret this but I'll go with Oldest Wins and Pixeljunk Monsters Ultimate.
EDIT: failed.

7 years ago*

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I'll go with 1, oldest win, which is Saints Row 2!

7 years ago

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2. Most recent wins
I need to start some relaxing and casual games to accompany the more engaging ones that I'm currently trying to complete, and I was lucky enough to win some good stuff of that kind lately.

Won game Achievements Status
Linelight 25/25 100% completed!
Tiny Echo 6/6 beaten
7 years ago*

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Game Challenge Type Ach. (Before // Now) Status Screenshots
Submerged Most recent / Untouched / Wishlist 00 of 10 // 10 of 10 Completed Easter Egg?
SteamWorld Heist Most recent / Untouched / Wishlist 00 of 47 // 35 of 47 Beaten -
Event[0] Neglected / Wishlist 01 of 12 // 01 of 12 - -
Chaos on Deponia Non-SG Win 04 of 34 // 04 of 34 - -
7 years ago*

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First time participating! Yay!
I'll be playing my very first win, at last, which is Lord of the Fallen.
It still remains untouched, but I've finally got some time to play it!
So I'll go for Oldest wins and Untouched wins .
Here's the achievement page

EDIT : Well, it looks like I'll have to give up on that for the moment, since my PC is not currently powerful enough to make it run, and the game kept crashing

7 years ago*

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7 years ago

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This month I'm going to beat Borderlands 2, which I won couple months ago. It falls under challenges of Long, Unfinished and Wishlisted. At the moment of this posting I have about three hours of game time, which comes from me testing out the game during its free weekend back in 2014 and hopefully now I'll be able to beat it!

7 years ago

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Well not quite but the story is beaten. :D

7 years ago

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I pick The Long Dark
It is fitting to challanges:

  1. Long wins
  2. Untouched wins
  3. Wishlisted wins
  4. Month/season themed games


7 years ago*

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7 years ago

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Thanks:D And thanks for your's contribution in our community. It's really motivate me to play games that I'm won:)
In last few days I won many wishlisted games. It was like a gifts for my first cakeday:) And one of them I will try to beat in your great challenge:)

7 years ago

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Neglected wins.
I will try to finish Grim Fandango Remastered, which I've won from our dear Harry (Olarte) over a year ago.

7 years ago

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Wishlisted wins

Game Links HLTB Status
Resident Evil 5 Achievements Screenshots Main Story 12h beaten
7 years ago

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Shantae and the Pirate's Curse

Untouched win since I just won it :P

Edit: Finished

7 years ago*

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Let's start with the most recent short games :D

Game Achievements Status
OVIVO 31/31 completed
The Deed 17/17 completed
One Last Chance 7/7 completed
HOOK 1/1 completed
Reptilians Must Die! no achievements, screenshots not working beaten
Planescape: Torment: Enhanced Edition 46/50 beaten
Superdimension Neptune VS Sega Hard Girls 38/38 completed
7 years ago*

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My first one in here is for the Untouched wins-Challenge:

Hand of Fate | Achievements | Status. beaten

7 years ago

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7 years ago*

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7 years ago

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Challenge number two

Game: Maldita Castilla EX

Achivement page: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197989888607/stats/534290/?tab=achievements

Status: in progress

7 years ago

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Finished with two endings. Great game.

7 years ago

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2. Most recent wins

Game Link Status
The Warlock of Firetop Mountain Achievements Beaten
7 years ago

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I somehow missed this post this month. So better late than never...

I choose "Oldest wins" for Poker Night at the Inventory, my third win ever (and one of my luckiest with 1610 entries). What's also neat about it is that it's the only sent gift for the GA creator.

Current progress

7 years ago

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Okay, technically I've beaten the game since I won a full game on Normal. Now to get a few more achievements.

7 years ago

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I'll start with Most recent short wins ;_;

Game Achievements Status
HIVESWAP: ACT 1 43/44 Completed(one achievement was buggy)
Agatha Christie - The ABC Murders 43/50 Beaten
7 years ago*

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Yay ready for another round! :D Last year I beat 15 SG wins through these challenges. Starting off 2018 with 69% of wins beaten.

11. Month/season themed games - Won/Played in January

Game Achievements Status
Find this! - (Won Jan 27, 2018) 17/17 Completed
Cave Story+ - (Won Jan 6, 2015) 33/76 Beaten
7 years ago*

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7 years ago

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I'll probably regret this, but how about a challenge?

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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This is exactly what I needed. Please, challenge me.

7 years ago

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Commemorate CD Projekt Red's upcoming Cyberpunk game by finishing Satellite Reign or Shadowrun: Dragonfall.

7 years ago

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This is absolutely perfect as I've been on a bit of a cyberpunk kick lately. Reading books, watching movies.. I even changed my wallpaper to a cyberpunk theme.

I'll start with Shadowrun first.

7 years ago

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Go ahead! :) As most of my games goes from wishlisted wins, then it is hard to pick myself. :) ATM I am in 7 Wonders 2 and slowly finishing 100% achievements in KF2, but I can deal with something new aswell.

7 years ago

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Mystery of the Unicorn Castle 2: The Beastmaster is a surprisingly good HOG.

7 years ago

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Fair enough. :) I will go for it. Thank you!

7 years ago

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Done, thank you once more for picking this. It was fun and kind of different from other HOGs but I would prefer to not choose one or other way as I am not going to play it through second playthrough.
Credits after finishing
Good one.

Other from this game I already finished 2 more 7 Wonders games I won and I am going for last one I am missing to finish and probably something more I will start this month, we will see.

7 years ago

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I'm too lazy to pick so I would like for someone else to do it for me :p.
All I ask is they pick a min. of 3 of mixed lengths.

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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Thanks for the line up. :)

7 years ago

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I guess it is time to revisit Serious Sam then, and gather some game-clearing achievements from the Fusion pack that was added to my library quite some time ago.

7 years ago

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Short wins/Untouched win - First one for me is Clockwork Tales: Of Glass and Ink, started it last night and it hopefully shouldn't take too long to complete as it comes in under 4 hours on howlongtobeat. Put 1.6 hrs into it so far.

Current progress

7 years ago

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It's awesome that this challenge is still going and people participating in it!

7 years ago

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While I originally intended this last year already, I finally got to start Hand of Fate today and I am planning to participate in here with that.

I read the whole post but I am still a bit unsure about the ruling with the challenges to be honest. Above the list it says I should pick one challenge per month but when I scroll through the answeres it seems like some people cover multiple challenges with one game or at least do more than one per month.

So how exactly is it?

7 years ago

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Pick a theme, and go with game(s) that fit its rules. Also some people list more than one game because they think they can manage more, while others do it to provide some wiggle-room (completing one of them)

7 years ago

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I'm pretty sure it's just one challenge per month, but for some people one challenge is not enough :)

They might run out of challenges though because one challenge can be used no more than 4 times per year.

View attached image.
7 years ago

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Thanks guys, guess I'll just go with one challenge for now than to stay on the safe side. :)

7 years ago

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Though the goal is to complete at least one of these challenges a month, the main thing is to just play your SG wins.

I wanna participate but have limited wins left to play/might not be able to play much one month. So I'll be doing a different challenge for every win I beat, even if it means completing 3 challenges one month. I'd rather play while I'm in the mood and still count towards challenge than none at all! The rules are pretty loose and ultimately for fun/playing wins, I'd just do whatever works best for your schedule. Though it's 1 game per challenge, lots of people have more than 12 wins anyways. Can always beat a couple games towards one challenge too. :)

7 years ago*

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7 years ago

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Bump for those who only need half month!

7 years ago

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550 days to beat all my games :(

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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seems ridiculous doesnt it? , i havent spend much money for being able to play for "550 days" and still want more....

7 years ago

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Just wanted to say thanks for keeping this up when I wasn't able to, happy we got all the way around 2017 and are still running in 2018! I wonder how many won games we managed to finish in 2017?

Right now I'm playing The Witcher 3, which probably will take me months to finish. 38 hours in so far and feels like I just started. I'm also playing Grid: Autosport, which will also take a long time to finish (30+ hours there as well so far, and maybe 50% through). I don't think I'll be able to finish any won game in the time left in January, but I'll be back in February :)

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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I played my most recent win (Hiveswap act 1) to completion this month, as well as Echo Tokyo, one of the older games I've won here. Tried Bit Blaster and Circuit Breakers, but it seems like the former doesn't launch on my pc and the latter doesn't work with my current AZERTY keyboard so I'll have to figure those out later.
This is the first time I've come across this thread, thanks for reminding me to be grateful instead of picking something from my backlog or playing old favourites at random. (didn't feel like entering any official challenge, but I still wanted to comment because the challenge gave me a nudge in the right direction :) )

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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Thanks! I loved it, it's one of the best point and click games I've ever played (and I'm not a homestuck savant, so you really don't need to know anything about homestuck to play it, although I bet it's full of easter eggs for fans!)

7 years ago

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Yay I just beat Cave Story+!! (normal ending)

Despite it being on my WL at the time of winning, I didn't play it for whatever reason and lost interest over time (cough...3 years). I'm really happy I decided to take the plunge, I wasn't sure what to expect and had fun! I'm glad I beat it on easy mode though good grief, I struggled with the controls. Wanted to experience the game/story more than overly challenging myself (easy was already pretty hard to me) and getting frustrated. Would recommend others give it a shot if it's been sitting in your backlog collecting dust. :D

7 years ago*

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7 years ago

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It's got a cute story! It's pretty clichΓ© and straightforward, but it's done in a very charming, feel-good way. I wouldn't expect anything mind-blowing, but the characters all have their quirks and I enjoyed seeing the world/story unravel. The cut scenes and boss battles also ooze charm and flowed, the story all coming together. Plus the different endings based on how you play is a nice touch.

7 years ago

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I forgot to post for this month, but did the Untouched Wins challenge with point and click adventure Dropsy: http://steamcommunity.com/id/thenamelessone/stats/appid/274350/achievements

It was alright - unique as far as the choice of protagonist and approach to interactions and had some charming moments, but I could see it being frustrating, and I wasn't very happy with the twist and the ending, and I don't know that I would recommend it. Very much an Okay game.

7 years ago

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Closed 6 years ago by Deleted-0753355.