Yes. Mail is a bit slow as we had a traffic spike. Give it a few minutes :)
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As a security measure, after 2 years we forced everyone to change their password, in case it got compromised in the meanwhile.
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For me, the DIGaccount website link is just a bunch of jumbled code with some working parts.
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It should work now. We had a sudden traffic spike.
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We had a sudden traffic spike. It should work now :)
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Maybe I just overlooked it but it would be nice to be able to check out the games in the DIG Points Store without being logged in.
Also since I haven't said it yet: Thanks for adding a wallet (and making the top up discount permanent)... It's way more convienient for my bookkeeping.
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Scroll down the page. ALL games available in the DIG Point Store and on the Trading Market are listed :)
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Speed should be OK now.
Had a sudden traffic spike as we posted the anouncement simultaneously in several places. Should be OK now.
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"If a customer has revealed (seen) a key, it can no longer be traded.". I completely understand this policy, but sadly all keys I purchased on your site were purchased a long time ago, and your site gave them to me revealed, so I cannot trade them :/
Still, I'm glad for this new service.
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We came up with the trading idea somewhere down the road.
To make sure that keys being traded are unused, we added this feature of hiding the keys and giving you 2 options: Reveal and use, or trade,
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I am not familiar with how Groupees does it.
With us, you trade your games for DIG Points (you choose your price). DIG Points are credited to your account and you can use them for trades, DIG Point Store, bundle purchases.
Full flexibility.
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On the Trading Market, gamers set there prices.
A lot of unused games from bundles end up there at good prices.
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Minimum is $5 due to PayPal's fees (which are $0.3 plus a percentage). Charging $0.3 is virtually impossible in a cost effective way.
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Thanks! Keep an eye on the site. New games are constantly being made available.
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After site load i found it: Minimum amount is $5 for PayPal link for others for reasons and other payment methods
and... ;_; noo :D DIG Points balance: 0.16 (=$0)
if u make it as HB minimal top-up $1 i will think about it
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We can't make a $1 minimum top-up due to PayPal's and credit card processors fees.
We would be losing money.
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Bitcoin minimum is a lot less than $0,01, $5 is retarded scam!
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We made that in line with the other options.
I am not sure where the SCAM part is.
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sorry but then you kinda contradict yourself - considering you allow paying 1.5$ for your bundles. In one part of your website you allow payments that are not even below 5$ but below 2$ via PayPal, in another you say any payment below 5$ is impossible because of PayPal fees.
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I didn't say it's IMPOSSIBLE.
If we go lower with the minimum topup, we would have to raise the prices in the DIG Point Store. Which we don't want to do.
And besides ... it's $5 ... we don't consider this to be a huge amount.
You can use it for trades, DIG Point Store and bundles. Well over 100 games to choose from.
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5$ may not seem a big amount if you think of people willing to make GAs with these games, but if you think about customer who wants games mainly for himself - all these people will turn you down sadly. Because even if someone would be missing all the cheap priced games from your store, wanted all the games there are at these cheap prices - I mean these few cents worth games, so excluding 3 last games - total cost of all of these games will still be 3.9$ - 1.1$ less than your 5$ minimum. And in case of such a consumers it's almost impossible that someone will want everything and wil have none of these, so they get even less. You may say "well you can always use it in a future" but it doesn't work like this in real business. Most of consumers are not dedicated collectors, are not dedicated consumers that will keep checking website - most ppl want to buy stuff and payt what it's workt, not pay 20% more, 50% more 99% more simply because you say "in future you can use this "more" for other purchases".
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I get your point, but we are not willing to raise the price for 99.99% because 1 or 2 can't afford it.
Our target ARE regular customers looking to get games on a daily / weekly basis.
Raising the price for regular customers who generate 99% of our volume, just to make 1% happy, makes no business sense.
New games are being traded on a daily basis, so you are not stuch with your funds in your account.
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like I said - I'm not saying you should add options to add 0.01$ payments, I'm well aware these are way below PayPal fees, but if you are able to accept PP fees on 1.5$ bundles you not being able to accept 2$ fee on Store because of payment seems shady. I'm well aware what main reason for bigger payment is - people cannot spend all and you force them to become loyal customers, but it doesn't look great while you have no problem accepting 1.5$ payments at the same time just elsewhere.
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Again. I repeat myself.
Yes, I can accept PP topups for $1. But because of the fees I will have to RAISE the price on the DIG Point Store.
$5 topup = $0.3 + 3.9% in fees = $4.5 net for us
5x $1 topup => $1.5 + 3.9% fees. = $3.3 net for us
When you buy a bundle, you pay $1.55 and get 12 keys.
For $1.55 on the DIG Point Store, you get way more keys. And we have to pay for those keys.
And we will not raise prices for a few tens of thousands of customers because we have received one complaint.
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That is perfectly fine.
People are doing group buy for other stores.
And as simple/non-business users, they don't pay paypal fees for transfers to each others.
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group buys are rarity compared to overall customers. For a bundle with few thousands copies sold how many group buys you will see? a few? maybe a few dozens top, less than few % for sure. I'm not speaking here from my perspecttive - I'm totally fine withh buying games and bundles for GAs only, which DIG should know and if they don't - well their system suck if they cannot see few hundreds of my keys, many time multiple ones purchased ;) but I'm also well aware that people who huy dozens of games just to give them away are a minority.
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@ zelghadis I wasn't arguing with you, just saying to @exosyphen, what I think.
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sorry but few tens of thousands customers? LMAO ;p It's like saying SG has 1 million active users simply because as many registered. Maybe, MAYBE few tens of thousands of ppl registered, bought sth for you but taking them as argument here where you yourself talk about loyal customers that are gooing to come back again and again to check new deals? While you have top few thousands and usually few hundreds copies per bundle sold? It only proves my point even further - most of your customers are not people that come back again and again to use your service - most people buy a bundle, maybe a few every know and then but mostly forget about your site. You don't have few tens of thousands of loyal customers - not with just few hundreds of bundles sold at most of your running GAs. It looks like you don't even have 10000 of loyal customers not to say about tens of thousands.
Don't get me wrong - I'm not someone who will be willing to get games just for myself. You should be able to see that more than 90% of my purchases on your site - and there's been over 500 keys purchased - were for GA purposes as these were duplicate purchases. And if you cannot see it - well it only proves my point about you not having a clue about your userbase ;p I'm not saying I won't use this system - I'm saying quite soon you will either be forced to drop it or will run out of anything intresting to feature in it. It's not like you're the first bundle site that decided to make "trade your leftovers" system - before you it was done by groupees and IG, and neither of them had a great success. BUT - neither of them expected users to pay value of dozens of purchases upfront, and you do - for me it only means you will most likely fail even more than them ;)
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So far, this is the only complaint we received.
And again, I repeat the same thing.
We sell 12 keys in a bundle for $1.55. We get $1.2 net. $0.1 per key. We split that with the devs.
If I do topups for $1.5 and get $1.2, I can't buy from developers and sell 25 keys for $1.2
Elementary math is difficult.
I hate to say this, but you are drifting towards hate speech here.
I have clearly explained everything above over and over again.
IF YOU WANT TO COVER THE LOSSES WITH THE FEES, feel free to send us the money and we will do topups for $0.01 if you wish.
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so far it's the only platfor I've seen that allows commenting - unlike your own website - it's not accusation ofc, you don't need to have forum to run a bundle site, but if you think that if you run non-comunication server, announce it on let's be honest - a minor community (we don't get 30k entries in basicaly free GAs) and then you say "well noone complained, there's no problem" - you are an idiot. There are basically hundreds of websites offering steam keys, tens offering bundles - you are a minor one, I give you constructive criticism, backed by arguments, you instead call me a hater instead - think about that you are not the freaking biggest bundle website or biggest key store there is - if someone doesn't like your system vast majority won't go begging you to change it, they will siply ignore it. Like they ignored hundreds of keystores that failed before you.
But I am done speaking here, you simply cannot take constructive criticism and turn hater yourself (yeah, I never hated against you, yet you say me "well yeah? send us money instead"), you even accuse me of hate speech (which you clearly have no idea what it means, cause I never criticized you base on your gender, sexual orientation, etnicity, religion, etc - only based on your flawed business model - wanna prove me wrong? report me for hate speech to support and let's see me suspended as hate speech is against website rules - oh wait, I'm certain you will now just pull bullshit "we don't want our customers suspended" excuse so go ahead, I reject this rule, feel free!)
I gave you constructive criticism, you cannot take it and turn hostile and false accusations instead? Fuck you (you can report it as well - here you will prolly get suspension and can lie it was for this hatespeech bullshit) - you just lost a customer who spend dozens of dollars on your service, who tried toi give constructive criticism in (b4 this post) civilised manner and in return you bashed him, you accused him of hate speech and so on. Fuck you. And just waiting till you pull out or change your system like so many sites b4 you did, claiming yet another bullshit excuse.
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172.000 members in our STEAM group.
It has a forum. We also have a FaceBook page. And a Twitter account. And we also active here on SG.
And we have email.
So far, you are the only one complaining.
You claim that we don't allow feedback an commenting? Then what are the replies right here on SG, give by users?
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oh you do allow feedback, as long as it's something you agree with, else you call it hatespeech (word you clearly have no idea what it means)
considering that besides bundles you host massive GAs number of your followers is not a good indication of number of loyal customers. You claim tens, maybe hundreds of thousands because you have 170k followers - yet somehow your bundle numbers does not indicate numbers even close. But that's not my problem, you may claim you have 10 million loyal customers, I couldn't care less, this one consumer you're gonna be better off anyway, who want's to listen such a hate speech anyway?
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I did listen to your feedback and provided answers to all your questions.
That fact that I don't run my business the way you dictate, it doesn't mean I don't allow feedback.
If a majority wants something, we will act based on best of our abilities.
Again ... you are the only person arguing with me that I should lower the topup amount at the expense of increasing game prices.
And why do you debate the number of customers we have?
Bundles sales have nothing to do with customer numbers. People buy some bundles, skip others, they are busy doing things other than gaming, etc.
This has nothing to do with the minimum topup amount.
I can assure you that our business is doing great and we do our best to keep everyone satisfied.
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"I did listen to your feedback and provided answers"
feedback you provided among others:
if you don't agree with me you are hater, you're using hate speech
you don't like it, why don't you pay our fees for us
And Iąm debating number of consumers zou have because zou zourself used it as argument + sazing how manz thousands upon thousands of consumers zou have and only one saying anything bad - so if you use an argument you gotta deal with someone countering it
EDIT: another way of feedback you provide - spreading lies about other users, breaking no calling out, and doing so silently in comments towards other people, no being brave enough to even use such argument directly towards me, knowing very well what you say is bullshit and will be countered in a single relply.
So let's see how a successful businessman provide feedback to his customer:
Yeah, with that being said I keep my opinion that I should have never started to be your customer in the first place.
I think I will stop replying here now, because who knows - next stop will be you accusing me of something like chargeback scam on your website, then maybe revoking all keys I gave away here because of said chargeback, or because of your false accusation that I run a freaking business buying your bundles and reselling them on SG o.O I will not buy anything from you ever again, will be sure that none of my friends do, but in the end winners of my gAs are not to blame to have potentially their keys revoked in your next move.
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Just do group buy if you think you won't spend up to $5 on store by yourself.
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again, I never said I cannot or won't spend 5$ myself, I said most of steam users cannot/won't if they know 20-90% of their money will remain unused. But ok, I understand, you may have problems understanding basic english, not your fault, but also don't blame others for it ;p Better go and prove me wrong finding few hundreds of people willing to split your 5$ payment on 1-2 cents purchases and all of them ending up being fair users ;p
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But ok, I understand, you may have problems understanding basic English,
Are you just trolling actually ?... Considering, this is not my native language ?
Maybe you like to belittle people on first sight. You know we don't track your posts.
Maybe you will understand as well, what exo said. He would have to increase DIG store prices, whereas bundle include margins for any payment fees.
Do buy what you want.
But if someone miss a $0.01, it is not a big deal for him. If he really wants it, then he will need to go for group buys.
From seller side, he already did what he apparently could to include most of people.
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Best I can do here, is if BitCoin or Skrill is your choice, I can lower that option to $1.
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To shed some light, see this:
He is selling keys from our bundles for $0.5.
"Unfortunately", you will be forced to pay a lot less from now on, directly to us.
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to be fair that hadn't been edited since nov 2015 & is a closed thread.
he is however gifting them for free currently here
though i think he twisted your words around way to much personally and you did best you could at keeping calm in a rather sticky situation. =) good job
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and now you straight up telling lies. I'm selling - right... having 17 feedback in 4 years and trade topic being closed for over 10 yeqars, said trade topic containing grand total of 11 games from your bundles out of 50 listed which were simply leftovers. yeah surely - "I'm defending my business of buying your bundles and resellign them on SG for profit.
Not even brave enough to comment such an argument directly to me knowing very well what you're saying is bullshit, just spreading such lies in other comments to other people.
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Not all, sadly. My Skrill account won't let me log in, even if I change my password, and their support "helped" my by saying I can change my password. After I told them it was not my problem, they stopped responding, so now I am locked out of my Skrill account. :/
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Wish i had 10$ in my credit card eh ... sadly gotta put some cash on the site , cant jjust flat out buy stuff .
I see bunch of games that have been given away b4 , but there is some legit games for a cent ...
Will that deal still be valid in ~2 weeks :?
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The $0.3 fixed fee charged by PayPal and credit card processors gives us no other cost effective option.
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You pay $5 and then you get an email to complete your account.
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If you don't have any DIG points already, you can't get any games without spending 5 $ or € at least.
Source: DIG website my memories of when the site was working
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Do you guys accept credit/debit cards yet? Last I checked it's Paypal only and unfortunately for me, that's a no go.
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Hello gamers,
We at are constantly trying to improve our service and bring the best possible deals.
We all know how bundles work. We pay a certain amount and get a pack of games, and that's pretty much it.
We are going one step further with the new DIG ACCOUNTS:
You can topup your account, and purchase individual games of your choice from the DIG Point Store and from the DIG Trades marketplace.
The prices are often better than what you would pay in a bundle.
Everything is transparent, fair and simple.
Some notes:
We value your feedback and feel free to share your feedback with us.
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