While people still buying games from those shitty companies, they will do wherever they want.... the guilt is ours
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Even in MMO-s I found it stupid to pay for a fully leveled char (although I get it if you dont wanna level a new char every time), I guess this is a bad move if they were to sacrifice game balance/pacing to try and get people to buy it, but that wouldn`t be a smart idea, cause people would riot. I dont mind it if it doesnt hurt the game and is really just an option for someone who wants to progress faster (even though normal pacing is reasonable) in a single player game. Now MP games is where shit hits the fan. So in general fuck em. :)
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I think i real problem is that they change the game and make it more grindy specifically to encourage people to buy extra micro transactions from them in order to maximise profit. much like mobile gaming.
Imagine final fantasy for example, without micro-transactions it is.
Kill a goblin- Gain 50 Xp - only 250 more until you lvl up.
with microtransactions it becomes
Kill a goblin- Gain 25 XP - only 2000 more until you lvl up, or pay 0.50$ to lvl up instantly
You have gained 1000gp from killing goblins for 10minutes , you can now spend 1000gp to buy a steel sword for your Paladin
with microtransactions it becomes
you have gained 500gp from killing goblins for 10 minutes, you still need 2500gp more to buy a steel sword for your Paladin, OR spend $1 to gain 5000gp instantly
(also i've seen that this game does in fact have a multiplayer element)
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Oh god FFXVI is just going Tifa, Lulu and Lightning in 1000 different DLC bikini's isn't it.
Pay $5.00 to Revive Aerith and Pay $10.00 to increase Yuffie's cup size!
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Yeah, that's our worry.
But trying to say it just gets "It's okay if you can finish the game" or "I don't care" or "well, I'm positively sure it will definitely not happen in this case. Past experiences show otherwise, but just because I have faith(tm) all will be fine, and you should stop worrying!"
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Not enough people are buying customisables for their orc's
quick sexy bikini armor!
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Wait, i dont think there are any females orc in LOTR...
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Mordor: Shadow of war - A visual novel/Dating Sim
Sauron approaches you menacingly. Her Enormous breasts are swinging in the wind. (Pay $2 now for sauron is a skimpy swimsuit)
(I don't know how it has come to this)
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Don't like Sheliob's humanoid form? Make her a generic human-spider hybrid instead for only $5
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Shadow of War players will have the option to purchase Loot Chests containing random items, War Chests with random followers, and XP boosts, developers Monolith Productions explained in Friday’s announcement.
I can only see this as a problem if the developers altered the way they made the game in order to better persuade you to buy the purchasables. It's the same tactic MMO's use. Make the game a grind or you could purchase these "boosts" to make the game more enjoyable. I mean, it's entirely possible the devs created a wonderful and enjoyable single player experience and the micro-transactions will only enhance that experience, but I also won't hold my breath. ¯\(ツ)/¯
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from what I heard about Deus Ex: MD , the Mts were just there and not needed(though personally not fan of the consumables you get from getting the deluxe edition to be one-time use only).
Then again I guess people will freak out due to their existence and potential harm. Though plenty of games have DLCs that offer starting or unique items( South Park:Stick of Truth, Kingdoms of Amalur, Mass Effect 2/3 comes to mind).
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in deus ex they are super useless unless you want a shortcut or get overpowered early game. i'm currently playing it and i didn't even pick items from the storage (which are shared with all playthroughs).
it shows how unnecessary extra items are and how people love to blow things out of proportions because they read reviews or watch youtubers ranting nonstop.
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All I'm saying, is that if I'm developing a single player game and I know that a good chunk of my paycheck is going to come from people purchasing micro-transactions post launch for possible multiple playthroughs, that the temptation would be quite strong to let that influence my development of the game.
Not to mention possible pressure from the publisher for that reason as well. We have to remember, they aren't developing games as company for the kicks and giggles of it, they are doing it to make a living. But I hope I'm just being paranoid about it. :D
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You'd stay strong in the face of temptation, I'm sure - I can picture your performance review now:
Manager: This is how you would serve your company? You would risk its utter ruin?
Fyantastic: I implemented what I judged to be right.
Manager: What you judged to be right! You left money on the table at the behest of witless gamers! That revenue should have been brought back to the company to be kept safe. Hidden. Dark and deep in the vaults, not to be used...unless, at the uttermost end of need.
Fyantastic: I would not implement microtransactions. Not if the studio were falling in ruin and only premium crafting materials could save her.
Manager: Ever you desire to appear lordly and gracious as a developer of old...
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with DeadSpace 3 it really did depend on mode you were playing. There was also hardcore mode - without saving, with extremelly limited ammo and health, very limited drops etc - BUT! it doesn't matter! because you could straight up buy all the ammo, HP boosters and best gear with real money ;p
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The only way this is okay is if they came comes out as a perfect 10, and the micro-transactions are just for lazy people.
But in all likelyhood to get people to pay for all these items they will make the game full of grinding so you will want to pay to speed it up/skip it. Thats no good.
The only good thing out of the lot is everything is still available and gainable in game, without ever pulling out your CC for more than the original game. Worst is the Pay2Win where you can't get the best items/gear/etc without spending.
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I'll probably pre-order the Gold edition to get all the expansions, but won't be using micro-transactions.
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I do see that the people that are willing to pay for the microtransactions in the game are a problem. It certainly sends the wrong kind of signal to publishers and might (most likely will) make this a 'standard'. Then again it's clear that game publishers try to maximize the money they can 'generate' from each customer no matter which kind of game, so it's only to get worse from now on.
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Thats a lot of comments to read...
Anyone who defends microtransactions in a paid single player game is either very naive or very stupid. I remember 10 years or so ago(probably longer) when people said DLC was not going to ruin things, its after additions to the game. Whilst expansions are great, games started releasing with day 1 DLC and DLC on the disc. The anger died down and DLC is part and parcel of gaming now, much less bullshit DLC now though.
I don't see this as any different, starts with simple cosmetics which are fun and slowly devolves into if you want to play the game, give us £1 or wait for your "gold" to restock in 24 hours.
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remember when you had to pay for asura's wraths' 'true ending'.....
The more profitable it becomes the more comanies will gut their games and try and sell it to you in bits
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Anything planned to be in a game on release should be in a game on release. DLC should be additional content created after the game. Microtransactions are an ugly side affect of mobile game success. If people want to buy them then fine but accepting them could lead on a grim downward spiral much like DLC did.
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Well I don't really mind if it speeds up the game (I like long games ;p) but if it becomes a grindfest otherwise I won't like it. I'm also not sure if it'll effect multiplayer part (defending and attacking other players forts) in any way but I hope not.
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Another relevant vid https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LM8DC6th4OA
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Now, I don't like the mod deleting all negative posts regarding MT within the Steam forum. That's shady af. They should have just left the one merged thread open.
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New video continuing from the last in relation to the Shadow of War forum moderator.
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Bump! Looks like WB and Shadow of War is not done yet! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=laqx3C3HA4M
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Wow, he is just as stupid as micro transactions in this game.That rant was a long stupid rant about micro transactions he spent like almost 9 minutes ranting about the same issue repeating stuff over in the process and throwing in swears to solidify how serious he is.
I get why people are against this but seriously instead of ranting like a 12-year-old tell people why they should not buy the game not why you hate micro transactions or WB as a whole.That video is so bias due to being full of hate for micro transactions and WB that no matter what they did he would make a video ranting about it.
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Who could have thought? ...
Just a reminder but this is a fully priced single player game.
EDIT : Brilliant video from Jim on the matter https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2TXWdyrqFP8
EDIT 2 : Seems like WB is not done with being biggest fcking assholes in the gaming indrustry. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=laqx3C3HA4M
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