Are you excited to play with your new choices like a kid after getting a new toy?
Not sure if you're being sarcastic or not, but Rogue Legacy and Secret of Grindea were never bundled before.
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Secret of Grindea was in a humble bundle 2015. I can remember it because I played it with a friend of mine that only bought those bundles (I never heard of the game before and thats was the day I put it on my wishlist -> best reminder ^^).
For Rogue Legacy it was just a hefty reduction to 3€, you are right. But it would fit the "indie charm" of older bundles.
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Only it wasn't though. It launched in early access in 2015, but was never bundled.
These were in humble bundle: &
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Never heard of a "Rabby Tier", but that doesn't change the fact that it was never in a humble bundle, I should think.
What you linked looks to be from someone pre-ordering the game on humblebundle (hence the pre-order bonus)?
Edit: Yep I was right. From their website:
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When you press "Create a gift link", there's a pop-up with a list of countries that receive region locked keys.
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So the ROW gift link will be converted to region locked keys?
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No, of course not.
A ROW gift link can be activated by anyone.
But if you purchase from Russia for example, you will generate a gift link that can be activated only in RU/CIS (because the key assigned to RU/CIS purchases is region locked and can be activated only in that region).
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Hard to say.
In most of the cases, when there's an Asian region-locked sub, Asian countries will receive that one instead of the ROW key (and as you can see the other 3 games with region locks receive locked packages for Asia).
But indeed not having the countries from {sub/400090/} in the list would indicate that you get a ROW key that can also be activated in US.
On the other hand, it happened before (more than once) that Humble Bundle doesn't list the country in the notification, yet those countries do receive region locked keys.
So... anything is possible. Most probable is that they forgot the countries, but it could also be that Civ VI is an exceptional case in which Asia receives ROW keys.
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Normally Indonesia would be "ID", right? So it's not listed in the lock countries and thus you should have a region free key.
If you want to be 101% sure, you can send Lilly (sensualshakti) or me the revealed Steam key via Discord or Steam and we can check for you, since we both activated Civ 6 Platinum.
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apetribegames [developer] 19 hours ago
"Hi everyone! Let me just say that we completely understand your frustrations. We've reached out to our publisher to resolve this ASAP and should be able to give you all an update tomorrow. Sorry for the inconvenience!"
There is still hope for Steam key for Disjunction
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It's like Civ 5's Gold Edition. The only editions you can trust that are complete are "Complete Edition". Even GOTY Edition doesn't guarantee it's 100% inclusive of DLC.
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Lucky for you, but my problem is specific just for me. (I'm mostly using HB for myself,)
I'm from SEA region, region lock key will not work for most tradeable.
(Also Bartervg has awful interface, which i found difficult to use.)
Previous bundle, has been amazing with games like Control, Metro Exodus, Valkyria Chronicles 4 etc
I also like strategy games myself, Europa Universalis 4 or Total War probably worked for me, i tried Civ5, but i can't chew that game :(. My disappointment multiplied, because it offered me $6. (I've been using my 6 months coupon for $6, but HB still offered me $6 price). This supposedly a jackpot, but that's that. Not every month a lucky month.
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I think the best solution for that is to check out this group
I haven't used the group myself however. Using a VPN is not recommended.
I'm not familiar with this issue and I'm uncertain as how to get around it. but perhaps making a thread and asking the community might be a good idea.
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I haven't got a hang of either or steamtrades. Now I understand why money was invented. They are so much more convenient than barter. For me, it's either to take game for myself or giveaway. But Steamgifts doesn't even have an option for Platinum edition, which has significant part of bundle value.
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The value in the bundle is almost entirely in Civ 6 (which has been free on Epic before and part of a 2018 Humble Monthly) and its DLCs. If you don't want that, it's pretty much worthless, I find it hard to justify paying a significant amount for any of the other games.
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Here is the GOG link for Disjunction if anyone is interested:
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Hello, i have a question and really need an answer guys. I bought this bundle from USA - i understand i will get Civ {sub/400092/}? Can i redeem it at my Europe friend account?
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I actually dont know what will happen when he uses that key xd For example - will it bind to his account, but he may not be able to start the game? No idea, i dont want to risk.
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It's virtually impossible to activate a game and then not be able to play it. (Only with publisher mistakes, like recently Dying Light Platinum, but that's fixed now, or some overlap between Russian and European region locks.)
If your friend can activate the key, your friend can play the game. Otherwise it will say that the game can't be activated in that region.
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I don't want to support 'It gets better Project"
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I have exactly all of the Civ6 content this bundle contains, so this will be a pause for me - first one in a while. There are a couple of interesting-sounding games in there, but most of them don't match my tastes much. If I didn't have the Civ6 expansions, I'd jump in.
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I don't think there will be any steam keys for Disjunction
apetribegames [developer] 22 minutes ago
Hi everyone, thanks for all the continued feedback. Just to clarify, it's entirely up to Steam whether or not they grant requests for large volumes of Steam keys. In this case, they chose not to. Believe me, we would give you all Steam keys if we could and we're as frustrated as you are about this situation. We want everyone to be able to play Disjunction on the platform of their choice, and we're sorry that we're unable to provide that.Please keep in mind that the GOG version of Disjunction is DRM-free, which means that you do not need the GOG launcher to install or launch the game, and you can add it to your Steam library as a non-Steam game. If you click on Disjunction in your online GOG library and then click on DOWNLOAD OFFLINE BACKUP GAME INSTALLERS, you can download and install the game as a standalone .exe and then add it to your Steam Library. We understand that this isn't the same as providing Steam keys, but we hope it will help some of you to enjoy the game.
Thank you for your understanding.
SoldOut CS [developer] 2 hours ago
Hi everyone, thank you so much for your comments and thoughts. Unfortunately, we were unable to secure enough Steam keys to provide Steam as a download option for this month's Humble Choice Bundle. We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused and really appreciate all of your feedback. - Sold Out
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That would be really weird if true, as this is the first time I've ever seen this happen with any bundle site. I mean there are probably tons of games that sold even less that managed to get into Humble choice bundles.. Either the publisher is lying, there's some kind of miscommunication between Valve and the publisher, or this is a new thing with Valve that's setting a precedent..
Either way, I think the solution to this problem (if all of this is true), is Humble should've replaced the game with a different one
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It's a bit weird that Steam did not agree on key generation, we'll see if that ever changes. Game indifferent bundle, maybe keys added to monthly retroactively...
Humble doesn't need to replace this with another game, they can give whatever on whatever platform, it's not limited to Steam only.
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I read something in the forums with Mechwarrior 5 having been a epic exclusive and them having another project that's an epic exclusive as well, so maybe that's why steam is not giving them specifically steam keys in that large amounts. In a sense, they're screwing steam over, so why should they bother helping out.
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Civ6 plat will be worth those 6$ even 5 years from now, its the best humble since crash with spyro, i think.
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June 29th, 2021: AUTOCHARGE DATE (for subscribers only)
That's weird, I got autocharged right on reveal day. Or maybe the day after, not sure, all I know is I never clicked "unlock my choices" and I got straight the "Select games" button :s
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seeing the button 'select games' does not mean anything, you can still go to 'manage your subscription' and pause unless you've unlocked at least one of the games.
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That's quite a tricky change though... Hurray for dark patterns
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I was scaried too when i went to choice and it was like i had unlocked the moth.
I think they do that in order to bait us and click there, then you know what follows.
When i paused this month the the msg shown was the correct and never got the congrats msg from unlocking.
However i've asked them if my sub was propertly paused despite the fact that that to have a month unlocked you always get the notif here are your your choices of this month.
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I had the same exact scare since usually there is the “unlock choices” button
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I got my answer from support.
We've made a small change to our Early Unlock process. If you click "Select Games", you will see the Early Unlock option. You can find more here: Humble Choice - Early Unlock Games
It was way better before, it was the same function but you could understand it at first glance
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Uh... It explains the situation but i'm left confused if it's acceptable to make a base game giveaway instead. Is there any indication by the support/staff that this is okay to do in these cases?
If there is no green flag on this subject, i might just have to create a ticket and bother the support about it. It has been a while since i've done that anyways.
PS: Thanks for the reply.
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if it's acceptable to make a base game giveaway instead
Yes definitely. Giving away something "bigger" that what you make the giveaway for is always acceptable. The other way around - not. As long as the key you give away includes the item you make a giveaway for, everything is fine.
Besides, there's no other way to give this away (apart from giving it away as one DLC, but that isn't really optimal).
You can see that others also use the base game for this:
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The coupon expired yesterday.
It wasn't supposed to apply to this month, but Humble changed the Choice rollover date (from 1st Friday PT to 1st Tuesday PT) earlier this year, without updating the coupon to match. So there was a 3-day overlap (Tuesday through Friday) where the coupon was still valid for this month's bundle.
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Skipping this month because I signed up for Steam keys. They should secure the keys in advance, it's not new that Valve doesn't always grant every request for keys. Valve should make the rules behind key requests clear but that doesn't give Humble a pass.
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I also would have liked to give the base game away . I already owned Civ 6 but not the DLCs and I bought this boundle practically only for the DLCs. then some other games like worms rumble, going under and stubbs the zombie I had them on my wish list anyway
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Are you sure it's a NA key? I'm asking because NA receives which is ROW (can be activated everywhere). I tested this sub myself.
So either your Humble account region is not set to NA (maybe it was reset?) or the exact region from which you purchase receives a different sub that cannot be activated in RU/CIS. If it's the latter, I'd would be useful to know which country you have set in your Humble account settings.
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Yepp....turned out the guy who traded me the key was from Puerto Rico, he thought it counts as NA
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hello @sensualshakti ,
Going Under - (Gift link notification)
There is Region lock warning above that picture, you cropped that part:
"This key is not available in the countries listed below. If the gift recipient is located in one of these countries, they may not be able to redeem the key."
It's actually same with Worms gift notification picture
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The notification looks the same even if you get a ROW key.
The subs you get from USA are linked in the OP under "Everyone else", you get ROW keys for all the games (I tested the subs myself).
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On May 29 I cancelled the 6 months for $6/month and felt some anger that the coupon actually was still working for the June bundle and decided to resubscribe sometimes later this month for €10 or something.... BUT
Today tried to check what's the price they ask and... this was showing then it showed like this and then
So how is it ? €4.95 for another 6 months or not ?
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June 2021 Humble Choice
View this bundle on: ITAD - - Lestrades
📅 Important dates
💳 June 29th, 2021: AUTOCHARGE DATE (for subscribers only)
📆 July 6th 2021: Next Choice Bundle release date (first Tuesday of every month)
⚠️ Region lock ⚠️
Sid Meier's Civilization VI - (Gift link notification)
Worms Rumble (Gift link notification)
Going Under - (Gift link notification)
Ikenfell - Gift link notification
Secret Neighbor
Stubbs the Zombie in Rebel Without a Pulse
There will be no Steam keys allocated! confirmed by the devs
🎮 Games:
There will be no Steam keys allocated! confirmed by the devs
Sid Meier's Civilization VI : Platinum Edition (corresponds to this Store bundle) is one key that activates the following:
⚙️ - Steam is learning about this game, therefore some features will be limited (no card drops, achievements won't count, the game will not give a +1 to your library etc.) More Changes Addressing Fake Games
Humble Original / Extras: Fistful of Nothing
💸 Subscription + Bonuses
9121012USD regions: In some regions of USA, a sale tax is applied (example).
Non-USD regions: regional pricing is a fixed amount for each region set by Humble. More info here.
📝 Note about referrals
SteamGifts by default modifies all,, links from all threads, adding the SteamGifts referral code. Whenever a user click or shares a link to one of the sites listed above, SteamGifts will earn a commission.
By using these reflinks, SteamGifts will receive $10 for new subscribers, 5% of Humble Store sales, 15% for bundles via the Humble Partner Program.
If you prefer, you can disable referral links from your settings panel.
📖 Informative links
Humble Choice FAQ
Official HB FAQ
Master thread of ongoing bundles!
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