I'm also considering taking into account number of cards in set, and setting different card "price" depending on it - for example, if you are giving cards from game that has 10 cards in set, and taking cards from game that has 5 cards in set - coefficient will be 2:1 for you, you will have to give 2 cards for every card you take. What do you think about it?
i think this is needed. people might exploit the bot by trading 5 10 cards set to 5 5 cards set otherwise.
thanks for the bot btw! i'm too lazy to check my unmarketable cards atm, but i might use it if i'm in the mood later.
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From what i see, you only look for specific cards, not all unmarketable cards, so it don't think it works as a better version of this bot. I'm not sure if your post will be flagged as trading though.
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well, you linked your trading post, and the guidelines states this:
Trading. This site is not for trading, so do not attempt to directly trade games or other items with users in our community. If you attempt to indirectly trade or express a willingness to trade with an unusually high frequency, it will also be viewed as trading.
i'm not sure about the policy about trading bots though. as i said before, i'm also not sure if your post can be flagged as trading. i just pointed it out just in case :)
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I'm not here to start an argument. Anyways, i hope you have a nice day :)
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I wouldn't worry about that. There isn't even a rule for such thing. Thanks for the "warning" though. :)
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Have a snickers, mate. You are not yourself when you are hungry :)
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It's all in your head, man. I'm glad you finally reached the same conclusion as i did as to why i decided to drop the topic though, if that is what you mean by "not subscribing", that is :)
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From previous posts in this site, you will see that there has been a tolerance for "trade bots", in the sense of steamtradematcher, i.e. "Automatically and instantly accept 1:1 same game item trades, regardless of whether it's for a duplicate item or not".
This particular bot does not really meet all STM requirements because it's cross-set, and has a small inventory, but I think the most important point is that the bot accepts any trade, even for duplicate items.
The post you linked above in the tradingcards steam group is more for regular trading: you state explicitely in the post what you need, and you won't accept all 1:1 trades, only those for cards you need. From my understand, that's what the guidelines forbid: trades in the sense of "have/need".
You said that this bot is not very helpful, but take into consideration that it accepts all items, whereas traders, as in your post, won't accept all nonmarketable cards, only the one they need: if I want to get rid of my nonmarketable cards (possibly to get another nonmarketable cards to complete a set), your post in the tradingcards steam group is not helpful at all because you are looking for cards for specific games, that I might not have.
AFAIK, this bot is currently the only one that is doing 1:1 cross-sets trades, even for duplicate items. There was one before (VanillaBot) but its owner has stopped it .
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I don't understand what you mean by "bots limit what cards they will accept by limiting what they will ask from you or delisting certain cards such as Steamcardexchange". Most trade bots use ASF (with the trade bot settings), and these bots will accept ALL trades as long as they're 1:1 in the same set, even with duplicates. Absolutely no cards are delisted in these bots.
So that's VERY different from a non-bot limiting what cards they will take. There are absolutely no limitations, except for same set.
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I think you are amalgamating trade bots from STM, and STM in general.
When you use the scan function on STM, it will match you with users, but also with "trade bots".
When you ask for the trade bot status on STM, you HAVE to accept any trade. And actually, any user who scans their inventory will be able to trade with any cards (from the same set) from the trade bots. In this case, STM DOES NOT look for duplicates if the "person" you're trading with is set to be a trade bot.
I have one of the main trade bots on STM and I can assure you my bot accepts everything, as long as it's 1:1 same set. Again, thats the default configuration for all bots that use ASF, and that's a requirement for having the trade bot status.
tl;dr: trade bots on STM are non-profit bots: I'm actually losing money by operating mine due to electricity bills, and my inventory is mostly duplicates (applying for the trade bot status is the worst way to complete sets, but that's OK, that's now what these bots are for). This is very different from the general concept of trade bots, that for instance accepts cards 2:1, or exchange TF2 for gems, etc.
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The only problem I see is self-appointed hall monitors who get their crayons in a bunch looking for opportunities to jump on other posters. What a bunch of babies so many of you look like.
Or just helping you to not get suspended by a moderator who gets your intention of posting the first link wrong? I don't see the bad intention in their wordings. How do you?
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i'm glad you catch my intention. i never wanted to start an argument in the first place.
at least they changed the wording and link in their original post though so the mod won't catch them for any kind of trading.
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Vanilla, indeed, sometimes, rejected valid offers... Because of a program bug, that it's owner was unable to fix. It never has any special limitations. And I don't want my bot to be "successful", it's only aim is to help people, I don't expect any profit from it (well, maybe somebody will want to donate something valuable, I will gladly take it, but you have to agree - chance that this will happen are minimal, so I don't really count on on.)
Any bot (even ones with more than 100 cards) accepting all cross-set cards in exchange must by logic eventually fail.
Lol, it can't "fail". It can become usuless (i.e. contain only cards nobody interested in), but it will only happen AFTER it helps people to finish their sets, and that's HUGE SUCCESS. Actually, it already helped people, so it's ALREADY SUCCESSFUL.
And you are just greedy and too limited to understand that somebody can be willing to help others, not to gain profit. Merry Christmas to you, Ebenezer Scrooge.
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If the bot ever gets cards for Experience
I would be interested.
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Bump, thanks for the bot, it's really useful.
A suggestion would be to allow only the trades with the same % cards/set: for example if some1 wants 2 cards from a set of 5, they need to offer the amount of cards at least 2/5 or 40% of the full set.
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Shameless self-bump. Since new steam sale is coming, maybe my bot will be able to help someone to complete their badge. Sadly, because of ongoing war in Ukraine, I can't anymore host it 24/7, and it's only online when my laptop is on. But you can send trades even when it's offline, they will be processed as soon as bot comes online next time.
From other news - I'm thinking of changing trade rules based on number of cards in set (so, 2 cards from a set with 12 cards will be equal to 1 card from a set with 6 cards). I believe this will be more fair to those interested in completing sets and crafting badges.
Definitely not going to change it now, when sale is so close, so probably some time after sale is over.
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i will tell my son about this also and see if you have anything - is this only for non- marketable card sets?
edit: also stay safe mate wish you the best
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also one more question can i use your bot if there is a time cap on my account (i can't use the mobile thing you see) i can pay over
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Sorry, users with trade hold are not allowed, since it would be unfair to other users to block cards from trade for a long time.
If that's not a principled position - you can use authenticator for PC, such as SteamDesktopAuthenticator for example. You will need mobile number to get SMS even in this case though.
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Winter sale is coming, and one can again get mystery cards for crafting badges. So I will shamelessly bump my bot that can help you to complete badges from non-marketable cards. If bot helped you - please bump the thread to tell others about it!
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Thanks a lot for that great bot! Helped me a lot in getting more progress towards some games. Sadly didn't finish sets, but i was closed! Really thrilling to see, when the bot has the same set cards. (grml, it's rigged!!111 XD)
But i think i did a good item rotation (21:21) peeps. So maybe check it out again people of the traders guild ^_^
Making this public some day would be cool, because there a lot friendly big trading bots on ASF STM public listing or in STM listing.
I'm not a trade bot myself, so i wouldn't use it. Would it help you, if i would try to get in contact with these bot owners and ask if they are interested doing this kinda trade (would explain understandably and ofc ask nice) to help people completing unmarketable sets better?
+++bump to the moon. This needs more attention for item rotation and maybe donors <3
Simple and easy idea, but so cool 8)
Cheers timmy
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Thank you for your kind words! I'm really glad that my bot is useful for someone)
As for making a plugin public - sure, if there will be demand - I'm willing to share.
I'm also thinking I need some way to make a list of donators of bot's profile, but don't have time to implement that( And it's kinda sad that generous people who donated previously won't be mentioned in this case(
As for the idea - it wasn't mine, long before my bot VanillaBot existed, with more or less same rules. Helped me a lot back in the days, but sadly not active anymore.
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Still very useful, traded some well-fed non-market cards for some more "niche"-games out of the market.
Hoping that the rotation will make someone happy, lol.
Wish more people with different card sets would use it :D
And to OP again: thank you!
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Steam Bot for exchanging your non-marketable cards (cards from any delisted Steam game which has a special note in the description - “This item can no longer be bought or sold on the Community Market.”) and getting rid of your Steam Inventory trash.
Main purpose of the bot is to help people to collect card sets of delisted games and create a badge.
All offers are final.
Sending something to the bot without taking anything back, or sending more items than you take - received (extra) items will be considered donation, and will be used to improve service of this bot. Thank you in advance for that. All non-marketable cards donated to bot will stay there and will be used to help others finish their sets. Marketable items will be sold for owner's profit.
If you have some suggestions for improvement or bug reports - please contact bot owner or just write a comment here.
How to use
Q: Why has my cards offer been declined?
A: Please ensure you’re only exchanging non-marketable cards. Bot will not count marketable cards and automatically decline the offer.
Q: Why is the bot not adding me to friends?
A: You don’t need to be friends with bot to send the offer. Just click on the link in the bot’s profile description.
Q: I have sent an offer with items I didn’t want to send. Can I reverse the trade?
A: Unfortunately you cannot. Please be careful sending the offer because all trades are final.
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