Anothervtrain here, with 11 GAs.y
Shouldn't Bektoo difficult, enjoy!

Lv2, Ends June 12 Ended.

The puzzle has ended, time for the solution explain.

The entry is simple, just 5 altered letters in the post.
The next is also super easy, it's sgtools code.
This site is super common in sg community, It help us make GA with custom rules and also tracking the entries.

The final part is another code separated into 8 pieces, each has 4 characters.
Each piece replace the game title in the Next URL, except the last piece as a hint.
Every piece is placing at the same position, the right most side.
While you come across previous part, it shouldn't be difficult to figure out this is also a sgtools code.
Collect and assemble 8 pieces will get you to the finish.

Hope you enjoy the puzzle, see you next time!

2 weeks ago*

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thanks, first time solving that kind of puzzle on the 2nd part of the cart

2 weeks ago

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2 weeks ago

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Closed 1 week ago by twchiu.