Cool idea.. I tried it, but it doesn't seem to work properly for me? For it makes The Deer God green and I own that.. Maybe I messed up somewhere
EDIT: OH whoops it works the other way around :-D sorry!
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Yeah. Don't be me. LOL!
(I had a total dork moment earlier today when trying to get the script to work...)
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Not sure why, but I'm not getting the options thing either. Clicking on Rachart Enhancer from the discussions tab is doing nothing.
Running SG GameTags and Steamgifts++ at the same time in Firefox with Greasemonkey.
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I tell a lie, it's not doing nothing - it's sending me to the opening post of this thread.
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Yeah, just those two. Knowing me, it will be something I've done wrong, but I don't think I have.
Going to have a play in Chrome and see how it is on that browser.
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edit. works on most threads but there are exceptions where no colors are added:
^^ for example
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Hi, getting the same problem as was reported by someone else - the popup is there now, but it's not saving when hitting submit. Will go with the solution you posted.
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New update: Managed to get it to save in local storage. Opened up firebug, went to the "DOM" tab, found "localStorage" and when expanding that menu can see fields for APIKey and SteamID64, both with correct values in.
I think it actually was saving when clicking submit, and that I hadn't noticed? Paying more attention I did catch that the cursor stops blinking when pressing submit.
Now when I got a Rachel thread I'm not seeing anything happen.
Tried messing around with different hexadecimal values for colours, checking to see they saved in firebug where I do see fields for "PrimaryColor" and "SecondaryColor" when I alter them. Been filling the boxes in with the # and the number as you advised and also trying rgb numbers by using the format rgb(0, 0, 0) but nothing seems to want to happen.
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Sorry I never got back to you in time. Anyway, just to let you know, as I'm pretty sure you can already guess from the feedback of others that everything's working great for me in 0.25. Really useful script, thanks for putting it together!
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This is a great idea, thanks for building it.
I fear that I will still be compulsively clicking every game so I personally won't use it but this should make a lot of people very happy.
I really hope Rachel has an automated way of creating her charts; otherwise that's a lot of work for every bundle.
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I always look for Rachel's topic before buy any bundle... this will be VERY useful!
I'm going to use it in the future (right now I'm making adjustments to use my PC with brazilian judicial system).
I hope it is compatible with SG++ and Extended SG. Have a early thank you for awesomeness.
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Nice idea, but need to adjust the colors for me, since i think green would mean i didn't own it, but it's otherwise. Otherwise works good.
Edit: doesn't work with this theme, though (at least for me):
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yea I even used the TAB key to move the selection on top of the button and press Space; still didn't save it.
I tried to restart Firefox; disable/enable greasemonkey and still nothing. I'll keep trying, if I succeed I'll let you know what I did
Edit: at least the checkbox for the dark theme works, even though I don't use it
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using those commands I was able to set the variables and they were properly set as I verified with the commands you wrote to other people
Unfortunately, it still doesn't apply the coloring.
If it helps, it always says "Reached 1st else" in console.
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I got a chuckle out of it, reminded me of harry potter and the one who should not be named.
Have not thought about any colors yet but i was thinking i should switch to rows.
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Waiting for new version... currently doesn't work for me. I'm running a shitload of other scripts though, so I'm not terribly surprised. :)
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Ok, both commands return the correct values that I input.
Problem is, it still isn't highlighting anything.
I'm in Chrome. I've turned off all scripts in the Tampermonkey dashboard except for the following:
RaChart Enhancer2
SGv2 Dark
SGTools Giveaways Helper
Add links to SGtools
I AM getting a lot of mixed content warnings in the console, however, in regards to the script.
Mixed Content: The page at '' was loaded over HTTPS, but requested an insecure image ''. This content should also be served over HTTPS.
That's one example. And on Rachel's master charts thread specifically:
ERROR: Execution of script 'RaChart™ Enhancer2' failed! Cannot read property 'href' of undefined(anonymous function) @ (program):4
(program):4 TypeError: Cannot read property 'href' of undefined
at scanTable (eval at <anonymous> (eval at <anonymous> (unknown source)), <anonymous>:429:66)
Hope this helps!
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This one specifically:
But none of the threads with charts are highlighting. :( (Sorry to be a pain..)
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FFS. It should be readily apparent now that I haven't finished my first cup of coffee this morning.
Making self look like idiot: Success.
Now I can move on with the rest of my Sunday. :P
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It's obvious that the script should scan each of the linked threads and color the rows as green/orange, telling us if there's anything we're missing in these bundles. :P
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Tip: You could use instead of steam api.
It returns both owned packages and DLC along with appids for logged in user without API key requirement.
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That particular game is a weird case because you get redirected to the right page for your region in the Steam store, but you can actually own both versions of the game since they actually have different ids.
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I poked a bit in your script and was able to fix it.
In scanTable()
you're looking at elements[i].children[0].children[0].href
if the tag is bold, but since Rachel put the "◔w◔" in bold, it confuses it. You need to check if there's actually an elements[i].children[0].children[0]
before checking it's url
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I wasn't soliciting; just expressing a desire aloud. Were I soliciting, I would be direct, not oblique.
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Yes it is direct. A direct expression of desire and interest. I expressed that particular sentiment because though Rachel's charts are quite informative, the thing I actually have a minor interest in are store links on sites like HB that for some reason do not consider such a link to be useful to their users. I appreciate what you have done for the benefit of other users with your code here but seeing your script reminded me of what I'd like (and allowed me to lightly imply a minor gripe about an aspect of HB's site that they continue to overlook), and I expressed as much. However, it is not a direct request--as I said, if I were going to make such a request I'd be straightforward and ask.
However, I do see your perspective on it. What is lost in mere text is tone. I just wanted to be clear in my response that I wasn't soliciting since you were clear in yours that you are not interested in being solicited.
No need to apologize. You were firm in response to what you thought was a request and then went on to explain part of the reason you have no interest in the effort. The latter was more than generous and the former was an appropriate response to what you perceived to be a request.
All is well.
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