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I'd say you are that bird. We tell you no.
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Okay, so, the number of people on the site doesn't change, the number of points doesn't change, and the number of giveaways doesn't change. It's a closed system with constants. If the same number of people enter the same number of giveaways, spending the same number of points in the process, the overall odds will be the same regardless of number of entries per person. You're just de-simplifying the ratio, and, in the process, demanding that a ton of work be done on the site so you can do so.
TL;DR: No.
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"If the same number of people enter the same number of giveaways, spending the same number of points in the process, the overall odds will be the same regardless of number of entries per person."
Not really. To make it simple, imagine you have 30 points left. You see a giveaway of game A for 10 points and you really want game A. You then see two other giveaways of games B and C for 10 points each. You think they look alright but don't really love those games. With the current system, you could enter for game A and have 20 points left. You could then stop, or do what most people do and enter for B and C as well, because you have the points to spare.
Now if you could enter three times in a giveaway, you would of course spend all your 30 points on game A. This would not only increase your own chances of winning game A, it would also increase the chances of people that enter for B and C because they really want those games. Not to mention that if they spend more points on B and C, they won't enter for game A if they don't really want it, which increases your odds (and everyone else's odds who really want game A).
This just give you the option to control where you put your odds, and like you said, it's a closed system so the fairness of it won't change. Happy days!
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The way also everyone gets games they dont want to.This site is about people giving away games to people who most wants it.
I want portal.But i joined Red Nation giveaway just because there was no available portal giveaways.I won red nation,not portal.
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Then you're an idiot for entering for something you didn't want. Nice going, dumbass. Now you not only have a game you didn't want, but you've deprived someone who did want it of the opportunity. People like you are why we can't have nice things.
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Boo-hoo. You don't have something to spend your free imaginary points on. I sit on 300 all the time. Just means you never have to worry about having enough to enter for something. Enjoy it. I don't know where people get this idea that you should feel compelled to spend all your points as quickly as possible. If there's nothing you want, there's nothing you want. Completely fucking up the site mechanics just so you can feel like you're not 'wasting' your precious free points that you get in infinite supply is an amazingly shitty idea.
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I'm pretty sure the following is the reason why it will never happen.
Fake giveaways. Currently the amount of entries needed for a giveaway to count is 2. Now if you could enter more than once, creating fake giveaways that counted towards contribution would be a lot easier. Only solution for that would be increasing the amount of entries needed for the giveaway to count towards contribution, but it would remove the contribution from those who have made legit giveaways with few entries. The amount of entries needed for the giveaway to count as contribution has to be double the amount of entries per user. If it were limited to public giveaways, it would probably be fine but otherwise it's not a good idea.
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This is the first sane reason for a negative response. I appreciate how you're also open to the idea if only it were limited to pub giveaways :> Also, not a lot of ppl get this, despite being mentioned over and over: those that spend all their points on 1 particular giveaway will fail to enter ANY other, thus increasing other people's chances at those other giveaways. What's your take on this? Also, no one mentioned this, but cases like that guy that won same game twice because he entered for his friend and himself.. will hopefully go away.
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One entry per person per giveaway is fair. Why should we change it? Why should we move to an unfair system that gives people who sit on their points an advantage? Because you've entered over 1,200 giveaways and haven't won anything?
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We all get the same amount of points and are free to spend them as we wish. If someone chooses to sit on their points, they're free to do so, and at the same time, it means they are not entering giveaways which means they increase the chances of the people that have entered said giveaways.
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Your looking at the point system the wrong way, as if your entitled or owed something for points.
the point system on steam gifts was added to regulate people from enter every single giveaway at once.
the 300 point cap makes you choose wisely what you want to enter. its not there to spend or redeem like a cash out.
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607 Comments - Last post 7 minutes ago by Gyatsuku
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88 Comments - Last post 31 minutes ago by TempR
Since there are many users and most giveaways receive entries in the thousands, the chance of winning something is small. Combined with the fact that we get so many points constantly, I think many people are entering giveaways that they don't really need to enter, just so they can win something and because they don't want to waste the points by reaching the limit.
I would suggest that allowing multiple entries (perhaps with a maximum of 3 or 5 or even 10 depending on what's reasonable) for the same giveaway would solve this problem. This way, if you really want a game, you'll spend more on it and have a slightly higher chance of winning. Comparing it to the lottery, it's just like buying more than one ticket to increase your chances.
What do you think?
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