.. what do you guys want?

I'll create a Giveaway of the game, or the few games, that get requested the most in the next two hours.
The Giveaway will be private, run for one hour and the link is going to be in this post as soon as the Giveaway/s is/are created.

I won't spend more than those 13,69€ and to enter the Giveaway you will need at least 30.01$ contribution value.

Edit: Why did i do this to myself, the counting is such a pain, especially when people say "Either this or that"..
I'm not sure if some of the +1 were meant for FTL or Trackmania 2 Stadium, but it seems like Trackmania 2 Stadium won Don't Starve and FTL are close seconds then comes Mark of the Ninja and the rest.
Fortix got a ton of votes too, so i will go ahead and buy 1xTrackmania 2 Stadium and 3x Fortix.

1x TrackMania Stadium
3x Fortix

11 years ago*

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Omgf, for how long this have been open? I haven't been on PC for some time and wanted TM Stadium ;_;

Im sad now.

11 years ago

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Closed 11 years ago by SentoX.