Hey MonoceroS,
Thank you for your interest in our group.
Unfortunately minimal requirements stipulate you must be at least lvl 3 on SteamGifts to join the group.
Feel free to re-apply once you've made some more giveaways and improved your level.
Feel free to check the full list of requirements in the post at the top of this page.
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You may want to read the general rules and new members first giveaway section in the OP before asking to join.
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Hey Gutiresma,
Tropico 5 only got 3 entries last time it was given away in our group, therefore it's not a good choice for a first giveaway.
Tropico 5 also doesn't quite match the first giveaway quality requirements:
• New members first giveaway must have at least 10P value, and one of the following:
10,000+ reviews on Steam and 70%+ Steam rating
1,000+ reviews on Steam and 80%+ Steam rating
100+ reviews on Steam and 90%+ Steam rating
We could bend the rules a bit quality-wise...
But entries-wise it just won't do.
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Please see my previous reply:
Hey Gutiresma,
Tropico 5 only got 3 entries last time it was given away in our group, therefore it's not a good choice for a first giveaway.
Tropico 5 also doesn't quite match the first giveaway quality requirements:
• New members first giveaway must have at least 10P value, and one of the following:
10,000+ reviews on Steam and 70%+ Steam rating
1,000+ reviews on Steam and 80%+ Steam rating
100+ reviews on Steam and 90%+ Steam ratingWe could bend the rules a bit quality-wise...
But entries-wise it just won't do.
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Neon Abyss
p.s. What happen if the game not reach 16 entries? the winner will rendeem it but who make the giveaway get banned from group or can ask delete giveaway or what?
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We try to choose games that are likely get enough entries.
If we see the game has a high chance of not reaching enough entries - the candidate can delete his GA and replace it with a different game.
Neon Abyss looks good enough.
Friend request sent.
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Done for November
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From OP:
How to check how many entries a game received when it was given away in QGG:
- Go to http://www.sgmt.name:8080/SGMT/CheckGameGiveawaysUI
- Under “Group” choose from a dropdown: “Quality Games Giveaways”
- Under “Name of the Game” write the full or partial name of a game
- Optional: You can add “Start Date” if you only want to see GAs from last 3 months for example.
- Click on “Get Giveaways Data” at the bottom
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Nova Drift sounds good - I sent you a friend request on Steam.
Regarding the 3 groups, I think you mean these:
QGG Main Group
QGG Special Game Group - Casual - Starts in December
QGG Special Game Group - HardCore - Starts in December
The first one in the Quality Games Giveaways group.
The second one is one of the groups we use for special games we have twice a year. The "Casual" game gives you less points, but giveaway rules are much less strict than the HardCore game. This year for the first time, it will be a shared game with the QGG companion group.
The third one is the group we use for the "HardCore" special games. The giveaway rules are much stricter, but you get more points by participating.
In the end of the special games, the points are tallied, and prizes are given to people with most points, a person with the most popular giveaway, etc.
But I think participation is the most fun part (even more than the prizes).
Every year we do a poll after the special game is finished, and every year the responses are very positive.
For example these are the poll results from last year's (2020) special winter game.
The answers on "How likely it is that you will participate in the next game (in June)?" were:
Very unlikely - 0%
Unlikely - 0%
Unsure - 11%
Likely - 11%
Very likely - 78%
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Hi Mdk25.
I've read the rules and agree with everything.
My first GA would be We Happy Few. Is it ok? The tool shows last entries 20, but it's about 6 months ago.
Do I have to create GAs until they get 16+ entries?
Thank you.
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Our group name is also a statement of purpose. We strive to create an environment where all our members can have access to Quality Game Giveaways and a proper chance to win them.
It is a simple aim, or at least, it should be. Since the conception of the group, roughly 6 years have passed and time has shown us that while a goal might appear simple and direct, it will still require a proper structure for it to work. This means that our group rules came into shape after countless revisions and discussions, and while there is always room for flexibility and change, the most important thing is that they are there for good reason: to make things as fair as possible for everyone and ensure that only those who want the same things stay in the same group.
So if you....
...like to give back and enjoy quality games giveaways, this is the group for you.
...like for your games to be played and play the games you win, this can be the group for you.
Here are some giveaways that got 12+ entries in our group in the last month (you can see the top 10 from previous months here)
Between Horizons – A Sci-Fi Detective Adventure
Little Kitty, Big City
Thank Goodness You're Here!
A Space for the Unbound
New Star GP
Wolfenstein: Youngblood Deluxe
Crysis Remastered
Blasphemous 2
Cat Quest II (2 copies)
Caladrius Blaze
Crysis 2 Remastered
Neon Abyss - Alter Ego
Conan Exiles
Pizza Possum
ELEX II (2 copies)
Crypt of the NecroDancer
The Long Reach
Among Us
Flynn: Son of Crimson
Fabledom (5 copies)
Jagged Alliance 3 (3 copies)
QGG Main Group
QGG Special Game Group - HardCore - Game ended. Next Special Summer game in December
QGG Special Game Group - Casual - Game ended. Next Special Summer game in December
QGG Special Game Group - Casual- DeprecatedQGG High Tier Group- DeprecatedHow to join:
Group recruitment window is from the 1st to the 20th of each month.
• At least Level 3 on SteamGifts
• Have given away "QGG Monthly"-quality games in the past
• If you're new to SteamGifts, you need to be a member for at least 3 months, and be a member of at least one other closed group (a group where you need approval to join).
• For users below level 5: User must have a positive Real CV ratio (Check ratio here) OR Positive SteamGifts won/sent ratio
• Clean slate at SteamRep (https://steamrep.com)
• Steam profile has to be public
• Multiple or unredeemed wins within the last year - are forbidden.
Please read these rules carefully, and only apply if you're sure you can follow them.
• New members need to create a giveaway in 48h upon receiving an invite to the group
• New members first giveaway must be a QGG group-exclusive giveaway
• New members first giveaway must last at least 7 days
• New members CANNOT enter any group giveaways until their first giveaway is finished. (Finished = marked as received by the winner)
• New members first giveaway must have at least 12 entries when it's finished. To check how many entries individual games received in QGG giveaways - see insturctions at the bottom.
• New members first giveaway counts as the monthly giveaway of the month he joined
• New members first giveaway cannot be region locked
• New members first giveaway must have at least 10P value, and one of the following:
(I recommend using the tool provided below, to checking how many entries it got last time this game was given away in the group, to prevent the situation where your first giveaway doesn't get enough entries, and you're forced to create a new one to replace it and wait another week)
For full list of rules, see our group rules page
Rules still unclear? Check here
How to check how many entries a game received when it was given away in QGG:
A word of advice: This is not one of those groups where nobody really checks what you do, so you can do whatever and nobody will care. This group is more similar to "Actually Playing Games" or "Playing Appreciated" where there are strict rules, and everyone needs to follow them to the T. If you're more a free spirit, who just wants to give some games and win some games, and not to think about it too much - this is not the group for you!
A word of advice #2: If you're thinking of joining the group, and entering as many giveaways as possible until you're kicked from the group - please don't!
Many have tried. All have failed. Our group management tool allows me to see exactly which GAs each member joins, and as soon as I detect new members trying this, this person is kicked from the group and blacklisted by all members.
Management of this group is done using the SGMT tool. All checks and verifications (new user, monthly, GA quality, etc.) are fully automatic.
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