Is it that time of the month again?
Dark Souls III! Rented/Finished it on console when it first came out, and I can't wait to jump back in again with the DLC.
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Youtube won't help me on this one. Can you tell me how to pause, please?
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On the Humble website click on your e-mail adress in the upper right corner and go to settings.
In the first section "Humble Monthly" click on "Cancel my plan" and it will ask you if you wanna pause your subscription instead.
On that page click the green "Pause-a-month" button ;)
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Dope. Is this gonna prevent me from the getting the indie games later?
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I'm not entirely sure what you mean.
Are you talking about the Humbe Trove (I think you lose access to that while your subscription is paused) or wondering if you can change your mind about pausing a month after the games have been revealed (No, only before they are revealed) ?
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Ummm ok listen. I subbed a few days ago and this is my first time subscribing. I was excited to get my games, i saw both dark souls and the DLC but none of the other small games sadly.
Someone told me that OwlBoy and those others are for the last month subs and ill get the next month ones. So basically if i pause now will i still get the games that are coming next month or not?
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If you already paid for this month and there is a Dark Souls III key in your Humble Account, then you WILL receive the rest of the games in ~ 18 days.
The thing is (beside the early reveals) Humble Monthlies are blind Bundles so it's only possible to buy them (or pause your subscription) BEFORE the games are revealed. But once you've paid for a month it doesn't matter if you pause / unsubscribe before the full Bundle is revealed. You will receive the full Bundle you paid for.
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Basically pause now and in 18 days the rest will come. Thnx captain.
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It doesn't include 2 does it? Just 3 and some DLC.
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Sorry, I'm a bit blind (and super stressed atm)
I fixed the chart immediately.
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Really need to think about that, Dark Souls isn't my kind of game, but damn it's good deal.
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Nice unlock. I already have it, but I can do business with a friend with both unlocks.
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SMALL PSA: Dark Souls 3 DLCs have never gone on sale. So just keep that in mind, that you might not get the second DLC cheaper.
Sneaky of them to do just one of the DLCs. :P But still cheaper than buying the season pass I guess.
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This is exactly what I was thinking when I saw it... I would rather wait until the SP goes on decent sale to get them both, as individually the DLCs cost far too much
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Embeds without audio are a sad concept, yes. On Twitter they always have ones with the volume set super low, and then you sometimes don't know if it actually has audio until you set the speakers to megaton bomb level.
TBH I mostly watch cute animal vids for the audio. Especially bunny munching ones. :X
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(sound!!11 if you set the volume to 999%)
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That must've taken some effort to find.
and ofc they're guinea pigs and not rabbits, but that's okay. :p
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Funny things , from my email, DS 3 isn't available to unlock in your region. As for that, they changed to civ beyond earth for unlocked first.
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Wow, this is shitty! They should have a warning before you pay. Really, wtf?
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Is DS3 displayed on your Monthly Page tho? (This page, I mean: Just wondering because I live in SEA region and DS3 is being displayed here but I'm afraid that it would change to Civ: BE once I resubscribe/pay early.
EDIT: Nevermind. It shows the region lock notice on top of the page. Sigh.
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That is a weird list of countries... 8/11 countries from SEA (without Vietnam, Laos and Myanmar), then East Asia (Mongolia, Macau, Taiwan, Hong Kong, China, Japan, South Korea, except North Korea but is anyone even using Steam there???), then a lone country from Oceania (Papua New Guinea)
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because BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment likes to fuck things up
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From my Licenses and product key activations:
23 Jan, 2018 DARK SOULS III Retail
15 Jan, 2018 Dark Souls Prepare To Die Edition Gift/Guest Pass
13 Jan, 2018 DARK SOULS™ II - Season Pass Retail
13 Jan, 2018 Dark Souls II Retail
12 May, 2017 DARK SOULS™ II: Scholar of the First Sin Retail
But I will still buy this MUHAHA !
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Nop I bought it as a key from a site for 10 EUR !
I will trade DS3 or split the bundle 1
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i'm looking for Dark Souls Prepare To Die Edition, but i don't see any discount...
where you buy it?
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AS you can see : 15 Jan, 2018 Dark Souls Prepare To Die Edition Gift/Guest Pass
It was a gift, the friend bought it full price ... you will not get it discounted and now with the remaster I don't think you will find any offer ... sad !
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thank you for the reply! :)
i'll wait for the new version at this point... i'm thinking of new monthly but i never played a dark souls and i don't think is a good idea to start from the 3rd chapter....
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Be warned the new version will probably be 40$ !
You should buy this one , is the best deal you can get !
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I'm no expert but as far as I know the Souls games don't have much of a story in the conventional sense. Just lore that is conveyed mostly through environmental storytelling.
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I would sub for the Civ collection, but not that frustrating console trash game,
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Serious question, is this game worth a buy? I have DS1 and DS2 and never completed them, the game is just so frustrating that i always give up and uninstall it. Does anyone that already have the game (or the other ones) and played it can confirm is this worth?
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But it's nice price and maybe one day if im so freaking bored (and with enough internet speed to download this and play it the same day) that i may complete it. :(
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I cannot decide for you. All I can say is that from the points of view you approached the question from, there is no difference between any of the games, so you will get the same thing in DS3 as in DS2 (and DS1, assuming you apply the mandatory PC fixes).
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I think i will get it just to complete the collection. And maybe complete it this samne month before i forget i have it. XD
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I played and beat it when it first came out on console. It was my first Souls game, and I absolutely loved it. Sure, It's frustrating from time to time, but 95% of the time the deaths are fair and from your own mistakes.
It's one of my top 10 favorite games.
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This key is only available in the countries listed below. If the person you're gifting this to doesn't live in one of them, Steam might prevent the key from being redeemed.
How would you like to send this to a friend?
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They said it is RoW but in fact when generating the gift link for DS3, it does give a region locked warning notification stating it is unable to activate at these regions:
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it's very strange region-lock 'cause there's no package for it on SteamDB
see, you mentioned 11 countries, the closest to it is package 75579 ( but it has 15 countries.
direct comparison:
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I'm from ID ( SEA ),but i'm able to activated the keys and steamDB says i own this package ( )
So humble is so weird with this region lock.
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i'd also prefer civ (it's on my wishlist), but suspect i'll get dark souls. oh well, i'd try dark souls eventually too, and i haven't tried out civ vi from february's early unlock yet either...
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☞ Purchase the MARCH 2018 Monthly Bundle! ☜
A curated bundle of games sent to your inbox every month. When you subscribe, you'll immediately receive DARK SOULS™ III + Ashes of Ariandel™ DLC with more to come and enjoy 10% off in the Humble Store!
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Subscribe before the FIRST FRIDAY OF MARCH (2nd MARCH) for $12* to receive the MARCH bundle
Note: Some people may have 10% off coupons for NEW subscribers for the monthly bundle. These coupons will apply to your purchase, and you will pay $10.80 instead of $12.
If you are a recurring subscriber, you will be AUTOCHARGED ON FEBRUARY 23th, 2018
NEW!!! Share your Humble Store discount with a friend!: When you share your discount, you and your friend will receive 10% off Humble Store purchases.
Limited time offer (promotion ends 9:59 AM PDT, 2nd MARCH): $20 USD wallet credit granted after annual plan purchase. (source)
Also, it's too late to buy the February Monthly Bundle. You will therefore NOT receive that bundle by purchasing this one!
Notice: ⚠️ Region lock ⚠️
If DARK SOULS™ III is not available in your region you will get Civilization: Beyond Earth – The Collection instead (the exact sub is: Civilization: Beyond Earth – The Collection (ASIA) which can be activated and run only in TW,HK,CN,SG,MY,PH,VN,TH,ID,LK,KH,LA,BN,MO,KR).
List of countries where DS III is not available (according to Humble Bundle)
The ROW key of DARK SOULS™ III from this bundle activates in all countries but Japan. RU/CIS customers will also receive a ROW key.
Splasher is region locked for:
There is a warning that Splasher can't be activated in New Zealand, but there is no such region lock on SteamDB, therefore the key is probably redeemable.
Pay early and get: DARK SOULS™ III + Ashes of Ariandel™ DLC
Additional Early Unlock: Overgrowth
Note: Overgrowth activates as this sub (It doesn't include Receiver or Overgrowth - Forum Key, which is included when you buy it from Steam)
If DARK SOULS™ III is not available in your region you will get Civilization: Beyond Earth – The Collection instead:
Humble original: Drawkanoid (keys unlikely if Valve keep refusing to give out HB-sufficient quantities)
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Are you interested in knowing other ongoing bundles? Feel free to check out the new master thread!
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