[Userscript] SteamGifts Multiple Giveaways Creator


See the 2nd attached image to see the script in action.


This script allows you to create many giveaways in one go. The script was created by Pablo Bianciotto but since he seems to have disappeared I've updated it to keep it in working order and added a few enhancements.

What it does

It adds a section 0 to the Giveaways - New page with a textarea where you can paste a list of serial keys and game names (one set per line), see the 1st attached image. This way you will only have to enter the information in sections 4 through 8 once and that information will be used for all giveaways created.

Once you click Load games it will go through all game + key sets supplied, enter them in sections 1 and 2 (you will see it happening) and then open new tabs with the information you supplied. You can then go through these tabs and review the giveaways before confirming them as usual.


The script can be installed from here.

Step by step tutorials

See these threads for more information:

Technical stuff

It seems that in Firefox, new tabs created by a script will always be blocked after the first 20, even if you have whitelisted the site or disabled the blocker. See this article for the details: Pop-up blocker blocks pop-ups even after disabling it


Version 0.22
Fixed code change erroneously introduced in 0.21.

Version 0.21
Now also deals with "&" in game titles.

Version 0.2
Added a replace function to make the game names regex safe so games with a "(", "+", etc. in their title will be matched correctly.

It replaces all tabs with spaces so you can directly paste from Excel. Also removes all trailing newlines as that used to stop it from working.

Changed name to SteamGifts Multiple Giveaways Creator and added some caps here and there.

View attached image.
View attached image.
7 years ago*

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Nice! Thank you for making this. It looks easy to use.

7 years ago

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It was actually Pablo Bianciotto who created it in the first place but thanks. :)

7 years ago

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Worked fine for me :)

7 years ago

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Glad to hear it!

7 years ago

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I found you :P

6 years ago

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Looking at the giveaways you are currently having, which I assume created by this script, it doesn't seem to send request to server as fast as ESGST. It's not an issue for most use cases, though.

7 years ago

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I'm not sure I understand what you mean.

7 years ago

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I'm referring to the giveaway creation timestamp. Don't worry about it, since the use case for same timestamp is mostly puzzle or obfuscation purpose.

7 years ago

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This script doesn't create the GAs but open the confirmation page for each. You have to click once more to create them. I kind of me that because with ESGST I can't confirm everythings working till the GAs are already created. If you making a huge amout of GAs at the same time the ESGST version is definitely better.

7 years ago

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I see what you mean now.

What Moony says above is correct; the giveaways need to be confirmed manually (which I prefer); hence the creation timestamps have some time between them.

7 years ago*

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those keys aren't valid 😢

7 years ago

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Gasp! Really? :D

7 years ago

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I didn't try them, I just guessed

7 years ago

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It seems that in Firefox, new tabs created by a script will always be blocked after the first 20, even if you have whitelisted the site or disabled the blocker.

Yeah, you just need to go into about:config and change the setting dom.popup_maximum to a higher number.

7 years ago

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Yeah, that's what the article says and that's what I did. But I can imagine the average user not wanting to tinker with that.

7 years ago

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Version 0.2
Added a replace function to make the game names regex safe so games with a "(", "+", etc. in their title will be matched correctly.

It replaces all tabs with spaces so you can directly paste from Excel. Also removes all trailing newlines as that used to stop it from working.

Changed name to SteamGifts Multiple Giveaways Creator and added some caps here and there.

7 years ago

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I have a question.
If I post my steam key ,and then Press the "Load Games" (Green Button). Will the Userscript steal my steam key?

7 years ago

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It won't steal a thing. :)

It's a valid question though; when I first came across the script I wasn't just gonna use it without making sure. Fortunately my javascript skills were about good enough to read the source code and other people on here vouched for the script.

When it comes to user scripts it does pay to be safe. Hopefully the positive comments above will help convince you this script is safe.

7 years ago

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Thank you very much.

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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Thank you and Pablo Bianciotto. You save my time :]

7 years ago

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Glad to help. :)

7 years ago

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Bump, worked fine so far for me! Thx, real time saver :)

6 years ago

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Thank you for this tool!
Did the job in a flash :)

Note for new users: Just make sure to set the initial starting date to at least a few minutes or an hour after the current time.

Edit: I don't know how to do it with ESGST if that's possible.

6 years ago

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Glad to help. :)

6 years ago

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Thank you very much for the script, but I have to report that the last version is not working properly
You changed




it should have remained unchanged, it seems

5 years ago

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Thanks for the warning!

I thought I returned everything to the old values but obviously not. I'm fixing it now.

5 years ago

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Hmmm, interesting. I will try this!

5 years ago

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Closed 2 years ago by Corran.