
It has been a long time since I've done this sort of things, but here it goes: Name a game you've played that had negative reviews with an amazing story.

I am pretty sure there's some good out there that got either review-bombed or suffered from poor gameplay, bad UI, bad graphics, or other issues like monetization, yet they have incredible stories you enjoyed and think others should play.

I personally am someone who loves story-driven games, so I can overlook a game with poor gameplay if the story holds me well enough.

Have a great rest of the week!

3 months ago

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Would you be willing to play a game just for the story?

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✅ Yes
🤔 Depends (Comment below why)
❌ No

starfield lol
should have not pre-ordered

3 months ago

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Maybe it's not worth the initial price, but on a discount, I think it is.

3 months ago

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What you're asking is pretty tough to pinpoint. Games with exceptional stories usually do well enough with reviews despite their technical flaws. It's more common that a game gets review bombed for all the wrong reasons. Last of Us part 2 comes to mind. I enjoyed it much more than 1 because it was much more creative, innovative with it's story and generally a fresh experience. People couldn't connect enough with it's story since it was more risky and didn't aim for the mainstream audience or they refused to approach it with a more open mind so it's message couldn't land properly.

3 months ago

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It's tough, but it's helping me and others discover games for their story that they would not look into to play. I trust the community here that has played good and bad games due to Steamgifts and other means and some have had some good stories to look out for despite the negative or mixed reviews the game had.

Most people I know would choose a game more for the gameplay and less for the story. So, even if the story is decent or even good, but the gameplay is unbearable, they would rather play something else. But, it's hard to know if such games exists unless we talk about it.

3 months ago

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