I got 2 keys for 2.77$ and im trading them for either Fallout 3 GOTY or Morrowind... so which should i get?

[EDIT] I would reasons aswell

[EDIT] I had to get Morrowind becuase he sold Fallout already

1 decade ago*

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1 decade ago

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I would go for Fallout 3 GOTY.

1 decade ago

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Fallout 3 for sure.

1 decade ago

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I haven't played F03, but having played Morrowind I say go F03. Not that morrowind isn't a great game, but the combat is really old school can annoying as shit.

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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He is partially correct.

It takes some patience.

1 decade ago

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Not sure really, both were equally entertaining.

1 decade ago

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well, i prefer morrowind myself,

why? No quest markers, i just enjoy the whole enjoyment of searching through the world to actually find where your supposed to go instead of the whole see that thing at the top of your screen (cant actually remember if it was at the top, been so long since i played fo3) follow that to win.

that and have you seen the morrowind overhall mod,


1 decade ago

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that link doesnt work

1 decade ago

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the overhaul looks truly epic!

1 decade ago

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balls up with the link there


1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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Fallout 3 because while Morrowind is fantastic in its own right, it takes a lot to get used to it. Since its the GOTY edition, a certain DLC included removes the problem of not being able to play after the original story is finished. Mainly, I think it comes down to whether or not you want to hassle with mods to revitalize a classic piece of fantasy, or if you want to play a more modern dystopian RPG/Shooter that is great in its own right.

1 decade ago

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That depends what kind of game you like. Both are awesome games and too different from each other. Both games will give you A LOT of hours of fun and the price I believe is the same.

FO3 is newer, so graphics are better. BUT, if you have Oblivion or Skyrim, you can overhaul Morrowind graphics.

I own the boxed limited edition of FO3 AND the digital GOTY. And also Morrowind and Oblivion.

That beign said, I would go with FO3, just because how I love the Fallout universe.

1 decade ago

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Fallout 3 GOTY cause morrowind is lame sauce :D

really i just like fallout over elder scrolls any day

1 decade ago

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f3 goty

1 decade ago

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Fallout 3 GOTY for sure!!!!

Fallout > Elder Scrolls

1 decade ago

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u dont deserve to live >:|

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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i have to take morrowind now cos he doesnt have fallout 3 anymore

1 decade ago

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i got it

1 decade ago

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Still a great game

1 decade ago

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Absolutely! I would have said go with Fallout but since that's no longer an option Morrowind is one of the last great old school RPG's before they started dumbing them down to appeal to a wider audience (Not that I dislike the new ones but constantly being shown where to go seems like a step in the wrong direction to me). It's true the combat is pretty simplistic and the graphics are now quite dated but hey it's over 10 years old. If you can use your imagination to make up for some of the technological gaps and immerse yourself in the world that you've been placed into, I think there is still something to love about Morrowind.

1 decade ago

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Morrowind is a great game anyway. I've spend hours and hours in that game and never got tired of it.

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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Morrowind, cos no Games for Windows Live and it's a far superior game.

1 decade ago

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Fallout 3 :)

1 decade ago

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Morrowind! I already have it, but you should spread its gospel: it's among my most favorite games of all time, and whomever plays it can now customize it to their heart's content!

1 decade ago

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someones watching me, I can tell.

1 decade ago

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If you give it a chance, Morrowind is an amazing experience. Make sure to download a graphics overhaul for it though

1 decade ago

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Definitely get the Better Bodies mod, it'll fix the blocky people running around. It even has three different nudity options, depending on your maturity in that regard. For instance, you can do the SFW 'everyone has underwear' version, or the Full Monty. Or just go with the 'insecure teenage male' version, in which all the men have underwear welded on, and the women get to be fully nude.

I remember, right after installing this with the Full option, I ran into the quest that starts with the guy standing by the road naked... right when my wife walked into the room.

---"Honey, there's a naked guy standing there."
---"I know. No idea why, though."

1 decade ago

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awkward moment... rofl

1 decade ago

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hohohho... awkward

1 decade ago

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Time to play Morrowind... and wait by naked guy on road until gf walks in on me

1 decade ago

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tell us everything thing that happens ... everything

1 decade ago

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Bethesda's TES are shiiiit. Also, they make ppl think that there are 2 types of ppl: those who love skyrim and trolls.

1 decade ago

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You must fall into the latter if you think the glorious master race of Morrowind is even comparable to that consolite bullshit called Skyrim.

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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i wish :(

1 decade ago

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Fallout 3 GOTY

1 decade ago

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FO3 fo sho

1 decade ago

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Hmmm?? Fallout 4 or Metro Last Light

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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If you're tempted by Fallout 3 then just go one better and get Fallout New Vegas.

1 decade ago

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Fallout 3, just make sure you patch it to run correctly on windows 7/8

1 decade ago

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Fallout 3

1 decade ago

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Closed 1 decade ago by MagmaClaw.