Bought this months ago, just noticed I forgot to give it away. Oops. Anyway, that's sorted.
Hey, here's a question: What game were you expecting in here?
Maybe some sort of visual novel? Boobie garbage? There's some new Nekopara thing after all... And the only reading you can do in Dark Souls is item descriptions, and most people don't even bother with that.
Good luck! :)
Don't forget to bump that topic, or keep quiet so nobody else enters. Your choice.
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109 Comments - Last post 38 minutes ago by OneNonLy
So I google translated the greek (which I assume is from Iliad) and google thinks Βοηθοίδη translates as "Beethoven".
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It's funny, I did the same thing when I was making the puzzle, and saw the same interesting translation. :)
Apparently it's the son of Boethoüs? No clue. Graecum est; non legitur. :)
Good luck! :)
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wait it was iliad? i thought it was odyssey
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Actually, I expected nothing. Just knew you always do giveaways of something good, and your puzzles are fan to solve. More than enough to give it a try.
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Well, I hope it's good anyway. :) Bundle leftovers I can put in key dumps, don't need to waste time creating giveaways for junk nobody will ever install... :)
Good luck! :)
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I solved it before I started to expect something :D
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Ahh, yeah, this wasn't exactly the Rosetta Stone. :)
Good luck! :)
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💙 😃
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Hope it's fun if you win... :) Good luck! :)
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Thanks! :)
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I don't know about what game, but I certainly didn't expect to get here in first try, after skimming topic for 10 seconds :)
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Sorry, it's a dumb puzzle... :) Seems I'm too lazy to make "real puzzles" lately... :) Oh well...
Good luck! :)
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I know the feeling; I m too lazy to waste few more minutes to get to the last giveaway.. eh... maybe tomorrow, still have week left :)
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Of course I totally over-thought this, which I guess means I'm over-thinking the other puzzle too... 😅 for your question, don't you only use the booby garbage as public giveaways to hide the good games? 🤔
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Yeah, sometimes I make a "real puzzle" like this or this but usually I'm phoning it in. You can see which type this is... :)
Hmm, I guess I could hide some boobie garbage in the good giveaways, but that would just take the fun out of it... :)
Good luck! :)
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I was secretly hoping for some VNs :p But I am happy enough with what you're offering here, I just finished Dark Souls 3 and as I really loved it I bought the classic one and the DS 2 altogether. I might also try my chance for the remastered. Thanks :)
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Aha, good idea buying the original one, it's going to be tricky finding keys for it later...
Hope this one's fun! :) Good luck! :)
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I wasn't really expecting anything. Maybe The Call of Cthulhu (without really expecting it) because i'm still stuck on the level 2 of your other ongoing puzzle ;)
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When I noticed the Lovecraftian tag in the Steam store I thought it might be fun to add some of them, but... I already have the Dark Souls keys, screw it... :) Maybe when Bloodborne comes to pc... :)
Good luck somewhere or other! :)
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Well, I wasn't expecting to have gotten the ITH answer on the first try! :D
And are you kidding? There's tons of reading for Dark Souls!
...maybe not in Dark Souls, but man are there plenty of people talking about it and it sure helps sometimes to read what they've got to say for how to take down some of the bosses!
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This puzzle's about as simple as I can make, and yet 100 people so far haven't noticed... Hopefully they aren't trying every single line of the Odyssey... :)
Ahh, good point. I didn't think of that. There's a lot of reading about Dark Souls... :)
Good luck! :)
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No idea how I stumbled upon these giveaways since I can't read.
I'm lost, can you please show me the exit? Thanks.
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Well, there is a Level 0 pity giveaway linked in the description, that seems to be the exit for people who can't read... :) I have to guess people are following giveaway links with a script or something, so many quiet entries... :) Oh well... :)
Good luck if you don't already own it! :)
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Nothing I'm really interested and don't feel like entering DS3 just for the season pass but thanks anyway for the puzzle and the giveaways! ^_^
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No problem, and hopefully you'll find something better next time! :)
Although... Did you try any of those leftover bundle keys? There could be some treasure buried in there... Spoiler: nope. :)
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Oh, I just tried one to see if you really sorted all those keys to have them saying the password. ^_^'
Unless you've buried a Monster Hunter World key in there I doubt I'll find anything for me. ;D
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Hmm, not in this puzzle, anyway... :) Sorry! :)
Speaking of puzzles, did you happen to notice this one? It's probably going to look pretty similar to this one... :)
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Honestly, I have yet to give it a look. Hope I won't forget before I find the time to!
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Me too, for no reason at all... :)
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ok, this it was really simple :)
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It was, indeed! And yet... Check the stats on the itstoohard page...
It's either completely trivial, or completely impossible. Depends on whether you notice what's hiding in those keys, I guess... :) Maybe the Greek bit threw people off? Sigh...
Good luck, assuming you don't already own it! :)
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maybe it's all the fault of the greek :)
Thanks for the GL, but i have all dark souls games and i am not interested in The Miskatonic.
I simply went here to leave a message and say thanks for your generosity ;)
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Oh, bummer... Sorry there's nothing interesting in this pile, but maybe next time... :)
Good luck somewhere or other! :)
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Those post scriptums got me off track, I really thought it will be different this time 😂
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Sorry for making the same puzzle, even easier... :) And yet the notes are completely true, so I guess people were expecting some trickery? Oh well... :)
Good luck! :)
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Woah no way :D
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Don't worry, I'm probably lying about it. Just another Bad Rats... :)
Good luck! :)
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Hmm, should I try to win Bad Rats too? Feels like I'm missing out on a rite of passage at this point :P
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I'm not sure if anyone's still doing the Bad Rats stuff, think the Fortix events kinda died out too... Oh well...
But feel free to enter the giveaway, I think so far it's mostly people who find giveaways with a browser addon or something since they aren't saying anything...
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thanks :)
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No problem, good luck! :)
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Hey ! fiftykyu ;)
I was expecting a nice game and it is just that ;)
Again went way overboard with translation before finally looking at the keys. well !
thanks ^_^
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Hopefully you didn't have to read the whole thing to notice... :)
For future reference, if you ever see me post some random leftover bundle keys, there's a good chance something is hiding in there.
I mean, maybe if you only buy a bundle here and there you'd only have a few leftovers, but I buy a lot of crappy bundles, so I have a lot of leftover keys... :)
So just figure out why I chose these keys instead of the other ones... :) It's never random... :)
Good luck! :)
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I just started playing original Dark Souls on PC, 4 hours in and so far I LOVE IT and want more of it! :D I would love to give it a try @60fps and without installing bilion of patches later on...(Yeah I know DSFix offers 60fps option but apperantly it can get you banned in MP and other unwanted non-sense)
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The original DARK SOULS: Prepare To Die Edition has ZERO anti-cheat protection built in, so it's impossible to get banned. That's good (i.e. run any mods you like, nothing bad can happen to you) and bad (cheaters can do anything they like, nothing bad can happen to them).
People suggest using dsfix to fix the graphics, the Dark Souls Connectivity Mod to fix the online stuff, and the PVP Watchdog mod to protect yourself from cheaters. There are graphics mods too, but that's optional - these three are more or less mandatory if you're trying to enjoy the original Dark Souls on PC.
Some things don't work properly at 60 fps (sliding down some ladders, some jumps are more difficult/impossible, easier to get stuck at a bonfire), but you can switch back to 30 fps with the backspace key when necessary.
Good luck...
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Well I tried to unlock the framerate but the game just freezes at launch when I see notice about auto-saves :( I'll try with some different settings I guess.. And I didn't knew about the connectivity mod and watchdog, guess I'll install those too :) I'm stuck at the Bell Gargolyes but everytime I tried to meet up with a friend some tough guy had to invade my world :S Eventually I ran out of humanity and I'm on my own now lol.
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Hmm, I know you have to disable anti-aliasing in the game's options to avoid a crash, not sure if it's the same crash you are getting though...
If you need more humanity, you can put down your own summon sign (i.e. use the white soapstone) and help someone else defeat the boss in their world. If you manage it, you get the souls and +1 humanity. It may also help to learn the boss fight better for your own world.
Also it's possible to farm humanity by various methods, but it's kinda boring. You can get up to 10 free humanity by just fighting enemies any place in your world where the boss is still alive, so if your Bell Gargoyles are still alive just run around killing stuff in the Undead Parish. You also have the chance of titanite shard drops to upgrade your weapon. Also, later you'll reach some places with certain enemies that can drop humanity balls.
Humanity also boosts your item find stat, so if you're farming stuff it helps to have more than 0...
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Setting unlocked framerate to 59 instead of 60 fixed the issue for me. I managed to beat to gargoloyes on the second day on first try :D I guess extra frames helped a little but I pretty much got lucky becuase the first garg decided to jump around instead of attacking when the second one joined in lol.
Thanks for the tips but do I need to become human to get increased drop rates or just using it without becoming human is enough?
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Aha, didn't know 59 instead of 60, that's good news...
For better farming, all you need is the bigger humanity number in the corner (up to 10) and being human or not makes no difference. Humanity also boosts curse resistance (very useful in certain places, useless everywhere else) and defence (unlikely you will ever have enough to notice, unless you're duping firekeeper souls to get 99 humanity or something).
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having barely started the original one, I think I'll pass this one and all the others DS giveaways ;)
(also, I'll write it only here, limiting your inbox spam :D)
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I think the inbox spam is pretty much over at this point. :) Seems like people either solve these "puzzle" things instantly, as soon as they see a pile of bundle keys, or never solve it, no matter how long they stare at it. :(
Sorry it's a bunch of Dark Souls, but good luck next time! :)
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to this day i still cannot figure out how you do that thing with keys o_o
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Well, it helps to have a lot of leftover keys from years of crappy bundle purchases. :)
Then, just write some messages pointing to your giveaways, puzzles, whatever. Then search for keys that have characters in the correct position to hold the messages. Obviously the more keys you have, the more stuff you can hide in each key. Apparently I don't quite have enough keys to hide things in three separate positions, unless it's a short message or I get lucky. :(
For fun, you can write some nonsense to distract people from the actual puzzle. Like that Greek stuff in this one. Then scratch your head as people fail to notice what's going on...
Good luck! :)
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was easier, than expected
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I think it's super easy, but it's stumping a fair amount of people... :( Oh well...
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god dammit :D
insta solved after your hint, <3
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Aha, I was wondering if anyone's reading the postscripts... :)
Maybe the hint was too big? I get the feeling most people have already given up by now, though... :)
Good luck! :)
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After I was forced to write "I hate reading so give me games instead"...? Ofc I waited for something like Reading Simulator))
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Did I mention the time I gave away this to tease the people who never read giveaway descriptions, and enter giveaways via script? Couldn't think of any way to make it work in here, sadly. :)
Good luck! :)
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Five minutes ago I was thinking about creating game with telling title like "Don't enter without reading description".
Maybe someday...
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I think a lot of people have made giveaways like that, as bait to catch the bots or the clowns or whatever... :) As far as I can tell, though, nothing good has ever come from it... You might notice some familiar names and end up feeling bad that you noticed...
Kinda like seeing who's played their wins, and who's just accumulating them for the +1 and the trading cards - do you really want to know? Probably not...
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Eh, actually do enjoy reading but only have some three hours a day for it and even that in erratic chunks, when commuting...
I regret nothi- um... I WAS SAYIN'-
I expect only disappointment, roll with the blows and ride the tide so the eventual positive outcomes are ever the sweeter ;]
That said, wowzie, thanks~! Now onto the other one...
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Yeah, I suppose if you expect disappointment you're never disappointed, so to speak. :) Probably not a lot of fun, though... :)
Hope it's fun for the winner, I'm still planning to get around to this one, sooner or later... :)
Good luck! :)
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Hahaha... I'm guilty of thinking it was going to be boobie garbage. XD But this is great too. @.@
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Hmmm, there's the spider boobies and the "amazing chest ahead" - but maybe the remaster added a beach episode down in Ash Lake or something... :)
Good luck! :)
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Lol! Amazing chest ahead. That's awesome. xD Thank you for the puzzles. @.@ They have been super fun.
Currently stuck on part 4 of the other one. On the very last step of it though. Haha.
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Searching for that phrase would probably be a spoiler, if you've somehow managed to avoid all the Dark Souls memes and things... :) But if you win the game you'll reach that part eventually... :)
Good luck in the other puzzle! :)
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just in time, before bed :) thanks again!
dunno what i was expecting. bad rats?
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Maybe a pony made of diamonds? I dunno... :)
Good luck! :)
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