Maybe there's a game a lot of people like, but it does nothing for you. Just can't get into it. Not your thing at all.
Or maybe there's one, you check the store page and roll your eyes. Looks like garbage. How could anyone pay money for this?
But then you notice, some weirdo wrote a positive review. It sounds like they actually enjoyed it. Crazy, right?
Once upon a time I tried to win games here. At the start it was any random thing, after all I wasn't even sure Steamgifts was real. It sounded too good to be true. Free games, for doing nothing? Sure... Eventually they will tell me I won something, and then I'll see what the scam is...
After a while I won a giveaway for a random dlc. It had been free in some Ubisoft store promotion, but I was too slow to figure out the proxying and the fake emailing to get one for myself.
Well, that convinced me. If Steamgifts had been fake, they would have told me I won some expensive game, not this random dlc. :)
So I wasn't sure why people were giving things away, but ehh... Does it matter? It's free, who cares why? Good stuff, bad stuff, what's the difference? As long as someone else is paying for it, why not try to catch 'em all?
I ended up winning dozens of games - some I thought I'd enjoy, but never quite finished. Some I tried to play, but got stuck and gave up. Some I completely forgot about.
Most of the games I didn't think about at all. See a giveaway, enter a giveaway. Gotta spend all the points, or they will go to waste!
Eventually I had to stop, was feeling pretty disappointed in myself. I had won some great games, but also a lot of meh. Maybe they were good, and maybe bad, but I couldn't tell because I hated the entire genre.
Why had I tried to win so many games I didn't even want? Blind greed, I suppose. Some people love these things, these games I had to force myself to play for an hour or two, just to give it a chance. It's a shame I won, when they could have gone to someone who would have enjoyed them...
So I had an idea - what if I bought a copy of those games I won, and gave them all away again? Maybe this time, someone who actually enjoys that genre will win it? Well, probably not, but it's worth a shot...
So, here's a question for you. Did you ever win a game you didn't want? Entered for the +1, the trading cards? Just had to spend all your points?
How did you feel when you won? Woohoo! Oh, crap. At least I didn't pay for it... Something like that? :) Or maybe you felt guilty, or disappointed?
I was sitting home alone one night in L.A.
Watching old Cronkite on the seven o'clock news
It seems there was an earthquake that
Left nothing but a Panama hat
And a pair of old Greek shoes
Didn't seem like much was happening
So I turned it off and went to grab another beer
Seems like every time you turn around
There's another hard-luck story that you're gonna hear
And there's really nothing anyone can say
And I never did plan to go anyway
To Black Diamond Bay the Ziggurat of Disappointment
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I've won some games I didn't like, but none that I didn't want to try. If a game looks like something I'd rather not play at all, it goes on my ever-increasing filter list instead of me entering for it.
Heck of a puzzle, by the way. I almost didn't know what to do, but after the hints popped up, I went back to map the smallest one and noticed the question mark. That and some graph paper later.... here I am.
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Aha, I only use the filter for things I already own, like GOTY Edition, DLC, or lately, all those "games" Steam is still learning about... :)
Somehow it would feel like cheating to hide the ones I don't own... :) And it's a great indicator, when I see 20 giveaways for something, I know I missed a bundle, or a free game somewhere... :)
Good luck! :)
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For the most part there is a reason for every game I enter. Either the artwork draws me in, a word in the title, or it's something I specifically want to play. I do tend make exceptions for puzzles, that take at least little while to solve, because that greedy part of me wants to get something out of the time I spent. Also "junk" trains if I haven't won in a while.
I'm bad about playing games, especially on Steam, and most things I enter I know there's very little chance I'll boot up.
I guess that pretty much means I'm a +1 lecher and am just trying to justify it.
My main exception to my greed is I don't enter "really good" games, in private giveaways, unless I truly intended to play it one day.
That "?" stumped me for quite a while. I spent way too long trying to figure out how to express, what I thought was, a picture of a key.
I was going down the puzzle rabbit hole trying to over interpret things. Looking at Admirals of the English Fleet and poets. Till eventually I gave up and while doing dishes a stupid thought came to me, or at least I thought it was at the time.
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Oh, sorry about the "?" thing - actually I've been bitten by that problem before. :(
In a previous puzzle someone found everything and reached the very end, but because of the font they used they misread the final giveaway code. :( I'm not sure how to solve this, maybe use more pixels, or draw a giant troll face instead?
Good luck, if you try for it... :)
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Funny thing - I hadn't made a map for the first maze (it was so small), and when I got to the ITH question, I just entered "?" to start the timer for the hints. I was very confused when it said "Correct"!
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Now that's lucky! Or maybe I made a dumb puzzle. :) Although, anyone who accidentally solved that question wouldn't have any clue why it was correct, and would be stuck on the rest. :)
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It's 4 in the morning, but I the puzzle drew me in and I couldn't stop once I had begun. o_o;; Though I know putting this all together was quite the undertaking, I really enjoyed the whole thing.
As for me, I ended up on steamgifts largely because I was looking for a place to unload the occasional key from a bundle. I hate for spare keys to go to waste, and so I wander over here when I can't farm them off on any of my friends. The first few days I was fascinated enough to sit around trying to spend all my points, but that wore off fast for me and I really only enter things I'm actually interested in playing now. So, out of the few games I've picked up here, I've played them. They were fair to middling, but I got my fun out of them.
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I had some fun at the start, but one week later I was ready to be done... :)
I think the allure of free stuff draws most people in, at first. Well, judging from the distribution of levels shown at most people never get past that. :)
Woohoo! Free stuff! Thanks, suckers! :)
Hope you had fun with your wins so far... I tried a bit of The Ship but it's not really my thing. :( But I think anyone can enjoy the hidden-object games if they are in the right mood. :) There are several of them in this ziggurat, so if that's your thing there's good chances to pick up another one... :)
Good luck! :)
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Yes, it happened to me. So I stopped to enter games I don't want. Well, I do enter those multy-copies giveaways, because games are crap anyway, and nobody will enjoy it, so why not have it for the cards. But now it's even worse. I win the game I want, and then I don't have time to play it... or my PC is not good enough to start it and I don't have money for upgrade yet... or I start to play and realize I'm so bad at this game it's just masochism to play it further... And then I feel guilt, because someone would actually play it, not just enjoy from having it in library. Oh well. Maybe some day I will retire from work, will have enough money to buy a decent PC and will play all days long. It's a beautiful dream, only thing that spoils it - it's a fear of arthritis.
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I think we are all dreaming of the endless retirement video game party... :) Somehow I think it will never happen... :( Will probably need some new eyeballs too... :(
Good luck if you try for it... :)
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I won a few games I didn't care about when I first came to SG. Like you, I just entered for almost any old jazz at the beginning. Luckily that didn't last long, and for a long time now I've only entered for games I actually want or perhaps never even heard of but having checked out the store page they seemed interesting. There may well be a couple of games I won here that I'll never even install, but hopefully those days are long gone.
Anyway, that was an incredible effort you put in to this event. It took me about 3.5 hours just to do the warehouse bit and ending puzzles, so I've no idea how much time you put in! Thanks for all of it!
Oh, and I found the bloody Bromine in the end. ^^
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I've installed all of the games I won here, and with one or two exceptions they all at least worked - just that there was no reason in my trying to win them... :(
Like that first win, the piece of R.U.S.E. DLC - I just hate RTS games. :( Mindless greed... :(
I even have a R.U.S.E. key to give away, but couldn't figure out how to make this train-generating browser addon add that particular game. Maybe because it was removed from the store? Not sure.
But it's tricky, since my favourite win was a sneaky flash giveaway in the forum for DARK™ SOULS™: Prepare™ To™ Die™ Edition™. I had no idea what the game was, and it was blind luck that I even bothered to install it. Turned out to be an expensive win, so to speak... :)
If I'd bought a copy for myself during one of its many 75% discounts, most likely it would still be sitting in my library, untouched... So you never know how things will go...
My original plan for warehouse area was a maze, but at the last minute I scrapped it. There's no way I'd have found the strength for three mazes, so I guess we all dodged a bullet there... :)
Hope it was worth the trouble! :) Good luck! :)
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Hello, I've finally finished aaahhh ;; Thank you for the puzzle(s)! Confusing at times, but I had some fun with it. :D Whew. I was just clicking and storing stuff in a spreadsheet and my eyes already hurt a bit. Can't imagine how much time and effort organizing that took. Hats off to you for managing to do all that. ^^;;
As for the question, well, I only mostly enter for games I think I'd like to play. I've never entered a giveaway for the +1, but I have entered (and won) a game I thought I'd play, but ended up not playing because I changed my mind after seeing the gameplay. :^( Now I only enter when I'm sure I'll be willing to play it after looking through the store page and. ((Though actually playing them is a different matter altogether ;; I've been trying to play my wins but I've recently been stalled by uni... ;-;))
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I should have taken a bit more effort, and automated this stuff somehow... Too many chances to screw things up manually, and it took forever... :) Oh well... :)
Hope you get the time to play if you win, unless it stinks of course... :) Looks like the kind of game I'd be bad at, so hopefully incompetence + stubbornness is good enough... :)
Good luck! :)
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Where's the fun in that, though? JK, haha! 😂 It still turned out well, so that's okay! :) Well, when this game releases I would be nearing graduation by then, so I hope so! It looks really nice. :D Thank you!
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I keep thinking about this Dennis guy. And all the italic-marked words in descriptions. Is this another ending or I'm just being paranoid? I'll never know..
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Ahh, guess I should say, before anyone wastes time looking for "the rest"... This is the TRUE END, there's nothing else.
I think it would be nearly impossible to check, with ~1000 giveaways running... Too easy to hide something in there, with hints or red herrings or who knows what... Did the title of the games spell anything? Maybe in these maps, if you check the first letter of each game, you see a message spelled out? Or maybe there's a message drawn with walls of the maze?
NO. :) I didn't have enough time to make the puzzle that actually exists - forget about one more layer beneath that... Of course it would have been nice, with all this stuff just begging to be used for one more secret thing, but it didn't happen. This part, plus that bonus pity wormhole, that's it. :)
Actually, I did make a couple duplicate garbage giveaways by accident, so assuming someone carefully checks my profile and counts all the known giveaways they will see two are unaccounted for. But it's just umm, I don't remember. Let's see... All That Remains and Gryphon Knight Epic. I won't even bother to connect them, since nobody's going to play that crap anyway. :)
Sone of the people in the Ziggurat needed names, so I gave them names. Maybe there would have been a story, with an extra month to work on this thing, but I didn't have enough vacation for that. :)
I didn't have any "real" Dennis or Roger in mind, but you could imagine Segarelli was this guy if you like. Just needed a name with nine letters. :) Oh, Vaughn Bodē was a real person, of course. You could guess someone in the warehouse liked the Cheech Wizard, but really any name four letters long would have worked. :)
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Of course I googled both Bode and Segarelli when I first got those images in my spreadsheed)
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Oh, hmm, I should ask - how difficult were these messages to read? Do you think it would be possible for someone to draw the images but not be able to read the letters? I'm not a good judge, since I know what it says. I'll always be able to read it...
I keep wondering if I should use more pixels, make it bigger, a more legible font, that sort of thing... :(
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Well, for me it was quite obvious and didn't had room for misinterpretation. But then again, it was me, I'm quite good at reading fancy fonts. Also, from the first try my script failed to parse some of giveaways properly, so they were not marked as "pixels", and even without that it was quite readable.
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Aha, thank you. :) Hopefully all the mistakes and typos are fixed now. :)
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No, I never won a game that I did not want at least to try. But I do have a couple of wins that turned out to be not so good that I expected.
I was entering only for games I want since I joined this site, I think just because why trying to win something you don't want (even if it's a good game), when you can win something you do want? I'm not a collector and I don't idle, so +1 and cards are not the reasons for me :) And as my wishlist is quite big, I have something to enter mostly always.
Also I really have time to play my wins, for now, according to my own notes, I've completed 40 out of 53 of my wins, so I can't feel a lot of guilt for not playing my wins :)
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I hope you won some fun games! :) But... No idling, what's this world coming to? Don't you want the profitz??? :)
I always forget to put games on my wishlist, and it's mainly a list of games I didn't want enough to buy...
Hope this one's worth playing if you win... :) Good luck! :)
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Those profits are too small to even bother. The fun of playing games you actually want is much more worthy :)
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When I first joined the site I certainly made an effort to spend most of my points but thankfully didn't win anything for a long time, so I had time to come to my senses and only enter things I'd actually play. I'd say I've been legitimately excited about all my wins at the time, though having played them all, there are a couple that I probably would've passed on in retrospect. That said, the average play rate for any game won on this site is pretty abysmal, so I have almost no faith that those wins would've gone to people that a) play it more than me or at all, and/or b) would've liked the game more than me. Odds are they would've just been idled for cards. That's probably true of the games you won as well, though I think it's an interesting idea to try gifting those games.
Anyway, this is an impressive puzzle you've put together. I'd say I feel sorry for the amount of time this must have taken you, but on the other hand, you've effectively tricked a bunch of people into drawing a 24x24 maze, so I think everyone feels some of your hand is sort of sore from drawing that thing and if I never see another maze in my life, I'll die happy. Thanks for the puzzle, the effort and piles upon piles of disappointment. I'm sure these pre-release games will make some people happy, at least.
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I was kinda hoping that after wandering through 1000 giveaways, trying to win hundreds of cheap bundle things, having their expectations build up, wondering what's going to top that, that a few people would reach this part and ask hmm, what am I doing? :) But I suppose that's a bridge too far... :)
Like you say, whoever wins these things will probably continue idling everything... But I can only open my eyes, I can't open theirs... :)
Guess we're all sharing in the maze suffering, except for a few clever people who wrote a script to solve it, I suppose... :) It did take an entire week to get everything hooked up, but it was my own fault for making it... :)
Hopefully some of the "real game" winners will have fun with them. I'm not expecting anyone to bother with bundle leftovers - that stuff costs five cents for a reason... :)
Good luck! :)
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I was part of other "giveaway communities" before joining sg (mostly on reddit, on a much smaller scale than here) so I knew to enter only for games that I at least had some interest in. That being said, I still have some unplayed wins that I'm not entirely sure when I'll get to so it didn't entirely work out lmao. But for the most part, I've had more good surprises (games that I only somewhat wanted to try out and that became favorites) than games I didn't end up enjoying
Thanks for all this disappointing madness by the way <3
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Aha, that was lucky then. This is the first place I found FREE STUFF!!1!!!, and I didn't immediately make the connection of someone getting a free game because a complete stranger bought it for them... Oh well. :)
I won a lot of good games here, but I'd trade them all for the one Dark Souls win, which I only entered on a whim. So I try not to judge harshly people rolling the dice on random whatever... :)
No problem, good you reached the end! :) And good luck! :)
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No, never blindly entered giveaways. Sometimes when I have max points for too long, I checked what might be interesting for me in open giveaways, but almost all time I ended up with nothing.
Thanks for really challenging puzzle.
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Aha, hope you had fun with the games you won so far, sounds like you got some good ones...
I was hoping the "find the missing thing" parts would be simple enough, and if people were lazy there was always brute force... :) But this last part may have required a bit more effort... :) Hope it was fun, at least some of it anyway... :)
Good luck! :)
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Dude that was CRAZY! Thanks!!
When I first joined the site, 5 years ago, I was septical too but after few months and thousand entries I finally won my first game, it was Space Pirates And Zombies. I was so happy because I had only a dozen games, mostly f2p.
Few months later I joined a group with some kind of points system based on numbers of entries, so I started to build up my library with some nice games. I did that for 1 year. Couple month after the Steamgift v2 release I had to stop my internet activities because of personal problems.
I came back almost 1 year and half later. I had few hundred games at this point, and I started to spend all my points everyday (winning almost 1 ga/day) , I also discovered Tremorgames and within a year I got like 1,5k or 1,6k games.
And 1 year later, I have now 2,7k games and I use only the wishlist, recommended and group tab on the site, entering everyday couple ga for games I really want.
Now tbh I entered everything I could in your puzzle, I focused on the puzzle itself more than looking at all those DISAPPOINTING™ games.
This is one of the best puzzle I ever solved, thanks again!
Ps: I'm still planning to play every single game I own at some point, even tho it might be not so realistic.
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The "real games" in here are hopefully going to be worth playing for the winners, but I'm not expecting anyone will find hidden gems in the bundle leftovers parts of this thing... I mean, they weren't Humble Bundle leftovers... :)
I only made giveaways for things I had multiple unused keys for, which means they were in multiple bundles, or super cheap at a bulk key selling place. Or both. Anyone who wanted one of these things could have had it for 5 cents... :)
I hope your plans will work out! :) But you know, The best-laid schemes o' mice an' men gang aft agley... :)
We're getting new games faster than we're playing the old ones... I don't think that's a race that can be won... :)
Although there's a huge pile of unplayed or barely-started great games in my library that I really want to play, I don't even pretend I'll manage it it any more... If I stopped buying games today, and played the ones I already own, I'd be dead before I finished... Oh well. :)
Good luck! :)
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So true.
I saw some HOG that I would be glad to play, I like to take breaks with this kind of games between more "serious" games. I played 30-ish Artifex Mundi games and I don't know how many from other devs.
One man's trash is another man's treasure.
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Oho, if you are missing some, go for it! I think it's good to turn off your brain with that sort of thing from time to time... There are probably a whole bunch in there, but I didn't spend any time curating the bundle stuff so I can't comment on the quality... It's whatever I had surplus keys for, basically. :)
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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.
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Oho, a mystery comment! Good luck, whoever you are! :)
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I don't think I've ever won anything I didn't want at the time. In retrospect there have been some that I've regretted winning. I've been very fortunate to win some really great games from some very generous people. I count you among them, so thank you. :3
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I suppose there's no way to know - you could even win something on your wishlist only to discover it's just not fun... :(
I hope this one's fun, but the winner won't find out until next year... :) Will probably end up buying one for myself either way... :)
Good luck! :)
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That maze was insane... and amazing... Thank you!
Every game I enter I am cognizant of the idea that I'm supposed to play it, so I don't enter for games I am not willing to play. Most of the games I've entered for on this site are already on my wishlist, anyway. Actually getting around to playing them, on the other hand, is another story. Some days I'm probably spending more time trying to win games than I am playing them.
I didn't feel bad about winning lousy games until I started trying to play my SG win backlog. I've learned some things and adjusted my entering accordingly. I've also tried to be a little more picky about what I put on my wishlist, even trimming some mediocre-looking things that have been there for years. Yeah, sooner or later, I'm gonna have to play Brilliant Bob. What was I thinking?
As you might expect, while this ziggurat offered plenty of games I don't own, I barely entered for any.
I joined this site to win games, but wound up giving about as much as I get. Not complaining, just thought it was interesting considering that's not what I originally intended.
Also, you are now on my whitelist. Thanks again!
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The second maze was probably overdoing things a bit, but what can you do... :)
At least I was able to unload a huge pile of surplus bundle keys, some of which are probably good games in spite of being in a bunch of cheap bundles... :) Unfortunately I didn't try to find the hidden gems, I just grabbed whatever I had a lot of spare keys for... Too lazy, I guess. :)
Hmm, looks like I still have a few keys left, though... Wonder how many people would enjoy a 150x150 maze next time... Probably zero. :)
Yeah, I think most join for the FREE STUFF!!! but eventually come around to the idea that Steamgifts isn't where you go to win games, it's where you go to give away games. :)
Oh, ahh, hmm, thank you, that's very kind, although you might want to save that spot for someone who's still trying to win games... I've already won enough for one lifetime... :)
Good luck! :)
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There is one game I won that I don't want. I entered it thinking it was a different game, because the title icon was similar. Oops. I idled it for cards, but it looks like a trash game, so I don't want to use my limited time to test that idea. Then there is another game I won, but didn't understand how hard it is without a controller, so...
But I almost always try to win only games that I want to play.
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Hope you want to play this game, it will be a long wait to play though... :) Good luck! :)
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I feel an obligation to actually finish games that I've won, so I check everything before entering a giveaway to be (reasonably) sure I'm going to have fun playing it.
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Let's hope this one isn't an unpleasant obligation if you win... :) Good luck! :)
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Guilty! I used to enter a lot of stuff just for +1... Not doing it anymore though. However, this insane maze tempted me again in entering a lot of stuff! It just feels that time spent on your amazing puzzle should be rewarded in some way. Surely, I will try to finish any more or less big title I will win here. Thank you very much for this event!
For me, the most fun part was creating a script that crawls the maze and forms the map :)
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Thank you, that does look interesting. :) Someone else mentioned solving the maze with a script also... Guess that saves a huge amount of time, wish I'd created this thing in the same way... :) A pity there was nothing secret with the pity wormholes, I just looked for places far away from the correct path... :)
Good luck! :) Hope some of the random leftovers are worth trying too, or at least worth idling... :)
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when i started using SG i joined everything too .. later only those with cards or achievement .. atm i hardly join anything (though i joined many games from your puzzle) .. i only check my wishlist (and even there i seldom join) or look occasionally at the discussions for puzzles or sth like that
i dont want to ruin my ratio for a bad game .. and i dont want to "steal" a game someone else could have won who would really have played it
but well, many ppl here dont play there wins, so i shouldnt feel bad if i win and dont play
and i still have keys lying around that could fix my ratio again (though not nearly as many as you have)
so you live in LA? ;3
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I hope nobody feels guilty for entering these puzzle giveaways, it's bundle leftovers. :) I didn't buy any of them specifically for this puzzle, every one is left over from some junk I already bought. So if someone enters all 1000 just for the +1 and the dream of trading cards, it's their points, have fun... :)
I'm sure most of them are mediocre at best, but hopefully a few good games slipped through. And for the bad ones, hopefully they all get trading cards at some point for maximum profitz... :)
I think most people at least intend to play all their wins, even if they secretly suspect it will never happen... :)
Yeah, I think a lot of people feel bad about winning a game they fully intend to play some day that someone else would have played right now... But I don't know what other people should do, and it's none of my concern anyway... :) What I myself should do was obvious, though, eventually... :)
Oh, that's the end of the song "Black Diamond Bay" by Bob Dylan. If I'm typing long stretches of words in italics like that, it's quoting something or someone. :) I tried to find it on youtube but they were all gone. :(
Good luck in whatever giveaways you entered! :) Hope you found some good ones in here somewhere! :)
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Great event fiftykyu... must have been crazy crating the maze with 1000+ games. The most GA in the event I created was non-puzzle event with just 10-12 games and I still remember how my energy was drained maintaining the links and everything.
The "?" part was confusing. Went back to map multiple times to thoroughly check every corner. That is what happens when you overthink.. XD
And also you including italic words in between... is it part of puzzle in anyway?
Like you I also used to enter every giveaways whether I was going to play or not. At least for half year after joining. After winning Duke Nukem Forever and Dragon's Dogma, the game that I wasn't sure I wanted to play or not, the game I didn't wish, I started thinking why I did join the site in first place, there are people who lack games to play and could have enjoyed those games. I am just wasting their chances as well as GA creator's money. So I stopped entering every random GA then.
As a guilt I did play Duke Nukem Forever and Dragon's Dogma. Thankfully I did enjoy those games. Planning to go for second run on Dragon's Dogma in the future.
Now for the questions you asked
No I have won every game I wanted except the games mentioned above. Usually I never run out of points except the time I do remember when I ran out of points was when the Borderlands series and The Witness were given out.
I was most excited when I won Plague Inc., Borderlands and Bioshock series. As for next part that was the thing that made me more choosy for what GA that I should enter.
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I suspect that as draining as this event was, the real pain will come when I have to send 1000 winners their games... :) But I did it to myself... :)
Ahh, I really need to write this somewhere everyone can see it. If you found this giveaway, you're done.
Did you visit the pity wormhole? There's nothing else hidden anywhere. My puzzles are usually full of lies, but please don't waste any time looking for a super secret ultra finish. This is the end. If Cyberpunk 2077 had a Steam page I'd have done something else, but it didn't so this is the last one. :)
Oh, I never finished Duke Nukem Forever, actually it wasn't as bad as I was expecting... :) I wouldn't have called it good, especially if I'd been waiting a decade for it, but as a dumb Duke Nukemy type of game it was ok. :)
I thought Dragon's Dogma was fun, got to the umm, NG+ I guess you'd call it? But then lost interest and forgot about it. :( Oh, hey, the Witness, there's one more great game I forgot about. :( I
Good luck! :)
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I did visit the wormhole. When the puzzle part is included anywhere, the brain tries to work on different way.. haha
I never had heard about Duke Nukem before winning the game. As I was playing the game I found out about its development, anticipation and expectations from the gaming community. I see there is a division among the community. Luckily for me no expectation at all made this game enjoyable one.
Yes it's NG+, too bad my save file got corrupted after I finished the game and was completing DLC missions. I have to start normally without NG+.
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Hmm, if you liked Duke Nukem Forever, maybe try Duke Nukem 3D if you can, it's ancient in video game terms but it's still a good game. :)
Corrupted save, bummer... That usually means I'm done forever... :(
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I always feel Woohoo! when I win something :)
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Hopefully you will feel woohoo! in some of these, good luck! :)
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A few years back there where others pages similar to SG, I didnt had acces to spend my money on the internet so free games from strangers looked like a great idea, in one of this pages I won several Desura games, well, they were crap, (but still were games compared to the 5k achivements for a dollar "games" on steam this days) didnt like many of them, others when into steam wishlist when available,but that teached me to enter only thing I really was interested.
The bad point is I get interested in a lot (even knowing I'll be crap on said game) so enter maybe more GA than necesary, the backlog is gonna end having grandchildrens before I play everything. However, I have a rule, no idling for cards, and no cheating the achievements, supposedly to increase the intention on playing them, specially for the games with low interest from me.
I ended entering a lot of the maze GAs, seen a lot of wishlisted games from bundles I didnt buy. As my influx of money dont allow me to buy every bundle I only end buying bundles with at least 4 gamesin it that interest me, lesst than that and only wishlist the games I care and let the bundle pass. I get the game from SG or buy it later. With the big backlog I have, Im in no hurry for new games so,anything is a Gain, no disapponments. And everything get played sooner or later (probably later)
Winning GA feel great (yay! I was gona wait this game was on mega sale lol!!), but a few months ago I did a small puzzle train, extremely simple compared to this, and the cheering, the thanks, the discussion about the puzzle, feeling part of the community feeled awesome... extremely stressful cause my social anxiety, but really great indeed.
Now I must copycat the ziggurat someday... propably in a pyramid scheme , or a crop circle, or not, and be disapponting. That the spirit! ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I end here before this coment end being longer thant the last maze. 😁
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Aha, I remember the days of looking at at bundle and wondering if I should buy it... :( As you can probably guess from the 1000 giveaways, nowadays I just buy all the stupid bundles, good or bad, who knows... And play approximately 0% of the games... :(
I should probably try to solve puzzles again, it would give me a better feel for when I'm wasting everyone's time with impossible nonsense... :) Or when it's not difficult, but just too much work to bother solving... :)
Hope your future puzzles go well! If people are having fun, it's fun. :) If nobody's having fun, it's not... :(
Also hope you found something to enter in here, there's a lot of junk but maybe a few good ones too... :) Good luck! :)
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I have joined this site four years ago. I don't really remember how I found it or some details, I signed in. I have checked it and got really weird feeling about this place, it was so strange... they are giving away games? Is it legal? I did not enter for anything and left. Also completely forgot about SG.
Then last year I got email saying that SG is missing me. I was: O_O What? I have checked the site again, found huge amount of points on my account and I have also found an answer for my question: "What will I do with the games from Humble I don't want to use?" I was really happy, I can gift them to someone who will hopefully like and play them.
So I joined my first giveaways, participated in some events and also won some games. And it was great, I was so happy! Even more it was game I wanted. ;)
I consider myself a player and game collector. But I buy or enter for games I really want to play. My library is getting larger and larger, but everything there I WANT to play and WILL play! :D Some of the games I have on Steam I have played long time ago and I buy them to just have them there, you know, they wont broke down. yes, my CD crashed - exploded inside my PC once, it was horrible experience...
I still don't really understand why would someone give away big new game... can't even describe how grateful I am for that!! as I just take this site as an opportunity to find a new home for lonely games I wont play. But who knows, maybe one day I will also give those games away. ;)
This last year I started to participate on this site, I have found the community to be great and friendful! strange thing for me really, as I am not active on any social media I am trying to make some giveaways and also events, made two, yay! :D still I am little afraid that I will be considered bad for taking more than giving, but well... I suppose I need to live with that or stop taking. ;)
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Oh, hey, I had a CD explode once... I remember noticing it had a slight beginning of a crack or something, thought hmm that's interesting... Once it spun up there was a loud sound, and it was done spinning. Completely disintegrated, killed the drive too, of course. :( Fortunately it was a burned cd, so I didn't lose anything I couldn't replace. Don't even remember what was on it now, hmm...
Oh, I'm probably lying about this giveaway, it's going to be a 10% coupon for Bad Rats. Hopefully the winner will mark it received out of pity. :)
There's always a few jerks in any community, but I think most people are friendly here. :) There's also a lot of old-timers gone, but new people are joining all the time... :)
Good luck! :)
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Oh, "lucky" you that it was just burned CD. Mine was an original for Might and Magic VII, with beautiful dragon picture... it still breaks my heart. T_T Luckily I have burned copy, but playing the game wasn't the same again. ;) I was really happy that GOG have all Might and Magic series! :D
Hahaha, sure thing. XD
Thank you! :3
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Oh, Might and Magic! Ouch! :(
Somehow, when I think about old rpg series I remember Wizardry, Ultima, even Bard's Tale, but always forget Might and Magic. :( Maybe it's because I never finished one of them? I remember playing and having a lot of fun, but that's about it. :(
Maybe I should buy them on GOG so I can not finish them all over again! :)
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Ouch, exactly! -_-
Haha, poor Might and Magic. ;) I have yet to complete the first ones, but the VI - Mandate of Heaven and VII - For blood and Honor I played like, hmmm, 10 times? (counting them together) O.o They are great, I can play them all the time, never get bored with them. :D
Haha, yes you should do that! ;)
I have many games that I love to start but do not complete them. X)
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Yes, so I always check the store page and feel Woohoo!
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In that case, I hope you get to feel that way from some giveaways in here! :) Good luck! :)
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I did it. I reached the top.
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Oho, looks like you did indeed! So take a good luck! :)
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