
Hey, look, it's not a removed game!

Let's hope the developers get screwed by some random Steam policy change and run off to GOG or umm, that other one. Then you'll be the proud owner of... Some kind of rpg thing? I dunno.

Fortunately there are no trading cards in sight. I guess you could always install this if you get bored. Maybe it's got post-apocalyptic boobies or something.

Hey, a question. Speaking of post-apocalyptic RPGs... How many Ds in your favourite Fallout game? 2.5? Maybe 3? Or umm, really really 3? Not sure myself, the old ones were so incredible, but the new ones are so much easier to play. :( Guess we all got lazy and/or stupid. Sigh.

Good luck! :)


This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

6 years ago

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Ahh, ok. :) I think New Vegas was better than Fallout 3, but everyone likes different things. :)

You know, I can't even remember if I finished Fallout 3. :( But I suppose that's more of a Bethesda thing, never finished Skyrim either. Oh well...

Good luck! :)

6 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

6 years ago

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Play it! :) Trade your Fallout 3 memories for some New Vegas memories! :) It's fun! :)

6 years ago

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Fallout 76 isn't an option? I suppose that's 3 as well, but a slightly fancier looking 3. Thank you!

6 years ago

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Just wait until the servers are shut down, then it's Zero D.

Oh, no, wait a minute, this unpopular MMO will never be shut down! We'll keep it running forever! :)

I love the idea of people being able to use all their old single-player cheats/exploits/whatever in a brand new online-only game. Really shows how much effort went into making it... :) I'll guarantee the cash shop works, though. :)

Good luck! :)

6 years ago

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I'm hoping they do implement the private server option that I believe was promised; with how quickly the price has dropped I don't have much faith in the official servers being around too long. sigh Serves me right for buying an online-only game I suppose.

6 years ago

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Didn't one of those Bioware guys get a nice big tattoo for the Old Republic MMO? Bet he wears a lot of long-sleeved shirts. :)

I don't have much faith in anything regarding Zenimax, other than chasing the money. I have a lot of faith that they will chase all the money.

Hmm... I'm no expert but I'm pretty sure there ain't no money in releasing private servers. Wouldn't everyone just bail and install the Fallout 76 version of whatever unofficial patch appears? Nobody's buying emotes or loot boxes or whatever if they can just mod in all the fun stuff and play with friends for free. :)

6 years ago

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I don't know how much they're making in the shop, but there's nothing there that I'd buy. It's not a pay-to-win shop; more a "pay-to-look-fancy" shop. I had assumed they were making most of their money via game sales, which would presumably increase to some degree (I have no idea to what degree) if they had private server options, so they'd make money indirectly. They'd also have to support fewer players via official servers, which could save money.

But I suspect you're right; they'll think there's no money in it and won't bother. I can't remember whether it was an official promise that they'd support private servers or just people talking about it in back channels. I can't really be bothered looking, either; sorry. :D

6 years ago

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Same reason they are going after mods. All mods. There is no money for them.

I am with you. It will be shut down quietly sooner or later. Probably sooner.

6 years ago

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Guess my main disappointment with this whole "Fallout 76" situation is if it completely bombs there's not much hope for more single-player Fallout RPGs... Although with the way things went with Fallout 4, maybe a hypothetical Fallout 5 wasn't going to be my thing anyway... :)

Good luck! :)

6 years ago

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I suppose that's 3 as well, but a slightly fancier looking 3

Isn't that TES Online, though?

6 years ago

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or umm, that other one

Oh right! I almost forgot to get my free game that I already own on Steam anyway.!

So far, I've sadly really only played a lot of Fallout New Vegas, but I like to think that Fallout 2 or Tactics is my favorite one...

6 years ago

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Yeah, same here, I don't need to make a free account on whatever, just to get a game I already own. Now, if there's something like GOG Connect I may reconsider. But for now, no thanks. :)

Hmmmm, I think if you could only play a single 3D Fallout game, New Vegas would be a good choice. So whatever you're missing, don't miss it. :) Ahh, I forgot about Fallout Tactics, that's a good one too. :)

Good luck! :)

6 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

6 years ago

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Ugh, here I am trying to think of what Fallout game we don't mention... Was there some mobile thing? Something with loot crates or gambling or something? Maybe a Fallout pachinko machine? Hmm... Guess I'm overlooking something here... All I can think of is that Black Isle one that didn't actually happen. Sigh.

Good luck! :)

6 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

6 years ago*

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Oh, wow, I completely forgot that game existed. Thank you! :)

6 years ago

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It was console-only, is why [it's easy to forget]. It wasn't even that bad, as I recall, just fundamentally different from the other games (mind you, Tactics has gotten critcism for the same reason). It's weird in how it gets pretty significantly varied reviews, ranging from 2/10 to 8/10. Interestingly, most game review magazines seemed to like it, while Bethesda devs have expressed hatred for it (which, I'll be honest, inclines me to consider it well given what they consider to be a passable game).

Anyway, the camera angle was a pain (kinda like Diablo 1's, but not as cramped), but the game utilized the Snowblind Engine (Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance 1&2, Champions of Norrath 1&2), and played much like the rest of the games off the engine [the rest of those games being very well considered, mind you, and having some lingering collectiblility value]. I don't really remember how FBoS compared to the other Snowblind games, though, but I still own it, so I guess I can look into it at some point.

Also, pretty sure FO4 wasn't so bad that it has to rank under Fallout Shelter.. I mean, FOS had a great foundation, but there's no depth after the core framework, and the rest is all moneygrubbing. ..well, basically just typical Bethesda, honestly, but without modding support to make up for things. :P

Honestly, if we remove modding (which I wholly acknowledge makes Bethesda games rather delightful), I'd take basically any non-Bethesda Fallout game over a Bethesda one without hesitation. I mean.. it's Bethesda. They make decent game engines, at least..? ..I mean, other than all of the countless bugs and stability issues that player modders always have to fix for them. >.>

Anyway, I tangented. I like the Snowblind engine, so I may have been inclined to favor FBoS for that reason. My recollections may be colored by that, and the game may actually be bad (though, again, most 'official' reviews were positive). Still, most of the complaints I'm familiar with are related less to issues like content and camera, and more with the game being different from other FO games. In fact, many detractors admitted to never actually playing the game themselves..

6 years ago

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Yeah, that would make sense... I missed out on playing / even knowing about a lot of console exclusives... :) Some (like the Halo series, for example) I know about because they were just so big, even if I never played them, but there are a lot of other games I'll only experience via emulator, or with whatever streaming nonsense replaces consoles in the years to come... :) Hey Sony, my internet sucks, don't try to sell me a streaming service, just let me play those games on my pc! Please... I hear Steam is a thing...

I wonder what will happen when (if?) Bethesda finally switch to a less creaky engine for their next big open-world game. They'd lose all the amazing things that happen when your dedicated fans have a decade of experience modding said creaky engine, but maybe Bethesda want to kill off all those horrible unauthorised, unofficial, non-monetised mods anyway... :)

Good luck! :)

6 years ago

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I'd put 'he who shall not be named' above 76, am I a bad person?

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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Fallout 2 is the number one and close behind it would be New Vegas with it's DLCs Dead Money and Old World Blues.
Fallout 3 had only the big robot from the main story and the character creation for itself going (damn that beginning in the bunker was cool).
Still waiting for a good enough sale of Fallout 4 GOTY to get that one (missed the Fanatical Stardeal @20€ which is my threshhold for that game), but apparently they don't want to discount it that much besides that one time....even Fallout 76 is cheaper to get on the grey market. oO

6 years ago

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Hrm, don't remember how I got Fallout 4 with all the precious DLC, feels like... Hmm... I want to say there was a temporary price screwup at greenman but I'm too lazy to hunt through old emails to solve the mystery. :( And I got bored with that game so quickly, never even saw any DLC parts, whatever they might have been. :(

Good luck! :)

6 years ago

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Fallout 1 is the best 1 run game.
Fallout 2 is the overall best if you want replayability.
New vegas if you are into modding.
Tactics for looks. I love the way it looks and would have loved if they ported 1-2 to that engine.

6 years ago

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Hmm... I have a vague memory of a broken car in Fallout 2, but it's not connected to anything specific. Did it break the whole game, or was it one of those funny things you could work around if you knew how to do it? I dunno. Hard to remember anything from old RPGs, even the ones that aren't really that old. :)

Probably some interesting bugs in this game, but I don't own it yet so I dunno...

Good luck! :)

6 years ago

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The car either vanished leaving the trunk or the trunk dissapeared IIRC. But the unofficial patch fixed pretty much any bug in the game i can think of. But withouth it the game was really buggy and there was even a game breaking bug if you did not have an earlier save.

6 years ago

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Fan patchers are the unsung heroes of the gaming industry.

6 years ago

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It's funny how game-breaking bugs used to be a big deal... :) Now people assume the release version of any "AAA" game is unplayable, and they will be downloading gigabytes of "patch" before they can even run the thing... Hooray for progess. :)

6 years ago

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i don't play first ans second fallout yet ... a little the tactics
always read good thing specially for the 2 . I like the 3 (yes coz it's my first ) NV too of course ... and the 4 meh ...

6 years ago

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I think playing older games like Fallout 1 & 2 today can be difficult, somehow it's a lot more work for your brain... :( Playing the new stuff is so much easier, with that extra half a D. Even if the game itself isn't up to snuff, you don't have to think as hard to play it, just look at the pretty pictures... :)

Good luck! :)

6 years ago

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i equally enjoyed 1&2, but New Vegas is my absolute fave because the companions can't die. I would've liked 3 a lot more if the companions had a chance in hell of surviving tbh, but Dogmeat kept expiring and i kept reloading until i was just donzo with it all. those games can be lonely as hell if you're trudging around all by your lonesome for hours on end.

Are you psyched for The Outer World? one of the original creators of Fallout, Tim Cain, is working on it so i'm running around the room and screaming in joy.

6 years ago

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Oh, hey, keeping party members alive, I completely forgot about the fun of doing that. Somehow every battle is an escort mission! Woohoo! :)

Whoever thought of those... Ugh...

Well, it's on my wishlist, and I'm definitely interested, but I'm not sure how things will turn out... Sometimes it just doesn't happen... :( There are still a few people expecting they will get to play "Squadron 42", some day... :)

Good luck! :)

6 years ago

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I have only played a few hours of New Vegas and I loved it, I swear someday I will finish that game. Post-acpocalyptic setting is my favourite, this game looks neat too so thank you for the chance!

6 years ago

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New Vegas is great, but I guess you already know that. :) Somehow life is too short to play all the great games, though... :(

I hope this one's fun, waiting for a nice discount myself... :) Good luck! :)

6 years ago

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Played FO 1, then FO2 without any patches, then with Killap's patch (which makes things a lot harder than they should), and Tactics (cool, but unbalanced). Haven't bothered with rest, but might torrent them next year.

6 years ago

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I used to download a huge amount of patches from places like umm but haven't needed to do that in years... I guess that's one good thing about digital distribution, your stuff gets patched by magic! :)

I suggest New Vegas if you're looking to try one of the 3D Fallouts, #4 was ok but nothing special. And somehow playing #4 just felt like a job. And I'm not getting paid to play it, so screw that. :)

Good luck! :)

6 years ago

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Killap's patch pretty much restores missing content (new encounters, Sulik's village, option to save the Deathclaws), but greatly increases the encounter rate.

6 years ago

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Aha, sounds interesting, maybe I should write this down so I can remember... :) Thank you! :)

6 years ago

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Gonna go with 3D. Like I like my boobs. 😉

6 years ago

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I dunno about the Fallout series, but since there's boobie mods for all the other Bethesda games, probably it's out there somewhere... :)

Good luck! :)

6 years ago

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It was meant as a pun on me liking big boobs, but I guess it didn't fly...

6 years ago

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Looks like in a week time I'll know if I replay FO2, or play some new post-apo game :D

6 years ago

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Cool, good plan! :)

I'm going to wait a bit, there's always a better discount if you wait... And my RPG backlog is only about 50 million games already... :(

Good luck! :)

6 years ago

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First and second fallout was great. I start playing 4 but never ended. Maybe i need to backlog NV.

6 years ago

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I suggest you forget about 4 and give New Vegas a try. :)

I started playing Fallout 4 but got bored. :( I don't care about building a base. And I really don't care about building a dozen bases. Hey, future people, why don't you guys protect your own town? I want to do some RPGing. Thanks.

Good luck! :)

6 years ago

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This looks nice. I was already following the game, so Thanks!

6 years ago

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Yeah, it looks interesting! Dunno when I'd ever remember to install it, and there's no chance I'd remember to play it, so why not let someone else do all that stuff... :)

Good luck! :)

6 years ago

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Play FO2 if you've never played it, assuming that you've played FO1 - and if you haven't obviously play that first.

6 years ago

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Oh, I've played those, actually finished Fallout (the first one), don't remember if I ever finished 2 though. :( Usually that means I got stuck somewhere and just stopped playing, but maybe I didn't? I just don't know... :(

Good luck! :)

6 years ago

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nah, you just got way to much skilled, just reset the tree :D on the other hand, still not dan

6 years ago

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Still no skill here, just a lifetime's incompetence... :) But what can you do? I dunno... :)

I hope this game is good! :) Good luck! :)

6 years ago

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thanks! but that is a bold bold lie! you got to 50 kyu somehow :P now 49, 48....and to dan :P Like Normal Cook said '' sleep, eat, play, repeat '' :D

6 years ago

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So far I only played Fallout 3 and Fallout New Vegas. I played Tactics for a bit too, but dropped it because I was too annoyed with something regarding shops. I think it was due to not being able to see stats of things offered and I didn't want to check wiki all the time.

Not sure which one I'd say is my favorite. I think I enjoyed Fallout 3 more, even though New Vegas has more to it.

6 years ago

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I think Fallout 3 was the right game at the right time, but if New Vegas had come out first, probably people would be talking about the disappointing sequel it had. :)

Sounds like a win for the 3D, not so much for the 2.5D then... Oh well. :) Don't think I ever finished Fallout Tactics, but I do remember playing a lot of it. I don't remember any particular annoyance with shops, but maybe there was a cheat code to give yourself oodles of cash so it didn't matter? Can't remember. :(

Good luck! :)

6 years ago

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New Vegas.

6 years ago

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I guess that's 3 "D"s then. :) Wouldn't argue... :)

Good luck! :)

6 years ago

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one can't easily argue with NV. I got my eyes on Obsidian and their upcoming title ^^

thanks very much. have a nice day

6 years ago

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I checked, can't buy it yet... :(

Thank you too, hope yours is a nice one also! :)

6 years ago

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Fallout 1 & 2 remain my favourites, but from the recent ones, New vegas it is. It's not the best looking one, but it's definitely the best written one.

6 years ago

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Yeah, I'd have to agree. I don't think Fallout 3 was bad, but I think if it had been a 2.5D game, it would have been completely irrelevant. The words are kinda important in that sort of game, and you spend so much time reading them... :)

Good luck! :)

6 years ago

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thanks for oportunity...
the best is fallout2 and for "this generation" fallout-new vegas

6 years ago

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That seems to be a popular opinion! :)

I wonder if people who never played the older games would be able to enjoy them today, though? Maybe they would say ick, too old, no gonna play it... :(

Good luck! :)

6 years ago

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I sometimes have a hard time with games with "bad" graphics...i think it's normal. In other type of genre i apreciate a lot project zomboid (need more work), but is the best zombie game made ever.Unfortunately,

6 years ago

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Ahh, don't leave me hanging! :) Unfortunately,


6 years ago

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Fallout 2 and NV are my favourites, they are different genres entirely so they can share the 1st place :3

6 years ago

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But how many Ds? All of them, I guess... :)

Good luck! :)

6 years ago

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All of the D!

6 years ago

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I played all Fallout games, but my favourite is definitely New Vegas.I really liked Fallout 2, but, for me, NV was a little more enjoyable.

6 years ago

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Probably a lot easier to play New Vegas nowadays, too... Something gained, something lost... Oh well...

Good luck! :)

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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This is still in my wishlist, guess I need better than a 0% discount, oh well... :)

I got bored with Fallout 4, can't imagine how bland Fallout 5 will be, assuming it ever happens... Probably the franchise just died right in front of our eyes...

Good luck! :)

6 years ago

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fallout 5...well or fallout3 the new game from obsidian. The Outer Worlds...i hope to be a good rpg

6 years ago

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Yeah, I hope it's good! :) But you can't play hope... :(

Didn't Microsoft just buy Obsidian, too? Great news for the people working there, I'm sure... But maybe now everything is going to be a Windows Store exclusive, or whatever nonsense they cook up next... :(

6 years ago

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

6 years ago

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Oh, that's a nice surprise, hope you enjoy it! :)

Happy new year for you also! :)

6 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

6 years ago

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I remember in Fallout 2, some character in a bar would teach you the umm, knife fighting? Something like that. And then wait a minute, what just happened? :) Lot of great stuff in that game... :)

Yeah, Fallout 4, probably not a bad game, but if you're looking for more Fallout, you're probably looking in the wrong place... Sigh... And it's all downhill from here...

Good luck! :)

6 years ago

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2.5. I really enjoyed the old Fallouts. Never got into the newer ones.

6 years ago

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New Vegas is cool if you're looking for one to try, but maybe you already did and din't get into it.. :) Oh well...

Good luck! :)

6 years ago

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