
As you fall, your speed increases, defying any sense of terminal velocity. The abyss below seems endless, an infinite drop into the inferno. The air grows unbearably hot, and the heat begins to sizzle your skin. The very air itself feels like it’s burning your flesh as you fall faster and faster. Your eyeballs swell, boiling within their sockets, and your lungs burn with each breath, as though you're inhaling flames instead of air.

Your veins expand, bursting like overfilled balloons, spraying blood with each burst. The sound of your own flesh crackling is drowned out only by the shriek of agony ripping through your mind. Your skin blisters and peels away, leaving raw, exposed muscle, which too begins to melt and disintegrate under the relentless heat. Your nose and ears dissolve, turning to ash before they even have a chance to fall. Your fingers, your toes, everything begins to burn away, as if you are being consumed by the infernal forces around you.

And yet, through it all, you remain. Your physical form is gone—reduced to nothing—but your spirit continues to fall, an unbroken streak of agony in the void, plunging deeper into the abyss.

Smoke and thankrifice! 😜

4 weeks ago

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