Rumors, gossiped by developers in Developers-Only Steam Group, says "In past sale events, we’ve asked for two discounts—a duration discount that runs for the length of the sale, and a feature discount that runs in the event that a game is featured on the front page. This year, to optimize the sale for customers and to allow us to feature and recommend your products in more ways to more customers, we’re asking for just one discount, to run the length of the sale.
We’ll still be highlighting top games on the front page for 24-48 hour spans, but those products will stay at their most competitive discount, before and after being featured. It’s not a major change, but it does make the sale a lot more valuable for customers, and it allows us to build sale tools that highlight and recommend products all sale long, instead of just during front page features."

Dark Side of the Refunds, I guess...

8 years ago

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Worst Steam Sales incoming?

View Results
Yes, no need to return after day 1
No, one day to purchase them all

fees like valvE is running out of steam, lately.

8 years ago

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Time pressure is a great motivator to buy.

8 years ago

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My wallet thanks you, Valve!

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 8 years ago.

8 years ago

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Same here, I run out of wallet in few past sales and found out more wanted games discounted later days. This way one can calculate which games he can go for without having to worry about credits.

8 years ago

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I voted "Yes, no need to return after day 1," but in all likelihood there will be some aspect of the Winter Sale that will get us to keep checking in regularly (like the Flash sales used to).

8 years ago

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It's the right move on Valve's part. The novelty of "crazy sales" has worn off for most consumers, akin to Black Friday retail sales. Good deals can be found on almost any day of the year with minimal effort.

Especially here on Steam, most folks have a distorted view due to large backlogs accumulated from previous years of sales. So unless it's "OMG AAA 85% OFF A MONTH AFTER RELEASE," the consumer response is lackluster.

8 years ago

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I know, right? It's why so many people here are quick to call a sale "meh": because they own most of the stuff already.

8 years ago

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As for a customer, it's not bad move - I can buy all I want on day 1. Smaller devs that relied on the increased visibility on daily/flash sale are screwed this time. Ofc there may be some gimmick from Valve to keep clients coming back everyday to the store, but idk if it will have the same effect as flash sale.

8 years ago

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They're still going to have a rotating featured set of games so honestly this may be better for indie devs because they don't have to submit some crazy 90% discount to be featured as a flash or daily. They can set a 75% discount and still get the same exposure.

8 years ago

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Not when most of the sales will happen on day 1 and last day. Flashes were good incentive to keep coming back. And indies will have to bend over anyways to be highlited.
I'd risk and say that extra discount not always was a bad thing for a dev. For example I'd have not bought first TWD if it wasn't on deep flash sale few years ago. Since then I've bought multiple copies of Telltale games so in the end they have won in the longer run :)

8 years ago

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Of course a deeper discount isn't always an issue but Telltale is pushing the "indie" label. Most devs that fit the real spirit of indie probably only have one, maybe two, games in their catalog. Several devs have said that they can double their annual revenue with a publicized Steam sale, I'm not going to argue that. I just think that with almost 2 weeks of sale and less pressure to put out a crazy discount for flash/daily that the mid-level indies could move a similar number of units at a slightly higher price. Even if they sell a little less, the higher price point would cover this.

I'll concede that we can't really predict this sort of thing, especially since this could just be a rumor (personally i think its legit) but I definitely am interested to see how it goes. (and definitely not looking forward to the endless "worst sale ever" whining that I'm sure will be louder than usual this year.)

8 years ago

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Not so much as it seems at first sight. They have grown through years, but they earned it and still are relatively small company. The problem is that big chunk of what is labelled "indie" are in fact hobbyist grade projects. Worth a buck or two to toy with some interesting idea behind it for a few hours, but not much more. No way I'll get it at 5eur price point.
Also, 80-90% off discount may bring enough sales to cover some/most expenses. What more, sale numbers is something that can be shown to get external financing either for sequel or entertainment-product-grade version. It's completly different story when you can show you are able to deliver what you promise and have some expirience under the belt.

Whatever happens, there will be whining. As alway had been )

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

8 years ago

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That will make the sale a lot less exciting, but at least it's bound to be lighter on my wallet. No crazy impulse buy for games I'll never play just because it's 85% off for a few hours.

8 years ago

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Some of the excitement and nostalgia is gone but really this is a pro-consumer move in that everything is clear and available. No more having to wait 2 weeks just to buy a game on flat discount anyways because it didn't go daily. No more trying to explain to your less initiated friends that they really shouldn't have bought that non-daily/flash game on the first day. Besides, that nostalgia and excitement was just a marketing ploy to get you spending more money.

Honestly this means if this is the "worst sale ever omg wft lol" then the "blame" lies with the devs who set the prices. In truth this was always the case but the way the sales were run obfuscated that fact and made it easier to point the finger at Valve.

In the end it's this or refunds so whine responsibly.

8 years ago

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Yep, totally agree. I think they'll find some other way to build in excitement and keep us coming back to the store site. Valve has to know that, for a lot of people, the "fun factor" is just as important as the discounts.

8 years ago

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Some games will most probably get a price increase just before the sale like XCOM recently...

8 years ago*

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I'm a bit of disappointed to this thing; daily deals and especially flash deals were nice way to keep customer visiting Steam webpage / browser not once but many times during sale. Also it offered the customer the thrilling experience of never knowing what titles to expect. Also I'm always a bit of pessimist on these things so I think that continous sale wide discount won't be as big as 4-8h price drop. Well it's only a rumour and even if it is true we will still buy more games than we need :D Our wallets are still not safe!

8 years ago

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This sounds like a good thing for the consumer. Less of the "fear of missing out" that causes you to buy things that you don't really need, because it's cheap, and there is a time limit that nags you to make a quick decision.

8 years ago

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if this is true it might be a good thing for my wallet, i always over spend because of those damn daily flash sales lol.
if all the games are just going to be a set price ill just have to add money to my account once and will just pick through what i want and be done with the sale,were as with the flash sale i would keep adding money so i wouldn't miss out on a good deal not knowing that the next day they would just have something else on sale i wanted even more.i would always start with a $100 budget and end up spending more like $300,
im thinking if steam does away with there flash sales they will be loosing out on a lot of money from people who get hooked on those sale(like me)

8 years ago

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Three Discounts for the AAA titles under the sky,
Seven for the Good Indie Titles in their halls of stone,
Nine for those Shitty Greenlights doomed to die,
One for the Lord Gaben on his golden throne
In the Land of Valve where the Salesmaster lie.
One Sale to lure them all, one Sale to find them,
One Sale to bring them all and in poverty bind them
In the Land of Valve where the Salesmaster lie.

8 years ago

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If this means less +75% off deals, then this also means they will get less money from me :D

My wallet thanks if that is the case.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Worst idea ever by Steam. I really can't understand the marketing scheme behind this, unless there's something we don't know yet, or this rumour proves to be false.

One set sale price throughout the entire span of the sale means people will look once or twice, buy what they want, and not bother looking again. With daily and flash sales, you get more people looking at your sales page many, many times throughout the course of that sale, making for that many more opportunities for them to decide to spend some money.

You want people window-shopping every few hours for those impulse buys, and time-sensitive sales are a great incentive.

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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as long as the prices get at lest to their previous best discount its allright.

8 years ago

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Expect this will hurt traffic figures to the website after the first day. In some ways, it could be good for customers, with the best discounts available for the full duration of the sale (assuming this doesn't mean that companies shy away from offering the large discounts which we have come to expect on flash/daily deals), but it's also a bit of a buzzkill.

Half the excitement of the Steam sale was logging in every day/few hours to snag the best deals :)

8 years ago

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Well Steam Sales have been getting worst with each ones for about 2 years.. this marks the end of the Silver Age of Steam for me (Golden Age was RU Pricing available for trades).

There's no way most Publishers will offer those Xtra Discounted offers that we could see on Flash Sales for the whole duration.. Just bad choice from Steam. What will be the point of checking sales after the 1st day .. "make the sale a lot more valuable for customers" .. NOT.

EDIT : I think I figured why they would do that.. They're afraid of the quantity of request for refunds from people who want to rebuy the game cheaper for the Flash Sale price. Still Sucks.

8 years ago*

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I always liked that winter sale lasted for few days. Now it's gonna be over after day 1 because there won't be anything new for the rest of the sale. That's boring. :(

8 years ago

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I wouldn't be surprised if this results in lower sales per capita. No pressure from the flash or even daily sale countdowns means less poor decision making.

8 years ago

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Good for consumers. Bad for Valve. Less time pressure, less excitement, less revenue.

8 years ago

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