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I agree - I do not want to see who has blacklisted me, nor do I want it to cause problems with anyone else with hateful behavior. I just wanted to throw out a couple ideas to get the idea in motion, whatever is simplest to implement. But, as for the unblocking, it really shouldn't remove them from your blacklist just because they remove you. That would stop any abuse from happening.
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That's why it shouldn't be "automated system", but "user USER blacklisted you, do you want to revenge-list them", so when they unBL you, you still have them BLed.
But then, that will make it easier for some petty fights and call outs.
Other way would require implementing second, revenge-blacklist where people are anonymous and can't be taken off...
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how about a system where any GA made during the BL period are still inaccessible?
people can change you know...
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After 6 months on Steamgift, a week ago, I just realized that I got blacklisted by a guy I've never talked to (I spot him 'cos he's at lv10 too and created a lv10 giveaway (From that lv10 giveaway thread)).
So .. I blacklisted him. My first ever and only one on my list, simply because he added me on the list.
And .. Because of that, I too, agree with OP about automatically blacklist others back.
For the least, I really don't care.
I don't talk much anyway and I don't bother why anyone feel the need to blacklist me. Neither I want to discuss anything because People have their own reasons.
I can't enter your giveaways, and I would mutually not want you it makes more sense not allowing you to enter mine for the same whatever reason.
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You giveaway too much games and receive practically none compared to what you gaveaway.
Welcome to my whitelist.
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Thank you so much for your input. I really was in a rush typing this up because it's been on my mind all night. I just wanted to get others opinions. Lol so I apologize for any rudeness of wording, I'll edit my post. But I am happy to finally start a discussion for this and hear other like-minded users.
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Long time on my WL :)
And that is second we need, i don't know why i add him on WL. Ok i know why HIM but for others, we really need description for BL/WL. Maybe some day i want to reset my BL/WL but want to keep someone.
For first question i don't know for automatic BL, maybe some notification so you can decide do you want to add him to your BL or not.
Second it's ok suggestion but you can still leave msg on GA page.
And i know that feeling when you find yourself on someone BL because you are in some steam group he don't like :P
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there is a mod that allows you to add coments to the whitelist blacklist. google (or search in SG forums) it...
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I think it's the the same person that blacklisted me. I also think I know why you were blacklisted by them but I'm not sure why I was. Doesn't really matter I suppose.
Edit: I think they might have put you on their list for not commenting when entering one of their giveaways.
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TBH people just "abuse" of the black list sheet, some of them: if you say thanks in my ga --> blacklist, others: if you dont comment in my ga ---> blacklist . Maybe staff could make an option on the create ga page, enable comments on the ga or not, that way people maybe get a little bit less pissed off
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I think I know who you're talking about, I'm on their blacklist as well. The reason was that they blacklisted every entrant that didn't commented on their GTA5 giveaway (and maybe on some others giveaways as well, I don't know).
But IMO that request wasn't very clear, the description said something like "if you win and didn't comment, you'll be blacklisted". Well, I didn't comment, but I also didn't win (and of course when I win a giveaway I leave a comment to thank the person).
Anyway, even if I'm on their blacklist, I didn't blacklist them. So I don't want that mutual blacklist feature, or at least if it gets implemented someday I hope it would be optional.
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They specified in the description that if you didn't comment they would blacklist you. It's not like it was an unexpected blacklist...
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His "only" giveaway I entered is "Pneuma: Breath of Life" giveaway which have 13 entries and 22 comments.
I always leave a comment on high lv giveaway, especially if there are low number of entries/comments. So ..
Anyway .. You're the support! Mind checking my ticket? It's almost 3 days and still no respond from any sup. The timer is also running out and it's just a simple Change Giveaway Game request.
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Yes, you didn't comment on the Pneuma: Breath of Life giveaway. I just checked - you must have forgotten to.
Support can't access Change Giveaway Game tickets - we don't even have access to that queue, so I can't do anything for you unfortunately.
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Mutually blacklist is cool, if the automatic mutual blacklist system tell us the reason for blacklist.
So we know why someone on our blacklist, automatic one.
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the thing i would like to have included into blacklists is options to ignore that user and also prevent them from replying to my posts. complete isolation.
and yes, mutual blacklisting sounds fair, i wouldn't join a ga by a user in my blacklist anyway.
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well, have you thought this through?
i mean, consider you are having a discussion here, but you only see part of the talk, the rest is "deleted comment".
that would be annoying wouldn't it?
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Isn't that a note to the winner, not the creator? XD
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Why does it matter who blacklists who though?
People can blacklist who they want just like they can whitelist who they want. Whether the reason be because the person only does group giveaways or a high-won/low-given ratio its ultimately up to the person giving away the games who gets to enter them. There are some people who blacklist their winners, just because they have won. I don't think that's unfair, it's pretty reasonable mentality of "let someone else have a chance now".
Ultimately the people who are most likely to end up on the blacklists are the types of people you do not want any contact from at all. The ones who have broken rules and the ones who are likely to harass users because they're on their blacklist. The moment you remove anonymity it will become more of a problem than being randomly on a persons blacklist.
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I don't want to win giveaways from people I've blacklisted so would certainly appreciate if it was at least an option. Doesn't even have to necessarily be automatic.
Going the other way I found myself on my first blacklist two weeks ago. The person in question entered one of my giveaways a day or two later. I still haven't blacklisted in return but I thought that was a bit cheeky on their part.
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I agree on the not wanting to win/enter a giveaway from someone I have blacklisted.
Althought I don't make an habit of thinking about who is on my blacklist, My blacklist isnt even that long, it consists of 6 people.
I would actually appriciate if the blacklisting was automaticly mutual, That would help avoid some potentionaly akward situations.
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i've been blacklisted by some users and i've seen it but i didn't add them to mine too because they don't fit my criteria
surely i don't want to know anything about some users in my blacklist and i don't enter their giveaways but mutual blacklisting isn't the best option i think
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No. This should not be automatic. If it was automatic, then you would be able to tell who has you on their blacklist. That's their business and not yours unless they feel like telling you.
I almost always leave a message to the giveaway creator after I win a giveaway. I don't understand why you are having a problem with this. Comments work the same before, during, and after a giveaway runs.
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Hell, I've had full blown conversations with people well after a giveaway has already ended. The comments sections of giveaways work quite well for private discussions. And going back to thank someone for a giveaway is a perfectly acceptable way to do it, especially if the prize was a Steam key (rather than gift) and adding a person isn't necessary.
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I think it will be enough just to close for you GA created by blacklisted person and no need to inform him
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ohhhh, thank you, you really shouldn't have
XXX <3
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You ever thought that someone blacklisted you for being bad person, and that one is good person. Why that one must be blacklisted from you if he is good guy, or other way around. So much hate in people. It seems that is everything about revenge...
I got blacklisted, i must seek vengeance asap. -Steam gift user.
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And secondly, I would like the option to leave a note to the creator of my won giveaways, preferably on the same page I mark my giveaways as received, or not received.
You have this already. Post on the GA page. It goes straight to their inbox. GA pages are effectively now PM's.
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I haven't explicitly blacklisted or whitelisted anyone, aside from deciding to always donate at the same level I am. I like the idea of being able to preference that anyone blacklisting you is silently unenrolled from your giveaways, whether or not they unblacklist you, I can also see the attraction of a preference silently add them to ones own blacklist.
The idea of being able to annotate one's black/white list is brilliant.
What do you think of a preference to choose how long to silently keep someone on your blacklist after they explicitly un-blacklist you. About 3 months is what I'd select
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I don't want someone who blacklisted me to be prevented from entering my giveaways. If I have nothing against them, I don't see why I should automatically blacklist them. What you seek is "revenge blacklisting" and that's not something I would condone. Plus it destroys the creative use of blacklists I've seen people use in the past.
For example, someone makes 10 consecutive giveaways for popular games, blacklist you when you enter for one of them so you can only enter one for the whole event. Removes everyone from their blacklist once the event ends. I certainly don't want to prevent someone who makes an entertaining event to join my giveaways.
And you can already comment on the giveaway page, which goes directly to the GA creator's inbox.
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How often does that happen though? I don't see the need to add q whole new comments system just for those rare times where the winner got blacklisted while the giveaway was running. And if the winner really want to thank the creator, he can still add him on Steam or reply to another post from that user somewhere else on the site.
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"I honestly believe that some obsessively abuse their blacklisting feature"
You didn't start your topic with a vowel. You alsodon't have odd numbers of cat gifs in it. You also dare to have a capital letter in the middle of your name while not having XxX before and after it. Blacklisted. based on the average SGer, somebody surely want to keep up these standards :D
Mutual blacklisting was also considered, but not in the offensive way you want it, but kind of a defensive way - if you blacklist someone, why would you want to win anything from that user? ( This way of presentation makes the mutual BL as a feature much more acceptable than "BLACKLIST BACK ALL THE F****RS WHO BLACKLISTED ME") :)
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With the blacklisting idea, I'm sure a lot of people would want that option so they wouldn't have to do it manually, as long as there's an option to keep it toggled off if they don't want to revenge blacklist. I, personally, wouldn't use it because I don't want to use the blacklisting feature. But it's really not a bad idea.
And as for the note to the creator, that's a good idea if you need to get in touch with a creator who has blacklisted you and also won't accept your Steam friend request. That way you'd have a way to get in touch with them if you really need to.
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Absolutely agree with everything you mentioned =) I hope it would be optional as well. I would just want more options for the blacklists, which currently is just flawed to me, but I don't want to make it interfere with anyone creating the blacklist however they want. I'd just want them to understand there can be consequences for blacklist for silly reasons, and hopefully that will prevent them from misusing it for that. I have only used my blacklist if it is absolutely necessary (which has currently been never because I've never deemed anyone wronging me), and from what I've experienced that's not usually the case. Most people are posting assuming I want to lash back at those who blacklisted me. That's certainly not the case but I find it unacceptable for the reasons I find myself blacklisted, just because I'm not social enough in the community. And those people, are the reason I want them on my blacklist.
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Yeah, I definitely agree. I used it for a while, but I changed my mind. Sure people aren't always the best (breaking rules and stuff), but the ones who really don't belong here get banned, and a lot of them learn and become good members. I'd rather just let the support deal with that stuff. It's still nice for others to be entitled to their own opinions and choices regarding the blacklists, it's just not for me ^-^ I have no idea who I am blacklisted by (I'm sure there's at least ONE), but I'm not really concerned. It's their choice, so I don't mind. As long as it's not an actual friend of mine, I'll be fine :p But yes, some people do definitely abuse the blacklist feature, but if cg decides to implement at least a portion of your idea, I think it could benefit the system as a whole.
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I think the automatic blacklist back option should be just that, an OPTION. If a user wants to turn on the option to blacklist any user who blacklists them, let them do it and go on with their lives. For those that are slightly more forgiving, have the option to turn off auto-reblacklist.
As for the other option, I think that it's perfectly acceptable as a feature.
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So I've been thinking about this suggestion after seeing I was blacklisted by someone on Giveaways. Now I've went into a discussion with them about why it happened, which I don't want to bring that into this forum. What I want to do is bring improvements to the functions on SteamGifts instead from the faults I see wrong with the community.
Firstly, I want the option to automatically Blacklist anyone who adds me to their blacklist, OR the option to see the list of users who've blacklisted me that way I can blacklist them as well. I believe adding someone to your blacklist should also have a negative affect - I can't enter your giveaways, and it makes more sense not allowing them to enter mine for whatever reason.
I honestly believe that some obsessively abuse their blacklisting feature. And while I do not want to stop anyone from handling their giveaways as they want and allowing who they want to enter, because there are some extreme cases where you deem it absolutely necessary they deserve to be on your blacklist, it is very flawed the way it currently is. Maybe others will reconsider blacklisting and obsessively looking for reasons to blacklist anyone just because they didn't do something the way you expect them to (didn't comment, did comment, etc, etc, etc.) if they know that it will possibly negatively affect them from entering GA's as well.
And secondly, I would like the option to leave a note to the creator of my won giveaways, preferably on the same page I mark my giveaways as received, or not received.
Most have mentioned it should be optional, but I hope that would have been the case anyway.
I hope it would be optional as well. I would just want more options for the blacklists, which currently is just flawed to me, but I don't want to make it interfere with anyone creating the blacklist however they want. I'd just want them to understand there can be consequences for blacklist for silly reasons, and hopefully that will prevent them from misusing it for that. I have only used my blacklist if it is absolutely necessary (which has currently been never because I've never deemed anyone wronging me), and from what I've experienced that's not usually the case. Most people are posting assuming I want to lash back at those who blacklisted me. That's certainly not the reason behind this idea, I find it unacceptable for the reasons I find myself blacklisted, just because I'm not social enough in the community. And those people, are the reason I want them on my blacklist.
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