This seems to be a rather controversial and hotly debated issue among giveaway entrants and contributors. What do you think about giveaway comments? When someone comments on your giveaway saying thank you, does that matter to you? Is it important? Do you go out of your way to comment on giveaways, or do you see them as frivolous wastes of site bandwidth? What do you think should be the purpose of the comment section of a giveaway, and are people currently fulfilling that purpose, in your opinion? Or should the section be deleted all together, if you were to decide?

Both contributors and entrants are welcomed.

EDIT: Yes, I'm aware now that the poll options are biased. My apologies.

9 years ago*

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What is your opinion on commenting on giveaways?

View Results
They're valuable contributions to the SteamGifts community.
It's a part of the SteamGifts community and although I don't see them as very valuable, I don't mind them being there.
They're pointless; all people use them for is to copypaste the same "thanks" or to call out fake giveaways.
I don't care. / It doesn't matter to me whether people comment.
None of the above (explain below)

They do not matter in public giveaways in my opinion. That said, I like to use a pre-approved rule that requires entries to comment and set a topic in my puzzles/group giveaways. Why? Because often this grows into healthy discussions about various things, we get to know each other more, we become a community (specially important in group giveaways, again - in my opinion).

9 years ago

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Thank you for being a part of the solution.

9 years ago

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Apparently I have more than 6000 comments. That's because I comment even when I do not enter a giveaway. Or there is a bug. Who knows.

9 years ago

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Saying thanks is common courtesy to demonstrate appreciation. It's polite and good form. Someone holds open the door for you, you smile and say thanks. You sneeze and someone says "bless you", you smile and say thanks.

It's not rocket science. While not everyone does it, I especially don't understand the people who loudly criticize others for saying thanks. It's probably the dumbest thing I've heard and is representative of those who aren't raised particularly well. Encourage others to be rude and inconsiderate ... yeah.

9 years ago

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I disagree, and invite you to review my discussion with Graye007 to shed some light on this issue and my responses to the points you raised. Feel free to continue from there, or bring your criticisms onto this comment chain, if you so wish.

Regardless, thanks for contributing to the thread.

9 years ago

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I try to make a pun off of the game's title. Like "Magickal Thanks" for Magicka. But it doesn't work for all titles or else I can't think of anything in that moment. Sometimes I just say "I like pizza."

9 years ago

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Well, at least that's creative, I suppose. That's worth something, at least.

9 years ago

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dusts off old post I enjoy seeing your "thanks" in GAs:)

9 years ago

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i dont care much about the copy pasta thx fest going on, but i do say thanks as people seem to value it
but personally i would like to think its implied with the entire so i dont care much if i get none in the comment

meanwhile once every once in a while the comments get interesting so maybe there should be a separate thanks button or something, this would result into much valuable comments.

9 years ago

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How many drinks in are we talking? Each drink increases the importance of a "thank you".

9 years ago

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Zero as a control, I'd wager.

9 years ago

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Ultimately, I don't care if someone comments unless that person won.

9 years ago

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Well my opinion on this matter comes from the fact that behind each giveaway there is a person that created it. If it was just an automated system, then it would be pointless to write anything since you know there would be noone you were referring to.

Thus, even if I won't be reading the 1k comments in a public giveaway, I like to know that people entering a giveaway actually wrote something, even if it's a simple "Thank you". Seeing 1k entries and 100 comments is disappointing. I realize that there are people out there using scripts to "auto-enter and comment" but I still rather have automated comments than no comments at all.

9 years ago

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I don't think requiring people to spend five seconds and two button clicks in exchange for a free game is an unreasonable request. And I read every response in every giveaway.

9 years ago

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I don't auto-enter or anything (though I wouldn't mind doing so), but as I explained above, my activities on SteamGifts render it rather inefficient and useless to comment my thanks on every giveaway I enter.

It sounds to me like the comments are meaningful to you in some capacity, though I believe the meaning is misplaced. You yourself state that it wouldn't matter if the comments were automated; this gives me the impression that they are meaningful to you only inasmuch as they give you the illusion of gratitude, even if you are aware of their insincerity. Is that really an appropriate or healthy stance to adopt?

9 years ago

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Your messages give me the impression that you feel you are better than others. You know what a "proper thing to do" is, while others don't. You are not fooled by meaningless comments where others are. Congrats!

What I said was that I rather have comments and some of them being automated, than have no comments at all. What you are saying is that in 1 year of your existence in SG, you made 208 comments that constructively contribute to the community and I highly doubt that. By your standards, when I see you on the road and say good morning, then there is no reason to reply to me since everyone knows it's a "good morning" so it would be a waste of your time and saliva. By your standards you only need to thank someone after you have taken something from him, that is you have won his giveaway. It's like that him even giving you a chance to win something isn't a reason to be thanked for.

Well keep on with your healthy stance, I'm pretty sure you'll be appreciated...

9 years ago

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I always thanks no matter what (unless requested otherwise by the giveaway creator). As I said in another discussion, it's just plain, pure gratefulness and politeness.

I don't even know why people ask these questions. Some random person gives away something for absolutely free, so the least you can do is take a few seconds to type a message to show your gratitude towards the giveaway creator. It's not that hard, and most giveaway creators read and enjoy the comments in their giveaways.

Personally, I prefer comments that are interesting to read rather than a generic thanks. And I don't really care whether someone thanks me when entering, if they can say something that will be more entertaining instead.

I still highly support thanking in the comments, because it's part of not being an inconsiderate douche. :P

9 years ago

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As I already explained above in my discussion with Graye007, there is no real rationale for commenting since it's fundamentally fallacious. The optimal course of action would be to thank the contributor if I win the giveaway during the delivery, and not during the time in which I am entering for the chance to win it.

You're overextending the role propriety and courtesy plays in this event. I can refrain from "being an inconsiderate douche" while still not wasting my time copypasting a trivial and frivolous comment in the comments section of each and every giveaway.

9 years ago

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They're tearing me apart, Lisa!

9 years ago

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Anyway, how is your sex life?

9 years ago

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One thing that I don't think anyone has brought up is that the comment section is very useful for game packs. A lot of the time, the giveaway maker doesn't indicate how many games you can own in the pack and still be able to join. It's common courtesy to ask in the comment section for this information.

In other times, if the giveaway maker is breaking the rules or something in the giveaway (for example, posting a referral link), you can comment to try to get his/her attention and fix the error.

9 years ago

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Gratitude is awesome, it's more than likely my money I'm giving away after all. Could it easily be replaced by a THANKS button? YES :D easiest solution to implement paired with a minimum char requirement for comments.

9 years ago

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The "Thank You" button has already been discussed multiple times above, but the minimum character limit is one suggestion I've yet to encounter. I definitely support that.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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Well, it's better than nothing. Of course it could be circumvented, but it's still better than allotting users the ability to submit "ty" or "tnx" as an entire comment.

9 years ago

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♫ The power of Ctrl + V is a curious thing. ♪
♪ Make a one man weep, make another man sing ♫
♫ Change a "ty" to a spectacular "Thankssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss"♬
♬ More than a feeling: That's the power of Ctrl + V ♩

9 years ago

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If people want to get down to it and circumvent a wall, you just build another, and eventually they are boxed in where you want them.

yup text boxed in.

9 years ago

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AND apparently limit repeat characters because no word contains that many of the same letter anyway :)

9 years ago

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I really don't see the need to over-police giveaway comments like this, anyway. It all seems hugely unnecessary to build a whole load of extra mechanics to bend people's behaviour to your will, and [thankfully] it's certainly not in line with the way cg has operated the site to date.

Personally I'm utterly ambivalent about the idea, but I guess a "thanks" button might be nice for some people, That said, there's no harm in allowing them the choice to comment freely, which has been there since the inception of the site. It's popular, widely used, and has worked for the last however many years.

Better to just leave people alone to thank or not thank in however many words or characters they choose. It's not harming anyone. It's hard not to see this it as another attempt by certain people to dictate the behaviour of others on the site. It's really not necessary. Allow people to keep the freedom that they've come to enjoy.

9 years ago*

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yeah but all the dumb THX and tahnks and various other short attempts at thanking one another could be handled by putting the thank-you cards in a friggin drop box :) looks so ugly. what about the people who would like to comment something normal? i bet they feel like weirdos being the only person who thinks what they typed mattered ;) but hey when it comes down to it we're all bat squirt crazy anyway.

9 years ago

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Haha! Yeah - each to their own!

I think it's nice to give people the option either way. I always all of the comments on my giveaways, and I'm sure many others do too, even if the more interesting ones are sometimes buried underneath a lot of more run-of-the-mill "thanks" posts.

9 years ago

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What have you done‽

View attached image.
9 years ago

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Maxx haxx :D

View attached image.
9 years ago

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Thank you's are very appreciated.

9 years ago

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They're pointless, just spam, and it's sad when you see that clearly most people didn't read the giveaway text or anything, just spam "THANK YOU" or similar and carry on. I mean, some browser add-ons allow you to automatically post them whenever you enter a giveaway. I wouldn't mind if the comment section was completely removed.

9 years ago

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It's mildly disheartening to see you post that, mate, if only as the data does not support your conclusion. You said "most people" just spam a thank you and carry on? Take a look at your own public giveaways...

  • 388 entries, 20 comments = 5% of entrants said thank you
  • 477 entries, 23 comments = 4% of entrants said thank you
  • 599 entries, 26 comments = 4% of entrants said thank you

A small sampling, yet even they bear out what my original post noted: the overwhelming majority of entrants into any and all public giveaways do not "spam," indeed, they do nothing at all save to hit the button. I'd say those few who took the time to say "thanks" at all are worthy of at least middling consideration.

9 years ago*

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Sometimes people don't have the time to write on every giveaway, plus in this new site there are more giveaways and points being added. And I think it depends on people's perception of the site. I don't see this site as some place to meet people and chat, etc. but a site to get some games because i don't have the resources to afford them. Also, some people overreact in the idea of getting and philosophical discussion on the comments section because they are giving something and need attention.

I do say thanks but I can say nothing as well and just enter on some giveaways and then go, and this doesn't mean I'm not grateful.
In my personal opinion, comments are optional unless the giver asks for something to do or not or just a random question for fun. not a big deal on it.

9 years ago

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Well, I say thank you manually every single time. Though I am aware that people may use scripts to automatically thank you, it is still a polite gesture - albeit it's effect is greatly diminished at the sheer quantity seen. I would feel it would be impolite not to thank a person who selflessly gives to the community. Still, the gesture has been given and whether the person giving will accept it as such is entirely on their front.

Still, they contribute somewhat (very, very little) to the community although I would heavily prefer it that effort was directed towards meaningfull input on the forums or the chat.

9 years ago

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I think they are needed.

Not always there is a description in a giveaway. You can't expect then from people to write anything creative. But if contributor wrote few interesting words I almost always try to answer him.

If I am creating giveaway I appreciate thankie comments however I answer only on related to my topic :).

Most was already said. I totally support jbond opinion :).

9 years ago*

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ohh I make sure to type out the thanks each time, no copypasta from me.

9 years ago

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they actually do matter to me,specially when some one says something funny or new in the comments,it makes me happy :)

or even when someone says "thanks" i don't care if he copy pasted it or not it just makes me a little bit happy.

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

9 years ago

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Generally, I only check for them if it's my private and/or group ga, because I know people usually don't bother doing so in public mostly. When I do check for them, I make sure it pertains to a topic I make, because I really like to see how different people reply to a fixed topic.

9 years ago

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It matters to me that someone thanked me for giving a game away. Like woodchuck said, If you can't be bothered to thank someone for giving their game away then you shouldn't be entering it. I would prefer if the thanks wasn't all so generic, but we can't all be Fiftyku! :D

Seriously though, Fiftyku is amazing.

9 years ago

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Well, why should I post a generic and uninspired (and likely insincere) "thanks" on the comments section of a giveaway when it contributes nothing to the section, community, or site? Of course I'll thank the person if I win, but I would like to think the gratitude is implied the moment someone enters into the giveaway.

9 years ago

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It's better than nothing. I would prefer sincere, inspiring and remarkable comments, but I'll take what I can get. Gratitude isn't implied either. I've had people win my GA's and demand their game just minutes/hours after it ended. Zero gratitude.

9 years ago

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Well, that much is true, in which case I'd question why it's important for you to be thanked in the first place and whether this thanks (which is presumably insincere, but even if it is) justifies the bandwidth, time, and effort spent on behalf of the user posting it. Then again, I've already expounded on my rationale above, so I doubt this exchange could progress much further, unless you're interested in arguing whether your appreciation of the thanks is more valuable than the requisites for accomplishing that thanks (which is bordering on pure subjectivity).

Thanks for your input.

9 years ago

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Bump :nosepick:

9 years ago

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I think the main reason most peeps don't put any valuable in there is (obviously) because as the giveaway ends nobody will look at the comment anymore. This is what the forum is for. Also the winner whould thank the giver personally (in chat/email/however the stuff is delivered) regardless if he commented or not.

Other than that, I'll go with the "I don't mind them" option.

9 years ago

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I agree. I actually tried to add the contributor of a giveaway I won to thank them personally, since it was automatically delivered over the site. He unfortunately blocked me, mistaking me for a bot, but I commented on the giveaway I won thanking him anyway, letting him know everything went well.

9 years ago

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I'm trying to post something more than simple thanks. Even if I post that, I never CTRL+V.
Also I really like if someone posts something like: Thank you very much, have a nice day kind sir.
That's a lot better than thanks. But still, thanks is still better from my view than nothing.

When I gave away my game (on another site), nobody said anything and I was angry. You have the game and you can do everything you want with it and you decided to give it to someone who wants it, maybe even can't afford it. And they even don't say thanks.

9 years ago

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Well, why should that? Shouldn't gratitude be implied upon entry, or given upon winning?

9 years ago

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Calling out fake giveaways is actually a good thing, so they are not so pointless.

Personally, I don't care about the comments below the giveaway. I just wish people who actually win the giveaway expressed gratitude with simple thanks.

9 years ago

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Calling out fake giveaways is also against the rules and guidelines of the site, since it can cause complications for Support.

9 years ago

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