Are you from the UK or eur 1 and 2 or another high steam priced countries? Do you want some higher CV?
well you are at the right place!!!
Just buy some cheap non bundled games from your russian friend and make a region locked giveaway aand...say hi to your level 10 CV!!
Now at the SG site! now with 50% discount! be fast and get your high CV quick!
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huge thread and no one wrote 42?
well, here it is: +42
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That's good, but I bet lots of ppl will still ignore if giveaway is region restricted and will still enter(seems that's not possible :) ) and "patriotic" ppl who will create even non region locked giveaways only for ppl from their region, but the update is good because less ppl complaining they can't buy games to giveaway because they live in a restricted area, less ppl complaining about getting region locked giveaways, etc.
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Interesting point. Should it be against the rules guidelines to specify that a GA is region-locked if it isn't? Or should it be okay to be "patriotic" as you call it?
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It sort of seems to go against the "fair chances for everybody [with sufficient CV]" mentality...and not everybody has the opportunity to be "patriotic," but yeah. I guess I'm not sure how I'd feel about somebody who deliberately region-restricts all of his/her unrestricted keys...but can enter all GAs (subject to CV).
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You won't see them anyway, unless it's posted in the forum
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Except that only people in those regions will see those giveaways, right?
They'd have to rat out their own (report the giveaways as region-locking unrestricted gifts). And even then, "pretty much sure coming from a running humble bundle" isn't the same as proof of an illegal giveaway.
Anyway, probably not worth my concern. I'll just remain blissfully ignorant if this is happening.
Although I guess when we look at a user's GA history, we'll see the globe icons?
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Looking at lukeeeb's profile as example (since he himself pointed it out): yes, user's history will show globes
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We'll see that it's a region-restricted giveaway, but won't know if the game is truly region-restricted or not. And we won't see if the description says "from Origin Humble Bundle #2".
Anyway, ultimately not worth my concern. There are plenty of free games to go around.
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How could you verify that this rule has been broken ?
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You probably can't. I guess that's why they're "guidelines" and not "rules." :-D
I guess the question is whether it should be a guideline not to do this. But way to detect it let alone enforce it so far as I can imagine.
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I think the region lock works like it checks what region locks the game has and it automatically places the region lock on it w/ your selected region, so you can't change the region. My only problem with this is if you have a game that's region restricted to a region other than your own, so it seems like you can't create GA for games other than the region you are in.
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YES!!!! Thanks!
Now time to add this to FAQ section?
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Ugh.. Well, good news for people that have region restricted games. :)
But... Later on when you add more regions. How does it work in my case? I live currently in Germany but has been living in Denmark all my life and will come back to Denmark sooner or later. Hopefully I will still be able to join ROW giveaways. And not giveaways with low violence for certain games because of German rules...
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The post does not say the value is taken from the US store. It's not very clear on this point.
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My guess is they are US, since that's how all the game values currently run and I believe changing the database to add in regional prices would be a major undertaking and additional maintenance.
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As all others are, yup.
I'm not the one to bitch very often but as one living in EU2 I pay a pretty penny ($=€ and all that crap) for all the games and am not delighted by the prospect (or better yet current reality) that someone paying 1/4 of the price will get the same CV as us who live in the most expensive regions and have paid the most expensive price...
This should be settled as soon as possible if there's any hope for public giveaways to survive. If this remains unsolved I'm betting a lot of people will switch to just group and whitelist as CV will no longer mean anything.
For now, in my opinion, this is horribly unfair.
Not to say that I'm not happy they can finally make their giveaways, but they should get the CV value according to the price of the game from their store.
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The fact that things were "the same" before does not make them fair, does it?
Also the situation is nowhere near the same as it was before as I, like all non RU citizens, no longer can activate a game from Russia and they still can activate mine and get the CV value the same as I do, who am paying at top dollar and everyone is able to join the gibs and activate the game...
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there's a reason why region-locked games are cheaper... it's because people living in those areas have a lower income. so basically they are spending the same amount (probably more in comparison) of their wages in here giving away games as you do with row titles.
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You have no idea what you're talking about.
I'm saying this with all due respect and all but you're seriously clueless.
Just as an example... Croatians have a minimum wage of 350€ per month and VAT of 25%. Normal salary is around 600€. The smallest apartments are renting at 200€ per month. For an apt the size of 35m square the heating bills are 125€ each month from September to February. Do the math...
Please, just don't talk about things you know nothing about.
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you have no idea what YOU are talking about.
minimum wage where i live (uruguay) is US$ 400 and average is $700. lowest rents are $400, expenses (electricity, water, phone, taxes) are around $200.
try to buy games to give away here with that.
think twice before replying.
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Wow, you're really not making any sense...You think that it is OK for me to pay the highest price on the market for a game and get the same CV you do for 1/4 of that price? Even though we're both in the exact same circumstances (do the math and get the average numbers, € is 7.5 and $ is 7.04) I get to pay more for the same CV just because this site does not take into account the different prices from regional stores?
There's no way you can make this argument work.
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if you knew something about my region (which you obviously don't have a clue, read your reply " Please, just don't talk about things you know nothing about") i pay FULL PRICE for all games because my country is region-locked, but i don't get discounts like brazil or mexico.
besides, i'm not putting your country as an example here. i'm comparing people paying US$45 for a GTA 5 copy compared to someone in USA paying $60 or someone in UK paying 60 euros with a wage that's x2 or x3 more than brazil, chile, paraguay or any other SA country.
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Actually you'd be surprised at UK wages- Minimum wage is like £800 in UK a month, rent for a small apartment (10-20m square) is around £500, gas and electricity is around £200, food and water bills etc is around £80 and they pay, on average, the most for Steam Games.
The point is- you should get the CV according to the price form your Steam store. They've set the prices according to their own desires/calculations, we pay them and there's zero sense in not getting the CV we "payed for". The same goes for everyone. If you've (and I'm talking in general here) paid 3$ for a game I paid 15$ for why should you get 15$ CV?
EDIT: For those very much concerned about my editing: changed "and the pay, on average, they most for Steam Games. " to "and they pay, on average, the most for Steam Games. " to make sense. You know.. Grammar and stuff...
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Luxy is somewhat correct although need to revise total living costs with other factors, it's pretty much kind of close. Just cause you are in a country in Western Europe doesn't translate over that you'll have more money. In fact there is a good chance it is more likely someone in Western Europe will have far less disposable income than someone in Eastern Europe.
When you sit down and start to do the maths not only do you get a massive ass headache you start to realise how well off an average person really is.
In short though it'd be fairer if everything was based on what people payed truly for the game as £1=/=$1=/=€1 for example yet 1p = $1. Actually now I think about it if fair regional CV was introduced you'd more than likely be hearing bitching about our new UK lvl 10 overlords since Steam charges UK more than most other regions since Steam has it in it's head that £1=$1 (in reality it's £1=$2).Though bravo to anyone brave enough to tackle that mathematical clusterfuck.
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OK, in Russia (atleast in my city) we have minimum wage of about $150 (average is about $300-350), rent for a small apartment is about $100 per month + gas/electricity/water(about 50$)and you will need about $30 on food to just survive. We will obviously flood SG with dirt cheap games...
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It looks to me, and I'm sorry if I'm mistaken, that you're taking this too personally, probably because people tend to mention Russia as it's an easy example to make, but please note that I'm not talking about Russians or Japanese or the little green men, I'm just talking about the faults in the current SG system.
As I thought then that it was unfair for anyone not being able to share games and get their CV when region locked games couldn't be given away here, now I think that it isn't fair for SG to apply the policy that if you (not meaning you as Ev11 but any person) pay 5$ for a game in a region-locked Store that is meanwhile worth 10$ in a US store, or even worse 10 Pounds in the UK Store, you should get 10$CV even though you payed 5$ for it. That's all I'm saying. If the system is in place it should make sense, if it does not make sense, then why have it? :)
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i see u spend 1000s dollars on your bundle games, LOL
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"Croatians have a minimum wage of 350€ per month and VAT of 25%. Normal salary is around 600€. The smallest apartments are renting at 200€ per month. For an apt the size of 35m square the heating bills are 125€ each month from September to February. Do the math..."
That's why I don't buy any games for myself that aren't bundled either. And as for 1000s of dollars... Erm, max 16€ on bundles in 6 months. Not that I owe any explanation to you, person who has no logical point to make so goes for the "ooooh you give bundled games blah blah blah" argument. Weak...
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well u can actually edit your posts more, lol. u sad u spend a lot money here, while russians now can spent shit and get big cv.. now i hope u can see logic in my previous message.
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I edit in the interest of being clear, nothing of meaning gets removed, just further elaborated on. As there's a language barrier I find it helpful to elaborate to get my message across. And no, I can see no logic in what you're saying.
Guess we'll just have to agree to disagree...
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u told u spend tons of money here and bitching russians for "cheap" games, lol. this site is about GIFTING games, not looking around and whine about somebody can finally do this.
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I've said I spend "tons of money"?
Wow, you're really not into reading that much, are you?
There's no talking to you so I'm just gonna walk away now...
Oh, just before I go- you've never entered a higher CV lvl giveaway so you're here now basically saying that better odds mean nothing to you? Please...
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u said u spend a lot of money here, before edit your post.
ofc i am entering high cv lvl giveaways, because before i spend some money for it (not so much like u, ofc) - thats how this site is working.
and about your idea making less cv for region locked game (steam store region price) - its useless. there are tons of closed groups where u can actually make region locked giveaways. so if u would make steam store region price for it, ppl just wouldnt use this region function :)
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I'm sorry but you're lying now and due to your grammar, as well as other contributing factors (not the least of which is the fact that I don't like to communicate on your level or involve lying when I cannot find any facts to support my argument), I have the need to say...
And that's the last you'll be hearing from me.
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its easy 2 say i am lying after editing all posts :)
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and what about
"And that's the last you'll be hearing from me."
dont reply please, liar
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I only buy cheap dishwasher detergent and scoff at those that clean their pockets with expensive lint deterrents. It makes little sense to me why some go out of their way to make it known that they have to buy the expensive stuff, just because they like to leave food on their plates and cannot eat all what they take. Every 60 seconds in Africa a minute goes by. Think of the time. Just think of it. What would Gandhi do with food? Just throw it away? Maybe save it for later and pretend to starve too draw attention to a cause worth fighting for. Much like how value is calculated for ones own worth. It is all just a number. Some need bigger numbers to feel power. Some need power to feel bigger. I just want to eat what I can afford, and have a portion that will sustain me and allow me to feel full, even for just one day.
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Exactly like group giveaways, funny how it works right?
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Well, I wanted appealing to common sense here, and did not want to involve the destructive nature of groups.
Do you really think it has any positive effect on this site as a whole when 50 people gifts thousands of games to each other in a closed group? Check cg's profile, he has 3 group GA-s in total, 2 of them went to the S.Gifts group. I think that says something about his opinion on groups and perhaps elitism in general.
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It's weird that we have "Poland" region added here. I didn't know there were any games restricted to Poland only.
To top it off, we're still paying for games on steam in €. So please do not automatically assume all of the regions listed in this thread are trying to hoard CV.
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I had no idea. Thank you for the clarification. I thought CD Action was only adding some crappy/shovelware games on DVD discs to their magazines. I never heard of them giving away steam keys. Then again, I stopped buying their stuff a long time ago, so maybe something changed.
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cg (admin) answered a later post but he avoided this one aperantly
weired ****
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Yes, right now US prices are used for all giveaways. We'll keep an eye on how this works, and make changes if necessary.
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Anybody can buy region restricted games and create RR giveaway,Or only from same region
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3 CV/level values per account? Each one from "public", "private/group" "region restricted", points earned and required would only apply to each GA type. Too much work maybe?
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that's how it was before the restrictions valve made. i don't recall anyone complaining back then.
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i still don't get what's the problem here. if you don't want people from restricted countries win your giveaways, send a support ticket to ask approval for a special rule about this.
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then add a suggestion for region restricted giveaways' cv calculated from their store, if you didn't already. i think it should be middle ground enough.
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Well that's what I said:
"Not to say that I'm not happy they can finally make their giveaways, but they should get the CV value according to the price of the game from their store."
Sadly, people just feel the need (and just to make it very clear- I'm in no way referring to you here) to respond to my, what is I believe, fair suggestion as if I were the Devil himself trying to eat their children xD
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but that's not a suggestion. technically it is, but it is not. you should make a thread in bugs/suggestions category or send a ticket. i don't think cg has time to read everything posted here.
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Oh he replied just above to a basically same suggestion:
"We'll keep an eye on how this works, and make changes if necessary"
They knew that this was coming (the uproar about imbalanced CV), they just want to see how it goes first in case they can make it work without putting a whole lot more effort into revising the site so it collects different prices from different regions. And I can understand their point of view, I bet that's no easy task.
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I so hate getting into discussion about CV because it all seems so hypocritical to me.
Some people say that they don't care about CV and yet they enter high lvl giveaways (therefore have better chances of winning), other say it does matter and then get ripped to shreds for not saying that it's all about the giving.
Why would there even be CV if it was not in the least important?
That's why I never get into discussions about CV- there's just no middle ground between hypocrisy and getting eaten alive xD
Nah, I kid ;)
I just cant decide what I think on the subject, to be honest.
I'm just talking about the faults of the system because I know for a fact that there are people to whom this does matter a lot (and I really dislike judging people for their opinions on such matters) and it is really unfair to them. There can't be any question about it. The system now is not fair. As it was not fair before to those who were from restricted regions and couldn't share their games here.
There's also no such thing as a perfect system, I'm aware of that, but that doesn't mean that we should overlook a serious flaw in the part of the system that was put there for a reason.
I'm a really practical person and I tend to look at things like this one on the basis of if they work or not, without involving too much feelings.
If CV was put there to keep track of how much money was spent on a game (and it obviously was), and there is a lot of work being done to make sure that bundled games aren't credited for what would normally be their full value (again, it's about the money you've spent), I don't see why this is something we should just overlook as it's about how much money is being spent and how much are you getting credited for.
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Thank you for sharing your opinion, especially in such and organized way, and helping me to decide :)
I can agree with some of your points (if I'm understanding them correctly) but, as I've said, I really still can't decide what I think about all of this and, to be honest, I'm starting to think that I never will because I just can't be bothered to really care about it.
As I've also said before- there seems to be no middle ground and that's exactly what I would like as the system, as it is, is not perfect and I don't like to take part in discussing things that are flawed to begin with.
And in the end, when you think about it, there are far more important things to use brainpower on than a silly thing like CV. :)
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every country has different prices, is not the same price for region
I'm in costa rica(South America region though we aren't south americans :v) and I pay the same prices as US citizen so, how would you do in those cases?
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how would you know how much someone paid for a game?
steam only gives the price the game has and you can buy game with wallet money that you got from selling cards, which means you didn't pay anything
you can buy from different stores, not just steam
so I think it is hard to know that
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Well all the games are priced according to Steam Store, no matter where you bought them, unless they're from a bundle then the bundle calculation applies. The same would apply here- you get the price according to your country's Store. Since SG now has an option to set your region, that is city, it would be just a matter of replacing the US store's prices with those from your own Store.
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Edit: Ninja'd by Lina.
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Good change, I think. Should solve a lot more problems than it creates.
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Wow... interesting.
I'm curious to see how this will effect CV since people can now create a bunch of GAs for cheap region locked games, thus increasing their CV, and enter into ROW game GAs at higher levels due to this.
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Well, games that are on sale give 100% CV as well (non-bundled games, of course), so I don't think anything will change in regards to CV. There will definitely be a bunch of people that will skyrocket their CV with these cheap as hell games though.
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Yeah - but now people can also potentially buy any game on sale from the Russian store also on sale at even lower prices...
It will affect CV levels but I prefer to be optimistic that this change will solve more problems than it causes and any kinks will be worked out.
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I think the point was that games sometimes sell for as little as 25% of US prices in some regions and only residents thereof can legitimately buy them but that the CV would be at US prices, giving cheap regions the same effect as a continual sale that stacks with regular sales and therefor an advantage if they seek a higher SteamGifts level.
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Well, games that are on sale give 100% CV as well
ROW average game @full price = 100
Russian average game @full price = 25
ROW average game @50% = 50
Russian average game @50% = 12,5
Your argument is invalid
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Russian have discounted price too, but they still pay -75%
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Good point! At that time I wasn't active on steam or SG, so I didn't think of it :)
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Hi SG, we have an exciting update for the community today, allowing users to create giveaways for gifts or keys that are region restricted.
How do I create a region restricted giveaway?
If you visit the create a giveaway page, you'll see a new section with the name Region Restrictions. At the moment you're able to select from five different regions: Poland, RU+CIS, SE Asia, South America and Turkey. This list will likely expand in the future to include other popular regions that are available. If you have a gift or key for a region that's not listed, we ask you not to post it at this time. Giveaways incorrectly listed, or region restricted giveaways created before this announcement will be removed.
How do I know if a giveaway is region restricted?
Region restricted giveaways appear in the giveaway list with a globe icon, and you'll notice the region name is visible next to the icon when viewing the giveaway. If you click these icons, you'll see a list of countries within the corresponding region. You'll only see giveaways on the homepage that are region free, or giveaways that are within your region. If you try to view a giveaway for another region, you'll see an error message.
How do I specify my region or change it?
As of yesterday, users select a country when registering on SG, setting their Steam region. If you're already registered, your IP address determined your country, and it can be viewed on the account page. Please double check this is accurate, and you're entering to win giveaways for the correct region. If the country is incorrect, and you're entering giveaways for another region, you'll be unable to redeem any games that are won, and we require all gifts or keys to be activated on your Steam account. If you need the country to be modified, please submit a ticket, and we'll adjust it for you.
Do region restricted giveaways contribute to my SG level?
Yes, region restricted giveaways function the same as every other giveaway, and follow the same rules for calculating value.
If you have any other questions, feel free to ask below!
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