What do You think about our community?
Special rules were never allowed in public giveaways in the first place. Now they're not allowed in private or group giveaways either. Well, rather than not allowed, we just won't reroll if your winner violates your special rule. You can still write it down and it might discourage some people who dont meet the requirements from entering.
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SGTools requirements are special rules, as they come from third-party and not the SG itself, however people claim that if someone bypasses those special rules set by SGTools that support will re-roll the winner.
So are those people lying, or do you guys do allow special rules if they come from SGTools?
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It's not important what rules are set on SGT, what's important is that SGT leads to private GA link and only way to get this link is using SGT. So if someone doesn't meet criteria he must have used leaked GA link. Thus reroll will happen not because of not meeting special rules criteria but because of using leaked link to a private GA. Same way if you made a private GA and sent the link only to 5 people A, B, C, D and E. If person F enters your GA and you never send the link to him you will get reroll as well.
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Leaking invite-only giveaways is still a valid reroll reason. SGTools is a 3rd party website where users post their private giveaways, just like the popular Itstoohard website. We reroll winners if they used a leaked URL to enter the giveaway.
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So basically using SGTools to manage invite-only giveaways, as well as invite-only giveaways in the first place, enable users to efficiently set up a wide array of special rules applied automatically to everyone. For all intents and purposes, it is a semi-public giveaway (with the only difference that the link is usually shared at Discussions) with almost fully custom rules. Don't you consider that some kind of a loophole and/or plan to do something about it or have you fully embraced the legitimacy of using SGTools for giveaways?
I'm not saying whether the rule of 'no special giveaway rules' is good or bad, but that the existence of SGTools makes it inconsistent.
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Rules and conditions are kind of synonyms in this situation. When people tried to apply custom rules to their giveaways they would threaten with re-rolls if you broke them, SGTools prevents you from entering them in the first place, based on similar rules. So what's happening is efficiently the same.
I don't agree that you can compare conditions to puzzles. The main difference is that anyone has the equal potential to solve any given puzzle and enter the giveaway (not to mention that some people have started to put SGTools checks after you solve a puzzle, though at least they usually warn you beforehand). With conditions applied in SGTools, you either pass the checks or you don't. It's based on the static state of your profile at that moment, and you can't change it (unless you apply long-term behaviour).
Also, puzzles naturally restrict the number of entrants based on effort taken to solve the puzzles which I consider justifiable (in my personal opinion).
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Thanks for the clarification! Just to make things clear I'm not contesting the rules about leaking. Leaking any invite-only link is obviously a bad thing and should not be allowed to happen. I was merely wondering about the inconsistency of the custom rules being enforced, but thanks to the replies I now understand that custom rules are allowed, they just want users to moderate them themselves using invite-only links instead of bothering support, which makes sense. :)
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Like I said, we've been happily using ItsTooHard puzzles for years, and I don't see anyone complaining about rerolls resulting from leaking those giveaways. Well, I do see people complaining, but they are very few and far between and are silly. I believe that at its core SGtools is no different, and the requirements themselves are irrelevant.
With an ITH giveaway you get the puzzle URL, then you need to "beat" the protection built by the giveaway creator. With an SGT giveaway, you get the SGT URL, then you need to "beat" the protection built by the giveaway creator.
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As I just posted in http://www.steamgifts.com/go/comment/kgzIn95 I believe it's a bit strange to compare puzzles, in which everyone has an equal chance to work towards entering a giveaway, to static condition checks, where certain groups of people are essentially mass blacklisted in advance.
I agree that if you look from a strictly rule-based perspective you can classify puzzles as 'a specific type of custom rule' and thus argue that it allows other types of custom rules to exist. But I don't think that's reasonable on a practical level, because of aforementioned reasons.
And even if you do consider puzzles a variation of custom rules, then it follows that you do accept custom rules for all semi-public (invite-only links posted openly in Discussions threads) giveaways, which again is a bit inconsistent with the fact that you don't allow them for any other types of giveaways?
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Yes, exactly! :3 so my point is, it's okay to manually invite everyone that passes your rules (for example, you could make a thread stating the rules and then add people on Steam one by one, check if they pass and send out the link) but it's not okay to make any other type of giveaway and state exactly the same rules?
Now that I think about it, I suppose it's just to reduce support workload with enforcing custom rules? So the bottom line is that nobody minds custom rules, they just don't want support tickets about it? :O
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support has only one rule for that and it's "leaked giveaway". way easier to moderate if people are prevented from entering.
using custom rules would be a mess, considering how many people enter without reading descriptions and using bots/scripts to autojoin. -.-
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That is correct. Part of the reason custom rules were discontinued was because it was a mess for support to track and check. Many giveaway creators had a bunch of rules set up for giveaways, from the usual blacklist to something more complex like the amount of wins, estimated wins, ratio, etc. They had to be pre-approved, and there were multiple cases of abuse and cheating involved.
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Hmm, i've heard something like that before irl from someone. Some small differences but could have the same meaning in the end.
"For every 10 people you meet, there is at least 1 you won't like."
My irl "statistics" are worse than that though, haha.
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some of them are ungrateful
A vocal minority does not a majority make. There are plenty of us that don't care about ratios, or at the very least, have pretty low standards. It's my personal belief that it's a silly thing to worry about. This is indeed Steamgifts. If everyone had a 1-1 ratio here, it would be Steam-random-trading instead. I always chuckle when I see the occasional group starting out that has a rule that their in-group ratios must be higher than 1-1.
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Stop focussing on the idiots or you may overlook the nice people
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I think there are some terrible people here, but given that it's on the internet, that's expected. As someone with a ton more sent than won, I know that someone has to win those gifts I've sent and therefore someone has to have more won than sent (okay, it's a bit more complicated, but I'm too rushed at the moment to articulate better) but some people are especially terrible (rulebreakers, people who attack others for no reason, etc.). Overall, though, this community is great.
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just like in r34l life, some people are jerks, some people are cool, some people fell entitled to opinions over others, some are chill, personally i learn trough life that is better just not to bother with the people you dont "like", to give it a simple term, care about the good ones and move on. You'll live longer, in the end this is a site about generosity, its very hard to find a*holes here :P
Unfortunately you probably gonna get blacklisted by some peeps for postings things like these, peeps dont like to hear that their pointy personality might unnerve a fellow human being, if they even consider you one.
Good luck.
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True that. There are good users too, but yeah, there are bitter people too.
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Only chocolate deserves to be bitter. Nobody else. xD
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I don't like bitter chocolate. Reminds me too much of my life :(
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Depression sometimes brings bitterness. Gifting does tend to add a little sweetness.
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One part neurological (chronic depression) + one part circumstance = not much to live for
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So, chronic depression isn't something that originates from a sad incident? It's just something that suddenly appeared? Still, why do you look at the negative things in your life? Why don't you look at the positive things? Think of the positive things and stop thinking of the negative things.
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I have High Functioning Autism (should have led with that). Small stuff will bug the hell out of me. Why I don't like watching or reading news. The crap happening in this world just depresses me even more.
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Then don't watch them. :D I never watch tv. I mostly watch sports. Sports can help you get your anger out. Try going to watch your favorite sport. I was going a lot in the past in football fields (I'm talking about the European football) and basketball courts. Scream a bit, swear at the enemy team, and the anger will go away. xD I think you're fine. :)
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People with depression are not just looking at the negative things, it's brain chemistry. Sometimes the chemistry in our brain goes out of wack and the person cannot control it without a huge effort and most times it needs help, not only from other people (professional help) or chemical help (medical drugs).
Saying to someone with depression why not think of the positive things and stop thinking about the negatives, is like saying to someone with asthma why don't they try to breath better or someone with insomnia why don't try to get some sleep.
Most people that say that have good intentions, but sadly that is not how depression works.
Also, some people confuse being depressed as being sad. It's not the same thing.
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He also said "one part circumstance", meaning that it's not always because of his chronic depression. I'm just trying to show him that there are ways to calm down. I didn't tell anything about stopping being sad, but about calming down. ;P
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The one part circumstance does play a role in making me depressed sometimes. Certain things do help me feel better although sports isn't one of them. I appreciate your advice. Cheered me up to see someone trying to help :)
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Glad to help, even if I didn't succeed to actually help. Tell me if you need any help in the future though. :D And stick with the things that help you feel better - only with them. :D
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Would have made me happy if I could give you something from your wishlist :(
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Don't! xD Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your kindness, but I'm not a beggar. I would love to see you giving some food or some money or some clothes to a homeless person though. And I'm sure it will cheer you up too. ;)
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I think you are far from being a beggar. I just like to spread some gaming cheer. Usually just a bundled game or a retail game that I can pick up on special. Would have liked if I had near infinite funds for that purpose.
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And I thank you for your kindness. :D But still, I prefer when money go for an even better purpose, like feeding the homeless, donating to charity, etc. :) Most poor people would be happy even with 50 cents. ;) In my country, there are so many people living on the streets. I assume that this happens in your country too. :(
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That is why I do most of my gifting directly. Levels and CV doesn't matter to me much. It has become the proverbial carrot to a lot of users.
Edit: Sent you a friend request. I have a small something from your wishlist. Just a random "because I can" moment.
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I swear, if you're not on everybody's whitelist by now, I might just go insane.
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I've never blacklisted because of ratio, but I can see why some people are annoyed by people who never say anything on the forum or interact with the community, and who just sits back and tries to win games. But I do understand that not everyone can give a lot of games (heck, I grew up poor (by Swedish standards), I know full well how it is to not have enough money to buy games or other nice things for myself), but showing that you're willing to at least make a bit of an effort to give something back, even if it's just some bundle leftovers, does go a long way to show that you're not just here to leech.
And there is actually a very easy way to exclude people who don't give: Increase the level of your giveaways
And if you want to prevent people with "bad" ratios (whatever you think bad is), you can just use SGtools So no need to blacklist over these kinds of things.
edit one group of "bad ratio people" that does rub me the wrong way though are people who own a lot of expensive games, and who have won a lot of games, yet have never given anything back
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This is one of the reasons why i gave up on this community (you can see on my profile that i quit giving away and literally started leeching instead). It will just keep getting worst in the years to come, trust me. I've been overall active throughout the years, despite not commenting much like some other people. I do lurk the forums from time to time now, and comment mostly on topics like this. Because it's sad really... The purpose of this website seems to be lost in the void now.
Last time i commented something like this, i noticed i got blacklisted by at least 4 users that replied to me acting like they know me, they probably think i care about their bundle giveaways, let me tell you this (to the people who will blacklist me for this comment and to the ones who did previously), the amount of care i have for your giveaways is non existant. There will always be bundle giveaways on this website, there will always be wins for bundled games, i really don't care if you blacklist me to prevent me from winning said bundled games, i can buy them myself if i wanted to, which i don't since i don't have the need to.
Now i'll be waiting on the cyber police comments to show up. There are way too many users here that worry about my life more than theirs, to the point of making (deep) investigations and assuming people for what they see without knowing any of the background. This reminds me of those old ladies that stare at you in the streets and start commenting things as you pass by, it's exactly the samething here!
Btw, this topic of yours will most likely get you blacklisted by someone. I can guarantee you this. And that person isn't me obviously. Just a heads up!
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SGtools check is also one reason people would blacklist you, not just what you say. Just putting it out there.
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Yes, i know about that. SGtools simply makes the investigations easily accessible to everyone now. I'm not against it, it's a necessary and usefull tool for the website.
But hey, since you also added me to the blacklist, i'll even hint you that both of the multiple wins i got marked as received i literally had no clue of their existence untill i was told by the end of the summer on the forums here. Which was the reason why i took a 3 month break for failing on this and not having a clue of the situation. I'll also hint you that both keys that were gifted towards me are most likely not used to this day, the secondary wins that is. Primary should be used as intended.
It's like people can't use their brains for a moment, what would i win for having multiple wins on bundled games and having invested on non bundled gifts for this community? Like for real... If it was non bundled games i won, it would be suspicious, yes. But they aren't. It was my mistake for not paying attention to my wins and now people assume things as they see them.
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I added you to the blacklist cause you won a game from me and saw you broke the rules of the website. Nothing personal, I think it's a very objective reason.
For the last paragraph, you aren't the first one that has had non bundle gifts and still with issues like that. There are people who've fixed it though. I can never discern a person's reason for having those but like I said the reason is fairly objective and there are steps to fix it.
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Well, i guess that is understandable now, at least you gave a heads up now! Better late than never i guess.
The thing is, i've had like 5 multi wins of the same game/dlc so far, 3 games, 2 dlcs. Out of all these 5 multi wins, only 1 user paid attention to me having the dlc already (entered a hidden giveaway for the dlc and bought it from humble sometime later, forgot to remove entry). Now if you were to see the amount of multi wins i got and the ones i have marked, something is off... The 3rd multi win game i got was from the same dev giveaways, so i marked 1 as received and the other as not received (user kept ignoring my reroll request on steam and users in the community told me to do that). When this situation happened, is when i learnt about the previous multi wins on my profile.
If i wanted the multiwins for some reason, then my profile should have been displaying 4 multi wins (3 games, 1 dlc), when in fact it only displays 2. This is because i paid attention to both dlcs i won and agreed to reroll, and also attempted with my 3rd game but to no avail.
The damage is already done, i just gave up on the situation and it's barelly not worth fixing it now. Not that i want to be a rule breaker (hurray multiple bundled game wins! >_>), but more to the point that there were certain events prior to that, which lead me to quit making giveaways here. Which is why i consider myself a leech now, i'm not afraid of admitting it, i've contributed before, i could contribute again but i won't. Not after the things i've seen here that turned my good side facing backwards to the community here.
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As i've stated in some other comment, doing that publicly would be consider a call out and get me suspended most likely.
If you are that interested in the original backstory that got me this far, you can always add me and i'll clarify through steam chat. If you think it is worth your time in the end that is.
It's funny people usually consider their own opinions the golden rule around here, discarding completly what others said, most of the users commenting towards me weren't even around when i decided to quit gifting and they speak of it like they know everything. Just like the people you meet irl, you do something that might sound too off, people will see you do that and assume things on their own.
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just saying - if you explain the situation itself not call anyone directly - it is not calling out and will not get you suspended. You can do with it whatever you want - just say without calling out or continue to use no-calling-out as an excuse not to say anything ;)
"I stopped gifting because zelghadis offended me on discussion, called me a leech, blacklisted me for nothing and threathened to kill my dog." would be indeed calling out and suspendable, but at the same time you can say "I stopped gifting because certain user offended me on discussion, called me a leech, blacklisted me for nothing and threathened to kill my dog." ;)
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I really wonder since you are the one "using" brain for your activities. Why would you even enter with all your "bundle games are shit" argue above a game that you won't even care you win? That's just seems so meaningless for my brain sorry. Because i can understand you are such a caring and nice person.
Btw your posts look like this to me: All hail non-bundle giving master race other people are just here to serve them!
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Haha, i laughed.
At the fact that i got blacklisted by another "important bundle user".
Oh well, i should make a forum topic with the name "Important breadcrumb users" and be done with it, should make blacklisting me relatively easier for all of you. :rolleyes:
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Well, as Mullins stated, you got leeched. Be happy now?
Btw, i'm not saying bundled giveaways are shit, just pointing out that people who think they are important for giving away leftovers and blacklisting users.
It's funny that i won another bundle giveaway as i slept, this one is quite interisting and been on my wishlist for sometime.
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I'm not sure if you are getting the point there. You probably aren't given your reaction, unless... nvm.
Anyways, people like you, who blacklist me, everything i would ever see from you posted publicly would most likely be bundled games. To which my reaction is what posted in the previous comment. People think they are doing a great deal by blacklisting me, when all i'm going to miss from them is some bundled games which i could buy myself in the end if i cared enough to.
Now you would ask: "Why don't you buy them then and stop entering giveaways?"
What is the fun in that honestly? I quit buying bundle games (had a bad addiction to them and they are overall pointless, unless its a good bundle) and decided to get them from here instead. Gambling is interisting. Sort of a bad habit too, steamgifts is essentially gambling for me. I don't loose nothing other than a few minutes to spend my points in and see if i get lucky from time to time.
I can live with this, blacklisting me wont stop me from doing what i do right now. This is simply my retaliation to you people who negate me access to your bundled giveaways, like if they were THAT important to begin with.
Btw, i'm not against bundle giveaways, don't get the wrong idea there. I've given a good bunch of bundle giveaways myself too.
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I am not thinking any great thing by blacklisting you. I don't even announce it like i am doing something right what are you talking about? I just do it for your ungreatful manner which leads me not to give you anything. And the main reason is i know It doesn't matter if i blacklist you or not you are going to do what you think is "fun" and in your perspective "right" i guess. I know my "bundle" giveaways don't matter to you and i know you won't even open them if you win and even you know that. Still you enter multiple same giveaways without thinking people maybe sincere what they are trying to do. And even look down on them. You stopped giving after a certian level says so much about you that i don't want point out. Lastly i already know the answers i asked you just wanted to point out some things so i won't ask you something like that. You lose nothing i win a member for my list it's simple as that not that somebody "can't live" with how much important you think about yourself lol.
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I guess that "point out" you are trying to hide is the fact that i leveld up to leech or to feel like an elite? If that is what you think, then by far, have a facepalm on the house! Both terms are wrong, just a fyi.
I have my own reasons for what i do, reasons you don't know and shall never know directly from me. I'll give you a hint as to what the subject is, you want to give more but can't due to limitations, what comes after that might be obvious for some people here. Which is the reason why i stopped giving away all together, signs of corruption/favoritism are not my thing in the end. The purpose of this website is to gift, i was denied this in a way. I got pissed when i saw others not getting denied, so here i am. Leeching 24/7 all thanks to one thing.
If there is anyone to blame, blame the person who denied me the "will to gift more". My good side towards this community has turned its back on it. People might think i'm overreacting or anything like that, but i'm not. There should be equality to everyone in this case, and for me there wasn't.
Inb4 someone comments saying "but you made restricted giveaways." The only restrictions i ever put on my giveaways myself was the groups, CV/private giveaways were all blind picked from users in the SG chat, not me. There was the option to make giveaways public for private ones but it wasn't up to me to decide on that, despite being the gifter.
EDIT: Forgot to mention, i actually do care about certain bundled games (not giveaways tho). The thing is, i want to avoid buying bundles again, if i started buying them i would have to get rid of them somehow, that somehow used to be this community or steam friends who had the games wishlisted. Also don't get the idea that i'm a bad person, i'm not. You could say i'm more of a difficult type of person to deal with, i dislike seeing corruption and power abuse. If i happen to win something from someone, i do thank them and even have a small friendly chat if i got added on steam. I do have my manners and ways to deal with people. Not that you are a bad person, you sound like the opposite actually, but yeah. Sometimes you just don't see eye to eye with other people.
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You stopped at 7.07 and that can easily be seen like to that espiacially with your attitude you can't put a face palm to that. You sound like people should know what kind of person are you and you complain about that at the same time. You look like you are only interested on your side of story.
Anyway you exprienced some kind of unfairness and decided to look down on people who gives "bundle" games? What kind of logic is that. You think you are a victim of something and it's really could be the case but this doesn't justify any other thing you wrote.
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Actually i stopped at 7.14 and to this day i still have spare keys and gifts from 2 years ago which didn't get used and are still collecting dust as i type this. The reason i have this CV was to keep balance on my account, i started throwing away lots of gifts back then to balance my win:gift ratio and ended up passing the ratio with more gifts then wins at some point (it used to be the opposite). If i wanted to boost my CV to originally "leech" bundled games, i would have been better off investing the amount of money i put on this website buying games on my own, which i didn't. Again, you are mistaking my original purpose 2 years ago. What i am today is only reflection of what happened then.
Please you know so much about me, you must be a highly qualified cyber police member. Have you been stalking me since you joined? >_<
Guess you still didn't get my point with my previous comments, oh well, moving on.
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You are just playing victim on your bad logic. I am not saying i know you i am just assuming from your attitude and i could be wrong i accept that. I even apologize for my blind assumings. But my wrong doesn't change your wrong here and i understand what you are saying but you don't mine. You simply say in every message bundle game gifters should shut up and since you are angry to community it's your right because you give non-bundle some time to take whatever you want. You have right to break rules with bundle games cause you give away non-bundles and can afford any bundle. You keep drawing the topic to your past but our argument has nothing to with it. And i am far from a cyber police. In some places i was even called a troll. I just didn't like your look at things and i am discussing this with you. But i am still impressed there is no real insults here. Even this shows about this community a bit imo. :D
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the purpose of this site is what each person wants.
some will leech, others will give away spare/unwanted games, another will gift AAA titles, and there's also people that use it as an excuse to socialize with others.
if some users want to see sg as charity, go ahead, but don't impose that view on me. i neither came here asking for free games not to give to "the poor". specially when those poor users have 5 times my library or inventories worth $300...
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Hmm, you could say that, partially...
If i was to state the reasons why i'm being like this right now, i would get suspended most likely since it's something not to be debated in the public and it would be considered a "call out". I bet some people would even want that but hey, i'm having the time of my life with all these blacklists for the moment! Hehe.
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If people want to determine who they give their games to, that's totally fine with me. Nobody should expect a random stranger to be obligated to include them in their giveaways. If you buy a game, it's totally fair that you get to decide what to do with it, and I would be ashamed to make a thread like this complaining about it.
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it can't be perfect, it gets into balance once u find the people that fits more your personality, we have a lot of people so u will tend to find some people that u dont like and u will find some people that u think are awesome and worth your time, u have to deal with "abnoxious people " from time to time but in general we have an awesome community once u meet the really awesome and kind people in here :3 ~
I understand your point perfectly and so far i can tell you that just be patient and learn how to deal with everything around here and u just will be in comfort in no time :D
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All I got out of that was You.
On a more serious note, unfortunately those "ungrateful" people are mostly users who don't give away any games or only very few; at least that's something I personally have noticed. I think I don't understand your problem 100% though; I have never seen anyone "show off" with their ratio, at least I can't recall seeing someone like that around here..
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There's only two ratios you're capable of showing off with.
Because sexual virility and metaphors toward such are the only way to properly show off.
Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to remake my account, only give away action-heavy fps games, and only win games featuring long, bright red cars.
Well, and I'll multi-win Barbie Dreamhouse as many times as possible, but that's just a given.
But really, the people who actually have justification to show off their phenomenal ratios (some who are at twice the sent cv to what they needed to reach level 10), are the most phenomenally generous-minded and humble individuals.
Near as I can tell from what vagueness we're given, someone pointed out that higher sg levels often get better win odds, and the OP took irrational levels of offense over the matter.
I'm not sure why the OP decided to be rude and offensive toward the community as a whole over it, but looking at a linked thread they'd posted earlier, it looks like a lot of how it comes across is just poor grasp of English.
Then again, considering how the OP finishes up, that may just be a hopeful interpretation.
But, there's a delightfully amusing element to all of this- the OP's odd habit of capitalizing 'You'. Could just be a translation quirk, from a language that capitalizes specific personal pronouns.
But I prefer to interpret it in the English structure, which limits that capitalization to when you're speaking to/of a deity.
Let's go with Zeus, he's always good for a laugh
I think Zeus don't understand that when Zeus give and then Zeus behave like that Zeus simply look like an a**.
Yeah, you tell that philandering, adultering shapeshifter!
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Oh yes, Zeus seems like a very fun guy.
I can only agree with you. I'm not good at writing clever answers like you are.
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Ok, let's go point by point by what you say, as you said quite a lot.:
some of them are ungrateful
there are hundreds of thousands of registered users on SG. At least 10+ thousands visiting daily. Ofc in such a pool you will find some ungrateful users as well as some very generous users. Some smart, some stupid. Pointing that "some" users out of thousands are XYZ is pointless. Ofc you will find whatever trait you want, positive or negative in thousands of random people...
I also heard today that I shouldn't expect to win anything because I didn't give enough
From your topic, vast maajority, like almost everyone, were not talking what you imply here. They were saying you shouldn't expect to win a lot since you don't give away enough, not that you shouldn't win anything. That makes a pretty big difference over agenda you try to push in your post. You post like they were attacking you, they simply told you, you say nothing, they say not a lot. See the difference? It's pretty normal in any gamified system that people who participate and support the system a lot benefit more.
I've seen people blacklisting others [...]
Anyone can blacklist anyone for whatever reason they feel like. Someone can blacklist you because they don't like your avatar - and you know what? It's fine. Because in the end it's their own hard earned money they buy games for their giveaways with. If they pay the money they have every right to choose who they want and who they don't want to enter their GiveAways. They want to make puzzle? They want to whitelist someone? They want to blacklist someone? It's their choice. Guess what would happen if people were not able to choose? Would they gladly give their games, their own money to people they don't like, just because you say so? No - they would stop giving, switch to WhiteList GAs only etc. You got blacklisted? Happens - this person doesn't want to give his games to you and he has every right to do so, as well as you have the right to choose who you don't want your money to go to.
Seen a guy who won 41 games and gave nothing.
Honestly, in today world unless you live in country that is blocked by everything like Syria for example there is no excuse to give nothing to the community other than just being a cheap arsehole. Period. To join SG you need 100$ non-bundled games. To be a PC gamer you need at least hundreds of dollars worth hardware. not to mention that we basically get free steam money with cards, can farm games for free at tremor, can trade our bundle leftovers or just give them away, can earn free store credit in stores like GMG or GG and so on and on. If someone cannot give 1$ back over the course of years - it's not because he cannot. It's because he doesn't want to. It's fine - it's not against the site rules. But there's also nothing wrong with someone pointing it to/about them, because that is simply the fact.
Seen people who behave like they are kings and masters of this world because all they do in their lives is buying bundles and giving them away.
And now you're again overexaggerating - vast majority of response you got may not have been the responses you expected, but surely were far far away from what you indicate here.
Isn't that site about giving?
If I would like to be a cheap bastard I would ask you now - if you say so why don't you give more away yourself? This site is as much about giving as about winning, about being a part of the community and about whole community aka every user himself. And every user can have his own opinion - for example he may believe that someone with 100 wins, 1 GA ever and 0 comments is a leecher the same way you believe that someone is attacking you because you didn't give away enough. Why is that so that your opinion should be ok, because this site is about giving, but his opinion is not okay, because if he say so he is to quote you " behaving like he is kings and masters of this world"
You all want respect and You want respect even when You hurt someone else?
Most of commenter on your thread treated you with respect. You mistake not agreeing with you for not being respectful.
I think You don't understand that when You give and then You behave like that You simply look like an a**.
And now you show us exactly how respectful you are calling other people a** ;)
I kinda have enough of this community
If you cannot stand the community just on the basis that not everyone agree with you, bow you or heck, treat you like a queen, who is forcing you to stay? You shown nothing but a negative attitude here - so heck, the community itself will not be hurt but you missing it. You act entitled, yet you have no basis to act this way. You act offensive yet claim that you're the one being offended. You quote Mother Teresa to refer to your position - and to this I don't even have an answer, because this is way above even the biggest level of entitlement.
Over and Out.
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TL;DR OP is overexaggerating, aggrandizing, implying facts that were different in reality, talks about respect and right to choose, but only when it comes to herself, because she gives no respect nor right to choose to the ones she's talking about ;)
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Oh thank you deeply for that post, that was indeed a relief. At least someone has all his marbles and not afraid to say the truth without insulting anyone. I'd like to add two things:
I always think of this site/community as a perfectly balanced mechanism, in a way that we all start at zero (0), some win more than they give so that makes then a minus something users, others give more than they win which makes them a plus something users. Now, if we make an experiment and drop 100x minus something users in the pool, could anyone tell me how this could ever be balanced without forcing all those plus something users give even more, in order to become "2x plus something" users? Well, that, or the system gets off-balance day by day and SG becomes obsolete due to fair use infringement.
Few people state the fact that the majority of these games in the giveaway pool do not come from companies, do not serve as promo actions, are not limitless but instead they are limited and countable games that any of us can afford giving away? Even if we could find "those" who would donate 2x , 3x more than they'd ever take, how many of "those" do they exist and for how long will they endure?
Please, anyone, don't take my post personally. it's only an explanation of the giveaway mechanism, in general.
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For your issue, unless there's a thread I missed and didn't read, it seems like there's a private issue you're talking about and are venting out. No problem about that since this is a place where everyone can talk about the community (even though I feel that what you're talking about is a small subsect in it).
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the topic we all offended her so much with: http://www.steamgifts.com/discussion/0PT4k/my-husband-won-3-games-in-a-row-today
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Oh huh. I thought everything was swimmingly well in that thread too. Aside from that one guy... I thought people were nice.
I guess it's that one guy who's a dick in general to everyone that irked her.
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Fun fact: That "one guy" was already on my blacklist. I don't even know why exactly. My tag for him is "ungrateful fuck". I guess that person was very naughty before, ha!
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I had tags for them but clearing my cache made me lose it ;~; however, I'm pretty sure it's from the leakers of Melly's GAs thread that I first saw him in lol.
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That might actually be it. I can't remember exactly though.
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Yes, also very true. I guess we all know who we're talking about, so why chose another name? Besides, people then could argue we're "calling out" blah blah blah.
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Yeah, I guess that that was my reason too then. I just couldn't remember :)
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Aeshma answered already but yeah, that's what I'm using. Pretty useful tbh :)
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I don't know if you're referring to a specific thread, but I've only ever seen this behaviour in threads of people complaining that they never win, even though they've won like 3 public GAs with low chances in their first weeks (maybe haven't even played the games) and given nothing yet, and usually it's more about them opening a thread and whining instead of accepting that it takes time and your chances are better with higher level GAs (it's not really about "you have to give more if want to win anything", but "you should give something if you want better chances at winning something").
It may be a bit heightened because most active forum users give more than they win, or at least close to that, and it feels like every other day someone new complains (to them) about not winning enough. And sometimes this essentially comes across as begging ("Please make more GAs so I can win more").
I sometimes make low level forum GAs, but I've mostly been disappointed with the lower level users who won - either rule breakers I had to re-roll, rule-breakers I couldn't re-roll because it was too long ago, or people with terrible, terrible ratios (like 200 won, 0 given) - I don't blacklist for ratios, but I've since started to restrict my GAs for higher-value games (= non-bundles, bought specifically to give away), especially if I still want to keep them open to lower levels.
Generally, I think it's okay to just enter/win and not give anything if you can't afford to, but at a certain point it seems even to those users it's more about winning than actually getting some games they wanted and couldn't afford - did that user with 200 wins and 0 giveaways really want and play all 200 games? Do they really need more? And can they really not afford/do they not want to give anything back to the community that provided them with hundreds, possibly thousands of hours of free entertainment? (there are ways to do that basically for free, there's a thread somewhere).
It's late, I'm kind of tired, sorry for the wall of text and maybe getting off-topic (and by now, probably repeating what others already wrote)
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sorry I don't agree with your state 100%
you could buy 1 bundle for 1 $ and give it
I'd you win 100 games give 1 to the community
I don't say give 1-1 ratio I'm not into that but hey you pay for the Internet you pay for your computer you go out with your friends drinking 20 beers at least give a 10 % to the people that gave also
again I'm stating the fact that there is only a small percentage of people that cannot afford 1 or 2 dollars mmonthly and just to some it up I don't think it's ok for me at least to take an not tk give.. again not intrested in the ratio but general speaking
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I've hardly played any of my many wins, but I will get to them, and it doesn't mean I don't appreciate them.
Also, whoever wins from me... I give with absolutely no strings attached. If I care what they do with it, then it's not the pure spirit of giving, which is unconditional.
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Don't get me wrong, I love people over here, but some of them are ungrateful, I also heard today that I shouldn't expect to win anything because I didn't give enough. I've seen people blacklisting others just because they didn't give anything and they simply suck the blood out of others. Seen a guy who won 41 games and gave nothing. Seen people who behave like they are kings and masters of this world because all they do in their lives is buying bundles and giving them away. I do understand that there are people who really love giving, and I adore them and appreciate You and You all have my respect, but that doesn't give You the right to be over another people, and show off with ratio and etc. Why people are doing all those things? Isn't that site about giving? Giving is not enough for You? You all want respect and You want respect even when You hurt someone else?
I think You don't understand that when You give and then You behave like that You simply look like an a**.
Nothing good in that.
I want to see how You all react and what You will say, because I kinda have enough of this community. There is nothing about giving here any more. Just challenge.
“It's not how much we give but how much love we put into giving.”
― Mother Teresa
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