Even if the purchase was made through Steam wallet that's already in my account? :O
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Doesn't make sense if you are using steam wallet... unbelievable. Would be very pissed if it happened to me.
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Steam wallets can be filled using stolen credit card info too. In which case I guess Valve gets added to the list of collateral victims if there's a chargeback.
Wouldn't be surprised if that's why they're keeping an eye on wallet transactions..
Or just because sudden change in spending habit can be sign of an account theft.
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True. Haven't thought about that. Does make sense after all. :)
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Why were you bulk purchasing To The Moon? Was the heartache not enough the first time?
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Did you pay with steam wallet or credit card? In my experience it's never good to cancel a purchase when buying with credit card without being sure that they didn't charge you. It is a pain in the a** to get you money back because it takes forever for them to accept and for you to be able to buy again.
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I purchased using Steam wallet funds in my account :)
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Same problem here. I tried to purchase a copy on my alt, and it gives me the "Pending" Error. I cancelled it and attempted to purchase something else, and it went through. After 3 checkouts, I tried again, but the same message shows up. So I can only assume this problem is restricted to Xenoverse, which really sucks because I want to buy many copies of it. Would actually be great if you could mention Xenoverse in the title so that fellow forum lurkers who face the same problem show up here to confess their strife.
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Well, this message showed up for all purchase attempts of Xenoverse, including the first one. Doubt its because of the fact that I wanna purchase multiple copies. Also I've purchased 100s of game copies so far, most of the time in 10s and 20s, so its not that my spending habits have changed either.
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I was honestly surprised when this happened since this was the first time it happened. Several hours later it's still the same thing for me. Hopefully it'll push through later.
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Hey man, any updates? It's weird that I can buy the bundle edition just fine but the base edition is the one with the error. Almost a day since this has passed. Support's not really helping with their generic procedures and responses and now I'm just waiting.
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Same with mine. Although mine only took 3 hours this time. I find it confusing that this only happens to Xenoverse while other games cheaper in my region that people often buy for aren't showing the shame behavior .
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You have a friend or trader you can trust to see if they can buy it for you?I mean i know it may not be the best solution but it might be a less frustrating one.
Never had this happen but then again i rarely purchase stuff directly on Steam.
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That's my last resort actually but until then I'm willing to wait
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Mine was resolved in 24 hrs, hopefully it'll be resolved. It freaked me out too.
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Did you cancel the pending purchase and waited after making a new one or did you just let it be? :) It'll be 5-6 hours until he 24 hour mark for me
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Also, do any of your follow up purchases suffer the same problem after it resolved?
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Well it did not use to be a problem before but now valve has increased security,so if u buy games in bulk,then its gonna review it and make sure its not fraudulent.
Remember how earlier trading used to be simple,but now u have to use that mobile authenticator stuff? Its all a part of valve's new security measure,its a real pain in the neck,but we have to tolerate it :(
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Not sure if it's really part of the new security measures but this has been happening for a while now and I've also been buying games in bulk. What's weird is that this is my first purchase of Xenoverse (standard edition) in months and for some reason it's suddenly under review while other bulk purchases I've done are error free.
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The last copy I tried to buy for the Xenoverse standard edition pushed through after 3 hours while succeeding copies pended and I had to eventually cancel them. I'm going to try and not purchase the standard edition for 24 hours and see if it's Ok by then.
The bundle edition works just fine :)
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Good morning/afternoon/evening awesome peeps of SG!
[UPDATE!] So as of a few minutes earlier, one of my pending purchases went through however upon buying another copy of Xenoverse it still ends up as pending.
So I've been buying some gifts because of the recent anime sale. Been able to purchase a couple of gifts using Steam wallet when all of a sudden at the receipt page of my purchase of Dragonball Xenoverse said that my purchase is pending and is being reviewed.
It's been hour since then and any subsequent attempts to cancel the purchase and repurchase the game ends with the same result. Purchasing other games can't be possible since Steam tells me that I still have a pending purchase. I've also filed a support ticket regarding this.
Any thoughts on the matter? Is there anything I can do to speed up the process or should I just wait?
Problem: Purchase pending from Steam store
Payment method: Steam wallet
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