Have you played the first This Is the Police game?
Indeed. Screw all the fake alarms though. xD And I never had enough time to send my policemen everywhere. xD
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Ah good, maybe the 1st one will end up in some kind of promotional bundle some time ^^
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What do you mean? Wasn't it in a bundle at some point?
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Yeah, I was sure it was in a bundle at some point, hence my surprise when DingDong2 said about his/her wish to see it in a bundle.
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Humble Monthly isn't really a bundle... if you're not subscribed, you miss it :(
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You can also buy it from a trader or a site or something. :P
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Yeah, that's actually how I got Tomb Raider a few weeks ago. Sadly I was completely unaware of those bundle split/leftover trading groups at the time This is the Police was put in HB monthly, and now it's a bit late.
Meh, it's okay, I'll wait, it's not as if I didn't have that insanely unreasonable backlog anyway ^^
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It's a great game. But trust me when I say that it's not an easy game at all. xD
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Sounds interesting :) I never got to finish the first one probably because I didn't get to appreciate the protagonist much, but this one sounds more liek my cup of tea :D
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Well, you are controlling the protagonist, so you're the one choosing how the protagonist will be. :P I destroyed every foolish criminal that stood in the way of justice. >:(
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hahaha yeah, but even though I got to make all my judgement calls the way I wanted (well... being ABLE to make them, at least), I still felt a little bit hard to connect to an older protagonist. But I know that's just me, it's not like I'm dissing the game or saying it's not good because of that! I can see it's a great game and deserving of praise, even though I didn't go all the way through :) I'm genuinely happy it's getting a sequel, even if it's not a direct one, cause maybe it fires me up to finish the first one :D
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Me too. Let's hope it's also awesome and even better. :P
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It had enough content. If it was smaller, it wouldn't be enough for you to solve all the cases, gather money, do favors to others, etc.
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It didn't. About 70% of time you're just answering random calls unrelated to the main story. The pace was extremely uneven as well; the game had decent start but after that it was pretty much one event per month. I gave it numerous chances, like, "well, two more days, maybe something finally happens". Then two more. When nothing happened for three weeks straight, I finally quit. Honestly, if you can't keep story up, make a shorter game. Orwell (a game often compared with This is the Police that came out around the same time) did that perfectly, for example. Or just make a sandbox without any plot. I was really hyped about this game but in the end I would consider it the biggest disappointment of 2017.
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Kinda the same for me too. I didn't even expect to like it, but it was so damn awesome and addictive.
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It's really low in terms of actual management, since management in this is the police is more like VN add-on.
Management games also don't have to be about strategy. Cook Serve Delicious is one example, where you do management - chaos management.
On the other hand, there are also a lot of classical management games. Game Dev Tycoon, Project Highrise, Recettear... any game where you're in charge of something is management of some kind. But it doesn't have to be strategy by definition.
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whispers "GameHouse games...."
They might be too simple, or too cutesy, or whatever, but they are always fun :) the Delicious series is one of the few games that my mom still enjoys playing <3
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depends on your definition of management game, for me the fact that you have to manage anything in the game dos not make it instantly a management game. In Diablo you gotta manage space in your inventory - it doesn't make Diablo a management game ;p For management game for me it has to 1) have management as core element of gameplay, most important one or one of most important 2) must force you to make decisions, you don't have enough time/resources/speed to do everything the moment it pops.
From games you listed I do love Racettear, but beside management element (much lower than TITP I'd say, you are not forced to make decisions about which I was talking in point 2) it offers so much more - from VN, through crafting, economy game ending with pure oldschool doujin action jRPG ;p
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tbh - you cannot really get stuck in TITP - all you can do is to fail somewhere, but the game itself is designed in a way that you are forced to fail at many places and it is impossible to do everything right, it's a game mechanic very much intended and tightly bound to the story and setting. I'd recommend you not to restart but to continue, even if you failed somewhere and think you should restart - keep on going to see the outcome - it's very much worth it ;)
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ugh honestly don't remember all the details, played more than a year ago, but something like I didn't share most of the money from the shady deals with the co-workers +didn't co-op with mayor and I think got jailed (or killed?) in the end? and the game offered me to start pretty much almost from the beginning
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well, cannot say for sure, as I obviously had different route (I tried to play 'clean cop' so I only had very few shady deals, if something was too shady I'd refuse, but in my playthrough there were also some points where I thought I lost - like getting shot and going to hospital, getting fired and so on and on, but these were all parts of intended gameplay itself. This game is made to make you feel like you lost no matter what you do. Do you remember what day you were in when you 'lost'? Cause maybe you actually finished the game, but because of your choices you simply got a 'bad ending'? ;p
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hm, now that you are saying this, I'm wondering if it was indeed a bad ending, I got only 2 ach (I thought they are all like story-progressing ones) so I thought I just effed badly and had to start all over because it really didn't feel like the end of the story, downloaded the game right now, day 65, got jailed, so?xd
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then seems indeed you screwed so much you had to restart ;p true ending is day 160 or 180 ;p (but it doesn't mean you gotta play 180 stages ofc, there are multiple times in game when something happend and you're out of service for few weeks/months, you play maybe 1/3 of these days if not less. In my playthrough for example at one moment I ended up in coma and was not concious for 3 months.
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First one was a complete surprise to me in how much I enjoyed it so this is pretty much a must-play for me.
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release date 2 August 💮
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new trailer ^^ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=huFqKqOvEp0
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Thank you for the information. I'm working away from home, hence why I don't have the time to check all these things out, so thank you for pointing them out. ;P
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Bump, thanks for posting this. I wouldn't have known that a new one was coming out. I've never played the first one but I'd like to some day.
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You are welcome. The first game was awesome. The 2nd one looks even better, if you just check the gameplay trailer.
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It does, I watched all the trailers and it looks like a game that I would like that is for sure.
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Game released today xD not 2 august
This Is The Police PC release, this time we pressed it a bit too early… So ignore our previous 2 August release date: This Is the Police 2 is out… now!
This Is the Police Bundle
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This is a steal, guys, a steal! :O Really good price. I bought the bundle. Thank you for the information.
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1,598 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by Ingrid88
Since I really loved the first This Is the Police game, I thought I would share the news about its sequel.
Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LNnFFZ5kniM
Steam page: http://store.steampowered.com/app/785740/This_Is_the_Police_2/
Release date: August 2nd
New trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=huFqKqOvEp0
New gameplay trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iu-xKlBpT_4
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