Family Man (Epic DRM) is now available for who purchased May 2021 Humble Choice
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1 month ago

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Did you buy May '21 Choice?

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Did I buy May 21 choices - Yes
Did I want Family Man - No
Do I like or use Epic - Not if I don't need to

Thanks for mentioning this anyway

1 month ago

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Exactly this :D

I would change last one for me.
Do I like or use Epic - No

No Steam? I dont care then.

1 month ago

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Thanks for the heads up!

1 month ago

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There are two notices on the bundle page:

ATTENTION: We have run out of Steam keys for Family Man.
We are getting more ASAP. We will have Steam keys for you as soon as they are available again!


Steam keys have depleted for this title. Epic Games Store direct redemption is available moving forward!

1 month ago*

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I still don't understand how it is possible to deplete keys for bundle you know for absolute certain the amount of copies you sold. It is not like keys expire unless publisher expires them. To me this should be company terminating fraud.

1 month ago

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I don´t know about terminating, but I agree. It's possible that they buy less keys than bundles sold, counting on some people not redeeming them (underbuying?).

1 month ago

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It appears that if you'd already received a key for Steam, you also get a copy for EGS.
At least that was the case for me.

1 month ago

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Probably the game has reached it's Steam Key generation limit.
I think that a game needs to sell a number of copies on Steam to be able to generate more keys.
So if you only sell 1000 copies on Steam you can't generate 10000 keys. (These numbers are made up, but i think it's something like that)

4 weeks ago

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Wasn't aware of this. Thanks!

1 month ago

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Thanks for the heads-up!

1 month ago

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THINK TWICE before you link. You may not be able to unlink without contacting support.
They pulled this trick with GOG years way I'm falling for it again.

1 month ago

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i waited so long for this key to come back. i even messaged the dev and publisher on social media to beg for one.

i finally gave up waiting, and i then attempted a series of failed trades for an elusive key. i gave in and bought one a couple of months back on the evil black market.

i am fairly certain epic store spies on all my stuff, so i would have passed on this either way.

1 month ago

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Thank you for the heads up! :)

1 month ago

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thank you wormmayhem

4 weeks ago

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Never (ever) would have seen that. Thanks.

4 weeks ago

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Getting this could set a dangerous precedent for IGN when in the future they will not give the customer the game keys that were paid for but the game on whatever platform they can get their hands on.

4 weeks ago

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Their practices are already atrocious. Bought a key from them back in May for "Kingdom Come: Deliverance Royal Edition" and still have yet to receive what I paid for. And this was through the Humble Store itself not through a bundle or anything either..

4 weeks ago*

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