Hello guys.
Yesterday i created giveaway with Bunch Of Heroes in it, i am just trying to be good for this community, but what the hell.. someone deleted my giveaway?
I created it, so it will end after 24 Hours, i just wake up, and i can't find my giveaway? It's just not there, not even in my giveaways list, not even in my ended giveaways list, so might i ask why the hell my giveaway was deleted? peace!

13 years ago*

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Because it was a key from Indie Gala I'm assuming.

13 years ago

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it's part of an indie bundle, and therefor banned. you may submit an unused bundle link i believe? but not the individual keys. sorry

EDIT: usually the remove it once. and if you're a repeat offender, they ban you. so be careful

13 years ago

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Important: All gifts should be Steam redeemable CD keys or Steam gifts only. Winners will be automatically generated at random by SteamGifts to ensure all entries have an equal chance of being selected. The e-mail addresses of the winners will be viewable on the Manage Your Giveaways page, where you'll also be able to track user feedback. If you have any questions, take a second to post on the forum. Thanks.

Assuming to thoose rules, what's wrong with the key? and why the hell should it be from Indie Gala, maybe i bought it in Internet shop?

13 years ago

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did you specify where you got it? if not. they will just assume. like CoD keys that got leaked. unless yuou specify that you bought it from steam and it's a gift. they will delete it

13 years ago

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You should have read all of the rules:

IndieGala Bundles:
Do not submit individual keys from the IndieGala bundles or games from them while they are being sold.

Wait until the IndiaGala sale is over and then make a new giveaway, if your key is NOT from IndieGala.

13 years ago

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You get it from IndieGala?
Read the rules.

13 years ago

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I'm guessing this is the problem:


13 years ago

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But how the hell can you know than i bought for some Indiegala website?

13 years ago

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because it is going on now. so they take a pretty good guess. where did you buy it btw?

13 years ago

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13 years ago

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if this is true, i guess you can notify the admin that you DIDN'T get it from the gala, and see if they let you resubmit. goodluck dude

13 years ago

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I don't really understand this system, i am giving games away for free, for this great community, but then my giveaway gets deleted and i need to prove something? right..

13 years ago

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if we let people pay $0.01 for a pack of games, and submit each key individually, then there would be a flood of all the same games from the bundles. honestly, i am surprised they even let you use the unused bundle links still. but yes, sometimes the rules sound silly. but it's for the best of this site.

13 years ago

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IndieGala has a 1$ minimum, just saying

13 years ago

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So they're $0.25 keys, don't be so pedantic :P

13 years ago

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Okay, i am seeing tons of giveaways with games from that "IndieGala" Pack.. why am i so special than only mine gets deleted, even than its not from that website?

13 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

13 years ago

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Which do you see from IndieGala? I see exactly two:



(There's a third posted on the forums as a private/referral giveaway, which I'm not linking because it's a private link, even though its a banned giveaway)

I've reported and submitted tickets for all of them, and I probably would've done yours too if I had seen it. You weren't singled out, you were simply found before these folks. As many have already told you, it's far more common that these gifts are single keys from bundles, rather than legitimate tradeable gifts or keys from an alternative site. Think of it this way, would you rather the mods be too thorough (and sometimes delete legitimate giveaways like yours) or not thorough enough (and have the site full of $.11 bundle keys)?

13 years ago

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Screenshot receipt email, black out personal details. Only way to sure fire proof

13 years ago

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This is why we prefer people not gift games that are currently part of a bundle. These things happen as a result of no one putting any additional details in their description. These giveaways are reported, they are removed, and everyone moves on.

13 years ago

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Closed 13 years ago by Sigurds.