Hey everyone,
I've been noticing the ads for deals going on at other distribution sites such as Gamersgate and Green Man Gaming. Do these sites offer clients to store and launch like Steam does? Does anyone on here buy games at these sites too? Just wondering if they worth checking out and if they are at the same level as Steam. Thanks!

12 years ago*

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I love those ads. They are quite useful for sweet game deals and aren't too obtrusive.

12 years ago

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Most of them sell games for steam (read the requirements of the game), but some games from greenmangaming require their own client, 'capsule'.
They're defenitely worth checking out.

12 years ago

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They can offer steam codes. Greenman Gaming has its own client - Capsule. Gamersgate doesn't have a client but you download the games from them. Can't really tell you something more.

12 years ago

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GreenManGaming has some nice deals from time to time. They often do 75% off, and then you can use a code for an extra 20% off, so yeah, check it out.

12 years ago

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Gamersgate and GMG offer steam codes for most of the games on their store, I mostly just buy from them if they do. They will note in the discreption of the game's DRM if it require steam.

I know that GMG does have a client, gamersgate I think only offers you a download link without a client.

12 years ago

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Green Man Gaming has capsule client for the games GamersGate I don't know but if you buy games in those sites that give you steam key you can use it on steam. I haven't bought so much on Gamers Gate but on GMG there are often good deals so it's worth using. Also if want to find deals take a look on this, there are many games site legit and good for games that you can find there, and if you are looking for games with steam key just check on the description on a game on the site you are looking, usually you'll find something like third party DRM: Steam.

12 years ago

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Closed 12 years ago by FlyingFreak26.