To be curious, where the people gets a lot of keys?

I see a bunch of keys of Resident Evil Revelations 2, Lost Planet 3 - Complete, Contagion, Grav, Chivalry: Medieval Warfare, Mushroom 11, Shadowrun Returns (all of this games), King's Bounty: Dark Side, Frozen Synapse Prime, Human Resource Machine, Puzzle Agent and Puzzle Agent 2. All games that I really want to play but, with more than 1600 giveaways pushed (between a few other titles) I can't win.
Also, there is games with more than 50 keys in a single giveaway, in some games, much much more.
I know that some developers make a promotional giveaway, but what about the games that I tell before?

--To be realistic, I don't won nothing in more than 1600 giveaways entered. Maybe because I only push for games that I really want to play and no to all that I see? Or i have really unlucky? What you think?--

Thanks for read and maybe for answer

8 years ago*

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

8 years ago

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As for your second question, visit There is a fully automatic system telling you what you should be winning based on which giveaways you enter. It will tell you whether its luck or just you entering the wrong giveaways (see the 'Luck Per Month' graph).

8 years ago

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I see that graph before but, I think that is pretty useless because if I enter to all giveaways that change increase, but I don't want all games, just a few that I like.

8 years ago

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Well you asked for a way to find out if you were unlucky or not, and that's exactly what the graph tells you.
Whether you choose to enter more or stick to your current strategy is your own choice.

8 years ago

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Here are an example of a bundle you could buy with a certain ammount of keys of your choice ofc, but it's mainly the
"10 BUNDLES instead of 1 For ( 60 keys Games ) : $4.99" I wanted to point out for you.. But there are more sites to get multiple keys at! :)

8 years ago

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I don't want to win a bunch of keys, Just one key of games that I like or I add on my wishlist.

8 years ago

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In multi-key giveaways you only win 1 key, so if they're giving away 10 keys, then there will be 10 winners.

8 years ago

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Humble bundle, BundleStars and Indiegala. Generally HumbleBundle

8 years ago

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Better not ask for free games, jotapdiez. That's against the rules. Please edit your comment. :(

8 years ago

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(If some one wants to gift me one of the games that I tell before I will be very very happy!!!)

No begging here please!

8 years ago

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Maybe try joining some Discussion Trains

They usually have 100-300 entries compared to the usual giveaways.
And if you want to win more mass key giveaways (Not sure if this is allowed) but check out run by Marie. She gives away 70-90 keys daily and you can check her site for the invite only link. 90 keys and 500 entries so around 1/6 chance of getting a key.

The usual 50 key giveaways have about 10 000 entries (0.5% chance)
I hope this helps and sorry if i accidentally broke some discussion rules.
I rarely browse steam gifts discussions :p

8 years ago

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You can increase your odds by giving away games, you'll increase your level and you'll be able to enter more exclusive giveaways with less participants per game.

Currently, you are level 1, so you can enter giveaways which are restricted to level 1's, leaving aside the thousands of level 0 accounts.

And... You should erase the message above:

(If some one wants to gift me one of the games that I tell before I will be very very happy!!!)

It's against the rules to beg for games, you'll eventually get them, just be patient.

8 years ago

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Is hard for me to put a giveaway because rarely I buy a game. The situation of my country money is too bad. 1 dolar = 15 pesos argentinos. But I try

8 years ago

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Thanks for the answers, now is more clear for me.

Sorry for "ask for free games", I deleted that part, was more a joke than other thing.

8 years ago

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Don't forget that you also have the option to trade for games. This site has a fairly nice trading section in which you can work out all sorts of deals. (You need to be careful of scams. But a bit of care will take you a long way.)

With trading you don't have to wait to be lucky. Of course, in order to trade you have to have something to offer. What I often do is buy a bundle, keep what I really want to play, and trade the rest. It's kinda' like like winning. :)

8 years ago

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Thats the problem, "have something to offer". I can't buy games or bundles because (as I said before) my currency is crap.

8 years ago

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you won something today, gratz.

8 years ago

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Yes, I forgot that. I won Resident Evil Revelations 2 / Biohazard Revelations 2

8 years ago

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last three lines started with ITH had me going for a minute lol.

8 years ago

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Por poner un ejemplo, las keys del resident evil 2 revelations, se consiguen junto con otros 3 juegos por un solo dolar en humble bundle, lo que hace la gente es comprarse varios packs de estos (total 1 solo dolar, como vos decis son 15 pesos y ahora con 15 pesos no te compras ni medio chicle xD).

8 years ago

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Si, me entere de eso hoy, es un golazo ese humble bundle.
Estaba mirando lo de la subscripcion de 12 dolares... que onda?? sabes algo?

8 years ago

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Si te suscribis y pagas 12 dolares mensuales, cada mes te dan un juego caro (ej: mad max, ark survival, rocket league) y ademas te dan otros juegos de menor valor, para que te des una idea, estos son los de marzo,

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

8 years ago

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