So um this happened:

I am curious as what could be consequences to people taking advantage of it.
I sent an email to IG support warning them of the exploit.

If the order value is higher than 0, you can check it out and probably get the keys. No idea if the keys are eventually invalidated or if that can get you in trouble. You could technically get a $60 game for $0.04.

This thread was probably a bad idea, but I'm curious.

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8 years ago*

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What to do?

View Results
Tell support
Use the exploit with your main account
Use the exploit on a disposable account
Tell other people

Now more people will do that

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 10 months ago.

8 years ago

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I'm less concerned and more curious about what happens in situations like this.
See the last line in the post, I agree that this may have been a bad idea.
It certainly is counter productive if I was against people using it.

You could say I am Chaotic Neutral on this instance.

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 10 months ago.

8 years ago

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No worries.
I should have probably waited after sending the email, rather than contribute to the problem.

8 years ago

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Perhaps I should have waited for it to end before posing the question.

8 years ago

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Tell support

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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I don't see the exploit in buying an 1.59$ game and geting a free lefttover giveaway key that.

EDIT: thanks for the picture. seems to be fixed now

8 years ago

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I still see the negative value... Weird

8 years ago

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Mabe it's a regional thing. for me it shows the correct price in euros

8 years ago

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Won't let me check out.
(Our security systems revealed a suspicious activity regarding your payment flow, so your transaction has been refused. If you think this is an error please contact
And in case you'red wondering- yes, I would have attempted to exploit it.
That shitty scamsite still owes me $35, after all. :/

8 years ago*

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That shitty scamsite still owes me $35, after all. :/

Now I'm curious - what happened?

EDIT: I know now - saw your other comment.

8 years ago*

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There's remarkably little protection for consumers, with online webstores.
In the states, you can't sue them if they're not based in your state, unless it becomes a class action suit.
Trying to sue [or even just file a grievance] over international lines like with IG? No chance in hell.
Other nations don't seem to care much what happens to customers in other countries, and sometimes have laws expressly forbidding punishment for it. >_<

Your best course is to always make sure to back up your IG keys off-site as soon as you get them.

8 years ago

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you can sue them, but you need to file in the state where the company is located. (good luck with that)
However, you can inform your credit card company that it is a fraudulent transaction and get a chargeback

8 years ago

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I got the same thing trying to use Mastercard when trying to buy the hump bundle earlier but it worked once I bought using Paypal

8 years ago

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Oh, I was trying to use paypal. Maybe I ought to have tried credit card before removing from cart.. I'm not exactly familiar with 'the methods of proper exploitation'. :P

8 years ago

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Looks like we're on the same boat, as I always manage to miss these exploits even by literally half a minute

8 years ago

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Well, I've never actually paid attention to an exploit before [aside from certain physics exploits, I don't even pay them mind in games], so it's all rather unfamiliar territory. :X

8 years ago

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:O Physics exploits are sometimes the only way I can beat a game :P

8 years ago

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Oh, I guess there's that as well. They're just often remarkably entertaining, and worth the laugh, or good for exploring areas that you wouldn't be able to access otherwise [ddo had a whole culture based around discovering those kinds of physics-manipulating explorations. A number of them were usable for speeding up dungeon runs, but most were just good entertainment.]

8 years ago

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Reminds me of that challenge maps CS:GO has where you jump around to reach a goal rather than the normal PvP shooting

8 years ago

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Maybe it's just me but I don't like taking advantage of these kind of exploits.

8 years ago

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Normally it wouldn't occur to me, but getting your account closed after you inform them of an overcharge, and getting ignored through 3 different communication methods for over half a year until they eventually delete your account outright, along with its $35 of keys that they wouldn't you reclaim..
Makes you a bit more open to the idea. :P

8 years ago

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I guess.

8 years ago

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Nothing to lose, everything to gain, and payment already provided. I don't see any reason not to try it, in my circumstance. The odds of them not cancelling it eventually would be slim, but it'd be an amusing bit of nonsense in the interim. If it did go through, I'd be able to justify purchasing from them again, due to "all debts being clear". And poking them could always lead into them finally considering discourse with me over the previous matter- which is the real prize.

It's grasping at clouds, and with little value. But again, no loss to make the attempt, given that I no longer purchase from them anyway.

8 years ago

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1) next time don't leave your keys sitting unused forever and a day
2) next time bring up the dispute with your credit card company

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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it shows an error message so buying the game is impossible

8 years ago

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If you added $62 of games to cart error message doesn't show. It would just go through as a purchase if anyone tried.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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It is showing as the most bought game on Indiegala store though.

8 years ago

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I wonder why

8 years ago

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The purchase goes through, but then is denied by their filter. It's likely triggering the purchase counter in-between those two steps.

8 years ago

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It's most likely not going to let anyone actually buy it... just like when similar insane price bugs happen on Steam.

Edit: I was wrong.

8 years ago*

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While I don't condone stealing in general, I especially don't think IndieGala should be given this kind of trouble. They're very nice people and respond to support tickets fairly quickly. Nothing but pleasant experiences with them so far.

8 years ago

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They have moments of pure shitbaggery, and I'm aware of several people they've done this to. Also, there are enough reports of them being rude assholes that the rest of what you say is inconsistent in their overall behavior as well. The only place I see a consistently positive response to them is in their dealing with Happy Hour issues- though the fact that those seem to happen frequently could be considered a shortcoming in itself.

In any case, it doesn't seem to ever go through, anyway- so you needn't stress over the morality of it all.

P.s You may want to back up your keys off-site if you plan to keep using scamgala.

8 years ago

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I've only had to contact their support once and that went well. Obviously it's impossible to extrapolate from that what the average user experience is.

8 years ago

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From what I've gathered from poking about or bringing this matter up, about 60% of interactions are positive, and of those about 90% are related to Happy Hour issues. Most of the remaining 40% are minor complaints, like no support replies, rude or dismissive replies, etc; but a notable minority involve the site not replacing defective keys or keys misassociated due to site errors [which were a major issue for a time]. More notable would be staff's total lack of support for the original GalaGiveaways/Trades, which was rampant with scammers and exploiters.

Of instances as severe as my own, I've thus far only encountered 11 others who've noted identical issues. While a serious issue to those of us affected, given the size of Gala's customer base it would seem to be a very small minority of users who are affected by Gala's batshit-random account-cancellation issues, and the douchebaggery associated with such.

so, honestly, even if you don't take my backup advice, you're likely not going to be affected.
But, y'know- as soon as you take that risk, that's when you end up having to regret it, right? :X

Besides, I still firmly attest that IG is run by total scumbags.
You may look at the numbers and decide that occasional support dickishness and not-providing-properly-working-purchases, with the thin risk of total meltdown isn't enough to hate them for- after all, they're "mostly mostly okay" (And honestly, probably still way better by-the-numbers than Valve).
I'd respect that assessment, even though I can't agree with it: After all, I would outright throw a celebration party if they went under., under the ocean. Biblical flood levels of wrath, here. 0:3

8 years ago

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Can't blame you for your assement of them at all. I'm sure I wouldn't be happy if that happened to me either.

I keep all keys in an Excel file but since IndieGala and Groupees introduced trades I kept my doubles unlocked for trading. But since trading at both sites is both poorly handled and terrible when it comes to offers, I should just vacuum up all those keys some day.

8 years ago

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I went through all process and got into paypal paying only US$0.40. Didn't pay and stopped the test, but it seems it works. I can sense a lot of giveaways of expensive games bought that way being cancelled...

8 years ago

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It cancels after you complete payment, where IG's filter flags it as a suspicious purchase.

8 years ago

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-870% lol

8 years ago

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Can't they revoke the keys once they start cleaning this?

8 years ago

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That was my guess

8 years ago

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Yeah, which makes it more an exercise in trolling or intentional trade scamming, outside of aberrant reasons such as my own. :X

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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btw what happens if it works are they gonna revoke my keys?

8 years ago

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If you get it to work, do tell me how you managed it, since IG cancels the purchase after payment.

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 8 years ago.

8 years ago

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Our security systems revealed a suspicious activity regarding your payment flow, so your transaction has been refused. If you think this is an error please contact

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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either way, won't let me even add the game back to cart, now. :(

8 years ago

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yeah well i activated every game except the one i already own lol

8 years ago

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You bought an extra copy of Hyperdimension Noire? Why?

8 years ago

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Idk i didnt think it would work , so i just put random stuff

8 years ago

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I may or may not have "bought" total war warhammer for 4 cents to see if there actually was an issue (after telling support).
I'm not going to redeem the keys though.

8 years ago

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What are your plans if they [for some reason] don't revoke, then?

8 years ago

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Giveaway probably

8 years ago

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Oh well, can't get it sorted. Guess I won't clear up my grudge against IG today :P
Let me know how it turns out :)

8 years ago

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If it gets revoked it gets revoked , my paypal probably gonna get blacklisted tho

8 years ago

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Farm for cards, in the meantime. ~.^

8 years ago

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already doing that :D

8 years ago

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Same, got 6 orders thru :D

8 years ago

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most likely or try to charge your card/paypal the actual price after the issue is resolved.

8 years ago

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That would be profoundly illegal.
[Not that IG has shown they care about legality, but that's a line I doubt even they would want to cross.]

8 years ago*

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Not necessarily considering only one game was mispriced and all the other games still display there prices at check out.

8 years ago

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Always. You're not allowed to charge someone without their permission, period.
You can cancel the order and give them the option to pay at full price, but any time you charge someone without their permission, it's financial fraud [unauthorized use of payment information].

8 years ago

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All they have to do is the same as amazon: they give you 7 days to rectify the issue and pay them or return the products and as these are keys i doubt they will take a return on them.
how amazon has handled past price errors:

  1. By recharging your credit/debit card
  2. If funds are not available, passing to a debt collection agency
  3. Informing Experian and getting your address added to the mail order black list.”

im sure 9 out of 10 times sites will just swallow there losses like steam does,and im sure indiegala will as well considering this was likely not exploited very much if at all,but technically all they have to do is notify you and make you remedy the issue, its not like a court would rule you were not at fault for using such and obvious price glitch should it ever get that far:)

8 years ago*

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Again, that's not how the law works.

Here's the UK version, the Us one is even more customer-catering:

If an item is priced incorrectly on the shelf, or scans at the wrong price at the till, retailers are under no obligation to honour it, under the Sale of Goods Act. They can offer the item at the correct price or refuse your money and withdraw the product from sale.

If a pricing mistake is not noticed and the customer pays for an item at the reduced cost, the purchase is considered a legally binding contract between the retailer and the customer. The shop has no legal right to claw back any money if it later realises there has been an error.

Also, Amazon has always honored price errors as far as I'm aware- I can't say I'm familiar with what you're describing.

In any case, they can cancel the order, even cancel your keys after the fact and reimburse you- but charging without authorization is illegal. They may try to sue for damages, in spite of the laws favoring customers.. but again, noone has legal right to charge you without your permission, on their own say-so.

8 years ago

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actually, when I used a price glitch on amazon, I got to keep the keys

8 years ago

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Nice:) yea i just pulled that off there site im sure how they handle it likely depends on there retailer/vendor.

8 years ago

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They fixed it. Can't add it to your cart anymore.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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I thought it was an easter egg or something. Indiegala incompetent enough to make such a big mistake?

8 years ago

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They're known for it :P
even pro-IG customers only have positive customer support interactions because errors requiring support happen /so damn often/ :X

8 years ago

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oh... wow

8 years ago

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So is this why IG had been going down randomly all day?

8 years ago

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No idea when it started.

8 years ago

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Wow. Its still negative but sold out.

8 years ago

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"sold out"

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8 years ago

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"You could technically get a $60 game for $0.04"

You could add other games or something?
Because the game itself was only 8$

8 years ago

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it was around -$62

8 years ago

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sanctuaryrpg black edition on steam is only like 8$?

So how was it a 60 dollar game? O_o

8 years ago

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because it was around -800%

8 years ago

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morality check with price exploits/errors, learned from sg users:

if it's on steam, it's fine to exploit
amazon? also fine
gmg? go ahead
indiegala, humble bundle, etc = you are the worst person in the world

oh yes, hypocrisy.

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8 years ago

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depend where you are living, here in canada as i said often, the law give reason to the customer, they can't revoke the game once it get approved, but they can cancel the purchase before the sale is approved

8 years ago

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Looks like they removed the game from the store...

8 years ago

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I'd try to contact support, but IG seems to be down. :(

8 years ago

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