The casting of that Teen Titans live action looks pretty awful.
Also that guy from Dragonball Evolution, but that movie was doomed from the start, regardless of casting choices.
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Jesse Eisenberg as Lex Luthor
Cage as Ghost Rider. (OH GOD. PLEASE GOD. They also put some abs on him in post production for some scenes. God )
Halle Berry as Catwoman (but maybe that's the script's fault)
Ryan Reynolds as Green Lantern
All cast choices for Batman & Robin
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I agree with you on Ghost Rider, thought the first film was so boring I didn't want to see the 2nd. However I actually enjoyed the Catwoman, Green Lantern and Batman & Robin films, sure there's some cheese here and there but I can't really understand all the hate.
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Let's talk about it.
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Michael Keaton was a great transition from the goofiness of Adam West's Batman to the modern 'dark' Batman.
Kilmer, meh. Clooney, meh. Bale, I can only ever see American Psycho...
Surprisingly , Ben Affleck doesn't bother me after Justice League. He's not amazing, but he's good.
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Meh. I thought Bale did the role of Batman fairly well and Henry Cavill works out ok as Superman considering the writing he has to work with.
The best Batman actor for me has to be Michael Keaton though, he nailed it spot on.
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Ben Affleck not only as Batman but even worse as Daredevil
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Yeah, I quite liked that movie as well. I don't understand this criticism at all...nor Bale as Batman, which I thought was the most on-point since Keaton.
But the others...pretty much, yeah. :)
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Wow really? You liked Ben Affleck as Batman (I disagree, don't think he fit the role well) but didn't like Christian Bale as Batman?
Ones in your list I agree with:
1) I didn't like Watchmen, terrible movie imo, I didn't like the gray morals thing, the good guys weren't completely good and the villain wasn't completely bad. Movies and TV shows should be clear cut, we need the dichotomy of good and evil, no in-between, because that's what makes movies good, it's a necessary change from reality. Plus it was boring, the only character who had any sort of super powers was the blue guy and he was a pacifist, leaving everyone else not much better than Batman without his cool gadgets.
2) Henry Cavill as Superman. One big problem was his costume, it needed the red tights to break up the blue from his legs to his chest. And I hold that the last great Superman movie was Superman Returns.
Some you didn't mention. Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice has to be one of the worst movies ever for lots of reasons but especially the bad casting choices (of good actors and actresses, don't get me wrong, they just don't fit in this movie):
1) Amy Adams reprising her role from Man of Steel as Lois. The problem: A redheaded Lois? She's always been a brunette. We don't need to ask the question of whether Lois could have a temper problem, because it's not supposed to be in her nature and this just changes too much, making me not be able to believe her as being Lois.
2) Jesse Eisenberg as supposed-to-be-older-than-Superman-yet-somehow-younger motormouth with a full head of hair Lex Luthor.
3) Jeremy Irons as a way too gruff sounding Alfred. Alfred is supposed to be a father figure to Batman and Irons just can't give that vibe.
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Not sure what you not liking Watchmen's story has to do with casting. Besides which, you're WAY off on the writing critique too. There's a word for stories where the good guys are absolutely good and bad guys are totally evil. That word is "boring". Also, unimaginitive, and cliched.
Cavill's Superman costume was what was being pushed in the comics at that time. He only just recently got the red trunks back after 6 years or so of not having them.
Lois can't have red hair? Says who? Also, not sure if you're tying her hair color to her temper, but Lois has frequently been shown as having a temper, in both comics and films.
Alfred as a gruff military type is also a frequent depiction in comics, and also on Gotham. He has a background as a ex-military, ex-spy. And even the kinder Alfred that most often is depicted manages to needle Bruce about not eating, taking too many risks, etc. It's not like he's this Mr. Rogers type who coddles Bruce and the Robins.
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about watchmen the point of the movie was that anyone who would put on a mask to fight crime is probably messed up in the head.
i know since you didn't like the movie you most likely had a lack of interest but there was 2 people with powers and it seems you combined them. the blue guy wasn't a pacifist he was just fed up with people. he probably wiped out half the population of nam. the pacifist was the other character with powers but never used them. he was the one who came out and went into politics/business but you only see him a few times.
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I didn't like Watchmen, terrible movie imo, I didn't like the gray morals thing, the good guys weren't completely good and the villain wasn't completely bad. Movies and TV shows should be clear cut, we need the dichotomy of good and evil, no in-between, because that's what makes movies good, it's a necessary change from reality
Heh. Talk about confusing opinions and facts. i'm very grateful this is just your opinion or movies would be unbearably boring to me. A lot of things make a movie good but the boring predictability of perfect good guys and evil villains is definitely not one
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The idea of Black Widow, and how capable she is presented in the movies, versus her background and physical abilities compared to the team, is way out of line.
I feel like Johansson does pretty well with the version of the character she's developed through the series.
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He's not the worst they could have picked but Damon Wayans playing Roger Murtaugh in the Lethal Weapon tv series was very off-putting at first, but I warmed up as the series went on. Doesn't hurt the fact that I liked Wayans in a lot of other shows/movies he's done but the Murtaugh shoes were big to fill.
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Elizabeth Olsen as Scarlet Witch & Paul Bettany as Vision
Though not entirely abysmal, I just feel they're two of the weakest casting choices in the whole Avengers franchise.
Also, I initially didn't like Scarlett Johansson as Black Widow, having read a few of the solo stories. BUT as an Avengers character, she fits the bill fine.
Suicide Squad as a movie was a bit directionless, but had some great actors who were trying to make it work. It's a pity really.
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Totally agree on Paul Bettany but I liked Olsen as Scarlet Witch. The character is just not like the comics at all but I felt her performance was way more nuanced than the script allowed for in AoU.
MCU Black Widow just doesn't work. They have no clear idea about her background and keep bringing up the KGB which makes no sense considering her current age and the timeline. Maybe that's why they waited until Wonder Woman killed at the box-office to give her a solo movie. They'd have a hard time writing an origin story for her.
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You guys aren't even coming CLOSE to the worst casting in a superhero flick.
Shaquille O'Neal as Steel
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ha ha ha ha ha ha...I hadn't even thought of that one. Hilarious, and true. :)
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Ah yes, Jared Leto in Suicide Squad was that kind of casting choice aimed at edgy teens.
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Apparently, you people never saw a superhero movie outside the past decade worth of DC/Marvel.
Shaq as Steel
Eric Mabius as the Crow
Jamie Kennedy as the Mask
Angelina Jolie as Fox
Edouard Baer as Asterix
Talisa Soto as Vampirella
Stephen Dorff as Deacon Frost
Dominic Purcell as Dracula
Chip Zien as Howard
Megan Fox as Talulah Black
Sandra Hess as Andrea von Strucker
David Wilson as Superman
By the way, Affleck portrayed Matt Murdock pretty much perfectly if we go by the old Frank Miller era interpretation of the character, which the film was obviously going for (if the shot-by-shot recreation of one of the most iconic scenes as its intro was not a hint enough).
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I'm pretty sure that Jim Carrey is the Mask. Who is this Jamie Kennedy?
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Ha, I knew I was right about the Hoff xD. Well, granted, Halle Berry could only work with what she was given, but I'm getting that feeling that some of your appreciation for her performance would be in better hands with the costume department, no pun intended ;P.
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BTW, there's a big difference between not liking a movie or it's writing, and not liking the casting. Some of these posts are trashing actors for (perceived) faults of the writers. And some of what you're trashing in the writing is shaky at best, too.
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And I forgot, like everyone else, about the entire cast of that recent Fantastic Four travesty.
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If you dislike the term, you're in good company...
"Graphic novel" is to comic what "lady of the night" is to prostitute. - Neil Gaiman
That pompous phrase was thought up by some idiot in the marketing department of DC. I prefer to call them Big Expensive Comics. - Alan Moore
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I don't like superhero movies so I can't really say anything about those Spiderman/Batman/whatever casting... however your post reminded me of the old Mortal Kombat flicks.
I was such a fan of the video game when I was a teen and looked forward to seeing the movie... but as silly as it sounds, I was really bothered with the casting of Raiden. I was expecting an Asian dude, not Christophe Lambert sporting a ridiculous white wig. I guess it doesn't help that I've never liked Lambert as an actor. except for his part in Janis and John, a pretty good French movie
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Idris Elba as Gunslinger. Roland is clearly white, old and rustic in the books, think senior Clint Eastwood (the senior-er — the better). Though I have to say that Idris Elba is an excellent actor (Luther, The Wire), just a poor choice for this specific role.
But then the scriptwriters of the film never read any of the Dark Tower books (or hide it well), so it's not surprising.
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Gotham! Don't get me started....
Also, I liked Bale in Batman Begins, it just got a little old in the sequels.
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George Cloony as Batman
While I'm not going to defend Batman & Robin (because I'm not insane) you have to admit that Clooney was a pretty good Bruce Wayne. It's almost like he had experience playing a rich layabout playboy...
But yeah, he really didn't work as Batman. Then again, except for poor Michael Gough playing Alfred, nobody came out of that one looking good.
Possibly the entire cast of Watchmen
Jackie Earle Haley was a great Rorschach, and Jeffrey Dean Morgan was a good Comedian (even though the role was pretty small).
ANYONE playing their roles in ALL of those craptastic CW hero shows.
So you don't like Melissa Benoist as Supergirl, or Grant Gustin as the Flash...
Helen Slater as Supergirl.
...actually you don't like anyone playing Supergirl. Unless you're really going to tell me you liked Smallville, and Laura Vandervoort in particular, in which case I don't know what to tell you.
Your tastes are bad and you should feel bad. >:-(
Oh, and I skipped over this one:
Henry Cavill as Superman
He's got the looks and he's got the acting chops. That the current crop of DC movies do an absolutely terrible job isn't Cavill's fault. Short of resurrecting Christopher Reeve, I think this is as good as it could get.
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Thanks! That's the one i was looking for! I don't know how I feel about Netflix's version of Elektra but I definitely know how I feel about Garner's Elektra. And no it's not because Ben Afleck or the script, it's just that the casting shows how they didn't take the characters seriously
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So, here I sit, thinking (and we ALL know how BAD that is) again. Wondering, as per mu usual randomness, about superhero movies and the choices made to portray the heroes and villains in said films. I know a LOT of hate will be aimed at Ben Aflek for being Batman, but I liked him as that role.
That being said, I have to say that my choices are, in no specific order except for number one,-
Christian Bale as Bale as Batman. Oh dear LORD! WORST choice to play Batman EVER!!!
Tom Hardy as Bane. Bane is supposed to be South American or Spanish. Not Sottish with a Sean Connery voice.
Toby Maguire as Spiderman. My GOD! Spiderman is supposed to be insecure and crack jokes. Maguire couldn't crack a smile!
George Cloony as Batman with Arnold as Mr Freeze as a tie.
Possibly the entire cast of Watchmen
Henry Cavill as Superman
ANYONE playing their roles in ALL of those craptastic CW hero shows.
Helen Slater as Supergirl.
Michael Gray as Shazam
I know there are others, but I can't think of them right now.
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