Which one?
With all the promotional videos and the Tracer's "buttroversy", I'd have to say Overwatch. Battleborn doesn't seem too bad but if I have to choose between the two $60 multiplayer-only (Battleborn has a story mode, as I've been told) games, I'd go with Overwatch.
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Oops, my mistake. Never really followed the game development so I don't really know much about it.
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Ah, okay then. My bad, never really followed Battleborn news. As I've said, lack of marketing compared to Overwatch.
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I'd go for Battleborn if I had to buy one of them, which I don't so I don't care for either ^^
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rip both !
May=Doom...Doom...and Doom :)
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Well, you can choose between a company known to constantly rewriting the core rules of their own games every second week for all eternity, and one that is notorious for being really incompetent on fixing even the most basic scripting bugs. How long did it took Gearbox to fix the off-balance of Maya's Cloudkill? Two years? Three?
I'd say Blizzard will win it because of hype factor. Overwatch looks nice so far, but in the end it is just an FPS that stole a lot from LoL and will be bound to suffer from weekly balance changes and at least one, if not more total rule/balance/mechanics overhauls along the way. If it loses, it'll only lose because newcomers won't want to register a new account at a new service and will just stay with Steam. Well, on the PC scene. On peasant boxes, it always comes down to marketing only.
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Just realistic. I've seen Titanfall marketed as the best new online FPS ever, then it failed miserably. Saw Destiny marketed as the next greatest online FPS ever, and it only didn't fail because they dumped millions on it to fix it, and even than it took over a year.
Now it's these two filling the spot. And of the two I saw Overwatch so far. It carries a lot of hurdles on itself, trying to be a LoL type FPS, and Blizzard is taking a great risk, because so far the mechanics are there, but every match in the closed beta disregards all of them and just devolves into CoD type DM clusterfuck anyway, regardless of the current map objectives.
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Well, so far it has a domination game mode and an escort mission play mode, but honestly, if I don't look at the top of the screen for the objective indicator, so far there is little difference in them in how they are played.
I agree though, it doesn't try to sell itself more as it is (a… welcomed and drastic change on Blizzard's part on their approach on their own games…). I just don't know if it'll be enough nowadays to keep an MP-only game afloat.
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I voted for battleborn because I love borderlands and gearbox. Of course overwatch is a great game but I dont really like blizzard that much. And come on, its not like the whole game was ruined because of 1 skill being imbalanced, I didnt even know anything is wrong with it until they released the patch and I got 250 hours in the game :3
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There were many other issues with balance. Heck, there still are, moneyshot is still beyond broken. Borderlands is a fun franchise, but if those mechanics would have been in a PvP game, nobody would play it. This is why some people are sceptical with Battleborn until it is released.
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As if Gearbox is the only one that never fixes bug lol that argument would have more merit if they where the only ones that fail to fix bugs in a timely manor.
Though i am not sure i would qualify something not being balanced a bug as to me a bug is like A.I floating on screen or not being able to complete a mission or getting stuck and so on.In any case there are not the only ones and will not be the last.
And most games now a days steal stuff from other games,the same team that did BattleBorn also did Borderlands and you can tell by the design of the game.The days of new fresh IP's are few and not often because the risk is to much.Why risk a new IP when people will buy the same style of game every year.
People have become addicted to video games and will buy just about any games giving enough hype so why would they need to make any original game when so many buy the same one every year and so on.BattleBorn to me looks like a BL spin off.
Blizzard seems to want to repeat the monster that was WOW so now they are trying with Over Watch.Most MOBA or other Massive Online games never last.Dota 2 only survives because of the market and the need for people to collect over priced trinkets.Most fail because they fail to generate income.
I think both will fail,hell even as popular as Star Wars is that game is pretty much on life support if you compare it to other popular online focused games vs players and so on.
In the end i wish we got more new IP's and take risk on new stuff but i get why they do not do it i mean i suppose if given a easy way or hard way to complete something i would most likely choose the easy.
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Oh, if you want borderlands bugs, just ask any speedrunner on how the Claptrap softlocks do nowadays. many a runs were destroyed by those scripting glitches.
Or ask them how great the Digistruct skip exploit fix was, where they fixed something so good that it remained there intact. :D
Gearbox has been a target of the Borderlands community for their very lacking work on fixes for some time. It was especially funny that they eventually totally gave up on fixing the duplication glitch and another company plugged that hole in another game, but they never manged to implement the fix in their own scripting engine.
As I said, BL is a fun franchise, but if they will give the same quality of work on a PvP game with such balance issues and glitches, that game won't live for too long. And I don't know if they had some project to steal money from like what they did with the Aliens game to pour into development.
Star Wars battlefront was a different issue. It was like Titanfall, had zero SP content and couldn't get enough people to populate the servers. And that came from that infamous pricing scheme, probably the single worst one their marketing department could have come up with. In all honesty, I think Battleborn will shine for a short time and fade to obscurity, but will be played, whereas the fate of overwatch will be determined by how often will Blizzard rewrite the rules and how many newcomers can they convince to register a Battle.Net account just for one game. It worked for WoW, but we are not in 2005 any more.
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My point was that there are not the only ones that fail to fix bugs and due it on a timely manner and not all bugs can always be fixed because well that is just the nature of the beast.Also just because there is an exploit does not mean you have to abuse it or use it.They still fixed a lot bugs and issues,Games that are that big will never get every bug or exploit fixed regardless.
I was just merely saying a weapon or skill to me being unbalanced is not a bug.In fact i played many hours on console and on the PC and the bugs never where so bad that it took away from me enjoying the game.There is no such thing as a bug free game they are to big and open to fix everything.
As i said earlier not all bugs can be fixed but so many think they know how game design works and it just as simple as some programming.Also sometimes fixing one bug causes more.All i am saying it not just cut and dry and as simple as they can fix anything if they try.I will agree they and a lot others could more effort into fixing them and maybe at times faster then they do.Though these days most games have dlc already being worked on before the game even launches which means most of the time a very small team fixes bugs.
In the end as good as the Witcher 3 was done and time taken to polish it it still had bugs and i am willing to bet still has bugs not fixed.
The point of the Star Wars games was just to point out how popular the franchise is and it still did not do that well and even if it had a better pricing scheme i doubt it would have made a difference.Though i think it would have failed even if it had single player because they still would have focused heavy on online.So now your trying to convince kids to give up COD to play that game online.The passion is there for a lot developers but a lot of it is over shadowed by what seems to be making games that have some sort of market to general cash flow on a monthly basis.Like shark cards for GTA V and it works because there will always be lazy players who rather just buy there gear then earn it.Though those are up to the publisher as you can want to make a game however you want but the man paying the bills gets the final say in how the game is done,That can and has ruined good franchises because they where more focused on making money then a game.
Also it is hard to stand out on the pc because of shear amount of choices in games and there are so many good indie games.Unlike console which has mostly AAA games not a lot of indie stuff at least compared to the pc.So there are less choices on the console for games.Less choices means betters odd they will buy something like Battleborn or Overwatch.I rather stick my money into a great indie game then risk it on any of those 2 that may not even be a thing 6 months from now.
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Well, in GTA V it's not just laziness. I mean, 1 million is what, ten highest-tier jobs? That's MMO levels of repetitive farming. Some games really are off the scale with the amount of investment they demand from the player base. But I guess this was the whole point, so they can sell the in-game currency as well for people who are not time millionaire. ^^'
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Not really you can farm the first heist and make a lot more because it is quick it makes less but you make more because you spend less time doing it and a lot less likely to fail it even with a newbie.
If you want to collect and own everything then yes it will be a bit of a grind.I haven no desire or need to own everything as i never drive most of the cars i own now i just bought them because i needed something to spend my money on.My main car is the armored kuruma for missions and heist.That is dirt cheap to get and mod to the max.
Of course the prices are high to sell shark cards,i mean what would be the point of shark cards if you could just as easily get them without spending money.Do not take this as me being for shark cards i am not.You could not sell shark cards if everything cost say just a million or less.
But really to be honest i could afford anything in that games if i had better internet and got together with some friends and spent a weekend farming heist.Also if you save your money for the discounts like i do when they have 25% off or more on cars or mods.Most can not do that because they have to have it now,to many have no patient anymore they have to have it now,That is obvious with all the dlc being sold that unlocks everything from the go.
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That time gap could be crucial, if people can't wait for overwatch then they probably buy battleborn and if battleborn can fix any major issues in that spare time some people might forget overwatch.
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Tough call for me. I like Overwatch's characters more than those I've seen so far from Battleborn, but prefer Battleborn's option of playing a single player/coop campaign. If Overwatch threw in an SP campaign as well then it'd have to be Overwatch...
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How about w/e suits the taste of the player ?
Based purely on concept and what ive seen so far Id go with Battle born .
It does seem to have a nice single player campaign ( that can be played co-op) , and that Borderlands sense of humor that i still find funny somehow .
Meanwhile overwatch tries to take itself alittle bit to serious for me , and its not as funny
Then again i despise Multiplayer FPS games , and i wouldnt really play either of those ... so Having a single player vs no Single player whatsoever .... Thats a win by a landslide for Battleborn .
On a side note , im surprised that that Paragon game isnt in the list aswell .
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Duno... A solid 4-5 h long campaign sounds good enough for me .
Tho thats just me trying to justify pickibg one or the other .
As i mentioned fps games are that 1 genre i just dont play at all ... So i dont really care much bout .
What i said was just based on If ... I had to pick one.
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Two very similar, yet very different games are coming close to their release date, Battleborn on May 3rd and Overwatch on May 24th. I (like many other people) can't help but see the similarities between the two, and even tho they look alike on the outside, their foundation is very much different from each others.
Anyway, do you have a preference? Either way cast a vote here.
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