Sounds interesting but an odd choice for a title. I would like to see more than some screenshots (i.e. gameplay), but I'm liking what I'm seeing so far. Hoping for the best and thanks for the intro :D.
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This is always the first thing that seems to come up whenever this game is mentioned anywhere, so I don't blame you. Gotta love the internet!
The title is actually a reference to Welsh poet R. S. Thomas' final work. These devs are highly literate people / writers themselves, so it doesn't come as a surprise that they would choose such a relatively obscure point of reference as their title.
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Well, as I mentioned above, the title is a reference to Welsh poet R. S. Thomas' final work.
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I wonder how many people will misread the title or will due to their ignorance of greek mythology think the title refers to furries (folks interested in anthropomorphic animals) rather than furies, creatures from greek mythology.
The game looks interesting, I dig the artstyle and the environments look well-designed from what I can see in the screenshots. It's unfortunate the trailer doesn't show any actual gameplay. I dislike the voice in the trailer, I hope that person won't be doing any narration in the game.
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Yeah, I mentioned it above, but the title is actually a reference to Welsh poet R. S. Thomas' final work. I also love the art style they went for here. Regarding the gameplay, there's are two fairly lengthy blog posts from the lead designer on the active and passive skill checks they have implemented in the game. That should give an idea on the kind of gameplay we should be able to expect from this.
The voice in the trailer is a bit on the over dramatic side. I feel it's a fragile balance they're striving for while employing that kind of voice to create mood. Time will tell if they get it right, I guess.
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The name doesn't exactly roll off the tongue, but that's literature for you!
Btw, I liked this dev blog post that touches on the difficulties of isometric perspective and goes into detail about the hand painted textures. Worth a read if you're into that kind of thing.
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First thought. "What did the furries ever do to you?" then I saw that there was only one R.
Isometric story based RPG? sign me the fuck up. Where's the kickstarter?!
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Can't find the source right now, but I remember the devs going on record saying that there are no plans for a Kickstarter, and that the game will be made available on Steam.
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I've alluded to it before, but regarding the title, it refers to the poem "Reflections" by R. S. Thomas (1913-2000). VIdeo of the poem read by the author (audio only).
The furies are at home
in the mirror; it is their address.
Even the clearest water,
if deep enough can drown.
Never think to surprise them.
Your face approaching ever
so friendly is the white flag
they ignore. There is no truce
with the furies. A mirror's temperature
is always at zero. It is ice
in the veins. Its camera
is an X-ray. It is a chalice
held out to you in
silent communion, where gaspingly
you partake of a shifting
identity never your own.
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These devs are highly literate people / writers themselves, so it doesn't come as a surprise that they would choose such a relatively obscure point of reference as their title.
While the specific poem may be obscure, the furies (as embodiments of impassioned/unrestrained wrath, vengence, or the pursual of justice) are common literary allusions, and are a familiar reference to anyone with a firm literary education. A title like this makes clear sense even without something else having utilized it first. Moreso, far more obscure references are used in game titles without issue, so there's no real need to strain yourself when responding to intentional misrepresentations of the title.
Game looks fantastic, either way. :)
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A title like this makes clear sense even without something else having utilized it first. Moreso, far more obscure references are used in game titles without issue, so there's no real need to strain yourself when responding to intentional misrepresentations of the title.
I thought so as well, but the furry tide seemed to be strong around these parts. I felt like I needed to vigorously steer accordingly :D
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Upcoming text heavy isometric RPG set for release in 2017. Teaser Trailer here
The developers in their own words: "NO TRUCE WITH THE FURIES is a police procedural role playing game inspired by Planescape: Torment and Kentucky Route Zero. All combat is handled in dialogue, story is everything.
Wake up as a disgraced detective lieutenant. Put on your disco pants. Wander a gorgeously rendered seaside city in another world, solving one last case. Or wander the inside of your own head, talking to your senses, doubts and memories. 24 uniquely realistic skills represent the real human psyche and physique.
The role playing game is an emergent art form – and we’re set to light it on fire.
Is it fantasy? Is it sci-fi? Is it alt history? Some kind of punk? No. It’s a genre-busting new world we’ve built for more than fifteen years. We call it fantastic realism. And we’re ready to show it to you.
No Truce With The Furies pushes isometric graphics further than ever. The light is dynamic, so is the weather – pick up a flashlight and see the shadows move at night!
Contemporary oil painters hand paint this world. Published authors write these dialogues. A rock’n’roll band records the music. No Truce With The Furies is made by a movement.
You have an inventory for thoughts. Pick up old mysteries, develop new ideas. Come to conclusions both light and dark. You will develop obsessions you can’t get rid of, and beliefs that guide your words and change the way you talk.
No Truce With The Furies takes non-combat skill use to absurd new heights. You can sing, dance, pay rent and actually fail at skill checks with profound results. Built by D&D evangelists, we use the rule system to represent real life.
Everything, even the smallest of details, matters. The minutiae of what you say – or think – gets carried from dialogue to dialogue. This palm sized open world is an unprecedented toybox of choices."
The dev blog is an interesting read, and you can ogle some more awfully pretty screenshots here. I've been following development on this for a bit, and I'm honestly pretty excited to see its release. Those are some lofty concepts and goals the developers have set for themselves, and even if they don't quite manage to get there, I've got a feeling we'll get to see something quite interesting at the very least.
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