Hm, tough one since they're all interesting games... content-wise I'd go for Starbound, the unique setting speaks for Subnautica, but the over all fun factor and momentarily biggest discount makes me vote for 7 Days. They all have a long history of development though and devs respectively caring for their game, so I don't think one can go wrong with either of them. It's more a go with your gut or throw a dice thing, IMO.
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I played 7 Days to Die and Subnautica, what can I say.. this are the early access success stories.
I like them both for different reasons.
I also watched a few hours of Darkest Dungeon... and damn I am impressed.. so I wold say buy these 3 and take a vacation :))
I played them alone, but usually is a better experience shared.
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You'd probably get more replay value out of 7 days, but that being said. Starbound was pretty fucking amazing. (Haven't played since it first came out so there's probably even more cool shit in updates) Subnautica: Haven't played it.
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Recently played the Starbound main quest and god damn it was decent. Was pleasantly surprised with the ending too, the way they actually managed to slip some sort of a viable story in a random gen world is impressive. Makes you wonder what the hell No Man's Sky team was doing with their game.
Also shout out to 7 Days to Die, updates are quite far in between but when they do arrive, man they change the game quite a bit.
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If you have friends to play in multiplayer I would choose 7 Days to Die, imo it's the best zombie survival sandbox game. For single player experience I would go with Darkest Dungeon.
Haven't played Starbound.
Subnautica is cool, but I haven't played it too much because I was experiencing some performance issues recently.
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I would recommend you to buy 7 Days To Die and I'd have absolutely no doubts about recommending it. It's my second most played game on Steam and it only has a 10hr difference with my first And once A16 comes out then I expect it to become my most played game on Steam. It's a fairly tough game in the beginning and can be scary (especially once A16 comes out with sleeper zombies). It's best played online with friends or with a group. The developers are still actively working on the game and the only downside I can think of is that new updates take ages but once they roll out they're always quite big.
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I've been playing Subnautica recently and I really like it. It looks beautiful and it's enjoyable to play and there seems to be plenty to do already even though the game is in early access. System requirements are fairly high though.
I bought Starbound early on and was disappointed with it and completely fell out with the game during early access as every update seemed to make the game worse and there appeared to be no end in sight. I'll admit I haven't tried the game for a while.
I don't know about 7 Days to Die.
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i didn't play starbound yet but i totally love subnautice. however you will need a decent rig for that unless you like gaming at 10fps.
stay the fuck away from 7 days to die. it's a terrible, idiotic, overly grindy game that has been in early access for 3 1/2 years. and it's still rubbish! what a fail...
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I stopped playing Starbound after it went out of Early Access (because rip progress) until I heard the news where you can build a space station. /Forced/ me to play it again but it's still cool, just a lot of grinding and stuff. Then there are mods that pretty much do a lot of stuff, like Frackin' Universe.
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How come subnautica isn't first? Is many people who didn't played it voting?
Anyway it depends a lot on taste. Hours/replayability value if you're into multplayer is 7days no doubt; Can't argue about its qualities however, can't compare with other similars.
Heard vey good things about starbound but it all seem too much terraria for me - that doesn't mean its bad, only thats more of the same.
Subnautica is perhaps the best purchase ive made on steam to date. Being EA it have bugs, content still to be released... if it was abandoned right now i would still recommend it. I played No Mans Sky at a friends and its lauded exploration feeling (the only saving grace- feeling, visuals, variety as the fans say) doesn't come close to what i experienced in subnautica. I dived into the game for almost 48 hours straight (sleeping and eating in between). Ive played other underwater games and none compare- only abzu compares in parts in the beauty/awe department but nothing else.
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Looks like it's a square "All four". Sorry OP. xD
I only played Starbound on singleplayer thus far, and if you liked base-building in Terraria-likes, you'll probably love the simple tenant system they have going on. 7D2D was pretty cool even in singleplayer back when I played it, but people reported desync issues on multiplayer servers that related to smelting/cooking timers. Might be worth checking on whether they fixed that.
I don't know about Subnautica but I hear great things, and DD is apparently pretty popular if you can stomach the difficulty.
No matter what you pick, you probably won't go wrong. It's worth noting that Starbound has an active modding community though, so quick fixes for any content or mechanics you might want are usually only a few clicks away.
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Subnautica's the only one I've played, but I can't recommend it enough. One of my favorite games and THE best example of Early Access done right. There are some performance issues and weird bugs, but the devs are well aware of it and have set three months aside to work on fixing them once they've got all the main features in place. And the fish and flora are just beautifully designed, and the story has been a fun journey to uncover. It's pretty much topped Aquaria as the best ocean-exploration indie game. yeah, i think its a pretty good game.
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Do you have friends who already own Starbound? I wouldn't recommend playing it solo. It's a really nice game, but it's much slower-paced and IMO not really as compelling without a friend to play with. If you've got someone, I say go for it. If not, I would choose 7 Days to Die.
EDIT: I should note, Starbound is the only one of the three I've played. My alternate choice may also be lacking in single-player. I only lean that way because it's the most interesting to me personally. Judging by some of the other comments, if you're playing solo you should probably go for Subnautica.
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out of those games, subnautica and darkest dungeon are your best bets, I found starbound and 7 days to die very boring... might as well go play rust and terraria if your into those kind of games.
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I also wanted to include Darkest Dungeon, then I thought it would have won anyway.. So let's pretend you had to buy DD + 1 of these?
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