... well, that'd be the easiest to implement. Better option would be to be able to switch between region restrictions and region availability.

There are a lot of Deep Silver published games that can be played anywhere but Europe.

Some that I currently have;

Dead Island Franchise Pack
Risen Franchise Pack
Killer is Dead - Nightmare Edition
Sacred Franchise Pack
Emergency 5 - Deluxe Edition

What they look like on SteamDB:



9 years ago

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err, rather, i should say, can be activated anywhere but europe. no run lock

9 years ago

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I agree with this request - it would be very helpful if SG could please implement this.

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

9 years ago

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wow... what kind of messed up region is this?

9 years ago

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A region where certain people support the idea of the ban on immigration of Muslims.
But all seriousness I'm not sure what Deep Silver is beefing about.

9 years ago

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Oy, Canada ≠ Donald Trump and his kind. D:

9 years ago

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It's the 'let's be a bunch of miserly f*cks and make sure those Europeans pay the extra ~4-12%' region (w/ special +25% exception for UK, and -25% costs for Norway, thx to technoviking)

just like how most games are converted directly from dollars into euros on steam =p

9 years ago

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Non-EU region. Deep Silver and Capcom have separate EU regions, although Capcom only for some games. The trick is that even ROW keys get rejected for Europeans for these ones. Well, sometimes. Sometimes ROW works. Kinda hit-and-miss-and-memorise-which-is-which. Like with a few region-specific game versions.
I… never managed to find a reasonable explanation for this. It's not because of German regulations (they usually just get a separate repo anyway), and not even naming conventions (some franchises had a different name here like XCOM running under the name UFO, but that is a thing of the past).

9 years ago

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i want to say languages, but that makes more sense for physical discs with limited capacity (then again i wouldnt want multiple languages taking up space in my digital release either, why dont devs utilize the dlc feature?)

9 years ago

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To be frank, in most games released recently, I see language options as a form of a DLC: if I switch it, it downloads the new language. Older games, those released before digital distribution was commonplace, have languages pre-installed, mostly. (Or those where there is no audio localisation, only subtitle.)

9 years ago

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For such specific things normally a private giveaway with an informing description is enough. You still have to check it the winner is able to redeem it and re-roll if it is not the case. Otherwise you would probably a lot more regions than now since there are really some specific region locks. Looking at you Germany. I have a probably german copy of Resident Evil 4 which I don't even know if it can even be activated outside of germany. But yea, doing a private giveaway should be enough.

9 years ago*

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Hey, happy cake shipwreck day to you! =:D

9 years ago

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Thanks, you are actually the first to say something and that despite having a forum topic about it.

9 years ago

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Welp, sometimes it's rather easy to overlook things. So I think it's better to congratulate as soon as you see someone. And, sometimes, people don't create topics for that! GASP!!

9 years ago

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No buyable doesn't mean not redeemable ;) Greetz from Germany!

9 years ago

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There's also a bunch of games that regularly pop up in amazon sales that are NA only, not all of which are Deep Silver

9 years ago

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Amazon's NA only, it says this specifically about regions, or just says that purchaser must be in US?

Paypal's gift cards on their gift site or on ebay, are restricted to buyers w/ US paypal accounts only, even though they work globally (outside of a dozen or so countries in SE Asia/Oceania area).

But, yeah, like talgaby said, Capcom would be the other publisher I can think of that does this. Do you know of some others?

9 years ago

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Amazon just requires a US address. For the most part their keys are ROW. Aside from the Deep Silver titles as mentioned they sell a NA only key for Inversion. If you search through the amazon sale threads either here of on reddit you'll find a few others as well.

9 years ago

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I would also like to see an option to choose North America only. I have two keys for the Inversion which can't be redeemed anywhere else.

9 years ago

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