i just got band for 7 days finished last night sadly the ban was for a game i redeemed and am 100% sure it got revoked the giveaway ended at 2016 and i got ban 2 years later contacting the support didn't help at all neither contacting the guy who who ban me did help since he just simply ignored it.
since when does steamgifts random bans people or is it just like that now ? cuz tbh i think i give up now from this site since the support is meh they ban you and just simply ignore you.

6 years ago

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This comment was deleted 10 months ago.

6 years ago

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and you think i will follow every game i won ? i had almost 4k games to follow in my account i wouldn't know which one is revoked which one is not the thing is i played that game not so long ago to collect its cards and trade them so wouldn't that at least give me a chance to fix something 0.001% i would know of ?

6 years ago

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This comment was deleted 10 months ago.

6 years ago

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the thing is i played that game not so long ago to collect its cards

Have you perhaps removed the game from your library after being finished with it?

If this is the case you can get it restored to your account.
(Home > Games and Applications > Zombie Zoeds > It's not in my library "Restore previously removed package")

If you didn't remove it yourself you can write a review for the game, this would be a proof of playtime and may help you with the support.

6 years ago

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its not possible to remove the game if its key i guess still if its longer than 30 days not really sure

6 years ago

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It's possible to restore a game, doesn't matter if it was a key or not but as they stated it works if you removed it from your account, not if Steam deleted it because it was revoked, then Steam gives you a message about it.

6 years ago

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But Steam notifies you when the key gets revoked.

Check whether you won that game on SG. It's not hard to do. Mark the game as not received, also contact the giveaway author and ask them to send you a new key. If they don't, it stays as not received.

Not sure how you've even managed to get into a situation like this :/

6 years ago

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I've had a couple of those in the past. The notification is through a popup that can be missed, especially if you end up having to restart the Steam client or even your computer. At which point it's hard to figure out which game it was for. It would be ideal if that was sent via email or showed upon the account page under a "Last 30 days activity" type of thing.

6 years ago

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You absolutely cannot miss it. You may miss the initial pop-up but the accompanying banner message in the Steam client persists until you open it and manually dismiss it.

6 years ago

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I can tell you that I've never seen a banner message in the Steam client. This was over a year ago that it happened so maybe they've changed it.

6 years ago

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Assuming the date shown is correct they've been doing it for at least two years.

6 years ago

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This occurred back in Feb 2017. It was a simple "CD Key has been revoked", nothing about my account being restricted or having suspicious or fraudulent activity. It was more along the lines of this image (using this as an example, was a different game):

I don't remember exactly what I was doing, either restarting the Steam client after an update or restarting my computer. That window popped up briefly and then closed before I could even read it. After I restarted Steam, it never showed up again. Took me awhile to figure out what game it was.

6 years ago

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The image you've linked is exactly the same thing, it's just only the pop-up part. When you first start Steam after getting an account alert (regardless of what the alert is for) you'll be presented with the pop up window as seen in both the linked images. If you close the window you won't automatically be presented with the pop-up again but the alert banner in the client (circled in my image) will remain until you tick the box and close the window.

6 years ago

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You can't remove the feedback after 30 days.

6 years ago

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This comment was deleted 10 months ago.

6 years ago

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But you can open a ticket about it. (if you're worried about getting a suspension)

6 years ago

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am 100% sure it got revoked

what u see here?

EDIT if your game revoked u will see something like this (on screenshot)

View attached image.
6 years ago*

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That's really useful to know in case of finding one's self in OP's situation. Thank you for sharing.

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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Approximately when did the giveaway end because after 7 days the option for "not received " is grayed out.As Mihey3z you can get the reason for revoking and contact the support regarding it with proofs that the game was revoked due to the reasons....support is fast now most of my tickets were solved within a day or two.so you may need to contact again so you won't get banned again randomly as you say.

6 years ago

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This comment was deleted 10 months ago.

6 years ago

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i already sorted this out by getting a new game from the support it was a technical fault which i didn't notice for a long time

6 years ago

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support is fast now

my most recent ticket has been pending for 4 months with no response. of course that could be because it's to add a package so i can give it away — i think i read only cg can do that

6 years ago

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Did you contact support during your suspension and provided them proof that the game got revoked? If you have not done so yet, do it now and ask them to change giveaway feedback to "not received".

6 years ago

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i already done so and got the game back but sadly SG support weren't helpful regrading anything they just ban me without enough information or a warning in advance.

6 years ago

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I am confused. If I understand you correctly, you say in your original post, that the game was revoked. How was it possible for you to get it back?

Don't say ban. You were suspended. A temporary suspension, as you received it, is a warning before you get permanently suspended or even get a ban.

6 years ago

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I mean as much as i dont really care about your issue at all ... since you did break the rules.

you can get suspended for posting a twitch emote nowadays ... so yeah , support here lately have few questionable members being oversensitive about anything and everything ...

But when you report someone non activating your game , you get a response a year later saying they cant confirm it .

6 years ago

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Support here have proven themselves to be a top notch ninjas on countless occasions!
So enough with the propaganda and victim act as his mighty num 1 top tier moderator said down below ( ͡° ل͜ ͡°) XD

6 years ago

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Yesterday I had to get in touch with support for exactly the same reason you mentioned. One of my gib winners refused to respond and didn't activate his won game.
Guess what?! I received an answer from support in a few minutes. Yeah, I was really surprised. It almost seemed like an instant response.
The guy's name from support is Gaffi, and he was really nice in sorting the problem out.
Thank you very much for your time @SG-Staff. ♥

6 years ago

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Well that is YOUR experience with support ... You are lucky ^^
MY experience has been abysmal :p

6 years ago

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Heyday was polite, respectful, and cooperative. Heyday understands that the manner in which you approach others affects how they will respond to you.

6 years ago

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We need upvotes/likes for comments.

6 years ago

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lol ... kiss people bottom parts more ... you will get far in life .

6 years ago

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I have made 79 tickets since joining this site.
Besides one I closed myself and one that is still open, all have been answered sufficiently in a few hours or days (longest was something around 10 days, but that was in holiday season.

But that might might depend on the type of the ticket only....... .... ....

6 years ago

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No we don't. That's the best way to make sure a few early popular comments stay forever on top while the rest of the comments just get buried, no matter their quality. Cf Reddit. Upvote/like systems should come with some kind of decay-over-time to make up for that toxic effect.

6 years ago

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Havin up/downvotes, does not require to change the way comments are displayed. Noone said you should be allowed (or even by default) to sort after most votes.

6 years ago

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Sure, but... we know that's always how it ends though 👀

6 years ago

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nope, it does not.

6 years ago

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Well and my user report was what ?

I Posted that a guy did not activate my game ... it got IGNORED for a year and closed for no reason whatsoever .

Do you keep receipts for stuff you bought a YEAR AGO ?

6 years ago

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Yes, because decent warranties are anywhere from 30 to 365 days base. If you're not an idiot, you save receipts.

6 years ago

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Decent stores have online receipts so they don't force you to keep a thermal printed paper that loses all print if it touches anything. Also in decent legal systems warranty is just an extra marketing bonus, law says that sellers/manufacturers are responsible for items to last a reasonable lifetime depending on what it is.

6 years ago

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so i have a warrantie on a humble bundle huh ... got me there bruda ...

6 years ago

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I'm not going to know the exact legality of it because I'm not a lawyer, but depending on the area you live in you typically have a 30 day warranty granted as buyer protection for most purchases.

6 years ago

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They do that for electronics here 2 ... it ofc depends on the product , my fridge came with 5y warranty ... what i WAS trying to say is that i keep those for stuff like that , i dont keep the receipts from my grocery store for example tho more then few days .
And thats kinda the same way i treat humble purchuases after couple weeks

6 years ago

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Luckily they're in your e-mail for you. :D

6 years ago

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Well ... they are not :p

After humble fuck me over with about couple hundred worth of steam keys , that i was saving for a HUGE birthday train i blacklisted them ... so that kinda also purged all existing mails

6 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

6 years ago

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You're right, I guess I had a good portion of luck and I'm sorry for your experience. The next time you need assistence from support will hopefully not take so long to wait.

6 years ago

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You can get suspended for posting emotes?

6 years ago

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That would depend on the emote, I suppose, but I know of no such case. Bllom3D is not being candid about what really happened.

6 years ago

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What REALLY happened is me using an Emote ... and that is :) You could brought up its context like a normal person ...

But yeah its easier to use the banhammer and Bam 2 weeks ban cause i guess your cousin didnt let you do her and you got offended.

Go ban me again for that oversensitive Moderator

6 years ago

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You know that personal attacks don't count as an argument?

You use them when you have nothing interesting or valid to say.

6 years ago

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I dont need an argument when im dealing with oversensitive ... fill in the blank .

6 years ago

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"myself" fills it nicely.

6 years ago

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Well if you are so willing you can be the oversensitive fagot ... enjoy the spot .

6 years ago

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You're only talking about yourself, not anyone else. But go on if you enjoy it that much.

"I got banned for using an emote" yeah right KAPPA.

6 years ago

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I mean bring out the context of my ban ... and lets see what did i get banned for :)

If not then stfu and get back to the cave you craw out of :)

6 years ago

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Why would I need to bring out any context when you're the one involved in the thing, not me. You claim there is some mysterious context that makes it all true, yet you're the one refusing to tell anyone else what it is. Great logic there.

But if you want me make a bet: you got banned because the context of your own stupidity and hostile actions. You're the one that spammed some person's Steam profile nonstop because of a disagreement here. First time I saw you and you haven't improved one bit.

Also you seem to be the one living in the cave with your cousins, not anyone else.

6 years ago

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That is all the context :)

If someone asked i bring it up every time ... its a silly twitch emote and thats all it was in my eyes.

A normal person would just bring its context to me and i wouldnt use it againt knowing its offensive to people ... but nope .

As for bringing some stuff i dont even remember happening ... either show proof or shove it up right up your ass ...ty

6 years ago

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I don't need to have any proof of you acting like the hole you want to be shoved up since you're making my point by still acting like one. If you want others to believe you're not, I would suggest not doing that. Otherwise it just makes you look silly on top.

6 years ago

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I mean been about almost 2 decades since i was 12 and gave a fuck about some random person oppinion about me .

You are just throwing accusation towards me with no back up towards it ... meanwhile i brough up the reasoning for my comment instantly ...

As for me being asshole ... i am towards people who deserve it ... i am not obliged to be nice towards people who are acting like they are special .

If you are offended ... go write a book about it .

6 years ago

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This comment was deleted 1 month ago.

6 years ago

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That was not a conversation tho , that was him throwing baseless acusations towards me .

6 years ago

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This comment was deleted 1 month ago.

6 years ago

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well he doesnt deserve better ones.

Anyway that topic is over for me , i got better things to do then deal with then that retard thats for sure .

6 years ago

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So does mine and it gets proven to be a fact every time he posts more.

6 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

6 years ago

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This comment was deleted 1 month ago.

6 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

6 years ago

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I'm not offended one bit by kids like you, I'm pointing and laughing at them and it's not calling out when they are doing exactly what I say they are doing just couple posts above.

6 years ago

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m3h ... kids like me :p

id take that as a compliment i guess .

As for pointing out and laughing at them ... id do the same to people who masturbate to anime cat girls ...

Anyway weeb shit enjoy your pixel boobies and thinking you are special ...

Hope your mom dont start taking rent for living in her basement ,

6 years ago

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Yes, kids exactly like you that learn communication skills from Twitch chat or 4chan imagining that's how adults talk. Go on making my points, but you're only ever saying those things about yourself which is apparent to everyone else.

6 years ago

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the funny part about this conversation is that you may assume i give close to a fuck about your opinion ... or what shit you spill ..

Spoiler: i dont . You are just random imbecile on the internet who thinks hes special .

The stuff you tried to accuse me of , i brought to light ... meanwhile you are just going circles being OMg you are such a kid , you did that X Time ago with no proof about the shit you talked about :)

So yeah ... if you are not going to actually bring something to the table ... back to your basement ... and get out of there when you have some facts


6 years ago

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I'm pointing out your lies and hostility and laughing at it with others. I know little trolls like you don't care so why would I ever assume that? You're the one acting like a spoiled kid, so don't blame others for pointing it out. But you are totally unable to do anything except fling personal attacks because you never had anything to bring to the table except some memes.

All proof of your doings is openly available in your message history, I don't feel any need to search through the forum to find every case, just remembered when I first saw you on the forums.

6 years ago

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K bye

6 years ago

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View attached image.
6 years ago

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This comment was deleted 10 months ago.

6 years ago

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K bye

And on that note, ...

6 years ago

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This comment was deleted 1 month ago.

6 years ago

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I guess sorry if I managed to offend you, all this heat can just result in poor reactions to having fun taken away. :)

6 years ago

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This comment was deleted 1 month ago.

6 years ago*

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You seem to have a propensity for poking the trolls. Be mindful. Those who can't control themselves eventually work their way out of the site, even without your help, so don't sink to their level. Everyone is responsible for his or her own behavior.

6 years ago*

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I am amazed again and again how you manage to keep your calm!

Have a nice day!

6 years ago

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I know, it's my problem that I just find it very amusing. Also if I can direct their attacks from others who might get offended or hurt by them to me who will only ever get offended by the weak quality of their trolling it's doubly rewarding to win them in their own game.

But maybe I got most of it out of my system already so you can have them instead. :)

6 years ago

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you were already told you used a twitch emote from a 3rd party app, not from twitch itself because they would NEVER allow it (guess why?).

6 years ago

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sorry for "insertion", Mod :)

only try to take this as something like "user to user", and saying this cause i think i've read what (and how much) you wrote/answered:

why all this is not kept in a private conversation, so it has not these big chances (i'm seeing) of escalating?

have a good rest of the week, Khalaq!

6 years ago

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why all this is not kept in a private conversation, so it has not these big chances (i'm seeing) of escalating?

I always consider the benefits and drawbacks to putting something on the Internet, and this is no exception. On the one hand, I feel it is important to clarify to our user base when they are being lied to, especially when the lie may cause confusion as to what is allowed (or not) on this site. On the other hand, any comment I make will probably be viewed as nothing more than an opportunity to libel me further. For now, I feel I have said enough.

6 years ago

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and this is from user to Mod: i always admired your high level of diplomacy, while discussing.

thanks for answering, Khalaq.

Stay well. and mighty.

6 years ago

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What is the game you're talking about? because the non-activated win you have ended in 2017 not 2016.
You're 100% sure it got revoked, and you got a notification from steam when it happened right? But yet you did nothing to prevent that ban? (contact support and send proof of the key being revoked, mark as not received etc)
Without more informations, it looks like you're wrong and support is right. So, why are you angry?

6 years ago

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i didn't get any notification at all as i am aware of and after contacting steam i got the game back as i am not sure of the reason yet and is it and plus contacting the support didn't help at all since no one answered until today.

6 years ago

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If the game has been revoked by Steam, them restoring the game would be a first, as far as I know.
Are you sure that not you or someone else using your account deleted the game from your Steam account manually? Probable because it is a bad game. These is -afaIk- the only case where you can restore games.

6 years ago

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i didn't get any notification at all

Then the key was not revoked. The problem was from your side, and the staff did the job according to the rules.
You didn't pay attention to your account so don't blame other people for that.

6 years ago

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This reminds me that I had a game revoked and lots of other people had the same game revoked.

But I don't remember what game or if I got it from a bundle or won it...

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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SG acts on ancient user reports because there is more staff to do it. But they also disable people permanently for things said outside of SG even if that should never happen.

6 years ago

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Don't fall for his propaganda and victim act. Things were said here as well, including serious allegations, racist remarks and death wishes.

6 years ago

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Of course everything has 2 sides, both with their own propaganda. I'm not really falling for anything, just making popcorn while reading 2nd hand reports of the drama.

6 years ago

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... just making popcorn while reading 2nd hand, one-sided, embellished reports of the drama.

Fixed it for you.

6 years ago

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And now I got the other one-sided version of it as well completing the 2-sided drama.

6 years ago

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Actually, I'm not sure you've gotten the "other, one-sided version of it," but does that really matter? There are some things of which it is better to be ignorant.

6 years ago

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Close enough.

6 years ago

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you mean for calling me, my friends and everyone else that doesn't like idling unbundled wins, nazis?
don't listen to his crap, he's been lying about everything for years.

6 years ago

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Like I said, everything has 2 sides and I'm only listening to 2nd hand reports while making popcorn. I've been called in such a way too for example for saying that they are the least problematic of the 3 religions that Abraham made up. But words don't hurt me so I can laugh it off without any bans of any kind. Words usually tell more about the sayer than anyone else after all.

6 years ago

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Words usually tell more about the sayer than anyone else after all.

An astute observation.

6 years ago

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yeah, the problem is he spread all these lies to his steam friends.
i noticed it with an increase of blacklists, and what a coincidence, it was all people he friended. 🤷

Words usually tell more about the sayer than anyone else after all

indeed, just take a look at his profile now. 💃

6 years ago

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Just like I could look at all the crap others throw at him, claiming they are the victim instead. Should I believe that side or the other side or just pop some corns while the drama unravels. It takes 2 to argue and 3rd to laugh at them both for acting silly. But in retrospect, your side apparently would've given me more BL to fix my ratio I guess, so my loss.

6 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

6 years ago

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This comment was deleted 10 months ago.

6 years ago

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i could quote 3+ of his replies about muslims and refugees, that's the real racism and fascism he hated so much...

#1 hypocrite 🤷

6 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

6 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

6 years ago

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This particular part of the thread is devolving into trash-talk. I suggest we drop it and move on.

6 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

6 years ago

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

6 years ago

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This comment was deleted 10 months ago.

6 years ago

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

6 years ago

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Generally speaking, this community prefers a relaxed and open forum. Not everyone is able to deal with the responsibility freedom entails, however, and discussions can get pretty venomous. We try to discourage too much negativity, especially when we see things headed in a direction which may have a strong, negative impact on the community and the site itself. There have been instances in the past where we failed to defuse situations quickly enough to avoid a fully-fledged flame-fest, and the result was us having to beat down those involved with a hammer. Normally, people come to their senses when told to get a grip, but our past history of tolerance caused our warnings to be ignored. The results were not pretty.

More recently, Support has been more proactive in trying to maintain a friendly and welcoming environment for our users. When we "step in," it is because we don't want to see the situation devolve into a something that requires us to be heavy-handed. Granted, there are some people who have no respect for others, but our new approach seems to be working because most of our users are reasonable.

6 years ago*

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

6 years ago

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Regarding "calling out," I put up a list of "things to ask yourself before posting," but I can't find it, now. Perhaps someone else has stumbled across it and can help me find it?

Anyway, I haven't yet seen anything I would judge as "calling out" in this thread. No "naming and shaming." No "public disclosure of private information." No "intent to expose or humiliate." It would not have been good if people had begun detailing past offenses and/or castigating specific individuals, however, so I spoke up.

6 years ago

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I did see anti-semitic comments way back when which really kick started everything. Don't play it off as nothing. As for all the other accusations that have been made I haven't seen any evidence of support or some kind of anti-semitic crusade, but I saw at least one anti-Jew remark along with quite a lot of bashing of various long since left members. Don't act like you are an angel.

6 years ago

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blah blah you are a nazi blah blah i have no proof but i will keep making up drama

good job, doggie! 🐶

6 years ago

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First, i can understand that you are not happy for a suspension 2 years after the report/problem.
The sg support staff have now more, not burned out, members. That's the reason why they work on old stuff, that laid too long, too
From my reports lay the oldest user report since 11 month. I am not happy with it but i see that the support try to solve all tickets and mine is not the only one that lay in there "ToDo" List...^^ [and i am sure others would be happy when there oldest report ticket were under 1 year :-D].
I see in it a good thing (the right direction and you can see that the most of them really try to make sg to a better site and solve everything for the most people to a better thing).
But yes you are right it brings up Reports and Punishments from long ago that are now, with so much time between it, harder to handle/solve and with more work for both sides -+frustration, hate and all such stuff around it...-

I read all the comments and your answers and can break it a bit down...

  • You have 4k games.
    Not from interest you won 64 at steamgifts. I think it is no problem to look if a revoked game is one of that wins. It give a search function at the win page that can solve your thing in milliseconds (by 600 wins too).
  • You speak from a game End 2016 BUT in a other comment that you idled the game "a short time ago".
    So the timeframe, to remember on the revoke and consult the help at steam, we speak of, is much shorter. So it should be easier then 2 years ago laying stuff.

Without more informations, it looks like the support have done there job.
They can't see or know if a game is revoked from your account or if you selled/traded a win away and think at sg is the second option more common then the first^^.
Yes late, and that is the not so nice thing on it, but i think you can respond to the ticket and get much faster a reaction.

I give you a whitelist for your statistics.
Maybe that helps a bit too :o)

6 years ago*

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... but i think you can respond to the ticket and get much faster a reaction.

Users who provide the information we request usually get the speediest service.

6 years ago

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It give a search function at the win page that can solve your thing in milliseconds (by 600 wins too).

How can you do this search on your wins page?

6 years ago

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Top left stand "Search". Put a word inside and hit Return :)

6 years ago

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Oh. I thought there was a check against your own wins to confirm this situation hasn't happened. I was trying to avoid a game by game check. Thanks.

6 years ago

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You can also just run sgtools against your own account, that's the lazy way to do it and at the same time the most efficient since people who send non-activation reports pretty much only use this

6 years ago

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Right, that is a possibility too :o). I forget it at my first answer to the OP.

6 years ago

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I don't know how much games get at your site revoked.... but at my side only 1-2 in a year. So the effort should be the same as by a "check all" check :)

6 years ago

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I got banned for the same reason, but it was a 4 year old giveaway. Turns out the games were removed from my account who knows when, but i could have got at least a warning before getting suspended.
I ended buying the games out of my pocket to remain in good standing.

6 years ago

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Wait, why were the games removed from your account? I'm worried now

6 years ago

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Steam notifies you if a game gets removed from your account, so I'm assuming they themselves removed the game from their account, forgetting they had won it on SG.

6 years ago

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We often receive tickets from people seeking to "clean up" their libraries. They contact us about the games they wish to remove, and Support works things out with them so that they are able to do so without repercussion. (Some users choose to just hide their unwanted games so as to avoid all the fuss. Same effect, but it's a Steam function.)

6 years ago

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No, i never got a notification about it. I only found out after getting suspended and opening a ticket at Steam support, which told me that the games were removed in xx/xx/xxx and nothing else. My guess is that those keys were bought at shady sites or with stolen cards.

I never removed games from my account, i like collecting them.

6 years ago

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That hasn't always been the case. Back before steam started sending notifications of game removal, we used to get a lot of threads about "my game has gone missing!"

6 years ago

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It's a little lesson you learned the hard way. But to be honest, a temporary suspension is not a bad thing at all, it's not like a stigmata you will never ever lose.
When a game is revoked from your Steam library, you get a message in Steam client that you can hardly miss. In case it is a won game on SG, you can take further actions to prevent an infraction. ;)

6 years ago

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... it's not like a stigmata you will never ever lose.

Suspensions may be lifted if the user chooses to address them. Otherwise, they stay on your record. That is why some people continue to be blocked by SGT for having unredeemed wins on their account. One of our permabanned users went through a lot of trouble to "clean up" his account and has since rejoined the site.

6 years ago

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I guess it's not my case since i'm passing all SGT tests.

6 years ago

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This comment was deleted 10 months ago.

6 years ago*

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ouch! i also didn't know this :P

6 years ago

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This comment was deleted 10 months ago.

6 years ago

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true: never made one
true: it seems just like that, checkallthethings!
true: you're not the first talking about suspensions in a good way (and i think that's... good)

forth and last:

got a bit trigger-happy

i truly loll'dalot!

6 years ago

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I think you meant "non-activated games" That would change the meaning of your sentence.

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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Have a nice day!

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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No one cares.

6 years ago

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You don't care*

6 years ago

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since when does steamgifts random bans people or is it just like that now?

support has been "randomly banning" people someone else reported for breaking the rules since the beginning, the only thing that changed is the amount of workforce they have now compared to 3-4 years ago, so old tickets are getting sorted out and old offenses punished.

6 years ago

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Had a similar ban for a week or two. And well, 2 years later it's pretty stupid since I don't have the slightiest clue what happened back then.
Even if you try to be correct, there's always something that can go wrong. No bad intentions at all.

Those tickets should just be removed instead of bothering people with it imo.

6 years ago

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I returned here after more than a year for giving away some keys I got and I found out I got warned some days ago because I supposedly "called out" someone but I can't exactly seem what happened because it was in a giveaway in which the creator blacklisted me. I suppose it's fine if I don't mention the name, but it was something like, someone won one of my giveaways and then gave it away again and I asked if this was the same one I gave him. I even tried to ask the moderator directly what happened since I can't check (filing a ticket for a question is stupid for me), but I was ignored too.
So yeah, it wasn't a ban like yours and only a warning, but it seems support here is getting worse (also better since they're more active) because they are trying to resolve every single ticket and what not after years and years. It's rushed and not much efficient tho.
If you feel bitter just don't interact with the forum or support, if you want to do giveaways do it for your friends or something, there's too much toxicity in steamgifts forum anyway (and that's ironic since it should be a fun and generous site).

6 years ago

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sadly i have to agree with every thing you said most of the comments above they just simply don't care "support is active and they did nothing wrong" which is not from my part and the thing is none of the support answered even my ticket just got answered today with a simple question why you didn't tell us anything while no one even told me what's the reason from the band.

6 years ago

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The best thing to do is to not think about it, in the end it was a short ban and you can now still continue to do what you want to do.
Sadly there isn't much you can do about the ban, since nobody can give you the ban back, and there are people who will always check for flaws so don't sweat it. The only good experience I had with support here was with rerolls, for other stuff eh.
Still I wish you good luck and continue to be the nice and generous person you already are, cheers.

6 years ago

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Mi rincuora vedere dei commenti oggettivi e non da fanboy dell'una o dell'altra parte.

6 years ago

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e in italiano pure! xD

6 years ago

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Qualcuno deve provare ad esserlo prima o poi no? Però provando ad essere oggettivo non si sa mai se si prendono rogne da una parte o l'altra quindi poca gente ci prova.

6 years ago

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Suspensions are lifted once the reason for them has been addressed. If someone refuses to provide the requested information (or to pursue the matter at all), the issue is unlikely to be resolved.

6 years ago

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... (filing a ticket for a question is stupid for me) ...

This is the reason for the "lack of response." Instead of giving Support an easy means to discuss the matter with you, you limited yourself to waiting until I can personally respond to your message outside of SG. With my current work schedule and all of the time I have been spending in the Doctor's office due to health issues, my response has been delayed. As of now, I am still waiting for you to accept my friend invite on Steam before I can do anything else.

6 years ago*

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From what I recall I can't file a ticket directly to one moderator and since I didn't want help but just a reply to a question that really doesn't need support, I didn't want to increase the number of tickets you moderator need to address to.
I still get it that you have a lot of work to do, and honestly I prefered a comment since you can easily comment again on your profile and I would see it.
In any case I just tried to not lend to any side too much, and I hope the health issues aren't that bad. I accepted your friend request btw

6 years ago

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True, you cannot file a ticket directly to one Mod, but you can include a specific request inside your ticket. That, and the other Mods can usually tell what the "history" is. (We keep records so that those addressing an issue can tell what has happened and what the decision process has been up until that point.)

I can't answer your question directly in a public format as the information is private and it would be "calling out." Steam chat should do the trick. )

6 years ago

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its not possible to remove the game if its key

You can always remove games from your account, regardless of how you activated them.
Keys are removed through your activations tab, while steam purchases are removed through the support tab.
Any removed game can be reactivated through the support tab.

neither contacting the guy who who ban

Contacting staff members outside of the site is expressly against site rules, and alone may have been basis for suspension.
Assuming that's what you meant, then you've just justified any continued suspension against you. That said, I don't believe staff ever cancels suspensions once they've begun, so it may have been a meaningless effort on your part in the first place.

Guidelines | Support
"All questions and concerns should be directed through the support system on the site, and we ask users not to add support members on Steam for help."


You should get a big ass banner alert on Steam whenever a game is revoked from your account that, much like the similarly placed e-mail validation alert, should require you to acknowledge it before you're able to make it disappear. There's also a maximum duration for when payment reversal revocations can occur, and I believe there is also one for developer revocations (though, even without one, it's still extremely doubtful a developer'd revoke a key years after the fact).

i played that game not so long ago to collect its cards and trade them

An admirable usage of won games, indeed, assuming that wasn't a grammatical error.

i already sorted this out by getting a new game from the support it was a technical fault

That sounds like information that could be useful to others, were you to elaborate on it.


To clarify the correction you were given above, a ban is by definition permanent, while a suspension is by definition temporary (though an indefinite suspension [the correct term for what SG labels 'permanent suspension'] indicates that the duration length is unknown and may potentially be permanent, thus making it a 'soft ban').

6 years ago*

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6 years ago

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My personal experience differed but, as my phrasing indicated, I wasn't sure if that was reflective solely of the specific staff members involved (who also evidenced various other improprieties in their approach to the suspension in question) or if it was based within general staff policy. Thank you for the clarification.
Of course, staff is definitely far more responsive and far less.. free-handed with their power use than they were when I joined the site, on the whole (and from what I heard, that was already a massive improvement from just a year prior to my joining); as such, it could be that- much like staff now giving warnings to new users before suspending them- the difference is one of policy change across the years.

6 years ago

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I am not going to comment on previous generations of Staff, but our current members are a good bunch. We are still human, but all of us try very hard to act in a professional and even-handed way.

6 years ago

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I miss Loko 😢

6 years ago

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I miss Lina (Rinarin) and Sleepy. (

View attached image.
6 years ago*

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6 years ago

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This comment was deleted 10 months ago.

6 years ago

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I miss xara

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

6 years ago

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something, something, Macklemore and Kesha

Oh, and Cult, I miss him too.

6 years ago

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Crossbourne is still around, actually, just not as a Mod.

6 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

6 years ago

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I see that, but why did the mod in question never respond? I've been following this "case" for a while, and FlyLeaf even had a conversation with the mod going, but once the arguments against the bans were stated the mod chose to not answer and ignore.

I don't mind accidental bans, you are human after all, but thats a dick move.

6 years ago

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FlyLeaf was informed about the reason for his suspension, the details of the infraction, and the steps required to remove said suspension, all at the time the suspension was imposed. FlyLeaf was reminded of those facts and reminded of what was required when the Mod responded to his complaint (about being suspended). That was the totality of "the conversation." Once FlyLeaf dealt with the matter appropriately, the suspension was lifted. Where is this "dick move" to which you refer?

6 years ago

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contacting the support didn't help at all neither contacting the guy who who ban me did help since he just simply ignored it.
It doesn't really sound like any suspension was lifted at all. Also, the mod responded, yes, but after FlyLeafs response to that it went silent, bringing up only more questions.

6 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

6 years ago

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I didn't know about the ranking system, thanks for letting me know.
But I do think that, especially as a mod, you should be responsible for your actions. The conversation happend on the steam profiles of both of them. The two weird things that struck me were that

  1. FlyLeaf wasn't the first one to post a comment of accidental bans on the mods steam page
  2. The mod was happy to answer the first time, but once FlyLeaf brought up a reason for the misunderstanding he stopped responding and let the suspension continue

Not trying to talk bad about mods in general, it's just so shady to me. I'm sure you guys are cool and don't have any bad intent.

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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I absolutely understand, thanks for your reply!

6 years ago

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As you are responding to what I posted, I would like to clarify a few things.

First, I refer you back to what I wrote (and to which you replied). It should be clear why FlyLeaf's "contact" did not elicit more assistance. Asking why you were suspended (you've been told why) and insisting you did nothing wrong (an apparent fallacy) are not conducive to solving the problem. Failing to take remediative action while chastising Support for a "slow response" is also unhelpful. As mentioned, below, FlyLeaf's ticket required Mod status to be viewed (as opposed to "Support"), and that was done.

It doesn't really sound like any suspension was lifted at all.

The suspension has indeed been lifted. I did it myself, this afternoon. FlyLeaf ended up taking time off, but the suspension is indeed gone.

Also, the mod responded, yes, but after FlyLeafs response to that it went silent, bringing up only more questions.

FlyLeaf did not respond after the Mod's comment. The matter had been resolved, and so the ticket was closed by the Mod who responded to FlyLeaf. FlyLeaf could not respond to the Mod's explanation without re-opening the ticket. (It's still closed.) Unless you are referring to this forum thread? It seems everyone else has already responded to FlyLeaf.

6 years ago*

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Sorry for the confusion, but I was referring to the messages between the mod that banned FlyLeaf and FlyLeaf him/herself. FlyLeaf was trying to resolve the issue with the banning mod her/himself by messaging him/her on the steam profile, which lead to the "being ignored" part. But my chat with PeteOzzy cleared a lot of the confusion. Anywho, thank you for replying!

6 years ago

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Getting punished must've psychological traumatized you.... cause you've sure got one major aversion to sentences



6 years ago

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I've recently been suspended for not activating a game I won FIVE years ago. Even when the game is on my account. Their problem was it is not just the simple game, it's the collection version, meanwhile the GA creator clearly stated it is a different retail version. My suspension was not lifted just ended, and my unsuspend request is still open and they did not even apologize.

6 years ago

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the only one that needs to apologize is the giveaway creator, he gave you a different game from the one you won.
it doesn't matter if they said they will give you another version or game.

6 years ago

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the only one should apologize is the support since they are not 100% clear about there actions at all.

6 years ago

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i don't see how it's not clear, the exact game you win in a giveaway has to be activated in your account.
if you win "just cause 3 deluxe edition" and activate just the base game, then you get flagged and suspended. if you win "fallout 2" and activate "fallout 3", you get suspended again.

the system can't detect or guess what you did with the game that you won, so things like "the giveaway creator gave me a different game" don't work at all, and support can't be asking around 5.6 billion times per day why people didn't activate their wins.

6 years ago

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The game is activated on my account, with the DLCs included = Collection version.
Somehow the system had no problem with this for FIVE years.

6 years ago

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It simply took us that long to get to that particular issue.

6 years ago

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But is this really an issue?

6 years ago

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Due to the errors of the people involved, including yourself, yes, it was an issue. Thankfully, that issue has been resolved and we can now move on to more pressing matters.

6 years ago

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Why did you marked it as received in the first place?
Some users are trying to cheat the cv system and create slighty different ga than the game they're giving, so they can have more cv.
You did the mistake, not the support.

6 years ago

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I guess because I did receive the game, and the extra DLCs as well.
One of the new support guys was overanxious over a GA which ended five years ago (instead of dealing with currently open tickets), unjustly suspended me, did not bother to answer when I provided enough evidence I activated the game, wasted my and their time for nothing.

6 years ago

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It's still against the rules that you agreed when you signed up. Read again mully's answer and mine, because it looks like you don't understand where the problem is.
In my answer I should have said the creator did the mistake and you did the mistake to agree with that.
Maybe that was unintentional on both side and I believe you're a good guy but, like always, there will be bad people who try to take advantage of the system if you let them do. (and that's why cg wrote the rules and guidelines)

Edit: the creator should have a warning too, maybe he did that multiple times and other people got suspension too.

6 years ago*

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If they have different app-ids then you didn't activate the proper one, regardless of wether you actually got a better version of the game (base game + DLC). The onus is on the winner to check if they received the proper product as some people try to scam the system like selecting the GotY version but just giving the base game etc.
Edit: Which game was it?

6 years ago

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King Arthur, and I guess it's the older retail Collection version (with 2 expansion, 2 DLC) which does not exist the Steam store.
My point is, GA creator did provide the game and even more, I did activate the game with the extras, everyone happy. Nobody cares about it for five long years, then someone came along who has too much time to waste or it was just a new query script on the site, who knows.

6 years ago

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Wow 5 years... that's the prescription for most civil claims in my country :s

6 years ago

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5 years?

6 years ago

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I just want to know the important question. Where's the GA? :P

6 years ago

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