So has anyone got their games removed from STEAM ?

11 years ago*

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I still have the games, so no

11 years ago

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I think he means people who traded for bundle URLs that other people bought.

11 years ago

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I didn't bought it, someone gave me the link then he told that he bought with a stolen card

11 years ago

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why would he do that?

11 years ago

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He didn't told right after he gave me the bundle, he told some day s later because he wanted me to help him buy some bundles with a stolen credit card.

As for why, I don't know, he doesn't exactly buy them to trade, he just give them away

11 years ago

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he steals credit cards to play bargain santa with other people's money?

11 years ago

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pretty much this

11 years ago

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Maybe he's trying to teach people to not get their cards stolen? idk lol

11 years ago

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maybe hes testing the cards with small things to see if the owner notices/already reported stolen and using some internet random as a shield? (like stopping at mcdonalds for a dollar menu burger before trying to buy a tv or buying condoms before you do a cashback at a drugstore if you have a physical card. little things that don't set off alarms but tell you the card works)

11 years ago

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did you do it?

11 years ago

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No, I'm not that kind of person

11 years ago

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There is a possibility that Steam is reviewing the games to be removed in one fell swoop.

11 years ago

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I like that idea, just like vac bans

11 years ago

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nope. are you worried that hb isn't a reputable site, or did you get your games removed?

11 years ago

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I got my link removed like everyone else (traded with some dude), but I activated the games I still wonder If the games will be removed from my library :I

11 years ago

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If that's the case, fix goddamn title, it sounds like you got scammed by HB. And rewrite description.

11 years ago

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Unfortunately they will not be removed.

11 years ago

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I haven't heard about that but I won't be surprised if they did get removed.

11 years ago

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If they used a stolen credit card or traded with someone who did, they might. In any case, I think HB's pricing is good enough to warrant a purchase, if you like the games. So, it's best to just avoid trades and bite the bullet.

11 years ago

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It seems that only people who traded for the games, giving others small amounts compared to what the BTA was are the ones who have had their games taken away because of credit card fraud.

Maybe what they should be doing is implementing a buy and wait. You buy it and then a month later you get the links for it. This would help curb fraud like this though it would not actually stop it.

Any anyone who does a charge back, or what ever should have their account tagged. If they do it 2 or more times, that account (and all credit card numbers used by that account) gets banned for a year from buying anything from them. If they come back and do it again, even once, its banned for life.

It would suck waiting a month to get my keys for the games I want, but at least it would make less work for humblebundle and steam.

11 years ago

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Just don't buy bundles from traders. Problem solved.

11 years ago

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The problem is when you have wallet money on steam :I

11 years ago

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Use your wallet money on Steam sales.

11 years ago

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But I want the bundle which is cheaper than any steam sale :)

In one pack ofcourse

11 years ago

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Credit card for bundles. Steam wallet for Steam sales.

11 years ago

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I don't think you understand what he means.

11 years ago

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Then buy then from legit traders that ask a reasonable price for the bundle.

11 years ago

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Easy enough, only do it with friends that you have known for a while and actually trust.

If you have a friend that wants your stuff, tell them to send the money to paypal. This way you can buy bundles and even steam sale items.

I have done this a number of times with friends that I trust and have known for at least a year or so. They get items they want at good prices, I get stuff I want. No worries about getting the money/games taken away from me and loosing all my items.

11 years ago

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Not really, cause there are people who do this same thing who are trading for the items at the higher prices making themselves look safer.

11 years ago

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I'm pretty sure they're not using the same account, nor the same credit card to buy the bundles.

11 years ago

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Depends on the people. Some of them are just not that smart. Some of them are doing it for the first time. Some are just lazy.

I do agree that the majority are not trying to use the same cards with the same accounts. This does make them harder to stop. But with what I suggested, it would at least make it easier on humble and steam.

11 years ago

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I buy my own damn Humble Bundles with my own legit cash moneyz, so no problems here.

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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Question: Who play game ?

Answer: Mostly Kids.

Question: Who got credits cards?

Answer: Certainly not kids.

In my case as a foreign student, my credit card does not work when payment is in USD.

11 years ago

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Question: Who buys games for kids?
Answer: Their parents.

As for your problem with credit card. Go get yourself Visa or MasterCard.
btw, average age of gamer is 30.

11 years ago

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You would be surprised at the number of kids (18 and under) who have credit cards or easy access to credit cards.

Parents can be very stupid. Just look at the number of kids with cell phones. They don't need them and should not have them, specially in school.

11 years ago

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I don't know about you, but I went to a boarding high school. Cellphones were pretty much required if your parents ever wanted to talk to you - one public phone per building obviously doesnt cut it.

11 years ago

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You went to a boarding school. Your situation wasn't normal. Interesting situation though. I know some people online in the same situation. It can be tough to get your own cash out of a Taiwanese boarding school, but they managed it.

They wired me some money, and I made their purchases. I wouldn't suggest people do this with strangers. Heck, I was surprised those two guys were willing to do this.

11 years ago

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It's not always due to parental stupidity. I had my own bank account when I was 12 and a credit card when I was 16 because my mom wanted me to A) build credit and B) learn the value of a dollar. Now I'm an excellent money manager as an adult when most of my friends can't even balance a checkbook.

11 years ago

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Oh yeah, I got my first credit card at 16 and always used it responsibly.

11 years ago

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I saw a good statistic on the average age of a gamer, and it was around 30, so yeah, kids ;-P.

People need to STOP thinking that games are for kids - they are mostly not, and mostly should not be made for kids! We need more adult and mature games, and we need to stop this line of thought in order to have them made.

11 years ago

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I buy my own Humble Bundles or i trade only with people i TRUST!

11 years ago

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Hope you guys learned from that "get BTA for only 2 keys"-scam.
And no i buy the bundle with my own money, no problems till yet.

11 years ago

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what if they sell BTA for 3 keys ?

11 years ago

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Beg your parents for a Visa/Mastercard gift card and buy them using those cards.

11 years ago

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what if i'm foreign student >D

11 years ago

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Beg an adult/supervisor/senior for a Visa/Mastercard gift card.

11 years ago

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If I were in a situation like this, I'd be buying BTA bundles and reselling them for cost + 1 USD for my troubles. Or just bring me a drink, buy me a burger, etc. Service for service, favor for favor, etc.

11 years ago

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troubles...burger... service for service...favor for favor.

looks at name


11 years ago

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For some reason I can't buy more Humble Bundles with my debit card, not sure why.

11 years ago

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Id imagine your bank put a hold on it as its suspicious behavior to buy the same thing over and over. Contact them.

11 years ago

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It might be an anti-fraud measure by Humble Bundle or your debit card issuer, as small and numerous payments for one thing over and over is really suspicious and might indicate theft.

11 years ago

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To a bank, it might also indicate accidental repurchasing from refreshing a page that won't load.

11 years ago

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Same thing for me. I'm using my credit card via PayPal.

11 years ago

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you need to verify your paypal to your CC.

been using paypal to buy 2 hb for me and a friend.

11 years ago

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There is no need to verify anything.
Is Verification a requirement?
No, but it's generally a good idea as it will enhance your reputation as a seller.
If you have reached your PayPal account send limit you will need to become Verified in order to continue making transactions.

And the limit is $2,000 USD. You can buy tons of bundles on this sum.

11 years ago

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Mine are still there and intact, even though my Kalypso bundle page got removed and all. I guess it's only a matter of time for that too though, I doubt they'll let so goddamn many stolen keys floating around being activated and stuff. To my defense, I actually traded for it with another bundle and haven't even heard about the 2 key offers at that point yet, since they were simply not around until the Kalypso one I think.

Did anyone try and pay for their lost bundles in hope that Humble would restore them? I'd rather like to live with that opportunity if it's viable; good for me because I get to keep my stuff, good for them because they'll have (probably?) less shit to deal with. Anyways, I think I'll message their support about it one day.

11 years ago

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I'm using bitcoin to buy HB always.

11 years ago

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Paypal 'o'..

11 years ago

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}~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~('O')~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~{ rawr

11 years ago

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damn buddy, changes this topic name pls... You just scared me...

11 years ago

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So lesson learned for those who bought it for 2 keys or 4$ paypal at "low price" from traders(aka scammers), not addressing to those who not, because if that happened to you buying with your own credit card, something gone wrong then, and must be an error, not happened to me and a lot of ppl too.

But if you bought it from someone at "low price" via paypal, you can open a dispute at least.

11 years ago

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In my case, I bought Humble Indie Bundle 9, and Humble Nordic Bundle from traders, and both got removed just recently. I'm glad I activated all of them except one.

11 years ago

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I hope they do. It'll bring more attention to the issue.

11 years ago

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I know I'm bumping an old tread but I just noticed an update about this in the humblebundle support section! link to the support page

Q :Why did my game disappear from my Steam library?

We recently deactivated several thousand orders that were found to be purchased fraudulently from Humble Bundle. Any games that had been redeemed on Steam that came from one of these fraudulent orders have been revoked and will disappear from the user's Steam library.
Please do not purchase anything from a third party that is from Humble Bundle as we can not guarantee that it has been purchased through legitimate means and may get deactivated as a result.

If you feel your purchase has been incorrectly flagged as fraud, and you lost your games as a result, please contact us using this email form so we can investigate immediately. "

11 years ago

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Thanks for info.

11 years ago

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Looks like I guessed it correctly. They were waiting for a chance to deactivate a lot at one go.

11 years ago

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Good news!

11 years ago

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Sucks for people who were scammed. At least now all the people who were scammed can go back and leave negative rep/feedback on the scammer's pages.

Too many scammers getting positive rep because people were still getting their games.

11 years ago

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Who here didn't see this coming? I mean really.

11 years ago

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I'm laughing more at the guy who you suspended for posting that 'yes, it's purchased with a fake credit card but you keep the game'and those that wanted games from him.

11 years ago

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Oh for fuck's sake, that guy... he challenged even my expectations of how stupid someone can be.

11 years ago

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This comment was deleted 11 months ago.

11 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

11 years ago

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I don't know if I can deny this statement, but the account with the games I bought from one of those cheapos still has all the games.

11 years ago

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maybe theyre cleaning up per bundle, starting with the earliest bundle they can keep track of. would love to hear what hb games are actually missing from people's library. maybe they didnt actually remove the games, just scaring people into not buying from suspicious traders, who knows.

11 years ago

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Haha, yeah, that's what I was thinking. Wouldn't revoking games from a bundle that has been traded be quite difficult? Though I guess the new linking to Steam system would make the newer bundles easier to track.

11 years ago

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I guess they wouldn't care if it was traded it not. They would just delete games from bundles that weren't paid for.

11 years ago

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yay xD

11 years ago

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Great, now their support is going to be even more flooded

11 years ago

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My far cry blood dragon was removed, i did sent a ticket with transaction id and proof of my purchase, i hope they fix it fast, its very annoying having the steam notification bug me all time... specially when humble bundle took my money for that purchase...

11 years ago

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far cry blood dragon was in a humble bundle? wow wtf did I just miss???

11 years ago

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I'm pretty sure he got it from the humble store.

11 years ago

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yes i did, but the purchase system its the same...

11 years ago

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they're swamped with tickets right now.
It took over a week for them to get back at me.

11 years ago

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I still have my games in Steam and I dont really see them being removed soon... It was the Team 17 bundle, it disappeared from my HB account but I still have the games. (no, I'm not stupid, the price was not ** cheap, it was a decent price)

11 years ago

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anyone get a humble bundle or humble store key here at SG lose their games?

11 years ago

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No, anyone who had a revoked bundle will lose their steam copy of the games

11 years ago

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I seem to still have my Steam games which i got from someone who others apparently had a problem with...

11 years ago

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Why you say "Humble bundle credit card fraud" if the problem is not with Humble Bundle website... come on be more specific in your topic title.

11 years ago

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This topic was made a few weeks ago when a new humble bundle just came out. A lot of people were using fraudulent credit cards (fake/stolen) to purchase the humble bundle and then proceed to trade and/or GA those stolen games.

The reason for "humble bundle" being in the title is that.
Since humble bundle doesn't pay people, I don't think the title is that misleading.

11 years ago

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Love Humble. Get them cheapo's library removed. Teach them not to be cheapo' and purchase from Humble directly.

11 years ago

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wow this is old..

Okay thanks people I'm closing this

11 years ago

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Closed 11 years ago by ABuB.