Haha! That's all fine!
I don't know what you mean about the "passive rage", lol.
Did I do something that I didn't noticed I was doing? :O
Thanks for commenting and for the double whitelist! xD
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Bump, this is very good for new users. I remember my first time here was three years ago and I only enter for a giveaway of bastion (I lost) so I thougt this place was to good to be real, then (Don't know why I remembered this page) In the last 2 weeks I've been active and I realized that this place was worth it. So far I've made 3 succesfull trades, giveaway 10 games and win 5 (One of them AAA and all from my whishlist) In only 2 weeks of activity. This place is great and is full of good people, I didn't need much time to see that.
Thanks for making this post, welcome to my whitelist
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Thank you for sharing your story! :)
You can still continue giving away games and win prizes for your generosity! Keep it coming!
I'm sure you can be a nice contributor! :D
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I'm one of these rare rare users Who won the first GA that enter... Long time ago xD since then i'm here every day, cant post a lot because i visit the site from mobile Phone, and i'm not a VIP person here, bu I like the community and how the site work. Long Live to SG!
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Wow! You did won your first game first entry? That's pretty unusual!
At least you got to know the veracity of the site right away, am I right? ;)
Thanks for your story! :D
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There are so many groups that offer that many entries per game! It's crazy! You should seek them if you wish games that you like the most! :D
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You are ruining it! D:
Where's my Fallout 4? I need 30 copies :|
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I would like to start this thread with my own testimonial of the site... I have almost reached level 6 and I have almost won over 100 games!
It's amazing! I wouldn't have done this if I didn't said to myself, "Sure, I'll give the site a chance!"
So... Let's go back 4 months ago... I was a shy little guy around here, having found SG with some strange reason I can't re-call... (A random page? A person recommended it somewhere? Who knows?)
Naturally, I arrived when SGv2 was already working here, so I'm not an old member...
I looked at the games I could win... Holy crap! Look at them all! Fallout 4! Mad Max! Shadowgate! (A nice MacVenture game, I must say!)
Was this page real? Or was it a total scam? At first, I thought... "No... It must be a scam to attract losers who are too gullible to believe..."
But no... I pushed forward to see what was the site about...
I soon learned that the site consists on people willing to win and giveaway games, with more giveaways done and with more value given away, you level up, making you enter more exclusive giveaways, as well as lowering the entry ratio of those said giveaways as well for more chances of winning!
So, I started to enter the games I liked the most!
I didn't win any of them... I felt a bit frustrated, but I continued, still... One day, I would win...
And that day came!
Here! Check the winner! And check my profile!
I felt very happy, even if the game wasn't the game I really wanted, but still! I'm an achievement hunter! I play every game to complete them at full!
So... I tried to enter yet another game, to see if... maybe... JUST... maybe... I might get robbed this time or something...
No... I didn't... :D
Again! I was very happy! :D
So... I said to myself... "Very well! Let's start our giving away too!" and I started giving away games!
When giving away a game, you can select the game you want as a gift or as a game key, select the duration of the giveaway, select the region-restriction and select the group you want to give it away!
And after that, I reached level 1!
I was a cool level 1 kid now! :D
That meant that I was permitted to win games from level 1+! Like, an access card! You show the "Level 1+ card" to the bouncer and he lets you in to enter the game! Otherwise, you aren't allowed!
Then later! I won my first AAA game! :OOOO
Holy crap! Is this real life?
So, I continued giving away games, in the form of puzzles! (You can solve a puzzle to get to hard-to-reach giveaways, with low entries! That's a nice way to attempt to win games you want the most! You can check them on the forum section with the same name!)
I think I was level 3 at that time! Then I made my own "original?" game event! Based on Town of Salem!
It's already ended, but it was a big success!
I liked giving away nice games! Why? Because those games add more value to my "experience level".
Un-bundled games are given full value for the next level.
Bundled games get 15% of the value only.
You can always check games that aren't bundled here!
Soon enough, I was being invited to groups, by their hand or by asking them to! What are those groups I talk about?
These groups are very exclusive places where you can win and give away games, with certain rules that have to be followed at all times! (Win/Give ratio of 2/1, Level 5+ only, give away a game each month, etc!). If you follow those rules, you are potentially getting very low-entry games, as a thank you for your loyalty! :)
And then! I started to win games... Almost... Alarmingly fast! I couldn't believe it!
I also noticed those blue little hearts that were appearing from time to time... What was that?
I was in their "Whitelist", people who gets to see you in their exclusive giveaways for something great you have done! (Being very generous, being helpful to others, being just nice around the forum, etc!). Remember! Be always nice to everybody, don't ruin it by getting frustrated! :(
In order to see group/whitelist giveaways, you have to select "Group" on "Browse..." when looking at giveaways to enter!
And here I am! A level 5... Soon a level 6! With over 95 games won... (I just won a game while making this thread, so make it 96, it's from a group, so I have faith I'll receive the game! :) )
With enough work, I managed to do this!
Yes, you are seeing right... No Photoshop or anything! 2 ENTRIES! 50% chances of winning! I went from 500+ entries to an extremely low 2 entries! Amazing, right? But... it required certain rules, since it was a group giveaway (I have to thank those in my group for letting me join, they are amazing! :D)
Please try and give the site a chance! You won't regret it! Check my profile, check my games won! And check my Steam profile! Everything will coincide with each other! I own the games I have been given away here! The site IS really made for what you think it is!
So there you go!
I went from not trusting the page, to fully recommend it to anybody who is willing to be a good contributor to the site! Who knows, you can be a better contributor than I am? :OOO
(Well, everybody is better contributor, anyways... I'm just a peasant little level 5! xD)
If you want to post your own testimonials as well, you can do so below me! It could help a lot to keep the thread nice and alive! :) (It doesn't actually have to be alive! This could be used to show new people around that the site is trustworthy! :) )
Thank you for your time!
(Sadly, I won't include giveaways, I drained my saved money in games that I have given away... Maybe later in the future! :) )
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