I wish the best for him, considering he's the one that brought so much joy to our 2hu chat. Go help him if you can guys, everybody can spread the word. US medical aid in this regard is pure bullshit and I really hate to see things like that happening in the first place. I don't even want to know what he's going through, our support is everything we can provide. We can at least try, and that's what matters.
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Thanks for spreading the word about this, Jbond. He's a close friend of mine and I only hope that he can overcome this as soon as possible
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Hello everyone. My friend has done a lot of help for me and Archi and all of his other friends in several Steam groups he's in. It's time for us to help him and his father. Even if you can't donate, just spreading the word means a lot to him in his desperate time of need.
Edit: Have a giveaway for your guys' support.
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The American attempt at "Universal Health Care" was neither universal, nor health care. There are numerous solutions already in practice (locally) which address the problems we face in the U.S., yet the health care issue has been hijacked by those who wish to use it as a political football.
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Perhaps abolish was a poorly chosen word, but Trump campaigned against universal health care and continues to decry it, with this statement last month: "The Democrats are pushing for Universal HealthCare while thousands of people are marching in the UK because their U system is going broke and not working. Dems want to greatly raise taxes for really bad and non-personal medical care. No thanks!"
I really do find it amazing that USA leadership and public preference is for a public health system that incorporates such solutions as sick people begging strangers for financial assistance. I suppose it is a pretty good system if you don't get sick.
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I really do find it amazing that USA leadership and public preference is for a public health system that incorporates such solutions as sick people begging strangers for financial assistance.
When the "solution" causes a massive rise in unemployment, a depressed economy, and a gutting of the private sector, it is not really a solution.. When your "coverage" involves paying more per month than you do for your home mortgage, with a deductible equal to your annual income, it is not really coverage. And when the "system" moves from covering 85% of the population to only covering 15% of the population, that system should be scrapped and replaced.
The problem should have (and could have) been solved long ago. It is a crime against the populace that they must suffer bad policy while those who decide said policy remain insulated and unaffected by it.
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Are you American? The system democrats pushed through is broken..
First of all.. if you don't have health care, you're fined during tax season.
So you pay.. and still don't get coverage.
All premiums rose, healthcare is more expensive now and they lied when they said "if you like your doctor you can keep your doctor."
There's like 15 different plans of varying deductible/premiums each with their own doctors that may or may not accept the one you purchased.
A 20 something with no health issues can expect to pay 350/mo with a 5000 deductible.
Yes, a healthy person will pay 4200 a year, then pay out of pocket for any health issues beyond breaking a bone or getting cancer because 5k deductible...
All Trump has done so far is remove the individual mandate, allowing these healthy people to not have to pay a fine come tax season.
Which is great. Cancel your terrible health plans and pay out of pocket, don't fund this bullshit.
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I was just explaining the system to someone the other day, I'm happy to find someone else with a proper understanding of it.
One thing to note though, although I haven't looked at what exactly was repealed, the system they pushed through also meant you couldn't be denied coverage for any per-existing or serious health concerns. For example, previously, your insurance could refuse to pay if you had cancer, or could deny you coverage over simple chronic conditions like Asthma.
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Yes, and that's great for the consumer.. kind of. If you have cancer.
Otherwise you're just paying more because joe shmoe has cancer.
Insurance companies exist because they're betting you WONT get sick, so they can turn a profit.
Covering people who ARE sick and will DEFINITELY need very expensive treatment.. is a retarded business practice. Insurance companies only agreed to that because the government made it so everybody had to purchase insurance.
Idk what the hell is going to happen now.
We desperately need a revision to the entire healthcare system.
An IV bag of saline.. (water with .09% salt..) costs like a dollar online, hospitals purchase in bulk for even cheaper.
$200 per bag if you get an Iv drip at a hospital. A doctor doesn't do this, it will be a nurse that makes around $22-30/hour.
$1200 if your ass touches a bed. Cleaning staff that changes sheets get paid like $10/hour.
So.. this money is for malpractice coverage?
Insanity, needs to be scrapped.
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Not just for malpractice, but to cover the cost of treating people who can't pay. Since hospitals are required by law to treat anyone who walks through the door regardless of whether they can afford that treatment or not they charge such ludicrous amounts for everything because insurance companies just pay it without asking why it costs so much. It's also why you get charged so much less when you're paying out of pocket without insurance.
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It really is a scam. When the ACA was implemented it delivered absolutely nothing that was promised and caused more problems for a majority of people who already had insurance. My dad, who is retired and had a good policy through his former job until that point had his policy utterly gutted and had to choose between several terrible replacements, the best having a 5k deductible and costing more than what he previously had for less coverage.
Meanwhile I'm currently unemployed and have insurance through the state because I'm on assistance (not going into detail why, I'd rather not be but circumstances dictate otherwise) and I have full coverage of everything but dental. I have no monthly premium and no deductible, I pay nothing out of pocket unless it's to do with my teeth beyond basic procedures like cleaning or filling, yet when I get a job I will lose that coverage because my income will be over the limit. So my choices are get a shitty policy with high rates and high deductible that will essentially do nothing for me, go without and pray that I don't need to be hospitalized, or give up on getting a job and stay in the situation I'm currently in. No good options there.
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Yeah, I'd been hearing from people I know how their hours were cut and/or they lost their employer provided coverage and had to scramble to find something on their own. Around where I used to live it's still hard to find a good full time job, let alone one with benefits. There's lots of "jobs" available if you want to work for minimum wage or close to it with no opportunity for advancement, or get paid under the table doing work that's sometimes sketchy.
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I gladly provide a Jotun GA to the good cause.
I'm considering sharing it on my Twitter account, but as I'm a very picky and determined Twitter user, it'd help me to know if I know that friend from SG?
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Bump. Best of luck to your friend and a speedy recovery to his father!
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Can't give much right now, own stuff going on, but some is better than none. Wish him and his dad the best of luck with this
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Every little bit counts, and can make a difference. Thank you, and hope you can take care of your own things soon!
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Oh, that's too bad. I wasn't aware - Thanks for the heads up!
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He has provided me with his Paypal link if you're willing to go through this alternative option for donating less than $1:
Cheers. ^^
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for 1$ around 0.35$
useful tool for calculating fees for paypal:
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Oh yes, let's raise this awareness. Donation gib:
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A Steam friend is going through a hardship, as he and his family are in need of funds to cover medical fees for his father. He made a fundraiser in hopes of getting the help of any kind stranger that may be willing to, but without visibility, a fundraiser is nothing - So I'm creating this thread to try and spread the word a bit.
I ask you to please take only a moment of your time to read the Imgur post they made.
I don't expect you to fund a random stranger on the internet - If you can provide any kind of help to them, even as small as reading their post, bumping this thread, sending some love and such, I'll be very grateful and so will they - I'm certain of it. But if you can provide monetary support, even $5, you will be a huge help towards reaching the funding goal. Every little bit of help is appreciated a lot.
Original post:
[Links removed]
If you're more of a social media type, you could consider Tweeting/posting/re-tweeting something like this:
Remember, it only takes seconds to do any of this and it will help tremendously.
If you've read all the way down there, then thank you. You've already helped by stopping by and giving this thread a read.
June 21 update:
As the thread was now closed but Miyuu wanted to share an update to anyone who might be revisiting this thread;
His father got his lung biopsy results back today and his lungs are cancer free. He has an appointment scheduled July 6th for a MRI and a CTScan to ensure the tumour hasn't gotten too much larger, where they'll decide on either more chemo or removing it as soon as possible.
After Days- Xtend EditionLast update (ended giveaway): 2:41 PM AST 5/17/2018 (M/D/Y)
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