Ok here it goes. U have a game, lets say Bioshock infinity. 60 dollars from steam. that means it cost 60 people 1 dollar to go in for the game, and u have a 1 in 60 chance to win that game at just the cost of 1 dollar. not to bad of a concept. is more of a group gamble. so to recapp.

i would put Ininity that costs 60 dollars on the table. me and 59 other people would put 1$ to go into the draw for it so I and the other 59 people would have a 1 in 60 chance of getting the game for 1$. the winner would still be randomly selected. but ur chances of winning would gratley increase and u could use steam wallet as a way of funds distributing.

Your thoughts on it. and sorry if someone else has had this idea. didn't mean to steal it, just great minds think alike.

1 decade ago*

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Note that this site is called steamgfits. What you're trying to make would be called steambids.

1 decade ago

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i've got better idea for OP, go play some poker for cash and if you win buy games...

1 decade ago

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your absolutly right Steambids. could be a sister site to this one. i don't think it should be as frowned on as people are making otu in this forum., the concept is good, it's all legit and using steam wallet u could take out dummy bids all together. just to me u would have a greater chance of getting good games with less money if i was to get a decent game like tomb raider for $15 then that would easily do someone for a month if not longer. as for the game colletors, if they were to keep bidding in a way to collect they might aswell just buy the game. but for the legitimate people that want a game to play for a cheaper price, they could get one and be content with it rather than bid on everything.

1 decade ago

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I'm not sure you understand the maths behind this. Sure, you could get lucky and win a game for less than you invested. But what about all the other people who bidded? None of them got anything. Some people will be lucky and win early on, and then some will be unlucky and not win for ages, meaning that they invested maybe $70 or $90 for a $60 game, in which case it would be far better to have just bought the game in the first place. The more bidding you do, the more evened out it will become between investment and return, but that means that there was no point in starting in the first place, you might have well have just bought the games.

1 decade ago

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I agree. but there was a elimate of gamble in the idea for sure. I would just prefer having a spare $5 at the end of the week, i wouldn't mind gambling under those odds of 5 shots at a 1 in 60 chance. you are right some people might end up paying more for the game and some people might end up paying less and some people might end up paying the right amount. that is the game and we are only talking about people with very little who might only have the $5 at the end of the week. better than bingo in my books

1 decade ago

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I agree. but there was a elimate of gamble in the idea for sure. I would just prefer having a spare $5 at the end of the week, i wouldn't mind gambling under those odds of 5 shots at a 1 in 60 chance. you are right some people might end up paying more for the game and some people might end up paying less and some people might end up paying the right amount. that is the game and we are only talking about people with very little who might only have the $5 at the end of the week. better than bingo in my books

1 decade ago

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sorry odds are to bad with my poker face 8p

1 decade ago

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sorry odds are to bad with my poker face 8p

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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This is SteamGifts. Not SteamBidForAChanceToGetGifted. XD

1 decade ago

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Games 4 Gamers already makes such giveaways. Look for their Steam and Facebook profiles.

1 decade ago

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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

1 decade ago

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100 people, 1 cent per bid

1 decade ago

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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

1 decade ago

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but a b*tch ain't one

1 decade ago

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So.. who gets the money?

1 decade ago

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no one gets the money, u all paid for the one game, and raffled it amongst urselves

1 decade ago

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u could go to the extreame of making it 20 dollars a spot. so it drops down from 1 in 60 chance to a 1 in 3 chance.

1 decade ago

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We want to know where the money goes.

1 decade ago

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think u miss under stand. 60 dollar video game, 60 people pay 1$ each and it gets randomly selected between them who gets the game. so each person has a 1 in 60 chance of getting that video game for 1$. there is no left over money u all just bought a game with all of the money.

1 decade ago

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Oh right so there's no Steamgifts involved............

1 decade ago

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Somebody HAS to get all the money and buy the game to make a raffle.

1 decade ago

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If I were to do a site like that, which I never will, I would put a premium on the games. The giveaway creator would just be wasting their time. And why trust your money to be pooled to an unknown source/giveaway creator? The money would be most likely paid to the site, who would charge 5-10 extra "transaction" fees to buy the game. Overall it most likely wouldn't work, and I would never trust a site like that.

Also as bobafatt said it would be a real money gambling site and as far as I am aware those are prohibited in the US.

1 decade ago

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think u miss under stand. 60 dollar video game, 60 people pay 1$ each and it gets randomly selected between them who gets the game. so each person has a 1 in 60 chance of getting that video game for 1$. there is no left over money u all just bought a game with all of the money.

1 decade ago

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What about the extra $0.01? Most games cost $n.n9, so there would always be at least $0.01 left over.

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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You really love to do that aren't you,

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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This comment was deleted 9 months ago.

1 decade ago

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That would make us a gambling site and we'd be in violation of US law. So no.

1 decade ago

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damn laws

1 decade ago

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that's what I was about to write. it's not what this place is all about anyways

1 decade ago

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i disagree. it is about giving people a chance to get a game they otherwise would not be able to afford, but if Joe blow could get a top end game for 1$, people can get a dollar pretty easy for a video game what they can't get is 60+ dollars for a video game.

1 decade ago

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If you paid $1 for a 1 in 60 chance to win a $60 game... you'd win an average of once every $60.

So you might as well just buy the game.

1 decade ago

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not necesarly, i think instead of constantly playing the raffle game, most people would actualy stop and play the game that they would win cause most of the games wouldn't be dodgy indie never play longer than 10 minute games, they would be awsome games like tomb raider, bioshock, skyrim, higher end stuff.

1 decade ago

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Math is hard.

1 decade ago

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And many people would pay a portion, or maybe even more than the price of a game, and have bugger all to show for it.

Good times.

1 decade ago

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u would have to fall into the catagory of bad fricken luck there. thats when people should go back to steamgifts and hope for the 1 in 1,1543 chance to win bids. but atleast they don't lose money

1 decade ago

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There would be roughly a 50/50 chance of paying either more or less than the games you won.

That means around half the users will pay more than if they'd actually bought the game(s) themselves. It's less bad luck, and more a sad (but inevitable) outcome of the mathematics involved...

1 decade ago

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Over the long term, you would in all likelihood pay just as much as if you had bought the games you "win" on the site. It's simple maths.

1 decade ago

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i think the game collectors would, cause they would just bid on everything, but someone that wanted that game and only bid on that game i believe would be content with stop biding and start playing the game, until they have finished it. then go back to the site. but your right I do beileve some people might have bad luck there and that would just have to come down to the gambling side of it.

1 decade ago

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Well yeah, there are several other reasons that would never happen here. But that's the biggest one.

1 decade ago

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I know it wouldn't happen, just thought it was atleast an ok concept. ur right though, not for this site but maybe another one.

1 decade ago

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then move the servers to antigua or barbados and make an offshore comp in cyprus to process the winnings.

1 decade ago

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Additionally, you cannot transfer Steam Wallet funds.

They are tied to your account, and are usable on your account alone.

1 decade ago

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thats some news i didn't know and realy does put a spanner in the works. ty for the info

1 decade ago

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Worst idea in a while...

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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In a way, gameminer already uses this, so does playblink. On their sites you can only win crappy games for free, when you buy that charity membership thing (in PB) or simply gold (in gameminer) you can win some pretty good stuff, and the amount of entries drops drastically.

Tbh, I had that idea quite a while ago, but I never made it happen because such sites already exist and don't seem to be very popular.

1 decade ago

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what stops me from waiting winter sale and buy the game for 20 bucks instead of gambling 20 bucks? cool idea but its hard to put in practice.

1 decade ago

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Not worth to post all the fails in this "idea"

1 decade ago

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No. This isn't a gambling site.This is steam gifts. Stupid Idea. Removes the fact of GIFTS.

1 decade ago

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+1, totally agree with you :)

1 decade ago

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+1 I can't even understand why we are discussing it.

1 decade ago

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That bioshock was fake, 60 people invested $1 each. Then what?

1 decade ago

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3 reasons why the site would flop:

  1. Against US laws.
  2. Steam wallet isn't tradable.
  3. People would rather save for the game themselves.
1 decade ago

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You're missing the point of this site.

1 decade ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

1 decade ago

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if u want get same Money for "giveaway" make group and in this group make that giveaway .

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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Closed 1 decade ago by Hexlaw.