You have never heard from me in the Forums, thats because I'm not active in it. I'm searching for a private group, I may not have the best game keys to give, because I don't get the meaning of getting games for other ppl which I don't know(+ having not much Money because I'm a Student), but I want to give the spare keys I got to real people. Even if the Games are not the greatest it should be possible to write thank you after you recive it. Feels like alot of Bots are in the public giveaways.

Well if some of the Private Groups feels like I could fit in I would be happy if you anwer me.

Thanks for entertaining me all the time, a private giveaway.

12 years ago*

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Have you brought your flame-proof coat? I have the feeling you might need it.

12 years ago

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I do, worked for the german red cross, they give them to you for free.

12 years ago

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You could always make private giveaways if you can't find a group.

12 years ago

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I like ur chick on ur profile. looks sexy.

12 years ago

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Needs tentacles ...

12 years ago

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Old steam name was mad /d/eevo, it may explain some things.

12 years ago

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Please report these bots.

12 years ago

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My best friend is an autobot, don't report him because he's really a good guy! I swear

12 years ago

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If you want to give away your unused keys in a private group, I suggest Cherry Poppers

12 years ago

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Thanks, will try to join them if I do not find any giveaway Group which is more like a Community and less like charity.

12 years ago

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That group is specifically made for long-time losers on sgifts who've never won anything yet. A charitable group if ever there was one.

12 years ago

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I think he's saying he'd prefer not to do charity, lol.

12 years ago

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Babecakes, exactly, which is why I said "?" - as in, "you say you don't wanna join a 'charity-like' group, yet this is precisely that."

12 years ago

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I hold it in my memory as an option. I worked in charity for 1 year in RL, enough charity for me.

12 years ago

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LoL, there is never "enough" charity

12 years ago

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12 years ago

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^ :3

12 years ago

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Then you're just a stingy bastard with your time and energy. I've always done charity / volunteer work when I have time / energy left, and will always continue to live like that. I don't even see it as doing something specific, just a way of being.

12 years ago

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well done. I'm sorry that I'm not that kind of person.

12 years ago

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If you were sorry, you'd not have been able to say you're sorry, as you'd bother trying to be that kind of person also. See the quandary you posit?

12 years ago

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ever heard of sarcasm?

12 years ago

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So, basically, you're being sarcastic to insult my point of trying to be a good, sharing person, like it's naieve, or unenviable or something?


12 years ago

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you got me wrong.
the sarcasm of it was that I'm not sorry that I'm not that kind of person. It's nice that you help ppl all the time, but I don't, and thats my point.

12 years ago

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Apologies, I read your reply wrong lol. "Babecakes"? I like it. Though now you've got this awful song stuck in my head!

12 years ago

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Yes, Cherry Poppers is more like a charity group, you can not enter any of the group giveaways if you apply as a "popper", but you could almost apply as a cherry if you enter 100 more giveaways without winning ;)

Anyway, you can always search the forum, there are some groups promoted.

12 years ago

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I neither want to be like a hobo begging for games, as I somehow can buy most of the stuff I really want. I'm searching for a Community, where giving and getting isn't the whole essence

12 years ago

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Sounds like you just want a private group then... why did you write "Private Giveaway Group" in your thread title? Clarify yourself a little here >.>

12 years ago

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^ this.

If you're just looking for a decent group where good people hang out, that maybe does giveaways too, as a side issue rather than pirely being a giveaway group, posting purely "who knows a good private group" on the site STEAMGIFTS would have sufficed, no?

12 years ago

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I'm very sorry that I didn't know the exact name of what I was searching, as I said before I'm not really active in the forums and didn't know what it is called.

12 years ago

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It'll be hard to find a Private group though; many private are created because they play similar games together/clans/guilds. The best way for you to join or find a Private Group is to play common online games. That way you can make friends with people and create your own group.

12 years ago

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?? You're missing my entire point.

My point is, if you're really just looking for a nice group of people that maaaybe do the occasional giveaway, instead of looking for a giveaway group and more shots at games, you'd not have bothered describing the group as a "private giveaway group" as hey, this is STEAMGIFTS. The "giveaway" part is already implied. You'd more likely have focussed more on actually describing the kind of group you were looking for.. As it stands, the only feature of a group we know you're looking for is a) that it's a group, and b) that it does giveaways, as it's all you've focussed on describing..

My insinuation is further backed up by your last line.. "Well if some of the Private Groups feels like I could fit in I would be happy if you anwer me. Deevo" < This is a request for an invite, you're asking for someone to invite you to their group, by asking people "if you fit in" with them, right after you've said, basically, that noone knows anything about you, since you claim to not be an active community member to begin with..

12 years ago

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I have a feeling saying you don't like giving other people games is gonna get you invited in all of the groups

12 years ago

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I didn't said that I don't want to give, I just said that I won't buy extra games. I'm no Internet White Knight, gets you nowhere anyway.

12 years ago

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It's not about being a white knight. It's about community spirit and a desire to contribute.

If it is about being white knights, those people who gave away thousands of dollars of games must be god or something.

12 years ago

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Mmmm some of them do do it for less than altruistic intentions. Think, e-peenage.

12 years ago

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"Internet white knight"?

1) "White knighting" is defending someone from amorous advances of the opposite sex, to gain their favour.
2) "Gets you nowhere anyway"? Ok, so to you, doing something good for another, or sharing some of your own wealth, is only sensible to do if there's a tangible gain of some kind for yourself in it? That's quite pathetic and low.

12 years ago

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  1. white knighting was a metaphor.
  2. Whats so terribly wrong about wanting to give the games to ppl which are more than a steam name? It's not about the gain,
12 years ago

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Your "2" has nothing to do with my "2", whatsoever.

Also, my "2" was also influenced / inspired by your other posts on this thread.

12 years ago

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Your 2 is expressed very global, I did and can do a lot of charitable work in rl, but it's something else in the internet.

12 years ago

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Why is it something else in the 'net then? We're still all real, living, breathing human beings of flesh and blood.

12 years ago

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You said that you don't get the meaning of giving games to strangers. Talking about being a White Knight is just silly. If people are giving in order to feel like that they are missing the point. Gifting stuff obviously gets people somewhere otherwise they wouldn't do it

12 years ago

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I guess there are 3 sorts of contributors,
1 : Has very much money and feels like he has to share it because other have not much
2 : Some kind of getting good karma, or paying for the sins or whatever
3 : ppl with some spare keys

I'm sort 3.
Correct me if I'm wrong.

12 years ago

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Well you would know the best what kind of contributor you are, but its not only those 3 groups, there are for example people that aren't rich, but want to contribute and make people happy. If you want to give away your spare keys, whats stopping you :)

12 years ago

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You're quite wrong, nobody has "very much money" in fact I doubt anyone here makes millions of dollars or something. It just depends on HOW you use your money. Do you use it for yourself? Or do you only use enough for your needs?

Not so sure about the karma people, that one could possibly be true. Though I feel it would be better said as "I received a game, so to be fair I'll send a game back" So the though of "Receive and Give"

For the people with spare keys... well that's up to you. Though most of the time those are generally thought of as the people who ask stupid questions on the forums (I DON'T WIN ANY GAMES), (How come my contributor value is $30?), or (Why my game get deleted?). Pretty much the people who don't read the rules.

It is understandable if you don't give away games because you simply just don't want to, but don't really expect to join a private group that gives away games.

12 years ago

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I do not make a lot of money. Gaming is the one luxury I can justify spending money on because of how much fun and enjoyment I get out of it. Other people have their own luxuries, whether it be books, movies, etc. I know some people can't afford this luxury so when I have a few extra dollars, I can either buy another game for myself or I could use it to give to others who may not be as fortunate as I am. One doesn't need to be a millionaire just to give something away to others.

12 years ago

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You should create your own private giveaway group.

Make it a requirement for members to give games away every week. That way, you can enter private giveaways yourself.

Don't tell anyone I told you this.

12 years ago

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12 years ago

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thats neither what I want, it's more like "Oh you got some spare games/keys or feeling like beeing a charity dude, you can give them, but you don't have to spend extra money on games."

12 years ago

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I don't think you understand how people who give to charity actually think. They don't think of it as "spending extra money" they merely think of it as giving things away for the sole benefit of the person receiving it. THEY DO NOT EXPECT SOMETHING BACK.

You're making charity sound as though it's a liability or something that you do just because you have extra stuff to toss away.

12 years ago

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I may not understand them, and that may be a reason why I am not into internet charity.

12 years ago

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Oh you're talking about internet charity? I didn't know there were different types of charities just because we were on the internet.

12 years ago

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I see a difference.
real life charity is about saving ppls asses and helping them to man up their life etc.
Internet charity is about "oh some of the kids which don't want to play outside want free games, lets help them"
thats how I see it, it may be a very unromantical view but it's mine.

12 years ago

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Hmmm, you do understand there are multiple charity organizations online (Humble Bundle is a pretty good example of some online charities). This site doesn't define internet charity.

12 years ago

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Well HumbleBundle and all the other Bundle sites may be something special because they "sell" games not for the gamers but for the money to give it to save asses.

12 years ago

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Not just humble bundle and other "bundle sites", there are many live streams that are tossed in the forum for certain charities, I'm sure you can also give money to other charities online.

Think of it this way, Charity is voluntarily giving something away while expecting nothing back in return. That could be in the form of money, games, clothes, pretty much anything that would benefit the user receiving it.

12 years ago

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I would approve that, but I'm not willing to give all of it. Mostly willing to give time (and thats what I did earlier), but money is another story.

12 years ago

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lol, why? Why is money different? Money = what you worked for, your effort. And if you got it without working for it, then what's the harm in sharing some of what you've got?

12 years ago

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Because I'm a Student and have no qualification for "real" jobs, so it's hard to find something which I can do besides studying.
Also helping others with my own hands (which may be a selfish thought) feels better.

12 years ago

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If you just want to give away your games join any group or simply give them away publicly or post a private giveaway link on the forums. I can assure you all the people here are real, they are not in fact fake

12 years ago

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Why do I feel the urge to hit you with a stick... multiple times? You just basically said:

I will not give away games because I do not like to and I do not understand the meaning of buying games for people whom I do not know, but I still want to join a private giveaway group... Also, you are not active on the forum, which ruined even the least chance of you getting into a group of some sort

12 years ago

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Yeah... his honesty is quite refreshing; though he won't be making much friends on this site...

12 years ago

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well, as a matter of fact I didn't expect to make instant friends here, I never do.

12 years ago

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I've written alot about that in about 30 posts here. If you feel the urge to read it and understand me do so, otherwise I guess its ok if some stranger from the interwebs wants to hit me with a stick.
See it like that - at least I'm honest -

12 years ago

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I have a feeling it's not just strangers on the internet who want to hit you with a stick. shrug

12 years ago

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Well acutally nobody ever tried. I guess it's my friendly smile.

12 years ago

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All the best, doubt you'll get any invites this way.
it's better u goto some open groups, get to know ppl on chat and then drop the link to private giveaway on chat..

12 years ago

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You shouldn't be on this site, or at least you shouldn't win anything with that mentality. I'm sure all those giveaways you enter are from people you don't know, but you don't see the meaning of it.

There will always be causes that may be deemed more worthy, but in the end, people have the right to do what they will with their money. I enjoy gaming, and I understand others may not be in the same position as I am when it comes to purchasing games. Even people that can afford to buy their own games appreciate when something nice is done for them. I give because I want to spread joy to other people, though in many ways still a selfish act in that it makes me feel good when I give away games.

To be honest, I thought this was a troll until I read some of the OP's comments. I was looking for a private giveaway link in the post

12 years ago

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lol me too
12 years ago

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Your a good guy omni!

12 years ago

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Umm, I guess I should appreciate your honesty, but you aren't going to get into any private groups like this. You basically said you aren't active and you don't give away many games, so why should you deserve a place in any private group?? Most private groups are dedicated to either communicating with the other members of the group or giving away games, or even both at the same time, and you're not good at either of those...

12 years ago

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I said that I'm not active in the forums, because I didn't know (until now btw) that there are ppl I can diskuss with. I would ofc communicate with the group.
Well I guess I failed at the description, at least some ppl here know me now, even if they may not like me :D

12 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

12 years ago

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It's a trap ;)

12 years ago

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Closed 12 years ago by Deevo.