I think you can get graphical mods for both of them. And yeah, you really should pick those games.
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Their stories are not connected if that helps, but they are FANTASTIC games. I just played both in the last month. The first 1 is better in terms of everything except for the levelling system. The second is still great, but it feels a little gloomier, but it does have a much better levelling system. Even without a great system the first's system is still good, just less options. Regardless, I still find it better. Both games also start just a tiny bit slow, but it's still great as already mentioned a lot.
Any other questions just add me on steam and let me know. The games are fresh in my mind and I can pretty much tell you anything you want to know about them.
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I'm saying that as an RPG lover and without nostalgia - these games are among best RPGs ever made. These are also the best Star Wars games ever. I played through KOTOR 1 at least 2 or 3 times, and appr. 7 times I finished KOTOR 2.
Personally I prefer KOTOR 2 over Kotor 1.
Buy both. And make sure to get TSL: Restored Content Mod for Kotor 2 - it's a community mod/patch that restores lots of cut content makes a game just brilliantly perfect.
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I just finished playing it last month. It is best to buy both KOTOR I and II. Don't expect much from KOTORI, it is a good game made for the fans. I never watched any of the Star Wars movie and I feel quite blank at early game as the Star Wars universe is not known to me.
I think KOTOR II is better because your companion feel much more alive, more RPG elements plus crafting items. You can still play the second game without playing the first one, but it is better to play them in order.
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Well I played KotOR for the firs time several years back so I am in that "Yes, they are absolutely worth it" group, no need to comment on that more (i have both boxed on retail cds). But it's hard to say which one is better if you only plan to buy 1. KotOR II has somewhat better gameplay with more RPG elements (more powers to chose from, etc.), while KotOR I has better story. There also might be some spoilers in the second game for the first one (if you would happen to play KotOR II first), but I am actually not that sure, I haven't played it few months now :)
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Generally speaking, how I view the two games, are, both are pretty damn awesome, the first has a better story, but the 2nd has better gameplay, and, if you play the 2nd, then the first, you will notice the lack of those features severely.
EDIT: Also, mods
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I actually just finished it today. Definitively worth it, and it holds up pretty well. The inventory system could be a little better, but other than that, awesome game.
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I've played these since i was a kid and back then I didnt know what i was doing at times just had a stretegy guide from a book store to help me and i had so much fun with it. I beat both games and i enjoyed the shit out of it. Kotor 1 is game of the year and it is for a reason and the mods are good too. The story and characters are enjoyable Id get kotor 1. As for the second one, I havent tried it yet but the makers ended up removing lots of content from it including parts for the ending (which btw sucks ass now) so id get this mod for it it restores most of the content there not sure about the ending but i did read about it and they restored so much so id get that for kotor 2 which i also recommend.
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It is not connected, story in first one serves only as the back history of the second game. Some character from the first game will make an appearance in KOTOR II, that's all. And eventually you'll want to know what happened before, who's Revan and Malak, so it's better to buy both and play it in order. It's just like playing Fallout 2 without playing Fallout 1.
Sorry if I confused you.
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Yes, the story of the first game serves a background for the second. So a lot of things in the second game is eventually connected with the first one. You get to know more about characters from the first part, their lives, decisions, universe etc. etc.
Make sure to get KOTOR 1 Graphics upgrade - from MODDB. First install ultimate patch 0.1, after that install an upgrade from 0.1 to 0.2
AND GET TSL: Restored Content Mod for the second game.
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I payed full price for the first game back in 2009 even if I played it twice before that, and am not sorry at all. It's done by the old Bioware team, the one that knew what they are doing. And for the game being old - it's not like you are playing a game from 1999 with 150-300 polygons total, and it has pretty decent textures that are aging surprisingly well.
Second one (which is done by Obsidian I think) is decent, but it's not the epic story of uprising star going agaist Malak and Revan, that's for sure.
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Currently playing kotor1 for the first time in my life and I like it pretty much. The locations feel a bit small, but that's a minor problem. The game is worth getting and it's even more worth spending the time to play it (as I heard it's quite longer than most of today's games), even if you're not a fan of d20 like me.
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Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast is a fantastic Star Wars game, and probably the best one.
I never played KOTOR back in the day, but I tried it a couple years ago and just couldn't get into it. I really didn't enjoy the combat system. It completely took me out of the game. I might try it again, eventually.
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The Knights of the Old Republic series is 66% off. I've heard both are really good. I'm wondering if I should buy one, or both. I've never played either before, so I'm worried that they won't hold up, as they are both pretty old games. I assume the general opinion is going to be "Yes, they are absolutely worth it", so I was hoping more for opinions from people who had just picked them up recently after never playing them before, to tell me how good the game is after these years, without nostalgia getting in the way. Also, if you did like them, which do you think is better? Unless both are really good, I think I only plan on buying one, if any.
EDIT: I guess I should mention that I'm a pretty big fan of the Star Wars movies, so I am pretty familiar with the universe. Tough the only real Star Wars games I've played would be Battlefront 2 and the first The Force Unleashed. Which I thought were both great games.
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