Does MMORPG and turn-based also count?
I'm interested in joining because RPG is like my closest friend when I was young. Back then I don't have a PC yet so Gamyboy Advance (SP) is the thing that is always in my bag. There are many games that I like, notably Summon Night: Swordcraft Story 1&2, Sword of Mana, Riviera, Yggdra Union, etc. When I grow up a bit I got to know RPG Maker, I saw a friend of mine created a game and that's when I start to play community-made parody game like Negima.
Lately I actually didn't have much chance to play RPG much but my latest favorite is City of Chain. It kept me occupied for quite some time, still, I'd love to return to Japanese-RPG like when I was young again.
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Yeah Riviera's story is pretty good. Only downside might be it's pretty linear although you can choose your partner ending.
If you like Riviera I'd suggest trying out Yggdra Union. Both game have Sunaho Tobe as an artist and character design are really similar.
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I'm interested. Baldur's Gate and Diablo 2 were amongst my first PC games and still amongst my favourites.
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I would love to join the group, been playing rpg's since the early 90's first started off with Betrayal of Krondor on dos. moved on to Diablo for along time, Baldur's Gate series & the Dragon Age series are among my favorites.
I still have not played The Witcher 3 yet which i will spend alot of time on this summer. I picked up The Darkest Dungeon on the steam sale recently so i need to dive into that as well. I got a few games I could do giveaways for as well.
"Go for the eyes boo, Go For The Eyes!'
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Really interested in joining, been a RPG person all my life (mostly on handheld platforms with Final Fantasy, Fire Emblem or Golden Sun among others, but also on console with Shin Megami Tensei games (Nocturne FTW) and Kingdom Hearts mainly) and I'm currently trying to get some time to finish Bravely Default at 100% and to buy and play Grim Dawn, Dragon's Dogma and the Souls saga (Witcher is also there but not a priority right now :D).
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I'm interested, but not now! I'm kinda away from most internet activity. Fav genre for sure. So maybe in future if there is slots available.
Great group.
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CRPGs are my favourite games since I was a child. I remember playing Bloodwych on my Amstrad CPC with my best friend. Eye of the Beholder, Wizardry, Ultima and Ultima Underworld... I've an smile in my face just remembering.
I'll love to join this group
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Would love to join. RPG's are hands-down my favourite genre. I've been a huge fan of Bethesda for as long as I can remember. The Fallout series from the first game, the Elder Scrolls. Those aside, I grew up playing games like Kingdom Hearts, Neverwinter Nights, The Witcher games, Earthbound. Love a lot of MMORPG's as well. My favourite is probably The Secret World. I've been doing a video lore series for TSW on YouTube for a little while now. Love RPG lore, probably my favourite part of many of the games. I've enjoyed a nice array of JRPG's as well. Thank you :)
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Wow I just bought 5 RPGs and this is definitely the kind of group I'm be interested in. I bought Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky yesterday and I must say that I've missed playing rpgs for a long time. Haven't been able to play them for a long time due to some personal reasons and restraints but those have recently become not an issue. I was deciding whether to play a dungeon-crawler or a JRPG because I missed both so I put both Legend of Grimrock and Trails in the Sky. In the end rpgs are probably the genre where I play the most games (as long as rogue-likes are included). Pokemon and FF was my childhood since I could never convince my parents to buy computer games, then I found out how to download them.... Baldur's Gate 2 was such a great game then omg Oblivion. Spent so much time on that I can't believe it. My favourite game series is actually Fire Emblem though, a bit different off from the others. A lot of rpgs have great gameplay and story and that becomes a slight problem with replay value since after 2 playthroughs there's isn't much more. Oh welp. Anyhow I'd be very interested in joining this group and I'd love to have people to talk to about and recommend me newer RPGs to play!
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Too late, I gave away all of my RPGs a couple of months ago.
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Would like to join. Actually, RPGs are my favourite genre, and I played and loved many of them. My personal highlights were Morrowind, Gothic, Witcher, Dragon Age, Fallout, Wasteland. Until now I did not really find my way to JRPGs, but this might change in the future, if there are awesome titles around (can anybody recommend one or two titles which could be a good starter drug...?)
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The RPG Treasury group is recruiting! (lvl4+)
We're a friendly bunch and our giveaway group is exclusively focused on RPGs.
It was created in May 2016 and we've had over 250 GAs so far. Some games which were given away: Dragon's Dogma, Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky, Bastion, Dark Souls II, Baldur's Gate EE, Enter the Gungeon, ...
Here's our group page:
Just like in most GA groups, there are some rules:
Only games with "RPG" as one of the main tags are allowed. Subgenres like "dungeon crawler" or "rogue-like" are accepted. In doubt, ask one of the officers.
All GAs must be region-free
Given/won ratio must be 0.5 or higher
Members with a ratio below 0.5 are forbidden from joining new GAs and have one month to get back to 0.5 or over.
If a GA gets 15 entries or more, a bonus of 1 point is awarded and counts towards the ratio (as if 1 more game had been given away). If it gets 30+ entries, the bonus is 2 points.
For multi-copies GAs, bonuses don't apply.
Shared GAs are allowed but do not count towards the ratio
All rules-checking is done by the automated statistics system designed by one of our members (Daerphen).
If you wish to join, please write below why you'd like to be a part of our group.
If you get selected, you'll have to sign the rules in our forum and make a successful GA before being allowed to join the other GAs.
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