so i have a dude who owes me cash bc i traded with him and he gave me activated game codes. he lives in canada and i live in 'MERICA, F*CK YEAH! he said he would spend $50 canadian moolah in a card so thats around $40 usd. hes gonna buy the cards soon and hes gun give me the codes. im wondering if the codes will work or not and if so, would it be canadian money or us money. help me please

9 years ago

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will it work

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idk whyd u make this when we can comment below our thoughts

I haven't done any research, but according to my expertise in being dumb purchasing gift cards for other countries (for other services)... They won't.

9 years ago

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Well, since the US and Canada are often just considered as one region (North America) for most region restricted stuff, i assume it should be fine. However, I'm just assuming here, so don't take my word for it.

9 years ago

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I use giftcards from the netherlands on a american account it just converts the money to your currency in the wallet so if i'm correct it should work but i'm not 100% sure for your case of course

9 years ago

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People are voting without knowing what they're talking about because IT WILL WORK.. it will just convert the original currency to yours.

9 years ago

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I used to activate US steam gift cards of 20$ without issue, they would just get converted to equivalent of my currency, which is around 15-16€.
It's kind of lame, but meh, it at least works.

9 years ago

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it'll work....
oh and btw,i think you guys should start using Canadian Glorious Dollars down there...
casue you know how Canada and everything about it is better than US,so..... :D
(jk jk :D )

9 years ago

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