When you say 8 PM GMT, do you mean actual GMT.. as in it'll be 9 PM in England?
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Bleh, I keep forgetting about daylight saving. No, it'll be 8PM in England. Me being a silly Jade, I just think of GMT as Jade Time.
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Yeah, the rules have slowly evolved, and The Right One™ was added last week as an attempt to reward trivanauts who put in a decent answer.
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"Time for the return of a champ." You rang? ;)
...Actually, I'll be busy during this one, so I'll just say good luck everyone (and not in a good-luck-everyone-but-deep-down-not-really-because-I-want-you-all-to-fail-so-I-can-win kind of way, for once).
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One hour, seventeen minutes to zero hour, prepare yourselves.
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Edit: Over! Link with pastebin here
Tomorrow, 28/07/2013, 8PM GMT, Trivia Heroes begins once more in the SG chatroom. The prize is Overlord 2. The quiz is about major villains throughout fiction. Study up! Here are the rules as they stand for me.
The top ten scoring participants will be given a link to the private giveaway.
In the event of low scoring players having a tie, we will run a small elimination round to ensure we only have 10 entries for the giveaway. If anyone else answers, correctly or falsely, in this time, it's a ban.
No spamming: you spam, we kick; you spam again, we ban. Only one answer per minute per person, anything else will be considered spam, and ignored for a split second. (Clarification: This is based on my screen and what my timestamps say. There is no other way around this, I'm afraid.)
The first to answer gets the point, based on what I see, you complain, we ban, and no, there will be no kick step on this. (Clarification: you are allowed to ask that I doublecheck and mention you were, as the term goes, pingfucked, but further complaining will result in a ban.)
If you complain about the questions, you get kicked without warning. There have been way too many trivia nights where I see nothing but people saying "Ask more questions about things I know!" You are missing the point and you are being incredible rude to the people asking the questions.
I block all chatting, I unblock, I ask the question, then you answer, this prevents people from complaining about anyone getting a head start with their answers.
Following from last week's success, there will also be questions worth two points. When a question is asked, it is possible for it to have two types of answers, The Right One™, and one that simply works for the question. Getting The Right One™ will net you two points if you come in first, or, if you're within a very close time of the normal answer, you'll get a point.
As an example:
12:16 PM - chronicdiscord: The Grimace is a citizen of McDonaldland, what was he originally?
12:16 PM - Deirü: Alive.
12:16 PM - Judge Jade: An evil villain
12:17 PM - MMRhino: He was a fast food worker
12:17 PM - cg: an insect-like villain that stole milkshakes
Now, here we see cg giving The Right One™, but after Jade gave one that worked... What happens here is that both Jade and cg get a single point, had cg's come in first, he would have gotten both points.
Thank you for reading. I'll bump just before it starts and I hope you come see us tomorrow night and I hope you have fun. <3 Remember! New time!
Here are some links to past trivias: Zero | One | Two | Three | Four | Five | Six | Seven | Eight | Nine | Ten | Eleven | Twelve | Thirteen | Fourteen | Fifteen | Sixteen | Seventeen | Eighteen | Nineteen (this one!) | Twenty via tr4656
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