So how good do you think the Steam Users Review section is?
Please do not add more fuel to the fire by commenting in the review. This may result in injuries! Kthx.
Also stop downvoting my reviews you're not getting away with it.
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I have 2 trolls in my friends who when ever I publish something they thumb it down like instantly :D
So my message to them is:
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That's what I thought too, until I turned 20 or so and someone explained the difference between religion and people running and controlling religions (the real cancer) to me.
Don't be so extreme, the only thing you can achieve is offending people.
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Dude people who are religious seriously have nothing better to do. Yeah those people who control religions are far worse but that's why most of them were created in the first place. That + the fear of the unknown. Trying to make sense of things were there really is none. Other people can believe all they want but don't expect me to take any of them seriously.
Also I don't want to offend anyone but if anyone did get offended I couldn't care less. If people truly feel like what they believe is true then they shouldn't care either.
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Take a moment to learn the difference between religion and faith.
One isn't as bad as the other.
Sometimes its better to believe in something - because the alternative is so much scarier.
Its just how people work. Sadly it is because people work that way that religion exists and that others have come to take advantage of that to control them.
But at the end of the day, some people really benefit from being able to believe that the universe makes sense and that things happen for a reason. Because the alternative is so much scarier. Leave them that ignorance as long as they don't inflict it onto other.
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no its not entirely different though. Most religious people were raised to believe how not believing (having a faith?) is a sin on its own, not to mention all the other sins you might or might not commit during your life (depends on religions but boy, that list is huge :P).
not really sure what you meant by the alternative, but im pretty sure im a part of that alternative and i dont find it scary at all. It could be because i was raised to question and explore the unknown, instead having a fear of it though.
edit: dont get me wrong, i dont mind religious people and tons of my friends are religious...ish (and they consists of pretty much all religions there are :P) and i believe how everyone should have a choice in what to believe at, and the sad reality is ... real life doesnt work like that at all. As soon as we are born, we are branded as xx that belongs to yy religion and well thats it. Your name, as well as your place of birth, pretty much makes a choice for your future "faith" stuff and thats why i dont fancy it at all.
not like i had a much choice when i was given a name, or birthplace so ... yeah :P and branding people as xx just because of stuff they had zero control over is just plain wrong, and someone whos very much into xx religion today, would probably be involved into another religion just as much, was he/she born under a different name :)
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The concept of faith, the concept of believing in higher powers, comes forth from the time of cavemen.
Seeing lightning and hearing thunder - to them, it was like the sky was falling down.
So, instead of thinking the world was going to end - gods were 'invented'.
While a lot of what follows seems like silly superstition to us now - to them, it gave them a lot of peace of mind.
And even today, when confronted with endless suffering and an apparent meaningless existence.
Many do find solace in the idea that things happen for a reason. Their faith is a crutch that helps them deal with things.
The alternative is accepting the fact that we're alone in a vast empty universe and that anything we do.
Our ENTIRE existence, our daily lives - all of it is insignificant and pointless.
If you were to die TODAY, then in the grand scheme of things nothing would change. Nobody would notice except those close to you.
And some people can't cope with that idea.
So having faith isn't a bad thing. Hell even within science we rely on faith. Because many scientific theories are not definitively proven.
We have a lot of information that leads us to believe they're probably right - but even then it would not be the first time that we discover something that totally overrides something we had previously taken as 'fact'.
So by taking on faith that these things are true, we have a basis of understanding to work from. Some things we can dinitively prove. Others we can be 99% sure of. And some things we just have to accept that we can't prove yet - even though the theories are sound and tested.
Its when people take that faith, and twist it. By threatening with punishment or offering rewards.
Thats when things get nasty. And that is on broad terms what religion does.
Sometimes with good intentions other times for personal gain. But the basics are the same.
You take advantage of someones fears or ignorance to bend them to your agenda.
An interesting thing to look at is the differences between various religions and faiths.
Christianity relies very much on the fear of punishment. If you do X, Y or Z you go to hell.
But a lot of eastern faiths while having similar guidelines, they do not always have the same hardline 'punishment' associated with them. Some of them are also far more open to the fact that something written 2000 years ago may not be relevant anymore in this day and age and may need to be reconsidered.
And that is also where faith and religion differ. Faith allows for change, for introspection, offering a chance to learn and find your own way.
Religion is someone telling you what to do and how to do it - often with a punishment if you don't or reward if you do.
(Die for the cause and you get your 72 virgins. Sin and you go to hell. etc etc etc)
Do note. While the most known religions in western society do tend to 'claim' people at birth.
That does not mean that thats the end of it. And some people find their own way to a faith or religion.
Whether it be through personal experience or otherwise.
Its well worth remembering that there are plenty of branches that infact refuse to do the whole 'branding' at birth.
And wait for the individual to choose themselves.
Atleast, that is the case where I'm from. And just to make things clear, I'm agnostic myself. I do not believe in (a) god.
Though I won't deny the possibility that some higher lifeform or deity may exist.
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A large portion of the scientific world is based on theories. We take them on faith - but ultimately they have not been proven.
They are still theories. Science relies a lot on its own fair share of faith.
And it would not be the first time that something we had previously taken as fact were to be disproven as new information arises.
Taking something on faith isn't the end of the world. Its the unwillingness to alter your views when new information is presented that throws a wrench into the works.
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Science has a concept of belief not faith. Science is self regulating, if someone proves a theory wrong then the scientific community accepts that we were wrong and move on with the belief the new theory is correct until it's proven not to be. Someone with faith continues to believe blindly in whatever it is they have faith in, even when they have been proven wrong.
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Incorrect, faith also has a changing element. You are thinking of religious dogma.
Overtime many forms of faith have changed as times changed and alternate evidence has presented itself.
Moreover, many people who claim to follow science will blindly follow outdated beliefs aswell.
Which goes to indicate that the flaw isn't within the faith or belief but within the human element that lets itself be controlled.
a principle or set of principles laid down by an authority as incontrovertibly true.
This is because a lot of people have difficulty dealing with change and dealing with the unknown.
Its the very reason faith and subsequently religions exist. To deal with the unknown.
And it happens with things outside of religion aswell. Even when proof was found that the earth was round it took a lot time before people accepted it. Even the more scientific inclined individuals would doubt it and BELIEVE that it had to be false because thats what they had always done.
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As someone who has been religious for most of their life(mainly because I was brought up that way, and never really dared question it because of the entire "an eternity of suffering if you do" thing), and only recently realized how ridiculous the entire thing is, I can tell you it's more akin to mental torture. Religion does breed intolerance, but not all religious people are intolerant(I wasn't), but even if your religion doesn't make you hurt others, it makes you hurt yourself. Even besides material damage like fasting, hijabs or those people who crucify themselves, the mental effects of being constantly reminded you are a sinner, a terrible terrible creature that would suffer in hell for all of eternity if it weren't for God being such a nice guy are horrifying. Religion is all about how puny and ugly and worthless humans are, how all your successes are thanks to God(but all your failures are your own damn fault!), how we can never hope to live up to what our creator wanted us to be(maybe he's not such a good creator then!). I can tell you I've been substantially happier since I became irreligious. I can only imagine how much better it would become if I could just get religion out of my life completely(considering 90% of people I know in real life are religious, including everyone in my family, that doesn't seem likely).
It's funny because one of the things I love most in life is astronomy, and it has a lot of the same effects as religion: A feeling of being tiny, weak, ephemeral, and it fills you with that same feeling of reverence. But I guess it's like the difference between nihilism and anti-nihilism: Religion tells you that compared to God you are completely worthless, and so you better disrespect yourself, disconsider your own happiness and serve Him if you do not want eternal fire.
Astronomy tells you that compared to the Universe, you are tiny, but you are free to decide for yourself what that means. You aren't actually tiny, it's just that the universe is so huge: and all of that, is yours. Yours to understand, or at least try to explain. You have no purpose in life, but that means you can give life any purpose you want to. And most of all, you have hope of one day overcoming it all.
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I couldn't have said it better myself. We must strive to find our OWN happiness not what someone else tells us that it is and also do the things we enjoy not limit ourselves with arbitrary rules religion has set upon us. I just wish things were different.
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Religion isn't a joke. It's institution, culture, philosophy and history as well as mythology. Modern secularism is an outgrowth of christianity. Perhaps you should investiage how modern secular socieities grew from and still parallel the religious ones of old. The west still has its myths and idols.
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What is religion, then? Religion is those things. More broadly, religion is at its core a shared philosophical framework. Values, beliefs, ethics, judgements. In this sense a religion is actually a neccesary component of a cohesive culture and group identity.
Hyper-rationalists like Dawkins keep attacking Straw Men In The Sky without self-awareness that their own mental paradigm is the fruit of the beliefs they attack.
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You are saying the same thing again. A religion is part of a culture not the other way around. Religions spawn traditions yes but they don't drive them. Do you have to believe in Christianity to celebrate christmas? No. Most people have forgotten that's what it is about anymore. I personally love Christmas but nowdays it has almost nothing to do with any religion aside from the name.
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So secularism took over Christianity when it came to Christmas. That's exactly what I'm saying. Instead of bebe jeezus in the manger it's now Santa Claus at the north pole, who himself is a derivation of multiple northern European folk characters. Theistic religions drove culture before, secular ideologies have taken over. But they're often no less superstitious or irrational.
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Reviews like yours serve no value. Delete it and maybe your other pointless, time & space wasting reviews. Stick to art, you're better at it.
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Maybe you should just delete your accounts entirely.
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I said nothing about deleting yourself, just your accounts.
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Yes, it would be very nice if everyone you didn't agree with would just shut up, right? I think the same. I think pretty much everyone would like it if everyone whose opinions they don't like would just stop talking. The problem is if we all did that no one would ever speak.
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Yes, it would be very nice if everyone you didn't agree with would just shut up, right? I think the same. I think pretty much everyone would like it if everyone whose opinions they don't like would just stop talking. The problem is if we all did that no one would ever speak.
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None! I deliberately put good work in the few reviews I decide to make as a silent protest against all the troll reviews. Truth be told it is an impossible battle but at least I can leave something good for the people looking for a serious review. Mainstream games usually have plenty of good reviews so I try to include a wide array of niches instead. And of course I'll only review something if I have at least completed it, preferably 100% or close to it.
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I just browsed your reviews and the saddest thing is that the most serious one (which I upvoted) is actually downvoted by more than half of people for the sole reason that it is a 'not recommended' review. Yup, the review section is really condemned...
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The review section is pretty bad in my opinion. I do see some great reviews, looking at both the pros and cons, but most of the time it is just something like "Must play, it is great" or "Terrible game don't buy." I just hate that, since reviews are supposed to add something for the decision making. So a list of good and bad things and not just "it is good."
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You forgot '9-11 was an inside job!!!'...other than that its great!
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Community is toxic, but I wonder why you actually put a positive review for this game. :P
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Well, the game is passable for what it is: an endless runner. If people expect an engaging story-telling first person shooter, you're not going to get it.
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All games are passable for what they are. It's just that I don't understand why anyone would like this specific game. People are probably buying it because of the already existent fame of Nyan cat. Anyway, I don't judge you, I was just wondering. xD Wow, it has 96% positive reviews. I didn't expect this.
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Why would you downvote such game?
Game doesn't need to be AAA, doesn't need to have deep awesome story, awesome graphics, or voice acting. You judge if the game is good on your own factors, and it is definitely good for fans of platformers and nyan cat, especially if it's well-made (to some degree), doesn't contain bugs, and people are enjoying it.
I don't see a reason to downvote the game just because you're not interested in it.
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I never said that it has to be an AAA game or to have good graphics, etc. xD It just looks very bad. I can hardly understand why anyone would like it. Maybe it's just how I think, but I would never pay a cent to buy it. This game doesn't look like a game, but like a joke. Just like when they made Goat Simulator as a joke prototype, but people ended up liking it. "Downvote"? How did I "downvote" it?
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I didn't say you did.
And you're actually missing the fact that people did pay for that game, hence, if they did pay for it, I assume they had a strong reason for doing so, which probably affects why game like that has 96% of positive votes, as opposed to typical bundle trash we're getting for free (or as low as 0.10$), when people are very negative towards it, if they even try to play it.
I didn't buy that game, but I watched a gameplay, and I couldn't find any reason why to downvote such game, even if it's unlikely that I'll play or even get it anytime soon.
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That's why I asked FakeNameOf why he put a positive review for this game. I'm just trying to understand why. And it somewhat hurts me that it has a better positive percent than some gaming masterpieces, like Deponia, Valiant Hearts, and other games. And yes, probably, if you compare it with bundle trash, then you're right. Maybe, for its very cheap price, it isn't bad. You get what you pay for.
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The main point is that you're not recommending the game OVER something else, but you take a look at the game - nyan cat endless runner for 3€ (wow, expected 1) - will it really work like that the store page promises?
Of course people get much lower expectations at a simple game (endless runner - don't crush, have tolerable graphics/music, and be easy enough that you don't die instantly but have some challenge) so it's easier to fulfill them. For example I can not imagine bugs in this simple game at the caliber that in Deponia Rufus once came down through the wall, half a screen away from the stairs because of a bug.
% ratings also reflects the expectations and feelings of the buyers/players of a game, and the age group plays a HUGE part in it. Like when kids can give 5/5* on playstore for a generic game just because they liked it for half an hour, but adult players pick Civ Beyond Earth apart - and tbh it would take quite a shitty Civ for me to pick an endless runner over a strategy game :)
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Well, Adam, that was actually an answer that totally answered my question. Ahhh, yeah, Civilization to rule them all. :D I grew up with Settlers, Age of Mythology, Age of Empires, Civilization, etc. Great strategy games. Anyway, thanks for your answer. ;P
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Instead of focusing on the 43% that didn't find it useful, why not focus on the majority of 57% who did find it useful? Also about half of people who voted found it funny. Angry people are always easier to notice because they make a lot of noise, but the majority still likes you.
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Angry? I think you're missing the point here. The votes are supposed to determine if the review is helpful. I think we can pretty much all agree on that this is a joke review, so the fact that 57% found is useful is a disturbing fact. Hardly surprising though knowing that the Steam review section is mostly full of people that cannot discern the difference between 'helpful' and 'funny'. In this situation it's appropriate to receive a lot of votes for the latter, but not the former.
Just because a lot of people voted the review 'not helpful' (because it isn't) doesn't have anything to do with whether they're 'angry' or 'dislike him'. I personally have absolutely no problems with OP, but I'd downvote the joke review any day (and mark it as 'funny' if I believe it is) because that's what we're supposed to do.
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Idk, I thought if someone goes to his profile just to downvote all his other reviews, they must be mad about something (like saying religion is a joke). Also the most recent comment on his profile isn't very nice. I guess he must have deleted some other ones too.
I get your point though, funny things are meant to be funny, not useful :D
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+1. I am also disturbed that ~350 people found it funny.
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Yeah apparently I am an awful person!
My review for Nyan Cat: Lost in Space reached for the stars. As in, it approached one, burnt up, and turned into ashes. It now has over 200 people voting it as a "Not Helpful" review, because it's pretty damn obvious what it was going for. As a matter of fact, the review couldn't handle that many downvotes, that people started to go to my profile and downvote my other crappy reviews as well! Don't you just love how society works?
Also this thread probably won't last that long, so here is a giveaway that lasts for about a day as of this post.
So what reviews have you made that is Old Shame to you?
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