Create for higher level. I have never had any big problem with the time from any of my winners Maybe once or twice it taken longer.
Besides, why does it matter how long it take if they redeem within the time frame according to the rules?
Edit: You barely have any created GAs, how can you be this annoyed by it? You must have been really unlucky and had all your winners redeem the last day :)
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Normally I didn't set a level cap, I increased it a bit but it didn't help. Guess I'll have to raise it a little more. I think they are using automated software. Waiting 7 days is not a problem for me. I am complaining that they are not active and checking. Yeah. I had a problem with the last giveaways.
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Is it because they automatically participate in giveaways, or is it because they are selfish?
Even though I wrote that it should be checked in a short time on the giveaway page, it is not taken into account.
According to the rules, they have 7 days to activate. They actually have more right to wait 6 days, than for you to ask "activate fast", because additional rules are not a thing.
One may say it's rude not to activate as soon as possible, but to be honest it's just as rude to complain about them doing things in ways that are in align with the site's rules.
TLDR: doesn't matter why they wait, but they have the right to do so.
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I was able to cancel a giveaway after 1 month. They don't use the rules the way they should. Anyone can be busy, but it's just not right for people who appear to be active to behave this way.
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1 month is a long time, too long. After 7 days try to contact them, if you don't get a response from the winner after a day or two just send in a ticket and we'll reroll a new winner.
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You're welcome. Try not to get too stressed over things. I hope you have a good day.
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As far as I know "online" on Steamgifts might just be an open browser tab.
Please take different timezones into account. Someone might enter one of you giveaways shortly before going to bed and only check Steamgifts again the next day after work/school, depending on their situation in life, a couple of days later.
As "rules" in the description are null and void, I have to say, that I would enter a giveaway saying "be online when this ends", even if I would know that I could not be online. If you call this selfish, then I am selfish. If I know that I will not be on SG for more than a week, I leave all giveaways. At least I hope I have done this every time.
Keep in mind that winners have 7 days to collect their games.
Edit: Typos.
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I know the rules. These people appear to be active on Steam as well, just not here. If I had a problem with one person, I wouldn't open this topic.
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Well I always wait 7 days as the rules tell me to.
Sometimes people have no time because there can be something happening in their life or something.
Sometimes I'm the one waiting 5-7 days for someone to click a button and get the game sometimes I'm the one that have to wait 5-7 days before someone will click the button to send me the key :) This is just how sometimes things are on SG.
Best way to deal with things like this I found is to join active groups. That way most things happen in under 24 hours :)
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I will consider your recommendation. I don't want to have bad thoughts about all people.
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hi I understand how it can be annoying to see green online everywhere for days, seeing winner playing on steam and dont take the key (it happened to me and probably to most of those who created gifts) but as others said, if its redeemed in 7 days they're in the rules of the site, so you have to deal with it. And no word despite mail sent, and once redeemed give no word. But is it such a problem? Is there a prejudice? If it happens time to time , don't worry and be patient
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I will endure. If necessary, I will look for other solutions. Actually, I'm not biased. I can't be patient as a few people act this way.
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+1 to what the ppl above said.
additionally... some ppl use SG mainly through their phone and are sometimes unable to activate anything because they aren't logged in into Steam. they might need to go on their PC to activate them but are too busy doing so
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They appear to be active on Steam as well. I'm not just saying anything to people who appear to be active here. Because even if you leave the site, you can appear actively.
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But there's also an app for steam, you know. And as of now, you can't activate keys via the steam app. I get it's frustrating but there are many reasons why people won't or can't activate keys right away.
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You are right. I'm a little impatient. I'd better give up this habit of mine.
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You can activate steam keys from phone. I mostly open sg from phone and have been activating keys from there. All you need to do is to click that redeem button next to the key and log in if you havent do it.
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Just here to respond the title question.
I imagine some people come online when they get the E-mail saying they won but if the key isn't there, they might leave the tab open and to the side until they remember to check it again.
It could be that they have steamgifts open all the time to check it occasionally for games but they don't make their plans around giveaway end times so maybe they're out with a friend for a few days and come back to find out they won.
I have wondered why people who use this site appear online so much. I thought leaving your computer on 24/7 isn't good for it and that this community of people who enjoy Steam would know and take good care of their tech so it's always something I've been curious about.
Maybe they are logged in on multiple different devices.
Steam might also open when you turn on your computer, putting you back online even if you aren't doing anything with it.
I don't care too much how long it takes someone to receive their games here but I hope more people come in and explain how their accounts are always online.
Tl;dr, I don't care for my laptop, it doesn't run games well. It is old, I'm waiting for it to die before I replace it with a full computer.
I leave it on 24/7 and keep it plugged in constantly so I don't have to log in and wait for it to boot up every day.
That's why it may look like I'm frequently online even though, I rarely ever sit at my computer anymore for a long period of time.
I check it in the morning for new E-mails, then disappear for the rest of the day.
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Not everyone's life is the same as yours. You are partially right.
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Not everyone's life is the same as yours.
You should apply this to yourself as well.
The reality is that everyone has different lives and the fact is not everyone that is showing "online" on SG is actually on SG in a browser tab. Regardless of how you feel about it everyone has 7 days to claim the game on thier account, so even if they come on every day for 7 days and don't claim it till the last that is their option do so. Spamming messages and emails to some people isn't going to help the situation at times and some may choose to wait till the last day to activiate it out of spite. The best thing to do is to have patience and give them the 7 days like SG rules state.
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Yeah. You are right. I will take that into account. I hope I don't have to open such threads again.
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my last computer was 24/7 opened and it was still rock solid after 15 years of service. I dont think shut down every day is better for hardware, but yes it's better for the planet, mostly if the config is energy greedy (never been my case) . Im not shameful about this when i see ppl mining 24/7 on carbon source energy
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Yes. If you have quality equipment, it won't hurt you to keep it open 24/7.
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hundreds of reasons why people dont activate.
->Right now I have one to activate that I just won, and i'm here replying to your topic, and maybe I'll forget to redeem the gift after, because my wife told me to go clean the dishes...
->I'm using the android app on mobile that doesn't have a redeem option on the gifts.
->I'm checking on my phone stuff, and don't want to log into Steam on my phone to redeem via browser
->I'm on a work VPN that blocks STEAM, and not this site.
->I have my browser open all day on the main sites I use, which means I'm 24/7 online although I'm not even on my computer for 19 of those hours.
->My mother had cancer, and I left home with the browser opened to go aid her
->My girlfriend wanted me to have some sexy time with her, and the excuse "wait a bit, I have to redeem my win from SG first" didn't work
Want more reasons? I can guarantee you there are more valid reasons!
People have 7 days to redeem the gift, and you have 7 days to send the gift... It's the rule, no one is causing harm to anyone :)
And there is no gain in not activating a gift! No one is waiting those 7 days on purpose just to be a bad person and to annoy you or anyone!
The question is why do you give so much importance to checking if people were online or not? just try to chill out and you will see your life will be more peaceful instead of giving so much importance to this.
" Because of such people, some people who are preparing giveaways don't hand over the game key right away. I give them credit on this one."
NO! no one in their perfect mind is doing this! They don't give keys right away because they have 7 days to do so, and they have personal lives... Stop blaming the poor people that don't redeem keys as soon as you want them to redeem them, for all the bad things in the world :)
I remembered to redeem my won gift! Guess I'm not a bad person anymore!
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But in the most cases of the ones that need 4 days+ is it "They use autojoiners" and only check 1x week if they won something. When you have luck, if not they expect that you run longer behind them that they please please please take the win.
And in a lot of cases, that is very easy to see on their stats.
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Yes. That's True. And it's the only reason that could really anoy me. But then again I dont suffer much from that since I restrict my GAs to groups, whitelists, or high level to avoid auto joiners
But still... 7 days are seven days, sometimes people take their time, I just don't care and will not see if they are online or not.
It really doesn't matter and as you can see, checking if people are online annoys more the gifter than it should. It's a problem that "you" are creating to yourself :)
But yes... Auto joiners are a problem.
I do this in life. I just don't check my bank account statement so I don't see the balance, and stay depressed that I'm poor :) if I don't check the balance, I'll stay oblivious, but not depressed.
Out of sight out of mind
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But that function only when you avoid some stuff like, low level, public GAs, as you do it ;o)
You are correct with the rest and i know that i sound sometimes different but i am really a relaxed guy, 99% of the times, that mostly think positive.
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I know you are relaxed :) I'm just trying to tell OP, to be to :)
But really, i had some people not redeeming a gift for sevaral days, even on the times I made low levels GAs, but since I knew the 7 days rule, I never bored to even go check if people are online or not, I just don't care, people will take whatever time they need :)
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And there is no gain in not activating a gift! No one is waiting those 7 days on purpose just to be a bad person and to annoy you or anyone!
Oh trust me this isn't true.. My first blacklist was exactly this.. Someone that for some crazy reason wanted to wait the 7 days just.. Because.. No reason. he had seen it, he could redeem it, he just didn't wanna do it.. On purpose
Also your examples are normal and can justify 1-2-3-4 days.. 7 days while going offline-online and this in a loop? Oh no.. That's either a bot or pure indifference 99% of the time.. And you know it.. He isn't speaking for a day or 2.. Nor someone that logged once..
The question is why do you give so much importance to checking if people were online or not? just try to chill out and you will see your life will be more peaceful instead of giving so much importance to this.
I can give a list with more reasons than you posted.. 1 of them being "anxiety" of if everything will go well with the ga?
Stop blaming the poor people that don't redeem keys as soon as you want them to redeem them, for all the bad things in the world :)
Again.. He is not speaking for a few hours/days.. You know of what type of "profile" he speaks for quite well.. Exceptions exist but the majority isn't the exception..
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What I'm trying to say is... And hope I'm not disrespectful because of not being native English speaker. Think the phrase that applies here is.
"That sounds like a 'you' problem".
SG, like any forum on the internet has, idiot people, nice people, clueless people... You need to deal with whatever the problems you create in your head. You are only hurting yourself by being annoyed for people not reddiming gifts right away.
They have 7 days, and that's it. We all know a SG is full of auto joiners and bots, we deal with it.
As for your blacklist... People blacklist because you have a different hair color, because you Say thanks or because you don't say thanks, one more thing we need to learn and learn to live with, blacklists. We all know just by being here replying to each other, everyone of us will get some BL.
Not to say OP doesn't have the right to be annoyed, what almost everyone is trying to say is in other words "deal with it man, bad exists in the world and always will, in the end you are only putting yourself in a spiral of frustration"
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No no, I understand the way you mean it.. And I agree for the 7 days. They are a good thing. Just as it is equally justified to be annoyed by somebody online-offline-online-offline x10 :P
"deal with it man, bad exists in the world and always will, in the end you are only putting yourself in a spiral of frustration"
This.. This is what I can't really stand.. Just because they exist, they shouldn't be left unchecked to "take over".. Of course, I'm not taking this to the extreme :P It's 1 thing to make 1-2 comments over it and another to actually lose sleep over it..
As for your blacklist... People blacklist
Yes, you are right.. And you can't read my mind xD I mentioned this because I don't use this feature much. They are only a handful of extreme cases. Even if I don't like someone, I won't blacklist unless it's an extreme case.. (not that my ga's mean a lot.. but mostly I want to avoid the "bad luck" of keys of a person that I don't want at all or someone not wanting his gift (just like my first ga..), that's the whole point isn't it? Making somebody happy and be happy for a gift you got
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One of my winners viewed the code, but hasn't shown any interest in redeeming it for 2 weeks already. 4 days ago, he won another game from me. Naturally, I requested a new winner. The reply from the mods was that I must send the key to that person again.
Therefore, that person was right , I was wrong. That sets a good example, actually. Don't do any giveaways. When you win, redeem the key elsewhere (on your alt account, for example),, don't mark as received. If the gifter tries contacting you, ignore. You're good.
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:) I wouldn't want to be in your place. There are such people.
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When you waited 2 weeks the first time, then you could write after 6 or 7 days that he should take his win, in a old GA from that person.
At end of day 7 delete the key and request a reroll, copy the screenshot of the message in his old Ga or better the direct link to it, into the support ticket.
As soon as a new winner is picked, add the key in the form again.
And when you nicely wait 2 weeks on someone, why you don't blacklisted him after it when you don't wanted that he win again from you?
You can check accounts/your winners with:
If someone have red marks there request a reroll and put the link(s) into the support ticket.
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I go to SG on average 1-2 times a day.
Therefore, I physically cannot activate the keys instantly.
It also happens that I wait for a while if I log in from the phone (it is inconvenient for me to activate the keys from the phone and I prefer to do this when I am at the computer).
I just stated my reasons. Maybe it's different for other people. Also, I rarely delay it for more than a few hours.
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I checked it as I don't know what ASF is. You may be right. :)
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Like said, they have 7 days. Plus, I see only one giveaway on your feed that hasn't been marked yet, and is only 1 day old. Give them some time. I leave my computer on often, which means it looks like I'm here and on Steam even though I'm away from my computer.
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I always keep it open. I can't use this as an excuse because I received an e-mail notification on my mobile phone. They may not be available. This is normal.
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In the most cases the users that needs 4 days+ and be everytime online on sg and steam + playing games etc. (so def. active with "free time" and not on work etc.) are autojoiner users.
Normaly you see that, very often, very clearly on their stats.
Don't write them emails, write one reminder in a old GA of them (if they ever made one), request after 7 days a reroll and delete the key that the "old" winner can't see the key if he appears in the time till the support handle the ticket.
Copy the key in when you have a new winner.
"Problem" solved.
Against the 7 day waiting time you can't do something in general but in nearly all cases are group GAs much faster and unproblematic, compared with public GAs.
I as always sad and/or pissed off when i need to run behind someone that he please, please, please take his win.
I wrote, in the past, emails, in the comments of steam profiles, in the old GAs (if they had made one) etc. and it brought in exactly NONE of the cases something when the users weren't able/willing to activate the win in the one week timeframe. So i gave up to do this unneeded work and lifetime wasting and say now "i do the absolut minimum, not my job to handle that they take their win".
Besides that ...
You should check accounts/your winners with:
If someone have red marks there request a reroll and put the link(s) into the support ticket.
You will learn, very fast, that a lot of the accounts that need 4 days+ to activate a game have much more often red marks (unactivated and double wins) as other accounts.
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Thank you for your descriptive and guiding answer. Have a nice day.
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I also had something else that was 1 of a kind come to think of it..
Had a winner, logging in and out every few hours.. I decided to contact them a lot sooner than I normally do (around 4 days). Turns out he hadn't seen the winning.. He was waiting and for another key and didn't notice the 1 having turned to 2 xD
But yeah.. crazy exceptions exist in both good and bad.
I think this mostly causes frustration to creators because at this point you feel like the other person doesn't care for his gift.
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After years of being active and making giveaways i ended up with a rule for protecting my sanity. If i have to get in touch with the winner so that they activate the key, it is an instant blacklist. Same goes for situations like yours but only for very bad examples.
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when i was on vacation once i activated all my wins like 2 weeks due. everyone have reasons, if they are playing a game, let them. they are not obligated with leaving their game just to activate a gift.
most of the time gifts are activated within 24 hours, sometimes longer. i don't even remember when was the last time i waited over a week. oh, no, wait, i do remember. winner was in hospital so they didn't have access to their pc.
just be patient
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I said okay because you told me to be patient. I don't say anything to those who are really busy. The people I mentioned were blacklisted months ago for behaving this way. Someone else blacklisted it. The person who caused me to open this topic did not activate the game key he won 4 months ago. These people don't even respond to emails you send. Where do people find a computer to play games, who do not know whether there is an e-mail or not?
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let's be real, most people have it set up on email they dont use daily. ive got my fair share of spam coming to email i use here knowing i did not sign up for that shit i receive.
also people here already mentioned asf as possibility, i have it set up on vps running somewhere in germany, i cant use that server nor for emails, nor playing. it just runs scripts
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It seems to me as well. Because the person who won the game key now did not activate another game key 4 months ago.
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In very few cases when i see that my winner have multiple unactivated wins, is obviously a autojoiner etc. but i can't provide 100% evidences and a reroll isn't granted i let the winner wait 6 1/2 days till i send the key. They still get more as they deserve.
You should see how aggressive this guys get when you haven't sended the key after 1 or latest 2 days. When you don't react they get with each day more aggressive.
Sad and funny at the same time.
Do that test by yourself and you will be surprised how, the most of them, then act.
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I hand over the game keys right away as I don't want people to wait for me. I can try the way you say, but if I act like this, well-intentioned people will also get hurt.
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I will try the way you said. I hope I get used to it.
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Get well soon. You are right. I have to be patient.
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Everyone who joins this website accepts the guidelines, therefore, the 7-days rule. Imo it's simple - if someone doesn't activate the game after one week, you request a reroll, no matter the reason.
What I normally do, is write to the winner on Steam/email, if that person didn't collect the key after 2-3 days.
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I am doing it as you wrote. I opened this topic because they did not respond to the e-mails I sent.
In one of the draws, I waited for 1 week and asked for the draw to be canceled. The ticket was answered after 1 week. I waited 1 week for the new winner and sent another ticket. It was answered 1 week later and a new winner was chosen.
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There are lots of valid reasons why one might take several days to activate a key as others have rightfully pointed out. Happened to me once too when I forgot to take my phone on vacation with me that has the Steam app on it. But in reality most users who activate several days later despite showing as being online all the time use autojoiners. It's against the rules but you as a normal user can't do much about it especially without solid proof. If someone looks like an autojoiner you can check for possible broken rules with sgtools and get a reroll based on that. If they are clean there's nothing to do but wait out the 7 days. You might blacklist them after or try to create higher level or group giveaways to avoid these types of users for the most part.
When the 7 day limit is approaching write to the winner under one of their created giveaways if they have one you can access. Writing e-mails or trying to add them on Steam is a waste of time usually. Most people probably don't use their main e-mail for steamgifts and most tend to decline out of the blue Steam friend requests.
If the 7 day limit expires and they haven't even viewed the key then ask for a reroll. If they saw the key (there is a little eye icon next to it) then asking for a reroll is risky. In that case you can try to ask support to set the feedback to positive.
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Yeah. I will try to act as you say and in accordance with other people's advice.
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I don't mind waiting when I'm not at giveaway cap (or being impatient to level up), but a few days ago there was a weird win. They kept going on and offline for a few days, viewed the key, did not answer a Steam friend request or any attempts to contact them after viewing the key until I finally had to send an email and they finally confirmed their win, but that's not the weirdest thing! First of all, although the key was viewed it was not activated on their profile. Why would you view a key if you're not going to use it? Fine, may have been breaking the rules, that's bad but not weird. What's really weird is that when I checked their Steam profile it was behaving really weirdly. Tons of achievements, a few game reviews with thousands of hours logged, but zero hours and zero games played on their games page! Looks like I've stumbled across a repeat offender as there are comments on their profile about not marking giveaways.
Needless to say, they're now on my blacklist.
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In some of the giveaways I've prepared, people don't check the game key for days even if they're online, and it's driving me crazy.
Is it because they automatically participate in giveaways, or is it because they are selfish?
Even though I wrote that it should be checked in a short time on the giveaway page, it is not taken into account.
They don't respond to my emails. Is it just about winning? Is it normal for them to act this way to people who are giving giveaways?
Why do people who can't spare 5 minutes to check the game key participate in the giveaways?
I am not the only one having this problem. Because of such people, some people who are preparing giveaways don't hand over the game key right away. I give them credit on this one.
I do not know English. You probably understand the problem I'm having.
Thank you all for your recommendations. I wish you all a good and stress-free day.
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