Sometimes the invites fall into the wrong hands and people will exploit the system generating false giveaways and so forth. I had an idea, mainly from another forum that is private that I am a member of.

My idea is as following: Hold people accountable for the invites they generate and their invitees. So if personB gets invited and spams false giveaways by personA, personA who invited personB will be held accountable for personB's actions, and receive consequences. This will keep the community clean and still maintain the generosity of the site. The chain would carry down for personA, personB, personC, up to 3 degrees of separation.

This rule can be kept up for 6 months, then the 3 degree will no longer apply to personA if personB screws up 8 months later. If personC screws up within 2 months of being invited by personB, personA will not be affected by the consequences.

What do you guys think? I hope I explained it clearly.

EDIT: 7/20/11 12:30AM EST Some have displayed apprehensiveness to the 3 person rule, we can reduce this to the immediate people you invite, and your invites are responsible for their invites, and so forth. Please comment if you feel this method is more reasonable than the suggested rule above. Thanks!

13 years ago*

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I'm inclined to agree. Private trackers do this with whole invite trees, and torrent uploaders don't even have to buy what they upload. Not the same thing I know, but it does make sense to be responsible to who you invite. I say ban the whole invite tree of the offending account from one level up (meaning whoever invited the Bad Person and everyone the Bad Person invited down).

13 years ago

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The hardest part of implementing this system will be dealing with those people outside the community who find out about it but don't yet have an 'in.' Those people, who may be quite useful, active members of the community that just don't happen to know anyone yet. It may be useful with this system, since people will be so much tighter with their invites, to include a note inviting people to the chat and reminding them of good chat etiquette. IE. Yes, thou shalt participate in conversation. Yes, you may once mention that you are not yet a member. NO, you shall not enter chat for the purpose of begging for invites.

There is something about the internet that seems to inspire people on it to revert to prepubescent behavior. So it becomes a necessity sometimes to tell them what the common courtesies are, lest they forget.

13 years ago

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Closed 13 years ago by Keres.