How are we feelin' today?
Also, how do you guys deal with not being able to giveaway AAA game's?
Fuck whoever judges me for that. I giveaway what I can afford, and I can't help it if I can't do better. At least I'm trying. And you shouldn't feel uncomfortable about it either, I can see by your profile that you are definitely not a leecher. In fact your ratio is better than mine (1 win, 21 gifts? Damn).
Also, happy to hear about the new PC, that's awesome. What are the specs, if you don't mind?
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I went for i5 4590, R9 280 Gigabyte 3Gb Windforce OC edition,Asrock B85M Pro3 MOBO, and 10 Gb RAM.
It's average i know, but it feels like a beast compared to what i had :)
Besides it's more than enough to game 1080p @ 60fps most of games.
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It's average i know, but it feels like a beast compared to what i had :)
Tell that to my HD6450 GPU and i5 750 2.76 GHz CPU?
Kidding aside, that's a pretty solid build. Nice job. I'm looking in getting a R9 280 myself... eventually.
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280 X would be more optimal, since it is more cost efficient, but i didn't really care that much :)
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That's what I wanted, before I realized that it's something like $300 CND... Fuck that shit, I can't even afford to get the 280 anytime soon as it is already. :P
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Wonderful to hear! I hope everything keeps going your way :)
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It constantly feels like i'm being judged, or that i'm not as awesome as level 10 users.I always keep telling myself that my next GA will be AAA, and then i just save money and make a bundled GA.....hard to explain the feeling, but it certainly isn't pleasant.
You've given away 21 and won 1, this level 10 person thinkis that's great and that you shouldn't worry about giving away AAA games. Btw, even at level 10 I haven't given any AAA's that weren't on sale at a good discount.
Thanks for doing what you can and being generous.
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Thanks for kind words, i think it's simply in our nature to want/strive for better things and it seems, i cant draw the line between things i want and things i need.
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Good for you. Try to enjoy life as much as you can. And you know what they say, If you share joy,the joy is doubled. So thanks for sharing.
And it's not about what game you give away, but that you give (not only games ofc.). And you've done that.
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Nice! I remember when I got my current PC after about 6-7 years of having a not-so-good laptop. Really like the fact that you care about your close ones :)
Don't feel judged for not giving away AAA titles, all gibs are beautiful :3 I also can't giveaway AAA titles much because buying ROW key would hit me hard, but we all giveaway what we can afford. Giving feels great! :) You have a great ratio btw, so no worries! :)
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It's Wednesday, the sun is shining and all is good.
have a stabump ;)
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I know that feel. Good to hear it's getting better for you. :)
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"Also, how do you guys deal with not being able to giveaway AAA game's?"
Well, I just give what I can when I can. Besides, people should be glad that other people are even giving gifts, not judging them because the gift isnt expensive.
Congratz on the new PC though! I finally built my first gaming rig earlier this year, so I know how that feels going from a junker to a big boy PC xD
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This month i spent all my savings (almost) and it feels like dream come true.
So, first off, you sound like a very generous, giving, person, and an amazing friend/sibling to have. However, I just would like to caution you that spending everything you have in savings is a dangerous habit, especially if it brings you this much joy. I've seen many people get in trouble financially this way, and become slaves to the banks and credit issuers to which they pay ridiculous amounts of interest and owe enormous debts.
I understand it is nice to let loose and enjoy life once in a while, but remember that there are many other ways to be happy without spending every cent you have. If you value being level 10 and giving away "AAA" games that much, please make sure you are earning enough to do so in a responsible manner that is not detrimental to your financial health.
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This was really huge problem for me when i was in college/high school , but i have grown quite a bit since then.
I believe, currently, i'm able to manage my finances properly or at least i have gotten a lot better at it :)
Thanks for advice!
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I'm glad to hear it! It just pains me to think about how many people in this world suffer so much because of poor financial knowledge or decisions, and how many big corporations prey on this fact.
Also, please don't worry about your gifting ability at SteamGifts. Most people I've come across and respect the most do not care about levels, ratios, gift size, or anything like that. Whatever you can give is appreciated, and you are loved just the way you already are. At least I love you and put you on my whitelist. :)
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Wow, that sounds great, have a nice day, you happy motherfucker =D
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Your post hits home here for sure.
Funny though how my life had its ups and downs, from struggling to have food on the table to earning much more than I could spend and not even asking how much things cost.
A few years back I was at the top of my game and was struck by severe illness. I can't work and am pretty much house bound. I've been living off my savings in this time but I have no idea what the future will be as they won't last forever. They won't even last long. At least being house bound I don't have where to spend money much. Even my current PC is mostly an assembly of parts my friends were throwing away, as I can't really justify spending money at this point despite the PC being my only source of entertainment to pass the time and the boredom. The only bought part of it was the CPU, which my gf and her family gave to me as s gift to help me pass the time.
So how do I deal with people judging me for not giving away AAA titles? Well, fuck them, that's how. I don't even have AAA titles for myself, let alone to give away. Firstly, because there are more important things in my priority list. Secondly, because if they are blanked judging like that they deserve to go fuck themselves.
Sure there are probably a lot of leechers in this community. Bots, people who are not willing to return the karma, you name it. But if someone has a glance at a profile and from that they pretend like you know what's going on with that person and her life... I'm sad for them and they're a sad human being.
All and all, thank you for all the giveaways you did and do! Those who actually need and care don't really need a AAA title. Hell, those really struggling to get by probably don't even have a machine capable of running a AAA title. I think this site and community are brilliant enough like that: a place to exchange and help with the keys and games one doesn't want, the leftovers from bundles, things like that. If you're trying to find something to do to fight the boredom on a daily basis, pretty much any game -- bundled or not -- that isn't garbage will help you just as much as any AAA title. So I don't understand those expecting a AAA.
Anyway. Congrats on turning the tables there! I know how it feels. I hope it'll happen again for me, and that I'll be able to just buy stuff and spend some money for me and for the ones I love. Some giveaways will then follow for sure. AAA though? Probably not, but it depends on how much $ I'll make and earn XD
And sorry for the /offmychest moment :)
Take care!
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Oh,man! This is so inspiring, i wish there would be more people like you.I wish you the best of luck in your future ;)
Nothing to be sorry about, i love sharing such heart touching experiences!
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Congratulations on being able to enjoy life. That's a wonderful place to be. :) kuribo has some great advice above, but if you're having fun within your means then "go nuts". :)
Generous people like you are rare. As much as many of us love SG, there are so many ways a person can give. Paying for your siblings' education is an incredible act of caring and generosity that is inspirational. Really, what AAA title could ever be better than that? We all love to say winning Fallout 4 will complete our life, or perhaps that's just me :), but you truly are changing and improving theirs. Hold your head incredibly high, Peacefull420.
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Well, i'm a simple guy.I have dealt with the fact that I won't achieve "Great things'' and I'm completely fine with that.
But I will do my best to solve some problems for friends and family or anyone else, just because i feel like they shouldn't go through what i went through.
Many thanks for your kind words :)
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i am happy for you m8 we all deserve a moment at our life when we can be really happy btw i am the same lvl as you are and i giveaway what i can people who apriciate the gesture are the good poeple in my book people who judge you for being a bundled game should consider that even if someone paid 5 euros for a bundle and he took some games for himself and gave away some its still hard earned money some can spend 100 euros some can spend 1 personally i think the person here who can giveaway AAA titles at full price he most likely already got for himself whatever he wants and not hoping for a GA given that i dont know who could judge you really
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If there is one thing i believe in, it's Karma.
Don't know how she works, but i'm certain i don't wanna be on her bad side :)
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same for me! I always respect people and try to do the best for them (people will abuse your trust a lot, but they will receive bad karma :) )
Kamra gave me good things in live, things that I never thought I would get, and I wish for you the same my friend!
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Yeah, sometimes i criticise myself a bit too hard, but it's only for a greater good :)
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I've heard recently interesting info from image creation guy. All those fancy gadgets, pricey cars and so on, are nothing but status credit that must be matched later by the true status. Nothing new under the sun - but what is interesting - lots of ppl forget about the credit part when thinking about themselves.
AAA giveaway can give you only visiblity, true respect cannot be bought. Just give what you would like to get and can afford, share your knowledge and give most precious what you have - your time )
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As the title suggests, i'm able to enjoy my life for the first time in my life and i love it!
Most of my life i never really had any luxuries and/or anything related to luxuries.And i was used to not having cool gadgets,powerful PC,stylish clothes, fancy meals .You get the idea, i used what i had at that time of period if i had anything at all, and it wasn't bad.I was OK with little things i had.
But after 5-10 years living like that, it kinda gets to you.I wont get into much detail, because i don't want this to get emotional and whatnot......
This month i spent all my savings (almost) and it feels like dream come true.I built mid range PC (usually i had LOW end or none at all),i bought new PC for a friend (since he really needed one), paid study costs for all my sisters and brother and had a lot of fun in general. :)
This might be meaningless to most of you, but i have such feeling of joy, i felt like i need to share it with you guys.
Also, how do you guys deal with not being able to giveaway AAA game's?
Majority of people probably doesn't have this feeling, but i just can't get rid of it.....
It constantly feels like i'm being judged, or that i'm not as awesome as level 10 users.I always keep telling myself that my next GA will be AAA, and then i just save money and make a bundled GA.....hard to explain the feeling, but it certainly isn't pleasant.
cool song
EDIT : It's early morning and you guys have already made this day for me so much more Epic!
I usually regret registering on most social sites, but this one..... It's like the friend you never had, like the enemy you never had..
Have a wonderful day!
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